Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/static_src/elements/chops/chops-filter-chips/chops-filter-chips.js b/static_src/elements/chops/chops-filter-chips/chops-filter-chips.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bcc0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static_src/elements/chops/chops-filter-chips/chops-filter-chips.js
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit-element';
+import 'elements/chops/chops-chip/chops-chip.js';
+ * `<chops-filter-chips>` displays a set of filter chips.
+ *
+ */
+export class ChopsFilterChips extends LitElement {
+  /** @override */
+  static get properties() {
+    return {
+      options: {type: Array},
+      selected: {type: Object},
+    };
+  }
+  /** @override */
+  constructor() {
+    super();
+    /** @type {Array<string>} */
+    this.options = [];
+    /** @type {Object<string, boolean>} */
+    this.selected = {};
+  }
+  /** @override */
+  static get styles() {
+    return css`
+      :host {
+        display: inline-flex;
+      }
+    `;
+  }
+  /** @override */
+  render() {
+    return html`${ => this._renderChip(option))}`;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Render a single chip.
+   * @param {string} option The text on the chip.
+   * @return {TemplateResult}
+   */
+  _renderChip(option) {
+    return html`
+      <chops-chip
+          @click=${, option)}
+          class=${this.selected[option] ? 'selected' : ''}
+          .thumbnail=${this.selected[option] ? 'check' : ''}>
+        ${option}
+      </chops-chip>
+    `;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Selects or unselects an option.
+   * @param {string} option The option to select or unselect.
+   * @fires Event#change
+   */
+  select(option) {
+    this.selected = {...this.selected, [option]: !this.selected[option]};
+    this.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
+  }
+customElements.define('chops-filter-chips', ChopsFilterChips);