Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/static/js/tracker/tracker-update-issues-hotlists.js b/static/js/tracker/tracker-update-issues-hotlists.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04a85bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/js/tracker/tracker-update-issues-hotlists.js
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+/* Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+ * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+ *
+ */
+ * This file contains JS functions that support a dialog for adding and removing
+ * issues from hotlists in Monorail.
+ */
+(function() {
+  window.__hotlists_dialog = window.__hotlists_dialog || {};
+  // An optional IssueRef.
+  // If set, we will not check for selected issues, and only add/remove issueRef
+  // instead.
+  window.__hotlists_dialog.issueRef = null;
+  // A function to be called with the modified hotlists. If issueRef is set, the
+  // hotlists for which the user is owner and the issue is part of will be
+  // passed as well.
+  window.__hotlists_dialog.onResponse = () => {};
+  // A function to be called if there was an error updating the hotlists.
+  window.__hotlists_dialog.onFailure = () => {};
+  /**
+   * A function to show the hotlist dialog.
+   * It is the only function exported by this module.
+   */
+  function ShowUpdateHotlistDialog() {
+    _FetchHotlists().then(_BuildDialog);
+  }
+  async function _CreateNewHotlistWithIssues() {
+    let selectedIssueRefs;
+    if (window.__hotlists_dialog.issueRef) {
+      selectedIssueRefs = [window.__hotlists_dialog.issueRef];
+    } else {
+      selectedIssueRefs = _GetSelectedIssueRefs();
+    }
+    const name = await _CheckNewHotlistName();
+    if (!name) {
+      return;
+    }
+    const message = {
+      name: name,
+      summary: 'Hotlist of bulk added issues',
+      issueRefs: selectedIssueRefs,
+    };
+    try {
+      await
+          'monorail.Features', 'CreateHotlist', message);
+    } catch (error) {
+      window.__hotlists_dialog.onFailure(error);
+      return;
+    }
+    const newHotlist = [name, window.CS_env.loggedInUserEmail];
+    const newIssueHotlists = [];
+    window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists.forEach(
+        hotlist => newIssueHotlists.push(hotlist.split('_')));
+    newIssueHotlists.push(newHotlist);
+    window.__hotlists_dialog.onResponse([newHotlist], newIssueHotlists);
+  }
+  async function _UpdateIssuesInHotlists() {
+    const hotlistRefsAdd = _GetSelectedHotlists(
+        window.__hotlists_dialog._userHotlists);
+    const hotlistRefsRemove = _GetSelectedHotlists(
+        window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists);
+    if (hotlistRefsAdd.length === 0 && hotlistRefsRemove.length === 0) {
+      alert('Please select/un-select some hotlists');
+      return;
+    }
+    let selectedIssueRefs;
+    if (window.__hotlists_dialog.issueRef) {
+      selectedIssueRefs = [window.__hotlists_dialog.issueRef];
+    } else {
+      selectedIssueRefs = _GetSelectedIssueRefs();
+    }
+    if (hotlistRefsAdd.length > 0) {
+      const message = {
+        hotlistRefs: hotlistRefsAdd,
+        issueRefs: selectedIssueRefs,
+      };
+      try {
+        await
+            'monorail.Features', 'AddIssuesToHotlists', message);
+      } catch (error) {
+        window.__hotlists_dialog.onFailure(error);
+        return;
+      }
+      hotlistRefsAdd.forEach(hotlist => {
+        window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists.add(
+   + '_' + hotlist.owner.user_id);
+      });
+    }
+    if (hotlistRefsRemove.length > 0) {
+      const message = {
+        hotlistRefs: hotlistRefsRemove,
+        issueRefs: selectedIssueRefs,
+      };
+      try {
+        await
+            'monorail.Features', 'RemoveIssuesFromHotlists', message);
+      } catch (error) {
+        window.__hotlists_dialog.onFailure(error);
+        return;
+      }
+      hotlistRefsRemove.forEach(hotlist => {
+        window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists.delete(
+   + '_' + hotlist.owner.user_id);
+      });
+    }
+    const modifiedHotlists = hotlistRefsAdd.concat(hotlistRefsRemove).map(
+        hotlist => [, hotlist.owner.user_id]);
+    const newIssueHotlists = [];
+    window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists.forEach(
+        hotlist => newIssueHotlists.push(hotlist.split('_')));
+    window.__hotlists_dialog.onResponse(modifiedHotlists, newIssueHotlists);
+  }
+  async function _FetchHotlists() {
+    const userHotlistsMessage = {
+      user: {
+        display_name: window.CS_env.loggedInUserEmail,
+      }
+    };
+    const userHotlistsResponse = await
+        'monorail.Features', 'ListHotlistsByUser', userHotlistsMessage);
+    // Here we have the list of all hotlists owned by the user. We filter out
+    // the hotlists that already contain issueRef in the next paragraph of code.
+    window.__hotlists_dialog._userHotlists = new Set();
+    (userHotlistsResponse.hotlists || []).forEach(hotlist => {
+      window.__hotlists_dialog._userHotlists.add(
+ + '_' + hotlist.ownerRef.userId);
+    });
+    // Here we filter out the hotlists that are owned by the user, and that
+    // contain issueRef from _userHotlists and save them into _issueHotlists.
+    window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists = new Set();
+    if (window.__hotlists_dialog.issueRef) {
+      const issueHotlistsMessage = {
+        issue: window.__hotlists_dialog.issueRef,
+      };
+      const issueHotlistsResponse = await
+          'monorail.Features', 'ListHotlistsByIssue', issueHotlistsMessage);
+      (issueHotlistsResponse.hotlists || []).forEach(hotlist => {
+        const hotlistRef = + '_' + hotlist.ownerRef.userId;
+        if (window.__hotlists_dialog._userHotlists.has(hotlistRef)) {
+          window.__hotlists_dialog._userHotlists.delete(hotlistRef);
+          window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists.add(hotlistRef);
+        }
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  function _BuildDialog() {
+    const table = $('js-hotlists-table');
+    while (table.firstChild) {
+      table.removeChild(table.firstChild);
+    }
+    if (window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists.size > 0) {
+      _UpdateRows(
+          table, 'Remove issues from:',
+          window.__hotlists_dialog._issueHotlists);
+    }
+    _UpdateRows(table, 'Add issues to:',
+        window.__hotlists_dialog._userHotlists);
+    _BuildCreateNewHotlist(table);
+    $('update-issues-hotlists').style.display = 'block';
+    $('save-issues-hotlists').addEventListener(
+        'click', _UpdateIssuesInHotlists);
+    $('cancel-update-hotlists').addEventListener('click', function() {
+      $('update-issues-hotlists').style.display = 'none';
+    });
+  }
+  function _BuildCreateNewHotlist(table) {
+    const inputTr = document.createElement('tr');
+    inputTr.classList.add('hotlist_rows');
+    const inputCell = document.createElement('td');
+    const input = document.createElement('input');
+    input.setAttribute('id', 'text_new_hotlist_name');
+    input.setAttribute('placeholder', 'New hotlist name');
+    // Hotlist changes are automatic and should be ignored by
+    // TKR_currentFormValues() and TKR_isDirty()
+    input.setAttribute('ignore-dirty', true);
+    input.addEventListener('input', _CheckNewHotlistName);
+    inputCell.appendChild(input);
+    inputTr.appendChild(inputCell);
+    const buttonCell = document.createElement('td');
+    const button = document.createElement('button');
+    button.setAttribute('id', 'create-new-hotlist');
+    button.addEventListener('click', _CreateNewHotlistWithIssues);
+    button.textContent = 'Create New Hotlist';
+    button.disabled = true;
+    buttonCell.appendChild(button);
+    inputTr.appendChild(buttonCell);
+    table.appendChild(inputTr);
+    const feedbackTr = document.createElement('tr');
+    feedbackTr.classList.add('hotlist_rows');
+    const feedbackCell = document.createElement('td');
+    feedbackCell.setAttribute('colspan', '2');
+    const feedback = document.createElement('span');
+    feedback.classList.add('fielderror');
+    feedback.setAttribute('id', 'hotlistnamefeedback');
+    feedbackCell.appendChild(feedback);
+    feedbackTr.appendChild(feedbackCell);
+    table.appendChild(feedbackTr);
+  }
+  function _UpdateRows(table, title, hotlists) {
+    const tr = document.createElement('tr');
+    tr.classList.add('hotlist_rows');
+    const addCell = document.createElement('td');
+    const add = document.createElement('b');
+    add.textContent = title;
+    addCell.appendChild(add);
+    tr.appendChild(addCell);
+    table.appendChild(tr);
+    hotlists.forEach(hotlist => {
+      const hotlistParts = hotlist.split('_');
+      const name = hotlistParts[0];
+      const tr = document.createElement('tr');
+      tr.classList.add('hotlist_rows');
+      const cbCell = document.createElement('td');
+      const cb = document.createElement('input');
+      cb.classList.add('checkRangeSelect');
+      cb.setAttribute('id', 'cb_hotlist_' + hotlist);
+      cb.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
+      // Hotlist changes are automatic and should be ignored by
+      // TKR_currentFormValues() and TKR_isDirty()
+      cb.setAttribute('ignore-dirty', true);
+      cbCell.appendChild(cb);
+      const nameCell = document.createElement('td');
+      const label = document.createElement('label');
+      label.htmlFor =;
+      label.textContent = name;
+      nameCell.appendChild(label);
+      tr.appendChild(cbCell);
+      tr.appendChild(nameCell);
+      table.appendChild(tr);
+    });
+  }
+  async function _CheckNewHotlistName() {
+    const name = $('text_new_hotlist_name').value;
+    const checkNameResponse = await
+        'monorail.Features', 'CheckHotlistName', {name});
+    if (checkNameResponse.error) {
+      $('hotlistnamefeedback').textContent = checkNameResponse.error;
+      $('create-new-hotlist').disabled = true;
+      return null;
+    }
+    $('hotlistnamefeedback').textContent = '';
+    $('create-new-hotlist').disabled = false;
+    return name;
+  }
+  /**
+  * Call GetSelectedIssuesRefs from tracker-editing.js and convert to an Array
+  * of IssueRef PBs.
+  */
+  function _GetSelectedIssueRefs() {
+    return GetSelectedIssuesRefs().map(issueRef => ({
+      project_name: issueRef['project_name'],
+      local_id: issueRef['id'],
+    }));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get HotlistRef PBs for the hotlists that the user wants to add/remove the
+   * selected issues to.
+   */
+  function _GetSelectedHotlists(hotlists) {
+    const selectedHotlistRefs = [];
+    hotlists.forEach(hotlist => {
+      const checkbox = $('cb_hotlist_' + hotlist);
+      const hotlistParts = hotlist.split('_');
+      if (checkbox && checkbox.checked) {
+        selectedHotlistRefs.push({
+          name: hotlistParts[0],
+          owner: {
+            user_id: hotlistParts[1],
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    });
+    return selectedHotlistRefs;
+  }
+  Object.assign(window.__hotlists_dialog, {ShowUpdateHotlistDialog});