Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/static/js/tracker/tracker-editing.js b/static/js/tracker/tracker-editing.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d53b515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/js/tracker/tracker-editing.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1823 @@
+/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+ * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+ *
+ */
+/* eslint-disable no-var */
+/* eslint-disable prefer-const */
+ * This file contains JS functions that support various issue editing
+ * features of Monorail.  These editing features include: selecting
+ * issues on the issue list page, adding attachments, expanding and
+ * collapsing the issue editing form, and starring issues.
+ *
+ * Browser compatability: IE6, IE7, FF1.0+, Safari.
+ */
+ * Here are some string constants that are used repeatedly in the code.
+ */
+let TKR_SELECTED_CLASS = 'selected';
+let TKR_UNDEF_CLASS = 'undef';
+let TKR_NOVEL_CLASS = 'novel';
+let TKR_EXCL_CONFICT_CLASS = 'exclconflict';
+let TKR_QUESTION_MARK_CLASS = 'questionmark';
+let TKR_ATTACHPROMPT_ID = 'attachprompt';
+let TKR_ATTACHAFILE_ID = 'attachafile';
+let TKR_ATTACHMAXSIZE_ID = 'attachmaxsize';
+let TKR_CURRENT_TEMPLATE_INDEX_ID = 'current_template_index';
+let TKR_PROMPT_MEMBERS_ONLY_CHECKBOX_ID = 'members_only_checkbox';
+let TKR_PROMPT_SUMMARY_EDITOR_ID = 'summary_editor';
+    'summary_must_be_edited_checkbox';
+let TKR_PROMPT_CONTENT_EDITOR_ID = 'content_editor';
+let TKR_PROMPT_STATUS_EDITOR_ID = 'status_editor';
+let TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID = 'owner_editor';
+let TKR_PROMPT_ADMIN_NAMES_EDITOR_ID = 'admin_names_editor';
+    'owner_defaults_to_member_checkbox';
+    'owner_defaults_to_member_area';
+    'component_required_checkbox';
+let TKR_PROMPT_COMPONENTS_EDITOR_ID = 'components_editor';
+let TKR_FIELD_EDITOR_ID_PREFIX = 'tmpl_custom_';
+let TKR_CONFIRMAREA_ID = 'confirmarea';
+let TKR_DISCARD_YOUR_CHANGES = 'Discard your changes?';
+// Note, users cannot enter '<'.
+// Display warning if labels contain the following prefixes.
+// The following list is the same as tracker_constants.RESERVED_PREFIXES except
+// for the 'hotlist' prefix. 'hostlist' will be added when it comes a full
+// feature and when projects that use 'Hostlist-*' labels are transitioned off.
+  'id', 'project', 'reporter', 'summary', 'status', 'owner', 'cc',
+  'attachments', 'attachment', 'component', 'opened', 'closed',
+  'modified', 'is', 'has', 'blockedon', 'blocking', 'blocked', 'mergedinto',
+  'stars', 'starredby', 'description', 'comment', 'commentby', 'label',
+  'rank', 'explicit_status', 'derived_status', 'explicit_owner',
+  'derived_owner', 'explicit_cc', 'derived_cc', 'explicit_label',
+  'derived_label', 'last_comment_by', 'exact_component',
+  'explicit_component', 'derived_component'];
+ * Appends a given child element to the DOM based on parameters.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} parentEl
+ * @param {string} tag
+ * @param {string} optClassName
+ * @param {string} optID
+ * @param {string} optText
+ * @param {string} optStyle
+function TKR_createChild(parentEl, tag, optClassName, optID, optText, optStyle) {
+  let el = document.createElement(tag);
+  if (optClassName) el.classList.add(optClassName);
+  if (optID) = optID;
+  if (optText) el.textContent = optText;
+  if (optStyle) el.setAttribute('style', optStyle);
+  parentEl.appendChild(el);
+  return el;
+ * Select all the issues on the issue list page.
+ */
+function TKR_selectAllIssues() {
+  TKR_selectIssues(true);
+ * Function to deselect all the issues on the issue list page.
+ */
+function TKR_selectNoneIssues() {
+  TKR_selectIssues(false);
+ * Function to select or deselect all the issues on the issue list page.
+ * @param {boolean} checked True means select issues, False means deselect.
+ */
+function TKR_selectIssues(checked) {
+  let table = $('resultstable');
+  for (let r = 0; r < table.rows.length; ++r) {
+    let row = table.rows[r];
+    let firstCell = row.cells[0];
+    if (firstCell.tagName == 'TD') {
+      for (let e = 0; e < firstCell.childNodes.length; ++e) {
+        let element = firstCell.childNodes[e];
+        if (element.tagName == 'INPUT' && element.type == 'checkbox') {
+          element.checked = checked ? 'checked' : '';
+          if (checked) {
+            row.classList.add(TKR_SELECTED_CLASS);
+          } else {
+            row.classList.remove(TKR_SELECTED_CLASS);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ * The ID number to append to the next dynamically created file upload field.
+ */
+let TKR_nextFileID = 1;
+ * Function to dynamically create a new attachment upload field add
+ * insert it into the page DOM.
+ * @param {string} id The id of the parent HTML element.
+ *
+ * TODO(lukasperaza): use different nextFileID for separate forms on same page,
+ *  e.g. issue update form and issue description update form
+ */
+function TKR_addAttachmentFields(id, attachprompt_id,
+    attachafile_id, attachmaxsize_id) {
+  if (TKR_nextFileID >= 16) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (typeof attachprompt_id === 'undefined') {
+    attachprompt_id = TKR_ATTACHPROMPT_ID;
+  }
+  if (typeof attachafile_id === 'undefined') {
+    attachafile_id = TKR_ATTACHAFILE_ID;
+  }
+  if (typeof attachmaxsize_id === 'undefined') {
+    attachmaxsize_id = TKR_ATTACHMAXSIZE_ID;
+  }
+  let el = $(id);
+ = '4px';
+  let div = document.createElement('div');
+  var id = 'file' + TKR_nextFileID;
+  let label = TKR_createChild(div, 'label', null, null, 'Attach file:');
+  label.setAttribute('for', id);
+  let input = TKR_createChild(
+      div, 'input', null, id, null, 'width:auto;margin-left:17px');
+  input.setAttribute('type', 'file');
+ = id;
+  let removeLink = TKR_createChild(
+      div, 'a', null, null, 'Remove', 'font-size:x-small');
+  removeLink.href = '#';
+  removeLink.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
+    let target =;
+    $(attachafile_id).focus();
+    target.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(target.parentNode);
+    event.preventDefault();
+  });
+  el.appendChild(div);
+  el.querySelector('input').focus();
+  ++TKR_nextFileID;
+  if (TKR_nextFileID < 16) {
+    $(attachafile_id).textContent = 'Attach another file';
+  } else {
+    $(attachprompt_id).style.display = 'none';
+  }
+  $(attachmaxsize_id).style.display = '';
+ * Function to display the form so that the user can update an issue.
+ */
+function TKR_openIssueUpdateForm() {
+  TKR_showHidden($('makechangesarea'));
+  TKR_goToAnchor('makechanges');
+  TKR_forceProperTableWidth();
+  window.setTimeout(
+      function() {
+        document.getElementById('addCommentTextArea').focus();
+      },
+      100);
+ * The index of the template that is currently selected for editing
+ * on the administration page for issues.
+ */
+let TKR_currentTemplateIndex = 0;
+ * Array of field IDs that are defined in the current project, set by call to setFieldIDs().
+ */
+let TKR_fieldIDs = [];
+function TKR_setFieldIDs(fieldIDs) {
+  TKR_fieldIDs = fieldIDs;
+ * This function displays the appropriate template text in a text field.
+ * It is called after the user has selected one template to view/edit.
+ * @param {Element} widget The list widget containing the list of templates.
+ */
+function TKR_selectTemplate(widget) {
+  TKR_showHidden($('edit_panel'));
+  TKR_currentTemplateIndex = widget.value;
+  $(TKR_CURRENT_TEMPLATE_INDEX_ID).value = TKR_currentTemplateIndex;
+  let content_editor = $(TKR_PROMPT_CONTENT_EDITOR_ID);
+  TKR_makeDefined(content_editor);
+  let can_edit = $('can_edit_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
+  let disabled = can_edit ? '' : 'disabled';
+  $(TKR_PROMPT_MEMBERS_ONLY_CHECKBOX_ID).disabled = disabled;
+      'members_only_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
+  $(TKR_PROMPT_SUMMARY_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
+      'summary_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
+      'summary_must_be_edited_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
+  content_editor.disabled = disabled;
+  content_editor.value = $('content_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
+  $(TKR_PROMPT_STATUS_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
+      'status_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
+  $(TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
+      'owner_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
+      'owner_defaults_to_member_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
+  $(TKR_COMPONENT_REQUIRED_CHECKBOX_ID).disabled = disabled;
+      'component_required_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value == 'yes';
+  $(TKR_OWNER_DEFAULTS_TO_MEMBER_AREA_ID).disabled = disabled;
+      $(TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID).value ? 'none' : '';
+  $(TKR_PROMPT_COMPONENTS_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
+      'components_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
+  // Blank out all custom field editors first, then fill them in during the next loop.
+  for (var i = 0; i < TKR_fieldIDs.length; i++) {
+    let fieldEditor = $(TKR_FIELD_EDITOR_ID_PREFIX + TKR_fieldIDs[i]);
+    let holder = $('field_value_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + TKR_fieldIDs[i]);
+    if (fieldEditor) {
+      fieldEditor.disabled = disabled;
+      fieldEditor.value = holder ? holder.value : '';
+    }
+  }
+  var i = 0;
+    $(TKR_PROMPT_LABELS_EDITOR_ID_PREFIX + i).disabled = disabled;
+        $('label_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + i).value;
+    i++;
+  }
+  $(TKR_PROMPT_ADMIN_NAMES_EDITOR_ID).disabled = disabled;
+      'admin_names_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value;
+  let numNonDeletedTemplates = 0;
+  for (var i = 0; i < TKR_templateNames.length; i++) {
+    if (TKR_templateNames[i] != TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME) {
+      numNonDeletedTemplates++;
+    }
+  }
+  if ($('delbtn')) {
+    if (numNonDeletedTemplates > 1) {
+      $('delbtn').disabled='';
+    } else { // Don't allow the last template to be deleted.
+      $('delbtn').disabled='disabled';
+    }
+  }
+var TKR_templateNames = []; // Exported in tracker-onload.js
+ * Create a new issue template and add the needed form fields to the DOM.
+ */
+function TKR_newTemplate() {
+  let newIndex = TKR_templateNames.length;
+  let templateName = prompt('Name of new template?', '');
+  templateName = templateName.replace(
+      /[&<>"]/g, '', // " help emacs highlighting
+  );
+  if (!templateName) return;
+  for (let i = 0; i < TKR_templateNames.length; i++) {
+    if (templateName == TKR_templateNames[i]) {
+      alert('Please choose a unique name.');
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  TKR_addTemplateHiddenFields(newIndex, templateName);
+  TKR_templateNames.push(templateName);
+  let templateOption = TKR_createChild(
+      $('template_menu'), 'option', null, null, templateName);
+  templateOption.value = newIndex;
+  templateOption.selected = 'selected';
+  let developerOption = TKR_createChild(
+      $('default_template_for_developers'), 'option', null, null, templateName);
+  developerOption.value = templateName;
+  let userOption = TKR_createChild(
+      $('default_template_for_users'), 'option', null, null, templateName);
+  userOption.value = templateName;
+  TKR_selectTemplate($('template_menu'));
+ * Private function to append HTML for new hidden form fields
+ * for a new issue template to the issue admin form.
+ */
+function TKR_addTemplateHiddenFields(templateIndex, templateName) {
+  let parentEl = $('adminTemplates');
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(
+      parentEl, 'template_id_' + templateIndex, 'template_id_' + templateIndex, '0');
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'name_' + templateIndex,
+      'name_' + templateIndex, templateName);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'members_only_' + templateIndex);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'summary_' + templateIndex);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'summary_must_be_edited_' + templateIndex);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'content_' + templateIndex);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'status_' + templateIndex);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'owner_' + templateIndex);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(
+      parentEl, 'owner_defaults_to_member_' + templateIndex,
+      'owner_defaults_to_member_' + templateIndex, 'yes');
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'component_required_' + templateIndex);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'components_' + templateIndex);
+  var i = 0;
+  while ($('label_0_' + i)) {
+    TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'label_' + templateIndex,
+        'label_' + templateIndex + '_' + i);
+    i++;
+  }
+  for (var i = 0; i < TKR_fieldIDs.length; i++) {
+    let fieldId = 'field_value_' + templateIndex + '_' + TKR_fieldIDs[i];
+    TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, fieldId, fieldId);
+  }
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, 'admin_names_' + templateIndex);
+  TKR_appendHiddenField(
+      parentEl, 'can_edit_' + templateIndex, 'can_edit_' + templateIndex,
+      'yes');
+ * Utility function to append string parts for one hidden field
+ * to the given array.
+ */
+function TKR_appendHiddenField(parentEl, name, opt_id, opt_value) {
+  let input = TKR_createChild(parentEl, 'input', null, opt_id || name);
+  input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
+ = name;
+  input.value = opt_value || '';
+ * Delete the currently selected issue template, and mark its hidden
+ * form field as deleted so that they will be ignored when submitted.
+ */
+function TKR_deleteTemplate() {
+  // Mark the current template name as deleted.
+  TKR_templateNames.splice(
+      TKR_currentTemplateIndex, 1, TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME);
+  $('name_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value = TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME;
+  _toggleHidden($('edit_panel'));
+  $('delbtn').disabled = 'disabled';
+  TKR_rebuildTemplateMenu();
+  TKR_rebuildDefaultTemplateMenu('default_template_for_developers');
+  TKR_rebuildDefaultTemplateMenu('default_template_for_users');
+ * Utility function to rebuild the template menu on the issue admin page.
+ */
+function TKR_rebuildTemplateMenu() {
+  let parentEl = $('template_menu');
+  while (parentEl.childNodes.length) {
+    parentEl.removeChild(parentEl.childNodes[0]);
+  }
+  for (let i = 0; i < TKR_templateNames.length; i++) {
+    if (TKR_templateNames[i] != TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME) {
+      let option = TKR_createChild(
+          parentEl, 'option', null, null, TKR_templateNames[i]);
+      option.value = i;
+    }
+  }
+ * Utility function to rebuild a default template drop-down.
+ */
+function TKR_rebuildDefaultTemplateMenu(menuID) {
+  let defaultTemplateName = $(menuID).value;
+  let parentEl = $(menuID);
+  while (parentEl.childNodes.length) {
+    parentEl.removeChild(parentEl.childNodes[0]);
+  }
+  for (let i = 0; i < TKR_templateNames.length; i++) {
+    if (TKR_templateNames[i] != TKR_DELETED_PROMPT_NAME) {
+      let option = TKR_createChild(
+          parentEl, 'option', null, null, TKR_templateNames[i]);
+      option.values = TKR_templateNames[i];
+      if (defaultTemplateName == TKR_templateNames[i]) {
+        option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ * Change the issue template to the specified one.
+ * TODO(jrobbins): move to an AJAX implementation that would not reload page.
+ *
+ * @param {string} projectName The name of the current project.
+ * @param {string} templateName The name of the template to switch to.
+ */
+function TKR_switchTemplate(projectName, templateName) {
+  let ok = true;
+  if (TKR_isDirty()) {
+    ok = confirm('Switching to a different template will lose the text you entered.');
+  }
+  if (ok) {
+    TKR_initialFormValues = TKR_currentFormValues();
+    window.location = '/p/' + projectName +
+      '/issues/entry?template=' + templateName;
+  }
+ * Function to remove a CSS class and initial tip from a text widget.
+ * Some text fields or text areas display gray textual tips to help the user
+ * make use of those widgets.  When the user focuses on the field, the tip
+ * disappears and is made ready for user input (in the normal text color).
+ * @param {Element} el The form field that had the gray text tip.
+ */
+function TKR_makeDefined(el) {
+  if (el.classList.contains(TKR_UNDEF_CLASS)) {
+    el.classList.remove(TKR_UNDEF_CLASS);
+    el.value = '';
+  }
+ * Save the contents of the visible issue template text area into a hidden
+ * text field for later submission.
+ * Called when the user has edited the text of a issue template.
+ */
+function TKR_saveTemplate() {
+  if (TKR_currentTemplateIndex) {
+    $('members_only_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+        $(TKR_PROMPT_MEMBERS_ONLY_CHECKBOX_ID).checked ? 'yes' : '';
+    $('summary_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+    $('summary_must_be_edited_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+        $(TKR_PROMPT_SUMMARY_MUST_BE_EDITED_CHECKBOX_ID).checked ? 'yes' : '';
+    $('content_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+    $('status_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+        $(TKR_PROMPT_STATUS_EDITOR_ID).value;
+    $('owner_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+        $(TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID).value;
+    $('owner_defaults_to_member_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+        $(TKR_OWNER_DEFAULTS_TO_MEMBER_CHECKBOX_ID).checked ? 'yes' : '';
+    $('component_required_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+        $(TKR_COMPONENT_REQUIRED_CHECKBOX_ID).checked ? 'yes' : '';
+    $('components_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+    $(TKR_OWNER_DEFAULTS_TO_MEMBER_AREA_ID).style.display =
+        $(TKR_PROMPT_OWNER_EDITOR_ID).value ? 'none' : '';
+    for (var i = 0; i < TKR_fieldIDs.length; i++) {
+      let fieldID = TKR_fieldIDs[i];
+      let fieldEditor = $(TKR_FIELD_EDITOR_ID_PREFIX + fieldID);
+      if (fieldEditor) {
+        _saveFieldValue(fieldID, fieldEditor.value);
+      }
+    }
+    var i = 0;
+    while ($('label_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + i)) {
+      $('label_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + i).value =
+         $(TKR_PROMPT_LABELS_EDITOR_ID_PREFIX + i).value;
+      i++;
+    }
+    $('admin_names_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex).value =
+  }
+function _saveFieldValue(fieldID, val) {
+  let fieldValId = 'field_value_' + TKR_currentTemplateIndex + '_' + fieldID;
+  $(fieldValId).value = val;
+ * This is a json string encoding of an array of form values after the initial
+ * page load. It is used for comparison on page unload to prompt the user
+ * before abandoning changes. It is initialized in TKR_onload().
+let TKR_initialFormValues;
+ * Returns a json string encoding of an array of all the values from user
+ * input fields of interest (omits search box, e.g.)
+ */
+function TKR_currentFormValues() {
+  let inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input, textarea, select, checkbox');
+  let values = [];
+  for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
+    // Don't include blank inputs. This prevents a popup if the user
+    // clicks "add a row" for new labels but doesn't actually enter any
+    // text into them. Also ignore search box contents.
+    if (inputs[i].value && !inputs[i].hasAttribute('ignore-dirty') &&
+        inputs[i].name != 'token') {
+      values.push(inputs[i].value);
+    }
+  }
+  return JSON.stringify(values);
+ * This function returns true if the user has made any edits to fields of
+ * interest.
+ */
+function TKR_isDirty() {
+  return TKR_initialFormValues != TKR_currentFormValues();
+ * The user has clicked the 'Discard' button on the issue update form.
+ * If the form has been edited, ask if they are sure about discarding
+ * before then navigating to the given URL.  This can go up to some
+ * other page, or reload the current page with a fresh form.
+ * @param {string} nextUrl The page to show after discarding.
+ */
+function TKR_confirmDiscardUpdate(nextUrl) {
+  if (!TKR_isDirty() || confirm(TKR_DISCARD_YOUR_CHANGES)) {
+    document.location = nextUrl;
+  }
+ * The user has clicked the 'Discard' button on the issue entry form.
+ * If the form has been edited, this function asks if they are sure about
+ * discarding before doing it.
+ * @param {Element} discardButton The 'Discard' button.
+ */
+function TKR_confirmDiscardEntry(discardButton) {
+  if (!TKR_isDirty() || confirm(TKR_DISCARD_YOUR_CHANGES)) {
+    TKR_go('list');
+  }
+ * Normally, we show 2 rows of label editing fields when updating an issue.
+ * However, if the issue has more than that many labels already, we make sure to
+ * show them all.
+ */
+function TKR_exposeExistingLabelFields() {
+  if ($('label3').value ||
+      $('label4').value ||
+      $('label5').value) {
+    if ($('addrow1')) {
+      _showID('LF_row2');
+      _hideID('addrow1');
+    }
+  }
+  if ($('label6').value ||
+      $('label7').value ||
+      $('label8').value) {
+    _showID('LF_row3');
+    _hideID('addrow2');
+  }
+  if ($('label9').value ||
+      $('label10').value ||
+      $('label11').value) {
+    _showID('LF_row4');
+    _hideID('addrow3');
+  }
+  if ($('label12').value ||
+      $('label13').value ||
+      $('label14').value) {
+    _showID('LF_row5');
+    _hideID('addrow4');
+  }
+  if ($('label15').value ||
+      $('label16').value ||
+      $('label17').value) {
+    _showID('LF_row6');
+    _hideID('addrow5');
+  }
+  if ($('label18').value ||
+      $('label19').value ||
+      $('label20').value) {
+    _showID('LF_row7');
+    _hideID('addrow6');
+  }
+  if ($('label21').value ||
+      $('label22').value ||
+      $('label23').value) {
+    _showID('LF_row8');
+    _hideID('addrow7');
+  }
+ * Flag to indicate when the user has not yet caused any input events.
+ * We use this to clear the placeholder in the new issue summary field
+ * exactly once.
+ */
+let TKR_firstEvent = true;
+ * This is called in response to almost any user input event on the
+ * issue entry page.  If the placeholder in the new issue sumary field has
+ * not yet been cleared, then this function clears it.
+ */
+function TKR_clearOnFirstEvent(initialSummary) {
+  if (TKR_firstEvent && $('summary').value == initialSummary) {
+    TKR_firstEvent = false;
+    $('summary').value = TKR_keepJustSummaryPrefixes($('summary').value);
+  }
+ * Clear the summary, except for any prefixes of the form "[bracketed text]"
+ * or "keyword:".  If there were any, add a trailing space.  This is useful
+ * to people who like to encode issue classification info in the summary line.
+ */
+function TKR_keepJustSummaryPrefixes(s) {
+  let matches = s.match(/^(\[[^\]]+\])+|^(\S+:\s*)+/);
+  if (matches == null) {
+    return '';
+  }
+  let prefix = matches[0];
+  if (prefix.substr(prefix.length - 1) != ' ') {
+    prefix += ' ';
+  }
+  return prefix;
+ * An array of label <input>s that start with reserved prefixes.
+ */
+let TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes = [];
+ * An array of label <input>s that are equal to reserved words.
+ */
+let TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved = [];
+ * An array of novel issue status values entered by the user on the
+ * current page. 'Novel' means that they are not well known and are
+ * likely to be typos.  Note that this list will always have zero or
+ * one element, but a list is used for consistency with the list of
+ * novel labels.
+ */
+let TKR_novelStatuses = [];
+ * An array of novel issue label values entered by the user on the
+ * current page. 'Novel' means that they are not well known and are
+ * likely to be typos.
+ */
+let TKR_novelLabels = [];
+ * A boolean that indicates whether the entered owner value is valid or not.
+ */
+let TKR_invalidOwner = false;
+ * The user has changed the issue status text field.  This function
+ * checks whether it is a well-known status value.  If not, highlight it
+ * as a potential typo.
+ * @param {Element} textField The issue status text field.
+ * @return Always returns true to indicate that the browser should
+ * continue to process the user input event normally.
+ */
+function TKR_confirmNovelStatus(textField) {
+  let v = textField.value.trim().toLowerCase();
+  let isNovel = (v !== '');
+  let wellKnown = TKR_statusWords;
+  for (let i = 0; i < wellKnown.length && isNovel; ++i) {
+    let wk = wellKnown[i];
+    if (v == wk.toLowerCase()) {
+      isNovel = false;
+    }
+  }
+  if (isNovel) {
+    if (TKR_novelStatuses.indexOf(textField) == -1) {
+      TKR_novelStatuses.push(textField);
+    }
+    textField.classList.add(TKR_NOVEL_CLASS);
+  } else {
+    if (TKR_novelStatuses.indexOf(textField) != -1) {
+      TKR_novelStatuses.splice(TKR_novelStatuses.indexOf(textField), 1);
+    }
+    textField.classList.remove(TKR_NOVEL_CLASS);
+  }
+  TKR_updateConfirmBeforeSubmit();
+  return true;
+ * The user has changed a issue label text field.  This function checks
+ * whether it is a well-known label value.  If not, highlight it as a
+ * potential typo.
+ * @param {Element} textField An issue label text field.
+ * @return Always returns true to indicate that the browser should
+ * continue to process the user input event normally.
+ *
+ * TODO(jrobbins): code duplication with function above.
+ */
+function TKR_confirmNovelLabel(textField) {
+  let v = textField.value.trim().toLowerCase();
+  if ('-') == 0) {
+    v = v.substr(1);
+  }
+  let isNovel = (v !== '');
+  if (v.indexOf('?') > -1) {
+    isNovel = false; // We don't count labels that the user must edit anyway.
+  }
+  let wellKnown = TKR_labelWords;
+  for (var i = 0; i < wellKnown.length && isNovel; ++i) {
+    let wk = wellKnown[i];
+    if (v == wk.toLowerCase()) {
+      isNovel = false;
+    }
+  }
+  let containsReservedPrefix = false;
+  var textFieldWarningDisplayed = TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes.indexOf(textField) != -1;
+  for (var i = 0; i < TKR_LABEL_RESERVED_PREFIXES.length; ++i) {
+    if (v.startsWith(TKR_LABEL_RESERVED_PREFIXES[i] + '-')) {
+      if (!textFieldWarningDisplayed) {
+        TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes.push(textField);
+      }
+      containsReservedPrefix = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!containsReservedPrefix && textFieldWarningDisplayed) {
+    TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes.splice(
+        TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes.indexOf(textField), 1);
+  }
+  let conflictsWithReserved = false;
+  var textFieldWarningDisplayed =
+      TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved.indexOf(textField) != -1;
+  for (var i = 0; i < TKR_LABEL_RESERVED_PREFIXES.length; ++i) {
+      if (!textFieldWarningDisplayed) {
+        TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved.push(textField);
+      }
+      conflictsWithReserved = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!conflictsWithReserved && textFieldWarningDisplayed) {
+    TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved.splice(
+        TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved.indexOf(textField), 1);
+  }
+  if (isNovel) {
+    if (TKR_novelLabels.indexOf(textField) == -1) {
+      TKR_novelLabels.push(textField);
+    }
+    textField.classList.add(TKR_NOVEL_CLASS);
+  } else {
+    if (TKR_novelLabels.indexOf(textField) != -1) {
+      TKR_novelLabels.splice(TKR_novelLabels.indexOf(textField), 1);
+    }
+    textField.classList.remove(TKR_NOVEL_CLASS);
+  }
+  TKR_updateConfirmBeforeSubmit();
+  return true;
+ * Dictionary { prefix:[textField,...], ...} for all the prefixes of any
+ * text that has been entered into any label field.  This is used to find
+ * duplicate labels and multiple labels that share an single exclusive
+ * prefix (e.g., Priority).
+ */
+let TKR_usedPrefixes = {};
+ * This is a prefix to the HTML ids of each label editing field.
+ * It varied by page, so it is set in the HTML page.  Needed to initialize
+ * our validation across label input text fields.
+ */
+let TKR_labelFieldIDPrefix = '';
+ * Initialize the set of all used labels on forms that allow users to
+ * enter issue labels.  Some labels are supplied in the HTML page
+ * itself, and we do not want to offer duplicates of those.
+ */
+function TKR_prepLabelAC() {
+  let i = 0;
+  while ($('label'+i)) {
+    TKR_validateLabel($('label'+i));
+    i++;
+  }
+ * Reads the owner field and determines if the current value is a valid member.
+ */
+function TKR_prepOwnerField(validOwners) {
+  if ($('owneredit')) {
+    currentOwner = $('owneredit').value;
+    if (currentOwner == '') {
+      // Empty owner field is not an invalid owner.
+      invalidOwner = false;
+      return;
+    }
+    invalidOwner = true;
+    for (let i = 0; i < validOwners.length; i++) {
+      let owner = validOwners[i].name;
+      if (currentOwner == owner) {
+        invalidOwner = false;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    TKR_invalidOwner = invalidOwner;
+  }
+ * Keep track of which label prefixes have been used so that
+ * we can not offer the same label twice and so that we can highlight
+ * multiple labels that share an exclusive prefix.
+ */
+function TKR_updateUsedPrefixes(textField) {
+  if (textField.oldPrefix != undefined) {
+    DeleteArrayElement(TKR_usedPrefixes[textField.oldPrefix], textField);
+  }
+  let prefix = textField.value.split('-')[0].toLowerCase();
+  if (TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix] == undefined) {
+    TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix] = [textField];
+  } else {
+    TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix].push(textField);
+  }
+  textField.oldPrefix = prefix;
+ * Go through all the label entry fields in our prefix-oriented
+ * data structure and highlight any that are part of a conflict
+ * (multiple labels with the same exclusive prefix).  Unhighlight
+ * any label text entry fields that are not in conflict.  And, display
+ * a warning message to encourage the user to correct the conflict.
+ */
+function TKR_highlightExclusiveLabelPrefixConflicts() {
+  let conflicts = [];
+  for (let prefix in TKR_usedPrefixes) {
+    let textFields = TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix];
+    if (textFields == undefined || textFields.length == 0) {
+      delete TKR_usedPrefixes[prefix];
+    } else if (textFields.length > 1 &&
+        FindInArray(TKR_exclPrefixes, prefix) != -1) {
+      conflicts.push(prefix);
+      for (var i = 0; i < textFields.length; i++) {
+        var tf = textFields[i];
+        tf.classList.add(TKR_EXCL_CONFICT_CLASS);
+      }
+    } else {
+      for (var i = 0; i < textFields.length; i++) {
+        var tf = textFields[i];
+        tf.classList.remove(TKR_EXCL_CONFICT_CLASS);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (conflicts.length > 0) {
+    let severity = TKR_restrict_to_known ? 'Error' : 'Warning';
+    let confirm_area = $(TKR_CONFIRMAREA_ID);
+    if (confirm_area) {
+      $('confirmmsg').textContent = (severity +
+          ': Multiple values for: ' + conflicts.join(', '));
+      confirm_area.className = TKR_EXCL_CONFICT_CLASS;
+ = '';
+    }
+  }
+ * Keeps track of any label text fields that have a value that
+ * is bad enough to prevent submission of the form.  When this
+ * list is non-empty, the submit button gets disabled.
+ */
+let TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit = [];
+ * Look for any "?" characters in the label and, if found,
+ * make the label text red, prevent form submission, and
+ * display on-page help to tell the user to edit those labels.
+ * @param {Element} textField An issue label text field.
+ */
+function TKR_highlightQuestionMarks(textField) {
+  let tfIndex = TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit.indexOf(textField);
+  if (textField.value.indexOf('?') > -1 && tfIndex == -1) {
+    TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit.push(textField);
+    textField.classList.add(TKR_QUESTION_MARK_CLASS);
+  } else if (textField.value.indexOf('?') == -1 && tfIndex > -1) {
+    TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit.splice(tfIndex, 1);
+    textField.classList.remove(TKR_QUESTION_MARK_CLASS);
+  }
+  let block_submit_msg = $('blocksubmitmsg');
+  if (block_submit_msg) {
+    if (TKR_labelsBlockingSubmit.length > 0) {
+      block_submit_msg.textContent = 'You must edit labels that contain "?".';
+    } else {
+      block_submit_msg.textContent = '';
+    }
+  }
+ * The user has edited a label.  Display a warning if the label is
+ * not a well known label, or if there are multiple labels that
+ * share an exclusive prefix.
+ * @param {Element} textField An issue label text field.
+ */
+function TKR_validateLabel(textField) {
+  if (textField == undefined) return;
+  TKR_confirmNovelLabel(textField);
+  TKR_updateUsedPrefixes(textField);
+  TKR_highlightExclusiveLabelPrefixConflicts();
+  TKR_highlightQuestionMarks(textField);
+// TODO(jrobbins): what about typos in owner and cc list?
+ * If there are any novel status or label values, we display a message
+ * that explains that to the user so that they can catch any typos before
+ * submitting them.  If the project is restricting input to only the
+ * well-known statuses and labels, then show these as an error instead.
+ * In that case, on-page JS will prevent submission.
+ */
+function TKR_updateConfirmBeforeSubmit() {
+  let severity = TKR_restrict_to_known ? 'Error' : 'Note';
+  let novelWord = TKR_restrict_to_known ? 'undefined' : 'uncommon';
+  let msg = '';
+  let labels = {
+    return item.value;
+  });
+  if (TKR_novelStatuses.length > 0 && TKR_novelLabels.length > 0) {
+    msg = severity + ': You are using an ' + novelWord + ' status and ' + novelWord + ' label(s): ' + labels.join(', ') + '.'; // TODO: i18n
+  } else if (TKR_novelStatuses.length > 0) {
+    msg = severity + ': You are using an ' + novelWord + ' status value.';
+  } else if (TKR_novelLabels.length > 0) {
+    msg = severity + ': You are using ' + novelWord + ' label(s): ' + labels.join(', ') + '.';
+  }
+  for (var i = 0; i < TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes.length; ++i) {
+    msg += '\nNote: The label ' + TKR_labelsWithReservedPrefixes[i].value +
+           ' starts with a reserved word. This is not recommended.';
+  }
+  for (var i = 0; i < TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved.length; ++i) {
+    msg += '\nNote: The label ' + TKR_labelsConflictingWithReserved[i].value +
+           ' conflicts with a reserved word. This is not recommended.';
+  }
+  // Display the owner is no longer a member note only if an owner error is not
+  // already shown on the page.
+  if (TKR_invalidOwner && !$('ownererror')) {
+    msg += '\nNote: Current owner is no longer a project member.';
+  }
+  let confirm_area = $(TKR_CONFIRMAREA_ID);
+  if (confirm_area) {
+    $('confirmmsg').textContent = msg;
+    if (msg != '') {
+      confirm_area.className = TKR_NOVEL_CLASS;
+ = '';
+    } else {
+ = 'none';
+    }
+  }
+ * The user has selected a command from the 'Actions...' menu
+ * on the issue list.  This function checks the selected value and carry
+ * out the requested action.
+ * @param {Element} actionsMenu The 'Actions...' <select> form element.
+ */
+function TKR_handleListActions(actionsMenu) {
+  switch (actionsMenu.value) {
+    case 'bulk':
+      TKR_HandleBulkEdit();
+      break;
+    case 'colspec':
+      TKR_closeAllPopups(actionsMenu);
+      _showID('columnspec');
+      _hideID('addissuesspec');
+      break;
+    case 'flagspam':
+      TKR_flagSpam(true);
+      break;
+    case 'unflagspam':
+      TKR_flagSpam(false);
+      break;
+    case 'addtohotlist':
+      TKR_addToHotlist();
+      break;
+    case 'addissues':
+      _showID('addissuesspec');
+      _hideID('columnspec');
+      setCurrentColSpec();
+      break;
+    case 'removeissues':
+      HTL_removeIssues();
+      break;
+    case 'issuesperpage':
+      break;
+  }
+  actionsMenu.value = 'moreactions';
+async function TKR_handleDetailActions(localId) {
+  let moreActions = $('more_actions');
+  if (moreActions.value == 'delete') {
+    $('copy_issue_form_fragment').style.display = 'none';
+    $('move_issue_form_fragment').style.display = 'none';
+    let ok = confirm(
+        'Normally, you should just close issues by setting their status ' +
+      'to a closed value.\n' +
+      'Are you sure you want to delete this issue?');
+    if (ok) {
+      await'monorail.Issues', 'DeleteIssue', {
+        issueRef: {
+          projectName: window.CS_env.projectName,
+          localId: localId,
+        },
+        delete: true,
+      });
+      location.reload(true);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  if (moreActions.value == 'move') {
+    $('move_issue_form_fragment').style.display = '';
+    $('copy_issue_form_fragment').style.display = 'none';
+    return;
+  }
+  if (moreActions.value == 'copy') {
+    $('copy_issue_form_fragment').style.display = '';
+    $('move_issue_form_fragment').style.display = 'none';
+    return;
+  }
+  // If no action was taken, reset the dropdown to the 'More actions...' item.
+  moreActions.value = '0';
+ * The user has selected the "Flag as spam..." menu item.
+ */
+async function TKR_flagSpam(isSpam) {
+  const selectedIssueRefs = [];
+  issueRefs.forEach((issueRef) => {
+    const checkbox = $('cb_' +;
+    if (checkbox && checkbox.checked) {
+      selectedIssueRefs.push({
+        projectName: issueRef.project_name,
+        localId:,
+      });
+    }
+  });
+  if (selectedIssueRefs.length > 0) {
+    if (!confirm((isSpam ? 'Flag' : 'Un-flag') +
+        ' all selected issues as spam?')) {
+      return;
+    }
+    await'monorail.Issues', 'FlagIssues', {
+      issueRefs: selectedIssueRefs,
+      flag: isSpam,
+    });
+    location.reload(true);
+  } else {
+    alert('Please select some issues to flag as spam');
+  }
+function TKR_addToHotlist() {
+  const selectedIssueRefs = GetSelectedIssuesRefs();
+  if (selectedIssueRefs.length > 0) {
+    window.__hotlists_dialog.ShowUpdateHotlistDialog();
+  } else {
+    alert('Please select some issues to add to a hotlist');
+  }
+function GetSelectedIssuesRefs() {
+  let selectedIssueRefs = [];
+  for (let i = 0; i < issueRefs.length; i++) {
+    let checkbox = document.getElementById('cb_' + issueRefs[i]['id']);
+    if (checkbox == null) {
+      checkbox = document.getElementById(
+          'cb_' + issueRefs[i]['project_name'] + ':' + issueRefs[i]['id']);
+    }
+    if (checkbox && checkbox.checked) {
+      selectedIssueRefs.push(issueRefs[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  return selectedIssueRefs;
+function onResponseUpdateUI(modifiedHotlists, remainingHotlists) {
+  const list = $('user-hotlists-list');
+  while (list.firstChild) {
+    list.removeChild(list.firstChild);
+  }
+  remainingHotlists.forEach((hotlist) => {
+    const name = hotlist[0];
+    const userId = hotlist[1];
+    const url = `/u/${userId}/hotlists/${name}`;
+    const hotlistLink = document.createElement('a');
+    hotlistLink.setAttribute('href', url);
+    hotlistLink.textContent = name;
+    list.appendChild(hotlistLink);
+    list.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
+  });
+  $('user-hotlists').style.display = 'block';
+  onAddIssuesResponse(modifiedHotlists);
+function onAddIssuesResponse(modifiedHotlists) {
+  const hotlistNames = => hotlist[0]).join(', ');
+  $('notice').textContent = 'Successfully updated ' + hotlistNames;
+  $('update-issues-hotlists').style.display = 'none';
+  $('alert-table').style.display = 'table';
+function onAddIssuesFailure(reason) {
+  $('notice').textContent =
+      'Some hotlists were not updated: ' + reason.description;
+  $('update-issues-hotlists').style.display = 'none';
+  $('alert-table').style.display = 'table';
+ * The user has selected the "Bulk Edit..." menu item.  Go to a page that
+ * offers the ability to edit all selected issues.
+ */
+// TODO(jrobbins): cross-project bulk edit
+function TKR_HandleBulkEdit() {
+  let selectedIssueRefs = GetSelectedIssuesRefs();
+  let selectedLocalIDs = [];
+  for (let i = 0; i < selectedIssueRefs.length; i++) {
+    selectedLocalIDs.push(selectedIssueRefs[i]['id']);
+  }
+  if (selectedLocalIDs.length > 0) {
+    let selectedLocalIDString = selectedLocalIDs.join(',');
+    let url = 'bulkedit?ids=' + selectedLocalIDString;
+    TKR_go(url + _ctxArgs);
+  } else {
+    alert('Please select some issues to edit');
+  }
+ * Clears the selected status value when the 'clear' operator is chosen.
+ */
+function TKR_ignoreWidgetIfOpIsClear(selectEl, inputID) {
+  if (selectEl.value == 'clear') {
+    document.getElementById(inputID).value = '';
+  }
+ * Array of original labels on the served page, so that we can notice
+ * when the used submits a form that has any Restrict-* labels removed.
+ */
+let TKR_allOrigLabels = [];
+ * Prevent users from easily entering "+1" comments.
+ */
+function TKR_checkPlusOne() {
+  let c = $('addCommentTextArea').value;
+  let instructions = (
+    '\nPlease use the star icon instead.\n' +
+      'Stars show your interest without annoying other users.');
+  if (new RegExp('^\\s*[-+]+[0-9]+\\s*.{0,30}$', 'm').test(c) &&
+      c.length < 150) {
+    alert('This looks like a "+1" comment.' + instructions);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (new RegExp('^\\s*me too.{0,30}$', 'i').test(c)) {
+    alert('This looks like a "me too" comment.' + instructions);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+ * If the user removes Restrict-* labels, ask them if they are sure.
+ */
+function TKR_checkUnrestrict(prevent_restriction_removal) {
+  let removedRestrictions = [];
+  for (let i = 0; i < TKR_allOrigLabels.length; ++i) {
+    let origLabel = TKR_allOrigLabels[i];
+    if (origLabel.indexOf('Restrict-') == 0) {
+      let found = false;
+      let j = 0;
+      while ($('label' + j)) {
+        let newLabel = $('label' + j).value;
+        if (newLabel == origLabel) {
+          found = true;
+          break;
+        }
+        j++;
+      }
+      if (!found) {
+        removedRestrictions.push(origLabel);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (removedRestrictions.length == 0) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (prevent_restriction_removal) {
+    let msg = 'You may not remove restriction labels.';
+    alert(msg);
+    return false;
+  }
+  let instructions = (
+    'You are removing these restrictions:\n   ' +
+      removedRestrictions.join('\n   ') +
+      '\nThis may allow more people to access this issue.' +
+      '\nAre you sure?');
+  return confirm(instructions);
+ * Add a column to a list view by updating the colspec form element and
+ * submiting an invisible <form> to load a new page that includes the column.
+ * @param {string} colname The name of the column to start showing.
+ */
+function TKR_addColumn(colname) {
+  let colspec = TKR_getColspecElement();
+  colspec.value = colspec.value + ' ' + colname;
+  $('colspecform').submit();
+ * Allow members to shift-click to select multiple issues.  This keeps
+ * track of the last row that the user clicked a checkbox on.
+ */
+let TKR_lastSelectedRow = undefined;
+ * Return true if an event had the shift-key pressed.
+ * @param {Event} evt The mouse click event.
+ */
+function TKR_hasShiftKey(evt) {
+  evt = (evt) ? evt : (window.event) ? window.event : '';
+  if (evt) {
+    if (evt.modifiers) {
+      return evt.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK;
+    } else {
+      return evt.shiftKey;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+ * Select one row: check the checkbox and use highlight color.
+ * @param {Element} row the row containing the checkbox that the user clicked.
+ * @param {boolean} checked True if the user checked the box.
+ */
+function TKR_rangeSelectRow(row, checked) {
+  if (!row) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (checked) {
+    row.classList.add('selected');
+  } else {
+    row.classList.remove('selected');
+  }
+  let td = row.firstChild;
+  while (td && td.tagName != 'TD') {
+    td = td.nextSibling;
+  }
+  if (!td) {
+    return;
+  }
+  let checkbox = td.firstChild;
+  while (checkbox && checkbox.tagName != 'INPUT') {
+    checkbox = checkbox.nextSibling;
+  }
+  if (!checkbox) {
+    return;
+  }
+  checkbox.checked = checked;
+ * If the user shift-clicked a checkbox, (un)select a range.
+ * @param {Event} evt The mouse click event.
+ * @param {Element} el The checkbox that was clicked.
+ */
+function TKR_checkRangeSelect(evt, el) {
+  let clicked_row = el.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
+  if (clicked_row == TKR_lastSelectedRow) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (TKR_hasShiftKey(evt) && TKR_lastSelectedRow != undefined) {
+    let results_table = $('resultstable');
+    let delta = (clicked_row > TKR_lastSelectedRow) ? 1 : -1;
+    for (let i = TKR_lastSelectedRow; i != clicked_row; i += delta) {
+      TKR_rangeSelectRow(results_table.rows[i], el.checked);
+    }
+  }
+  TKR_lastSelectedRow = clicked_row;
+ * Make a link to a given issue that includes context parameters that allow
+ * the user to see the same list columns, sorting, query, and pagination state
+ * if they ever navigate up to the list again.
+ * @param {{issue_url: string}} issueRef The dict with info about an issue,
+ *     including a url to the issue detail page.
+ */
+function TKR_makeIssueLink(issueRef) {
+  return '/p/' + issueRef['project_name'] + '/issues/detail?id=' + issueRef['id'] + _ctxArgs;
+ * Hide or show a list column in the case where we already have the
+ * data for that column on the page.
+ * @param {number} colIndex index of the column that is being shown or hidden.
+ */
+function TKR_toggleColumnUpdate(colIndex) {
+  let shownCols = TKR_getColspecElement().value.split(' ');
+  let filteredCols = [];
+  for (let i=0; i< shownCols.length; i++) {
+    if (_allColumnNames[colIndex] != shownCols[i].toLowerCase()) {
+      filteredCols.push(shownCols[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  TKR_getColspecElement().value = filteredCols.join(' ');
+  TKR_toggleColumn('hide_col_' + colIndex);
+  _ctxArgs = _formatContextQueryArgs();
+  window.history.replaceState({}, '', '?' + _ctxArgs);
+ * Convert a column into a groupby clause by removing it from the column spec
+ * and adding it to the groupby spec, then reloading the page.
+ * @param {number} colIndex index of the column that is being shown or hidden.
+ */
+function TKR_addGroupBy(colIndex) {
+  let colName = _allColumnNames[colIndex];
+  let shownCols = TKR_getColspecElement().value.split(' ');
+  let filteredCols = [];
+  for (var i=0; i < shownCols.length; i++) {
+    if (shownCols[i] && colName != shownCols[i].toLowerCase()) {
+      filteredCols.push(shownCols[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  TKR_getColspecElement().value = filteredCols.join(' ');
+  let groupSpec = $('groupbyspec');
+  let shownGroupings = groupSpec.value.split(' ');
+  let filteredGroupings = [];
+  for (i=0; i < shownGroupings.length; i++) {
+    if (shownGroupings[i] && colName != shownGroupings[i].toLowerCase()) {
+      filteredGroupings.push(shownGroupings[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  filteredGroupings.push(colName);
+  groupSpec.value = filteredGroupings.join(' ');
+  $('colspecform').submit();
+ * Add a multi-valued custom field editing widget.
+ */
+function TKR_addMultiFieldValueWidget(
+    el, field_id, field_type, opt_validate_1, opt_validate_2, field_phase_name) {
+  let widget = document.createElement('INPUT');
+ = (field_phase_name && (
+    field_phase_name != '')) ? `custom_${field_id}_${field_phase_name}` :
+    `custom_${field_id}`;
+  if (field_type == 'str' || field_type =='url') {
+    widget.size = 90;
+  }
+  if (field_type == 'user') {
+ = 'width:12em';
+    widget.classList.add('userautocomplete');
+    widget.classList.add('customfield');
+    widget.classList.add('multivalued');
+    widget.addEventListener('focus', function(event) {
+      _acrob(null);
+      _acof(event);
+    });
+  }
+  if (field_type == 'int' || field_type == 'date') {
+ = 'right';
+ = '12em';
+    widget.min = opt_validate_1;
+    widget.max = opt_validate_2;
+  }
+  if (field_type == 'int') {
+    widget.type = 'number';
+  } else if (field_type == 'date') {
+    widget.type = 'date';
+  }
+  el.parentNode.insertBefore(widget, el);
+  let del_button = document.createElement('U');
+  del_button.onclick = function(event) {
+    _removeMultiFieldValueWidget(;
+  };
+  del_button.textContent = 'X';
+  el.parentNode.insertBefore(del_button, el);
+function TKR_removeMultiFieldValueWidget(el) {
+  let target = el.previousSibling;
+  while (target && target.tagName != 'INPUT') {
+    target = target.previousSibling;
+  }
+  if (target) {
+    el.parentNode.removeChild(target);
+  }
+  el.parentNode.removeChild(el); // the X itself
+ * Trim trailing commas and spaces off <INPUT type="email" multiple> fields
+ * before submitting the form.
+ */
+function TKR_trimCommas() {
+  let ccField = $('memberccedit');
+  if (ccField) {
+    ccField.value = ccField.value.replace(/,\s*$/, '');
+  }
+  ccField = $('memberenter');
+  if (ccField) {
+    ccField.value = ccField.value.replace(/,\s*$/, '');
+  }
+ * Identify which issues have been checkedboxed for removal from hotlist.
+ */
+function HTL_removeIssues() {
+  let selectedLocalIDs = [];
+  for (let i = 0; i < issueRefs.length; i++) {
+    issueRef = issueRefs[i]['project_name']+':'+issueRefs[i]['id'];
+    let checkbox = document.getElementById('cb_' + issueRef);
+    if (checkbox && checkbox.checked) {
+      selectedLocalIDs.push(issueRef);
+    }
+  }
+  if (selectedLocalIDs.length > 0) {
+    if (!confirm('Remove all selected issues?')) {
+      return;
+    }
+    let selectedLocalIDString = selectedLocalIDs.join(',');
+    $('bulk_remove_local_ids').value = selectedLocalIDString;
+    $('bulk_remove_value').value = 'true';
+    setCurrentColSpec();
+    let form = $('bulkremoveissues');
+    form.submit();
+  } else {
+    alert('Please select some issues to remove');
+  }
+function setCurrentColSpec() {
+  $('current_col_spec').value = TKR_getColspecElement().value;
+async function saveNote(textBox, hotlistID) {
+  const projectName = textBox.getAttribute('projectname');
+  const localId = textBox.getAttribute('localid');
+  await
+      'monorail.Features', 'UpdateHotlistIssueNote', {
+        hotlistRef: {
+          hotlistId: hotlistID,
+        },
+        issueRef: {
+          projectName: textBox.getAttribute('projectname'),
+          localId: textBox.getAttribute('localid'),
+        },
+        note: textBox.value,
+      });
+  $(`itemnote_${projectName}_${localId}`).value = textBox.value;
+// TODO(jojwang): monorail:4291, integrate this into autocomplete process
+// to prevent calling ListStatuses twice.
+ * Load the status select element with possible project statuses.
+ */
+function TKR_loadStatusSelect(projectName, selectId, selected, isBulkEdit=false) {
+  const projectRequestMessage = {
+    project_name: projectName};
+  const statusesPromise =
+      'monorail.Projects', 'ListStatuses', projectRequestMessage);
+  statusesPromise.then((statusesResponse) => {
+    const jsonData = TKR_convertStatuses(statusesResponse);
+    const statusSelect = document.getElementById(selectId);
+    // An initial option with value='selected' had to be added in HTML
+    // to prevent TKR_isDirty() from registering a change in the select input
+    // even when the user has not selected a different value.
+    // That option needs to be removed otherwise, screenreaders will announce
+    // its existence.
+    while (statusSelect.firstChild) {
+      statusSelect.removeChild(statusSelect.firstChild);
+    }
+    // Add unrecognized status (can be empty status) to open statuses.
+    let selectedFound = false;
+ => {
+      if ( === selected) {
+        selectedFound = true;
+      }
+    });
+    if (!selectedFound) {
+{name: selected});
+    }
+    // Add open statuses.
+    if ( > 0) {
+      const openGroup =
+          statusSelect.appendChild(createStatusGroup('Open',, selected, isBulkEdit));
+    }
+    if (jsonData.closed.length > 0) {
+      statusSelect.appendChild(createStatusGroup('Closed', jsonData.closed, selected));
+    }
+  });
+function createStatusGroup(groupName, options, selected, isBulkEdit=false) {
+  const groupElement = document.createElement('optgroup');
+  groupElement.label = groupName;
+  options.forEach((option) => {
+    const opt = document.createElement('option');
+    opt.value =;
+    opt.selected = (selected === ? true : false;
+    // Special case for when opt represents an empty status.
+    if (opt.value === '') {
+      if (isBulkEdit) {
+        opt.textContent = '--- (no change)';
+        opt.setAttribute('aria-label', 'no change');
+      } else {
+        opt.textContent = '--- (empty status)';
+        opt.setAttribute('aria-label', 'empty status');
+      }
+    } else {
+      opt.textContent = option.doc ? `${} = ${option.doc}` :;
+    }
+    groupElement.appendChild(opt);
+  });
+  return groupElement;
+ * Generate DOM for a filter rules preview section.
+ */
+function renderFilterRulesSection(section_id, heading, value_why_list) {
+  let section = $(section_id);
+  while (section.firstChild) {
+    section.removeChild(section.firstChild);
+  }
+  if (value_why_list.length == 0) return false;
+  section.appendChild(document.createTextNode(heading + ': '));
+  for (let i = 0; i < value_why_list.length; ++i) {
+    if (i > 0) {
+      section.appendChild(document.createTextNode(', '));
+    }
+    let value = value_why_list[i].value;
+    let why = value_why_list[i].why;
+    let span = section.appendChild(
+        document.createElement('span'));
+    span.textContent = value;
+    if (why) span.setAttribute('title', why);
+  }
+  return true;
+ * Generate DOM for a filter rules preview section bullet list.
+ */
+function renderFilterRulesListSection(section_id, heading, value_why_list) {
+  let section = $(section_id);
+  while (section.firstChild) {
+    section.removeChild(section.firstChild);
+  }
+  if (value_why_list.length == 0) return false;
+  section.appendChild(document.createTextNode(heading + ': '));
+  let bulletList = document.createElement('ul');
+  section.appendChild(bulletList);
+  for (let i = 0; i < value_why_list.length; ++i) {
+    let listItem = document.createElement('li');
+    bulletList.appendChild(listItem);
+    let value = value_why_list[i].value;
+    let why = value_why_list[i].why;
+    let span = listItem.appendChild(
+        document.createElement('span'));
+    span.textContent = value;
+    if (why) span.setAttribute('title', why);
+  }
+  return true;
+ * Ask server to do a presubmit check and then display and warnings
+ * as the user edits an issue.
+ */
+function TKR_presubmit() {
+  const issue_form = (
+    document.forms.create_issue_form || document.forms.issue_update_form);
+  if (!issue_form) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const inputs = issue_form.querySelectorAll(
+      'input:not([type="file"]), textarea, select');
+  if (!inputs) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const valuesByName = new Map();
+  for (const key in inputs) {
+    if (!inputs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    const input = inputs[key];
+    if (input.type === 'checkbox' && !input.checked) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!valuesByName.has( {
+      valuesByName.set(, []);
+    }
+    valuesByName.get(;
+  }
+  const issueDelta = TKR_buildIssueDelta(valuesByName);
+  const issueRef = {project_name: window.CS_env.projectName};
+  if (valuesByName.has('id')) {
+    issueRef.local_id = valuesByName.get('id')[0];
+  }
+  const presubmitMessage = {
+    issue_ref: issueRef,
+    issue_delta: issueDelta,
+  };
+  const presubmitPromise =
+      'monorail.Issues', 'PresubmitIssue', presubmitMessage);
+  presubmitPromise.then((response) => {
+    $('owner_avail_state').style.display = (
+      response.ownerAvailabilityState ? '' : 'none');
+    $('owner_avail_state').className = (
+      'availability_' + response.ownerAvailabilityState);
+    $('owner_availability').textContent = response.ownerAvailability;
+    let derived_labels;
+    if (response.derivedLabels) {
+      derived_labels = renderFilterRulesSection(
+          'preview_filterrules_labels', 'Labels', response.derivedLabels);
+    }
+    let derived_owner_email;
+    if (response.derivedOwners) {
+      derived_owner_email = renderFilterRulesSection(
+          'preview_filterrules_owner', 'Owner', response.derivedOwners[0]);
+    }
+    let derived_cc_emails;
+    if (response.derivedCcs) {
+      derived_cc_emails = renderFilterRulesSection(
+          'preview_filterrules_ccs', 'Cc', response.derivedCcs);
+    }
+    let warnings;
+    if (response.warnings) {
+      warnings = renderFilterRulesListSection(
+          'preview_filterrules_warnings', 'Warnings', response.warnings);
+    }
+    let errors;
+    if (response.errors) {
+      errors = renderFilterRulesListSection(
+          'preview_filterrules_errors', 'Errors', response.errors);
+    }
+    if (derived_labels || derived_owner_email || derived_cc_emails ||
+        warnings || errors) {
+      $('preview_filterrules_area').style.display = '';
+    } else {
+      $('preview_filterrules_area').style.display = 'none';
+    }
+  });
+function HTL_deleteHotlist(form) {
+  if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this hotlist? This cannot be undone.')) {
+    $('delete').value = 'true';
+    form.submit();
+  }
+function HTL_toggleIssuesShown(toggleIssuesButton) {
+  const can = toggleIssuesButton.value;
+  const hotlist_name = $('hotlist_name').value;
+  let url = `${hotlist_name}?can=${can}`;
+  const hidden_cols = $('colcontrol').classList.value;
+  if (window.location.href.includes('&colspec') || hidden_cols) {
+    const colSpecElement =
+        TKR_getColspecElement(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
+    let sort = '';
+    if ($('sort')) {
+      sort = $('sort').value.split(' ').join('+');
+      url += `&sort=${sort}`;
+    }
+    url += colSpecElement ? `&colspec=${colSpecElement.value}` : '';
+  }
+  TKR_go(url);