Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide persistence for users.
+Business objects are described in
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import time
+import settings
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import sql
+from framework import validate
+from proto import user_pb2
+from services import caches
+    'user_id', 'email', 'is_site_admin', 'notify_issue_change',
+    'notify_starred_issue_change', 'email_compact_subject', 'email_view_widget',
+    'notify_starred_ping',
+    'banned', 'after_issue_update', 'keep_people_perms_open',
+    'preview_on_hover', 'obscure_email',
+    'last_visit_timestamp', 'email_bounce_timestamp', 'vacation_message']
+USERPREFS_COLS = ['user_id', 'name', 'value']
+HOTLISTVISITHISTORY_COLS = ['hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'viewed']
+LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS = ['parent_id', 'child_id']
+LINKEDACCOUNTINVITE_COLS = ['parent_id', 'child_id']
+class UserTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for User PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, user_service):
+    super(UserTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'user', 'user:', user_pb2.User,
+        max_size=settings.user_cache_max_size)
+    self.user_service = user_service
+  def _DeserializeUsersByID(self, user_rows, linkedaccount_rows):
+    """Convert database row tuples into User PBs.
+    Args:
+      user_rows: rows from the User DB table.
+      linkedaccount_rows: rows from the LinkedAccount DB table.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: user_pb} for all the users referenced in user_rows.
+    """
+    result_dict = {}
+    # Make one User PB for each row in user_rows.
+    for row in user_rows:
+      (user_id, email, is_site_admin,
+       notify_issue_change, notify_starred_issue_change,
+       email_compact_subject, email_view_widget, notify_starred_ping, banned,
+       after_issue_update, keep_people_perms_open, preview_on_hover,
+       obscure_email, last_visit_timestamp,
+       email_bounce_timestamp, vacation_message) = row
+      user = user_pb2.MakeUser(
+          user_id, email=email, obscure_email=obscure_email)
+      user.is_site_admin = bool(is_site_admin)
+      user.notify_issue_change = bool(notify_issue_change)
+      user.notify_starred_issue_change = bool(notify_starred_issue_change)
+      user.email_compact_subject = bool(email_compact_subject)
+      user.email_view_widget = bool(email_view_widget)
+      user.notify_starred_ping = bool(notify_starred_ping)
+      if banned:
+        user.banned = banned
+      if after_issue_update:
+        user.after_issue_update = user_pb2.IssueUpdateNav(
+            after_issue_update.upper())
+      user.keep_people_perms_open = bool(keep_people_perms_open)
+      user.preview_on_hover = bool(preview_on_hover)
+      user.last_visit_timestamp = last_visit_timestamp or 0
+      user.email_bounce_timestamp = email_bounce_timestamp or 0
+      if vacation_message:
+        user.vacation_message = vacation_message
+      result_dict[user_id] = user
+    # Put in any linked accounts.
+    for parent_id, child_id in linkedaccount_rows:
+      if parent_id in result_dict:
+        result_dict[parent_id].linked_child_ids.append(child_id)
+      if child_id in result_dict:
+        result_dict[child_id].linked_parent_id = parent_id
+    return result_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, retrieve User objects from the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      keys: list of user IDs to retrieve.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: user_pb} for each user that satisfies the conditions.
+    """
+    user_rows = self.user_service.user_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=USER_COLS, user_id=keys)
+    linkedaccount_rows = self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, parent_id=keys, child_id=keys,
+        or_where_conds=True)
+    return self._DeserializeUsersByID(user_rows, linkedaccount_rows)
+class UserPrefsTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for UserPrefs PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, user_service):
+    super(UserPrefsTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'user', 'userprefs:', user_pb2.UserPrefs,
+        max_size=settings.user_cache_max_size)
+    self.user_service = user_service
+  def _DeserializeUserPrefsByID(self, userprefs_rows):
+    """Convert database row tuples into UserPrefs PBs.
+    Args:
+      userprefs_rows: rows from the UserPrefs DB table.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: userprefs} for all the users in userprefs_rows.
+    """
+    result_dict = {}
+    # Make one UserPrefs PB for each row in userprefs_rows.
+    for row in userprefs_rows:
+      (user_id, name, value) = row
+      if user_id not in result_dict:
+        userprefs = user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=user_id)
+        result_dict[user_id] = userprefs
+      else:
+        userprefs = result_dict[user_id]
+      userprefs.prefs.append(user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name=name, value=value))
+    return result_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, retrieve UserPrefs objects from the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      keys: list of user IDs to retrieve.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: userprefs} for each user.
+    """
+    userprefs_rows = self.user_service.userprefs_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=USERPREFS_COLS, user_id=keys)
+    return self._DeserializeUserPrefsByID(userprefs_rows)
+class UserService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for all user data."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    """Constructor.
+    Args:
+      cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+    """
+    self.user_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USER_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.userprefs_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USERPREFS_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(LINKEDACCOUNT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    # Like a dictionary {user_id: email}
+    self.email_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'user', max_size=50000)
+    # Like a dictionary {email: user_id}.
+    # This will never invaidate, and it doesn't need to.
+    self.user_id_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'user', max_size=50000)
+    # Like a dictionary {user_id: user_pb}
+    self.user_2lc = UserTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    # Like a dictionary {user_id: userprefs}
+    self.userprefs_2lc = UserPrefsTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+  ### Creating users
+  def _CreateUsers(self, cnxn, emails):
+    """Create many users in the database."""
+    emails = [email.lower() for email in emails]
+    ids = [framework_helpers.MurmurHash3_x86_32(email) for email in emails]
+    row_values = [
+      (user_id, email, not framework_bizobj.IsPriviledgedDomainUser(email))
+      for (user_id, email) in zip(ids, emails)]
+    self.user_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['user_id', 'email', 'obscure_email'], row_values)
+    self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, ids)
+  ### Lookup of user ID and email address
+  def LookupUserEmails(self, cnxn, user_ids, ignore_missed=False):
+    """Return a dict of email addresses for the given user IDs.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of int user IDs to look up.
+      ignore_missed: if True, does not throw NoSuchUserException, when there
+        are users not found for some user_ids.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: email_addr} for all the requested IDs.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if any requested user cannot be found
+         and ignore_missed is False.
+    """
+    self.email_cache.CacheItem(framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED, '')
+    emails_dict, missed_ids = self.email_cache.GetAll(user_ids)
+    if missed_ids:
+'got %d user emails from cache', len(emails_dict))
+      rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'email'], user_id=missed_ids)
+      retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
+'looked up users %r', retrieved_dict)
+      self.email_cache.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+      emails_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+    # Check if there are any that we could not find.  ID 0 means "no user".
+    nonexist_ids = [user_id for user_id in user_ids
+                    if user_id and user_id not in emails_dict]
+    if nonexist_ids:
+      if ignore_missed:
+'No email addresses found for users %r' % nonexist_ids)
+      else:
+        raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException(
+            'No email addresses found for users %r' % nonexist_ids)
+    return emails_dict
+  def LookupUserEmail(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Get the email address of the given user.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_id: int user ID of the user whose email address is needed.
+    Returns:
+      String email address of that user or None if user_id is invalid.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if no email address was found for that
+      user.
+    """
+    if not user_id:
+      return None
+    emails_dict = self.LookupUserEmails(cnxn, [user_id])
+    return emails_dict[user_id]
+  def LookupExistingUserIDs(self, cnxn, emails):
+    """Return a dict of user IDs for the given emails for users that exist.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      emails: list of string email addresses.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {email_addr: user_id} for the requested emails.
+    """
+    # Look up these users in the RAM cache
+    user_id_dict, missed_emails = self.user_id_cache.GetAll(emails)
+    # Hit the DB to lookup any user IDs that were not cached.
+    if missed_emails:
+      rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'], email=missed_emails)
+      retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
+      # Cache all the user IDs that we retrieved to make later requests faster.
+      self.user_id_cache.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+      user_id_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+    return user_id_dict
+  def LookupUserIDs(self, cnxn, emails, autocreate=False,
+                    allowgroups=False):
+    """Return a dict of user IDs for the given emails.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      emails: list of string email addresses.
+      autocreate: set to True to create users that were not found.
+      allowgroups: set to True to allow non-email user name for group
+      creation.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {email_addr: user_id} for the requested emails.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if some users were not found and
+          autocreate is False.
+    """
+    # Skip any addresses that look like "--" or are empty,
+    # because that means "no user".
+    # Also, make sure all email addresses are lower case.
+    needed_emails = [email.lower() for email in emails
+                     if email
+                     and not framework_constants.NO_VALUE_RE.match(email)]
+    # Look up these users in the RAM cache
+    user_id_dict = self.LookupExistingUserIDs(cnxn, needed_emails)
+    if len(needed_emails) == len(user_id_dict):
+      return user_id_dict
+    # If any were not found in the DB, create them or raise an exception.
+    nonexist_emails = [email for email in needed_emails
+                       if email not in user_id_dict]
+'nonexist_emails: %r, autocreate is %r',
+                 nonexist_emails, autocreate)
+    if not autocreate:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('%r' % nonexist_emails)
+    if not allowgroups:
+      # Only create accounts for valid email addresses.
+      nonexist_emails = [email for email in nonexist_emails
+                         if validate.IsValidEmail(email)]
+      if not nonexist_emails:
+        return user_id_dict
+    self._CreateUsers(cnxn, nonexist_emails)
+    created_rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
+      cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'], email=nonexist_emails)
+    created_dict = dict(created_rows)
+    # Cache all the user IDs that we retrieved to make later requests faster.
+    self.user_id_cache.CacheAll(created_dict)
+    user_id_dict.update(created_dict)
+'looked up User IDs %r', user_id_dict)
+    return user_id_dict
+  def LookupUserID(self, cnxn, email, autocreate=False, allowgroups=False):
+    """Get one user ID for the given email address.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      email: string email address of the user to look up.
+      autocreate: set to True to create users that were not found.
+      allowgroups: set to True to allow non-email user name for group
+          creation.
+    Returns:
+      The int user ID of the specified user.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException if the user was not found and autocreate
+          is False.
+    """
+    email = email.lower()
+    email_dict = self.LookupUserIDs(
+        cnxn, [email], autocreate=autocreate, allowgroups=allowgroups)
+    if email not in email_dict:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('%r not found' % email)
+    return email_dict[email]
+  ### Retrieval of user objects: with preferences and cues
+  def GetUsersByIDs(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True, skip_missed=False):
+    """Return a dictionary of retrieved User PBs.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of user IDs to fetch.
+      use_cache: set to False to ignore cache and force DB lookup.
+      skip_missed: set to True if default User objects for missed_ids should
+          not be created.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: user_pb} for each specified user ID.  For any user ID
+      that is not fount in the DB, a default User PB is created on-the-fly.
+    """
+    # Check the RAM cache and memcache, as appropriate.
+    result_dict, missed_ids = self.user_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    # TODO(crbug/monorail/7367): Never create default values for missed_ids
+    # once we remove all code paths that hit this. See bug for more info.
+    # Any new code that calls this method, should not rely on this
+    # functionality.
+    if missed_ids and not skip_missed:
+      # Provide default values for any user ID that was not found.
+      result_dict.update(
+          (user_id, user_pb2.MakeUser(user_id)) for user_id in missed_ids)
+    return result_dict
+  def GetUser(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Load the specified user from the user details table."""
+    return self.GetUsersByIDs(cnxn, [user_id])[user_id]
+  ### Updating user objects
+  def UpdateUser(self, cnxn, user_id, user):
+    """Store a user PB in the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_id: int user ID of the user to update.
+      user: User PB to store.
+    Returns:
+      Nothing.
+    """
+    if not user_id:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('Cannot update anonymous user')
+    delta = {
+        'is_site_admin': user.is_site_admin,
+        'notify_issue_change': user.notify_issue_change,
+        'notify_starred_issue_change': user.notify_starred_issue_change,
+        'email_compact_subject': user.email_compact_subject,
+        'email_view_widget': user.email_view_widget,
+        'notify_starred_ping': user.notify_starred_ping,
+        'banned': user.banned,
+        'after_issue_update': str(user.after_issue_update or 'UP_TO_LIST'),
+        'keep_people_perms_open': user.keep_people_perms_open,
+        'preview_on_hover': user.preview_on_hover,
+        'obscure_email': user.obscure_email,
+        'last_visit_timestamp': user.last_visit_timestamp,
+        'email_bounce_timestamp': user.email_bounce_timestamp,
+        'vacation_message': user.vacation_message,
+        }
+    # Start sending UPDATE statements, but don't COMMIT until the end.
+    self.user_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, user_id=user_id, commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [user_id])
+  def UpdateUserBan(
+      self, cnxn, user_id, user,
+      is_banned=None, banned_reason=None):
+    if is_banned is not None:
+      if is_banned:
+        user.banned = banned_reason or 'No reason given'
+      else:
+        user.reset('banned')
+    # Write the user settings to the database.
+    self.UpdateUser(cnxn, user_id, user)
+  def GetRecentlyVisitedHotlists(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    recent_hotlist_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id'], user_id=[user_id],
+        order_by=[('viewed DESC', [])], limit=10)
+    return [row[0] for row in recent_hotlist_rows]
+  def AddVisitedHotlist(self, cnxn, user_id, hotlist_id, commit=True):
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, user_id=user_id, commit=False)
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.InsertRows(
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, int(time.time()))],
+        commit=commit)
+  def ExpungeHotlistsFromHistory(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, commit=True):
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+  def ExpungeUsersHotlistsHistory(self, cnxn, user_ids, commit=True):
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+  def TrimUserVisitedHotlists(self, cnxn, commit=True):
+    """For any user who has visited more than 10 hotlists, trim history."""
+    user_id_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id'], group_by=['user_id'],
+        having=[('COUNT(*) > %s', [10])], limit=1000)
+    for user_id in [row[0] for row in user_id_rows]:
+      viewed_hotlist_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn,
+          cols=['viewed'],
+          user_id=user_id,
+          order_by=[('viewed DESC', [])])
+      if len(viewed_hotlist_rows) > 10:
+        cut_off_date = viewed_hotlist_rows[9][0]
+        self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(
+            cnxn,
+            user_id=user_id,
+            where=[('viewed < %s', [cut_off_date])],
+            commit=commit)
+  ### Linked account invites
+  def GetPendingLinkedInvites(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Return lists of accounts that have invited this account."""
+    if not user_id:
+      return [], []
+    invite_rows = self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNTINVITE_COLS, parent_id=user_id,
+        child_id=user_id, or_where_conds=True)
+    invite_as_parent = [row[1] for row in invite_rows
+                        if row[0] == user_id]
+    invite_as_child = [row[0] for row in invite_rows
+                       if row[1] == user_id]
+    return invite_as_parent, invite_as_child
+  def _AssertNotAlreadyLinked(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+    """Check constraints on our linked account graph."""
+    # Our linked account graph should be no more than one level deep.
+    parent_is_already_a_child = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, child_id=parent_id)
+    if parent_is_already_a_child:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is already a child')
+    child_is_already_a_parent = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, parent_id=child_id)
+    if child_is_already_a_parent:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is already a parent')
+    # A child account can only be linked to one parent.
+    child_is_already_a_child = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, child_id=child_id)
+    if child_is_already_a_child:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is already linked')
+  def InviteLinkedParent(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+    """Child stores an invite for the proposed parent user to consider."""
+    if not parent_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
+    if not child_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
+    self._AssertNotAlreadyLinked(cnxn, parent_id, child_id)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+  def AcceptLinkedChild(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+    """Parent accepts an invite from a child account."""
+    if not parent_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
+    if not child_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
+    # Check that the child has previously created an invite for this parent.
+    invite_rows = self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select(
+        parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+    if not invite_rows:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('No such invite')
+    self._AssertNotAlreadyLinked(cnxn, parent_id, child_id)
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+    self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [parent_id, child_id])
+  def UnlinkAccounts(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+    """Delete a linked-account relationship."""
+    if not parent_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
+    if not child_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+    self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [parent_id, child_id])
+  ### User settings
+  # Settings are details about a user account that are usually needed
+  # every time that user is displayed to another user.
+  # TODO(jrobbins): Move most of these into UserPrefs.
+  def UpdateUserSettings(
+      self, cnxn, user_id, user, notify=None, notify_starred=None,
+      email_compact_subject=None, email_view_widget=None,
+      notify_starred_ping=None, obscure_email=None, after_issue_update=None,
+      is_site_admin=None, is_banned=None, banned_reason=None,
+      keep_people_perms_open=None, preview_on_hover=None,
+      vacation_message=None):
+    """Update the preferences of the specified user.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_id: int user ID of the user whose settings we are updating.
+      user: User PB of user before changes are applied.
+      keyword args: dictionary of setting names mapped to new values.
+    Returns:
+      The user's new User PB.
+    """
+    # notifications
+    if notify is not None:
+      user.notify_issue_change = notify
+    if notify_starred is not None:
+      user.notify_starred_issue_change = notify_starred
+    if notify_starred_ping is not None:
+      user.notify_starred_ping = notify_starred_ping
+    if email_compact_subject is not None:
+      user.email_compact_subject = email_compact_subject
+    if email_view_widget is not None:
+      user.email_view_widget = email_view_widget
+    # display options
+    if after_issue_update is not None:
+      user.after_issue_update = user_pb2.IssueUpdateNav(after_issue_update)
+    if preview_on_hover is not None:
+      user.preview_on_hover = preview_on_hover
+    if keep_people_perms_open is not None:
+      user.keep_people_perms_open = keep_people_perms_open
+    # misc
+    if obscure_email is not None:
+      user.obscure_email = obscure_email
+    # admin
+    if is_site_admin is not None:
+      user.is_site_admin = is_site_admin
+    if is_banned is not None:
+      if is_banned:
+        user.banned = banned_reason or 'No reason given'
+      else:
+        user.reset('banned')
+    # user availability
+    if vacation_message is not None:
+      user.vacation_message = vacation_message
+    # Write the user settings to the database.
+    self.UpdateUser(cnxn, user_id, user)
+  ### User preferences
+  # These are separate from settings in the User objects because they are
+  # only needed for the currently signed in user.
+  def GetUsersPrefs(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True):
+    """Return {user_id: userprefs} for the requested user IDs."""
+    prefs_dict, misses = self.userprefs_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    # Make sure that every user is represented in the result.
+    for user_id in misses:
+      prefs_dict[user_id] = user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=user_id)
+    return prefs_dict
+  def GetUserPrefs(self, cnxn, user_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Return a UserPrefs PB for the requested user ID."""
+    prefs_dict = self.GetUsersPrefs(cnxn, [user_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return prefs_dict[user_id]
+  def GetUserPrefsByEmail(self, cnxn, email, use_cache=True):
+    """Return a UserPrefs PB for the requested email, or an empty UserPrefs."""
+    try:
+      user_id = self.LookupUserID(cnxn, email)
+      user_prefs = self.GetUserPrefs(cnxn, user_id, use_cache=use_cache)
+    except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+      user_prefs = user_pb2.UserPrefs()
+    return user_prefs
+  def SetUserPrefs(self, cnxn, user_id, pref_values):
+    """Store the given list of UserPrefValues."""
+    userprefs_rows = [(user_id,, upv.value) for upv in pref_values]
+    self.userprefs_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, USERPREFS_COLS, userprefs_rows, replace=True)
+    self.userprefs_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [user_id])
+  ### Expunge all User Data from DB
+  def ExpungeUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+    """Completely wipes user data from User DB tables for given users.
+    This method will not commit the operation. This method will not make
+    changes to in-memory data.
+    NOTE: This method ends with an operation that deletes user rows. If
+    appropriate methods that remove references to the User table rows are
+    not called before, the commit will fail. See work_env.ExpungeUsers
+    for more info.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of user_ids for users we want to delete.
+    """
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete(cnxn, parent_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete(cnxn, child_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete(cnxn, parent_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete(cnxn, child_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.userprefs_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.user_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+  def TotalUsersCount(self, cnxn):
+    """Returns the total number of rows in the User table.
+    The placeholder User reserved for representing deleted users within Monorail
+    will not be counted.
+    """
+    # Subtract one so we don't count the deleted user with
+    # with user_id = framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID
+    return (self.user_tbl.SelectValue(cnxn, col='COUNT(*)')) - 1
+  def GetAllUserEmailsBatch(self, cnxn, limit=1000, offset=0):
+    """Returns a list of user emails.
+    This method can be used for listing all user emails in Monorail's DB.
+    The list will contain at most [limit] emails, and be ordered by
+    user_id. The list will start at the given offset value. The email for
+    the placeholder User reserved for representing deleted users within
+    Monorail will never be returned.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      limit: limit on the number of emails returned, defaults to 1000.
+      offset: starting index of the list, defaults to 0.
+    """
+    rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['email'],
+        limit=limit,
+        offset=offset,
+        where=[('user_id != %s', [framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID])],
+        order_by=[('user_id ASC', [])])
+    return [row[0] for row in rows]