Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
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index 0000000..9a62cb9
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+""" Set of functions for detaling with spam reports.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import settings
+import sys
+from collections import defaultdict
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from framework import sql
+from framework import framework_constants
+from infra_libs import ts_mon
+from services import ml_helpers
+ISSUE_TABLE = 'Issue'
+REASON_MANUAL = 'manual'
+REASON_THRESHOLD = 'threshold'
+REASON_CLASSIFIER = 'classifier'
+REASON_FAIL_OPEN = 'fail_open'
+SPAMREPORT_ISSUE_COLS = ['issue_id', 'reported_user_id', 'user_id']
+SPAMVERDICT_ISSUE_COL = ['created', 'content_created', 'user_id',
+                         'reported_user_id', 'comment_id', 'issue_id']
+MANUALVERDICT_ISSUE_COLS = ['user_id', 'issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason',
+    'project_id']
+THRESHVERDICT_ISSUE_COLS = ['issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'project_id']
+SPAMREPORT_COMMENT_COLS = ['comment_id', 'reported_user_id', 'user_id']
+MANUALVERDICT_COMMENT_COLS = ['user_id', 'comment_id', 'is_spam', 'reason',
+    'project_id']
+THRESHVERDICT_COMMENT_COLS = ['comment_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'project_id']
+class SpamService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for spam reports."""
+  issue_actions = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/spam_svc/issue', 'Count of things that happen to issues.', [
+          ts_mon.StringField('type'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('reporter_id'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('issue')
+      ])
+  comment_actions = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/spam_svc/comment', 'Count of things that happen to comments.', [
+          ts_mon.StringField('type'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('reporter_id'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('issue'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('comment_id')
+      ])
+  ml_engine_failures = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/spam_svc/ml_engine_failure',
+      'Failures calling the ML Engine API',
+      None)
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.report_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(SPAMREPORT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.verdict_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(SPAMVERDICT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE_TABLE)
+    # ML Engine library is lazy loaded below.
+    self.ml_engine = None
+  def LookupIssuesFlaggers(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Returns users who've reported the issues or their comments as spam.
+    Returns a dictionary {issue_id: (issue_reporters, comment_reporters)}
+    issue_reportes is a list of users who flagged the issue;
+    comment_reporters element is a dictionary {comment_id: [user_ids]} where
+    user_ids are the users who flagged that comment.
+    """
+    rows = self.report_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'user_id', 'comment_id'],
+        issue_id=issue_ids)
+    reporters = collections.defaultdict(
+        # Return a tuple of (issue_reporters, comment_reporters) as described
+        # above.
+        lambda: ([], collections.defaultdict(list)))
+    for row in rows:
+      issue_id = int(row[0])
+      user_id = row[1]
+      if row[2]:
+        comment_id = row[2]
+        reporters[issue_id][1][comment_id].append(user_id)
+      else:
+        reporters[issue_id][0].append(user_id)
+    return reporters
+  def LookupIssueFlaggers(self, cnxn, issue_id):
+    """Returns users who've reported the issue or its comments as spam.
+    Returns a tuple. First element is a list of users who flagged the issue;
+    second element is a dictionary of comment id to a list of users who flagged
+    that comment.
+    """
+    return self.LookupIssuesFlaggers(cnxn, [issue_id])[issue_id]
+  def LookupIssueFlagCounts(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Returns a map of issue_id to flag counts"""
+    rows = self.report_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'COUNT(*)'],
+                                  issue_id=issue_ids, group_by=['issue_id'])
+    counts = {}
+    for row in rows:
+      counts[int(row[0])] = row[1]
+    return counts
+  def LookupIssueVerdicts(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Returns a map of issue_id to most recent spam verdicts"""
+    rows = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+                                   cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+                                   issue_id=issue_ids, comment_id=None,
+                                   group_by=['issue_id'])
+    counts = {}
+    for row in rows:
+      counts[int(row[0])] = row[1]
+    return counts
+  def LookupIssueVerdictHistory(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Returns a map of issue_id to most recent spam verdicts"""
+    rows = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=[
+        'issue_id', 'reason', 'created', 'is_spam', 'classifier_confidence',
+            'user_id', 'overruled'],
+        issue_id=issue_ids, order_by=[('issue_id', []), ('created', [])])
+    # TODO: group by issue_id, make class instead of dict for verdict.
+    verdicts = []
+    for row in rows:
+      verdicts.append({
+        'issue_id': row[0],
+        'reason': row[1],
+        'created': row[2],
+        'is_spam': row[3],
+        'classifier_confidence': row[4],
+        'user_id': row[5],
+        'overruled': row[6],
+      })
+    return verdicts
+  def LookupCommentVerdictHistory(self, cnxn, comment_ids):
+    """Returns a map of issue_id to most recent spam verdicts"""
+    rows = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=[
+        'comment_id', 'reason', 'created', 'is_spam', 'classifier_confidence',
+            'user_id', 'overruled'],
+        comment_id=comment_ids, order_by=[('comment_id', []), ('created', [])])
+    # TODO: group by comment_id, make class instead of dict for verdict.
+    verdicts = []
+    for row in rows:
+      verdicts.append({
+        'comment_id': row[0],
+        'reason': row[1],
+        'created': row[2],
+        'is_spam': row[3],
+        'classifier_confidence': row[4],
+        'user_id': row[5],
+        'overruled': row[6],
+      })
+    return verdicts
+  def FlagIssues(self, cnxn, issue_service, issues, reporting_user_id,
+                 flagged_spam):
+    """Creates or deletes a spam report on an issue."""
+    verdict_updates = []
+    if flagged_spam:
+      rows = [(issue.issue_id, issue.reporter_id, reporting_user_id)
+          for issue in issues]
+      self.report_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, SPAMREPORT_ISSUE_COLS, rows,
+          ignore=True)
+    else:
+      issue_ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+      self.report_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, issue_id=issue_ids, user_id=reporting_user_id,
+          comment_id=None)
+    project_id = issues[0].project_id
+    # Now record new verdicts and update issue.is_spam, if they've changed.
+    ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+    counts = self.LookupIssueFlagCounts(cnxn, ids)
+    previous_verdicts = self.LookupIssueVerdicts(cnxn, ids)
+    for issue_id in counts:
+      # If the flag counts changed enough to toggle the is_spam bit, need to
+      # record a new verdict and update the Issue.
+      # No number of user spam flags can overturn an admin's verdict.
+      if previous_verdicts.get(issue_id) == REASON_MANUAL:
+        continue
+      # If enough spam flags come in, mark the issue as spam.
+      if (flagged_spam and counts[issue_id] >= settings.spam_flag_thresh):
+        verdict_updates.append(issue_id)
+    if len(verdict_updates) == 0:
+      return
+    # Some of the issues may have exceed the flag threshold, so issue verdicts
+    # and mark as spam in those cases.
+    rows = [(issue_id, flagged_spam, REASON_THRESHOLD, project_id)
+        for issue_id in verdict_updates]
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, THRESHVERDICT_ISSUE_COLS, rows,
+        ignore=True)
+    update_issues = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      if issue.issue_id in verdict_updates:
+        issue.is_spam = flagged_spam
+        update_issues.append(issue)
+    if flagged_spam:
+      for issue in update_issues:
+        issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+        self.issue_actions.increment(
+            {
+                'type': 'flag',
+                'reporter_id': str(reporting_user_id),
+                'issue': issue_ref
+            })
+    issue_service.UpdateIssues(cnxn, update_issues, update_cols=['is_spam'])
+  def FlagComment(
+      self, cnxn, issue, comment_id, reported_user_id, reporting_user_id,
+      flagged_spam):
+    """Creates or deletes a spam report on a comment."""
+    # TODO(seanmccullough): Bulk comment flagging? There's no UI for that.
+    if flagged_spam:
+      self.report_tbl.InsertRow(
+          cnxn,
+          ignore=True,
+          issue_id=issue.issue_id,
+          comment_id=comment_id,
+          reported_user_id=reported_user_id,
+          user_id=reporting_user_id)
+      issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.comment_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'flag',
+              'reporter_id': str(reporting_user_id),
+              'issue': issue_ref,
+              'comment_id': str(comment_id)
+          })
+    else:
+      self.report_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn,
+          issue_id=issue.issue_id,
+          comment_id=comment_id,
+          user_id=reporting_user_id)
+  def RecordClassifierIssueVerdict(self, cnxn, issue, is_spam, confidence,
+        fail_open):
+    reason = REASON_FAIL_OPEN if fail_open else REASON_CLASSIFIER
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn, issue_id=issue.issue_id, is_spam=is_spam,
+        reason=reason, classifier_confidence=confidence,
+        project_id=issue.project_id)
+    if is_spam:
+      issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.issue_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'classifier',
+              'reporter_id': 'classifier',
+              'issue': issue_ref
+          })
+    # This is called at issue creation time, so there's nothing else to do here.
+  def RecordManualIssueVerdicts(self, cnxn, issue_service, issues, user_id,
+                                is_spam):
+    rows = [(user_id, issue.issue_id, is_spam, REASON_MANUAL, issue.project_id)
+        for issue in issues]
+    issue_ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+    # Overrule all previous verdicts.
+    self.verdict_tbl.Update(cnxn, {'overruled': True}, [
+        ('issue_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(issue_ids), issue_ids)
+        ], commit=False)
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, MANUALVERDICT_ISSUE_COLS, rows,
+        ignore=True)
+    for issue in issues:
+      issue.is_spam = is_spam
+    if is_spam:
+      for issue in issues:
+        issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.issue_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'manual',
+              'reporter_id': str(user_id),
+              'issue': issue_ref
+          })
+    else:
+      issue_service.AllocateNewLocalIDs(cnxn, issues)
+    # This will commit the transaction.
+    issue_service.UpdateIssues(cnxn, issues, update_cols=['is_spam'])
+  def RecordManualCommentVerdict(self, cnxn, issue_service, user_service,
+        comment_id, user_id, is_spam):
+    # TODO(seanmccullough): Bulk comment verdicts? There's no UI for that.
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn, ignore=True,
+      user_id=user_id, comment_id=comment_id, is_spam=is_spam,
+      reason=REASON_MANUAL)
+    comment = issue_service.GetComment(cnxn, comment_id)
+    comment.is_spam = is_spam
+    issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, comment.issue_id, use_cache=False)
+    issue_service.SoftDeleteComment(
+        cnxn, issue, comment, user_id, user_service, is_spam, True, is_spam)
+    if is_spam:
+      issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.comment_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'manual',
+              'reporter_id': str(user_id),
+              'issue': issue_ref,
+              'comment_id': str(comment_id)
+          })
+  def RecordClassifierCommentVerdict(
+      self, cnxn, issue_service, comment, is_spam, confidence, fail_open):
+    reason = REASON_FAIL_OPEN if fail_open else REASON_CLASSIFIER
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn,, is_spam=is_spam,
+        reason=reason, classifier_confidence=confidence,
+        project_id=comment.project_id)
+    if is_spam:
+      issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, comment.issue_id, use_cache=False)
+      issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.comment_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'classifier',
+              'reporter_id': 'classifier',
+              'issue': issue_ref,
+              'comment_id': str(
+          })
+  def _predict(self, instance):
+    """Requests a prediction from the ML Engine API.
+    Sample API response:
+      {'predictions': [{
+        'classes': ['0', '1'],
+        'scores': [0.4986788034439087, 0.5013211965560913]
+      }]}
+    This hits the default model.
+    Returns:
+      A floating point number representing the confidence
+      the instance is spam.
+    """
+    model_name = 'projects/%s/models/%s' % (
+      settings.classifier_project_id, settings.spam_model_name)
+    body = {'instances': [{"inputs": instance["word_hashes"]}]}
+    if not self.ml_engine:
+      self.ml_engine = ml_helpers.setup_ml_engine()
+    request = self.ml_engine.projects().predict(name=model_name, body=body)
+    response = request.execute()
+'ML Engine API response: %r' % response)
+    prediction = response['predictions'][0]
+    # Ensure the class confidence we return is for the spam, not the ham label.
+    # The spam label, '1', is usually at index 1 but I'm not sure of any
+    # guarantees around label order.
+    if prediction['classes'][1] == SPAM_CLASS_LABEL:
+      return prediction['scores'][1]
+    elif prediction['classes'][0] == SPAM_CLASS_LABEL:
+      return prediction['scores'][0]
+    else:
+      raise Exception('No predicted classes found.')
+  def _IsExempt(self, author, is_project_member):
+    """Return True if the user is exempt from spam checking."""
+    if is not None and
+        settings.spam_allowlisted_suffixes):
+'%s allowlisted from spam filtering',
+      return True
+    if is_project_member:
+'%s is a project member, assuming ham',
+      return True
+    return False
+  def ClassifyIssue(self, issue, firstComment, reporter, is_project_member):
+    """Classify an issue as either spam or ham.
+    Args:
+      issue: the Issue.
+      firstComment: the first Comment on issue.
+      reporter: User PB for the Issue reporter.
+      is_project_member: True if reporter is a member of issue's project.
+    Returns a JSON dict of classifier prediction results from
+    the ML Engine API.
+    """
+    instance = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(
+        [issue.summary, firstComment.content],
+        settings.spam_feature_hashes)
+    return self._classify(instance, reporter, is_project_member)
+  def ClassifyComment(self, comment_content, commenter, is_project_member=True):
+    """Classify a comment as either spam or ham.
+    Args:
+      comment: the comment text.
+      commenter: User PB for the user who authored the comment.
+    Returns a JSON dict of classifier prediction results from
+    the ML Engine API.
+    """
+    instance = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(
+        ['', comment_content],
+        settings.spam_feature_hashes)
+    return self._classify(instance, commenter, is_project_member)
+  def _classify(self, instance, author, is_project_member):
+    # Fail-safe: not spam.
+    result = self.ham_classification()
+    if self._IsExempt(author, is_project_member):
+      return result
+    if not self.ml_engine:
+      self.ml_engine = ml_helpers.setup_ml_engine()
+    # If setup_ml_engine returns None, it failed to init.
+    if not self.ml_engine:
+      logging.error("ML Engine not initialized.")
+      self.ml_engine_failures.increment()
+      result['failed_open'] = True
+      return result
+    remaining_retries = 3
+    while remaining_retries > 0:
+      try:
+        result['confidence_is_spam'] = self._predict(instance)
+        result['failed_open'] = False
+        return result
+      except Exception as ex:
+        remaining_retries = remaining_retries - 1
+        self.ml_engine_failures.increment()
+        logging.error('Error calling ML Engine API: %s' % ex)
+      result['failed_open'] = True
+    return result
+  def ham_classification(self):
+    return {'confidence_is_spam': 0.0,
+            'failed_open': False}
+  def GetIssueClassifierQueue(
+      self, cnxn, _issue_service, project_id, offset=0, limit=10):
+    """Returns list of recent issues with spam verdicts,
+     ranked in ascending order of confidence (so uncertain items are first).
+     """
+    # TODO(seanmccullough): Optimize pagination. This query probably gets
+    # slower as the number of SpamVerdicts grows, regardless of offset
+    # and limit values used here.  Using offset,limit in general may not
+    # be the best way to do this.
+    issue_results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn,
+        cols=[
+            'issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'classifier_confidence', 'created'
+        ],
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+            (
+                'classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ],
+        order_by=[
+            ('classifier_confidence ASC', []),
+            ('created ASC', []),
+        ],
+        group_by=['issue_id'],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit,
+    )
+    ret = []
+    for row in issue_results:
+      ret.append(
+          ModerationItem(
+              issue_id=int(row[0]),
+              is_spam=row[1] == 1,
+              reason=row[2],
+              classifier_confidence=row[3],
+              verdict_time='%s' % row[4],
+          ))
+    count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(*)',
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+            (
+                'classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ])
+    return ret, count
+  def GetIssueFlagQueue(
+      self, cnxn, _issue_service, project_id, offset=0, limit=10):
+    """Returns list of recent issues that have been flagged by users"""
+    issue_flags = self.report_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn,
+        cols=[
+            "Issue.project_id", "Report.issue_id", "count(*) as count",
+            "max(Report.created) as latest",
+            "count(distinct Report.user_id) as users"
+        ],
+        left_joins=["Issue ON = Report.issue_id"],
+        where=[
+            ('Report.issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+            ("Issue.project_id == %v", [project_id])
+        ],
+        order_by=[('count DESC', [])],
+        group_by=['Report.issue_id'],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit)
+    ret = []
+    for row in issue_flags:
+      ret.append(
+          ModerationItem(
+              project_id=row[0],
+              issue_id=row[1],
+              count=row[2],
+              latest_report=row[3],
+              num_users=row[4],
+          ))
+    count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(DISTINCT Report.issue_id)',
+        where=[('Issue.project_id = %s', [project_id])],
+        left_joins=["Issue ON = SpamReport.issue_id"])
+    return ret, count
+  def GetCommentClassifierQueue(
+      self, cnxn, _issue_service, project_id, offset=0, limit=10):
+    """Returns list of recent comments with spam verdicts,
+     ranked in ascending order of confidence (so uncertain items are first).
+     """
+    # TODO(seanmccullough): Optimize pagination. This query probably gets
+    # slower as the number of SpamVerdicts grows, regardless of offset
+    # and limit values used here.  Using offset,limit in general may not
+    # be the best way to do this.
+    comment_results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn,
+        cols=[
+            'issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'classifier_confidence', 'created'
+        ],
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+            (
+                'classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('comment_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ],
+        order_by=[
+            ('classifier_confidence ASC', []),
+            ('created ASC', []),
+        ],
+        group_by=['comment_id'],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit,
+    )
+    ret = []
+    for row in comment_results:
+      ret.append(
+          ModerationItem(
+              comment_id=int(row[0]),
+              is_spam=row[1] == 1,
+              reason=row[2],
+              classifier_confidence=row[3],
+              verdict_time='%s' % row[4],
+          ))
+    count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(*)',
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+            (
+                'classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('comment_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ])
+    return ret, count
+  def GetTrainingIssues(self, cnxn, issue_service, since, offset=0, limit=100):
+    """Returns list of recent issues with human-labeled spam/ham verdicts.
+    """
+    # get all of the manual verdicts in the past day.
+    results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id'],
+        where=[
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('reason = %s', ['manual']),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+            ('created > %s', [since.isoformat()]),
+        ],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit,
+        )
+    issue_ids = [int(row[0]) for row in results if row[0]]
+    issues = issue_service.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+    comments = issue_service.GetCommentsForIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+    first_comments = {}
+    for issue in issues:
+      first_comments[issue.issue_id] = (comments[issue.issue_id][0].content
+          if issue.issue_id in comments else "[Empty]")
+    count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(*)',
+        where=[
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('reason = %s', ['manual']),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+            ('created > %s', [since.isoformat()]),
+        ])
+    return issues, first_comments, count
+  def GetTrainingComments(self, cnxn, issue_service, since, offset=0,
+      limit=100):
+    """Returns list of recent comments with human-labeled spam/ham verdicts.
+    """
+    # get all of the manual verdicts in the past day.
+    results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn,
+        distinct=True,
+        cols=['comment_id'],
+        where=[
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('reason = %s', ['manual']),
+            ('comment_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+            ('created > %s', [since.isoformat()]),
+        ],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit,
+        )
+    comment_ids = [int(row[0]) for row in results if row[0]]
+    # Don't care about sequence numbers in this context yet.
+    comments = issue_service.GetCommentsByID(cnxn, comment_ids,
+        defaultdict(int))
+    return comments
+  def ExpungeUsersInSpam(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+    """Removes all references to given users from Spam DB tables.
+    This method will not commit the operations. This method will
+    not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    commit = False
+    self.report_tbl.Delete(cnxn, reported_user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.report_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.verdict_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+class ModerationItem:
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    self.__dict__ = kwargs