Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e92f6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide persistence for projects.
+This module provides functions to get, update, create, and (in some
+cases) delete each type of project business object.  It provides
+a logical persistence layer on top of the database.
+Business objects are described in
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import time
+import settings
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from services import caches
+from project import project_helpers
+from proto import project_pb2
+    'project_id', 'project_name', 'summary', 'description', 'state', 'access',
+    'read_only_reason', 'state_reason', 'delete_time', 'issue_notify_address',
+    'attachment_bytes_used', 'attachment_quota', 'cached_content_timestamp',
+    'recent_activity_timestamp', 'moved_to', 'process_inbound_email',
+    'only_owners_remove_restrictions', 'only_owners_see_contributors',
+    'revision_url_format', 'home_page', 'docs_url', 'source_url', 'logo_gcs_id',
+    'logo_file_name', 'issue_notify_always_detailed'
+USER2PROJECT_COLS = ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name']
+EXTRAPERM_COLS = ['project_id', 'user_id', 'perm']
+MEMBERNOTES_COLS = ['project_id', 'user_id', 'notes']
+    'project_id', 'user_id', 'ac_exclude', 'no_expand']
+class ProjectTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage both RAM and memcache for Project PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cachemanager, project_service):
+    super(ProjectTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cachemanager, 'project', 'project:', project_pb2.Project)
+    self.project_service = project_service
+  def _DeserializeProjects(
+      self, project_rows, role_rows, extraperm_rows):
+    """Convert database rows into a dictionary of Project PB keyed by ID."""
+    project_dict = {}
+    for project_row in project_rows:
+      (
+          project_id, project_name, summary, description, state_name,
+          access_name, read_only_reason, state_reason, delete_time,
+          issue_notify_address, attachment_bytes_used, attachment_quota, cct,
+          recent_activity_timestamp, moved_to, process_inbound_email, oorr,
+          oosc, revision_url_format, home_page, docs_url, source_url,
+          logo_gcs_id, logo_file_name,
+          issue_notify_always_detailed) = project_row
+      project = project_pb2.Project()
+      project.project_id = project_id
+      project.project_name = project_name
+      project.summary = summary
+      project.description = description
+      project.state = project_pb2.ProjectState(state_name.upper())
+      project.state_reason = state_reason or ''
+      project.access = project_pb2.ProjectAccess(access_name.upper())
+      project.read_only_reason = read_only_reason or ''
+      project.issue_notify_address = issue_notify_address or ''
+      project.attachment_bytes_used = attachment_bytes_used or 0
+      project.attachment_quota = attachment_quota
+      project.recent_activity = recent_activity_timestamp or 0
+      project.cached_content_timestamp = cct or 0
+      project.delete_time = delete_time or 0
+      project.moved_to = moved_to or ''
+      project.process_inbound_email = bool(process_inbound_email)
+      project.only_owners_remove_restrictions = bool(oorr)
+      project.only_owners_see_contributors = bool(oosc)
+      project.revision_url_format = revision_url_format or ''
+      project.home_page = home_page or ''
+      project.docs_url = docs_url or ''
+      project.source_url = source_url or ''
+      project.logo_gcs_id = logo_gcs_id or ''
+      project.logo_file_name = logo_file_name or ''
+      project.issue_notify_always_detailed = bool(issue_notify_always_detailed)
+      project_dict[project_id] = project
+    for project_id, user_id, role_name in role_rows:
+      project = project_dict[project_id]
+      if role_name == 'owner':
+        project.owner_ids.append(user_id)
+      elif role_name == 'committer':
+        project.committer_ids.append(user_id)
+      elif role_name == 'contributor':
+        project.contributor_ids.append(user_id)
+    perms = {}
+    for project_id, user_id, perm in extraperm_rows:
+      perms.setdefault(project_id, {}).setdefault(user_id, []).append(perm)
+    for project_id, perms_by_user in perms.items():
+      project = project_dict[project_id]
+      for user_id, extra_perms in sorted(perms_by_user.items()):
+        project.extra_perms.append(project_pb2.Project.ExtraPerms(
+            member_id=user_id, perms=extra_perms))
+    return project_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database to get missing projects."""
+    project_rows = self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=PROJECT_COLS, project_id=keys)
+    role_rows = self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        project_id=keys)
+    extraperm_rows = self.project_service.extraperm_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=EXTRAPERM_COLS, project_id=keys)
+    retrieved_dict = self._DeserializeProjects(
+        project_rows, role_rows, extraperm_rows)
+    return retrieved_dict
+class UserToProjectIdTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage both RAM and memcache for project_ids.
+  Keys for this cache are int, user_ids, which might correspond to a group.
+  This cache should be used to fetch a set of project_ids that the user_id
+  is a member of.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cachemanager, project_service):
+    # type: cachemanager_svc.CacheManager, ProjectService -> None
+    super(UserToProjectIdTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cachemanager, 'project_id', 'project_id:', pb_class=None)
+    self.project_service = project_service
+    # Store the last time the table was fetched for rate limit purposes.
+    self.last_fetched = 0
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    # type MonorailConnection, Collection[int] -> Mapping[int, Collection[int]]
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database to get missing user_ids."""
+    # Unlike with other caches, we fetch and store the entire table.
+    # Thus, for cache misses we limit the rate we re-fetch the table to 60s.
+    now = self._GetCurrentTime()
+    result_dict = collections.defaultdict(set)
+    if (now - self.last_fetched) > 60:
+      project_to_user_rows = self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'user_id'])
+      self.last_fetched = now
+      # Cache the whole User2Project table.
+      for project_id, user_id in project_to_user_rows:
+        result_dict[user_id].add(project_id)
+    # Assume any requested user missing from result is not in any project.
+    result_dict.update(
+        (user_id, set()) for user_id in keys if user_id not in result_dict)
+    return result_dict
+  def _GetCurrentTime(self):
+    """ Returns the current time. We made a separate method for this to make it
+    easier to unit test. This was a better solution than @mock.patch because
+    the test had several unrelated time.time() calls. Modifying those calls
+    would be more onerous, having to fix calls for this test.
+    """
+    return time.time()
+class ProjectService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for project data."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    """Initialize this module so that it is ready to use.
+    Args:
+      cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+    """
+    self.project_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(PROJECT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.user2project_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USER2PROJECT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.extraperm_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(EXTRAPERM_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.membernotes_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(MEMBERNOTES_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.usergroupprojects_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.acexclusion_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    # Like a dictionary {project_id: project}
+    self.project_2lc = ProjectTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    # A dictionary of user_id to a set of project ids.
+    # Mapping[int, Collection[int]]
+    self.user_to_project_2lc = UserToProjectIdTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    # The project name to ID cache can never be invalidated by individual
+    # project changes because it is keyed by strings instead of ints.  In
+    # the case of rare operations like deleting a project (or a future
+    # project renaming feature), we just InvalidateAll().
+    self.project_names_to_ids = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'project')
+  ### Creating projects
+  def CreateProject(
+      self, cnxn, project_name, owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids,
+      summary, description, state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE,
+      access=None, read_only_reason=None, home_page=None, docs_url=None,
+      source_url=None, logo_gcs_id=None, logo_file_name=None):
+    """Create and store a Project with the given attributes.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_name: a valid project name, all lower case.
+      owner_ids: a list of user IDs for the project owners.
+      committer_ids: a list of user IDs for the project members.
+      contributor_ids: a list of user IDs for the project contributors.
+      summary: one-line explanation of the project.
+      description: one-page explanation of the project.
+      state: a project state enum defined in project_pb2.
+      access: optional project access enum defined in project.proto.
+      read_only_reason: if given, provides a status message and marks
+        the project as read-only.
+      home_page: home page of the project
+      docs_url: url to redirect to for wiki/documentation links
+      source_url: url to redirect to for source browser links
+      logo_gcs_id: google storage object id of the project's logo
+      logo_file_name: uploaded file name of the project's logo
+    Returns:
+      The int project_id of the new project.
+    Raises:
+      ProjectAlreadyExists: if a project with that name already exists.
+    """
+    assert project_helpers.IsValidProjectName(project_name)
+    if self.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_name]):
+      raise exceptions.ProjectAlreadyExists()
+    project = project_pb2.MakeProject(
+        project_name, state=state, access=access,
+        description=description, summary=summary,
+        owner_ids=owner_ids, committer_ids=committer_ids,
+        contributor_ids=contributor_ids, read_only_reason=read_only_reason,
+        home_page=home_page, docs_url=docs_url, source_url=source_url,
+        logo_gcs_id=logo_gcs_id, logo_file_name=logo_file_name)
+    project.project_id = self._InsertProject(cnxn, project)
+    return project.project_id
+  def _InsertProject(self, cnxn, project):
+    """Insert the given project into the database."""
+    # Note: project_id is not specified because it is auto_increment.
+    project_id = self.project_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, project_name=project.project_name,
+        summary=project.summary, description=project.description,
+        state=str(project.state), access=str(project.access),
+        home_page=project.home_page, docs_url=project.docs_url,
+        source_url=project.source_url,
+        logo_gcs_id=project.logo_gcs_id, logo_file_name=project.logo_file_name)
+'stored project was given project_id %d', project_id)
+    self.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'owner')
+         for user_id in project.owner_ids] +
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'committer')
+         for user_id in project.committer_ids] +
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'contributor')
+         for user_id in project.contributor_ids])
+    return project_id
+  ### Lookup project names and IDs
+  def LookupProjectIDs(self, cnxn, project_names):
+    """Return a list of project IDs for the specified projects."""
+    id_dict, missed_names = self.project_names_to_ids.GetAll(project_names)
+    if missed_names:
+      rows = self.project_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['project_name', 'project_id'], project_name=missed_names)
+      retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
+      self.project_names_to_ids.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+      id_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+    return id_dict
+  def LookupProjectNames(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+    """Lookup the names of the projects with the given IDs."""
+    projects_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids)
+    return {p.project_id: p.project_name
+            for p in projects_dict.values()}
+  ### Retrieving projects
+  def GetAllProjects(self, cnxn, use_cache=True):
+    """Return A dict mapping IDs to all live project PBs."""
+    project_rows = self.project_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id'], state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE)
+    project_ids = [row[0] for row in project_rows]
+    projects_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    return projects_dict
+  def GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+      self, cnxn, logged_in_user, effective_ids, domain=None, use_cache=True):
+    """Return all user visible live project ids.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      logged_in_user: protocol buffer of the logged in user. Can be None.
+      effective_ids: set of user IDs for this user. Can be None.
+      domain: optional string with HTTP request hostname.
+      use_cache: pass False to force database query to find Project protocol
+                 buffers.
+    Returns:
+      A list of project ids of user visible live projects sorted by the names
+      of the projects.  If host was provided, only projects with that host
+      as their branded domain will be returned.
+    """
+    project_rows = self.project_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id'], state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE)
+    project_ids = [row[0] for row in project_rows]
+    projects_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    projects_on_host = {
+      project_id: project for project_id, project in projects_dict.items()
+      if not framework_helpers.GetNeededDomain(project.project_name, domain)}
+    visible_projects = []
+    for project in projects_on_host.values():
+      if permissions.UserCanViewProject(logged_in_user, effective_ids, project):
+        visible_projects.append(project)
+    visible_projects.sort(key=lambda p: p.project_name)
+    return [project.project_id for project in visible_projects]
+  def GetProjects(self, cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=True):
+    """Load all the Project PBs for the given projects.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_ids: list of int project IDs
+      use_cache: pass False to force database query.
+    Returns:
+      A dict mapping IDs to the corresponding Project protocol buffers.
+    Raises:
+      NoSuchProjectException: if any of the projects was not found.
+    """
+    project_dict, missed_ids = self.project_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    # Also, update the project name cache.
+    self.project_names_to_ids.CacheAll(
+        {p.project_name: p.project_id for p in project_dict.values()})
+    if missed_ids:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+    return project_dict
+  def GetProject(self, cnxn, project_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Load the specified project from the database."""
+    project_id_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, [project_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return project_id_dict[project_id]
+  def GetProjectsByName(self, cnxn, project_names, use_cache=True):
+    """Load all the Project PBs for the given projects.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_names: list of project names.
+      use_cache: specifify False to force database query.
+    Returns:
+      A dict mapping names to the corresponding Project protocol buffers.
+    """
+    project_ids = list(self.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, project_names).values())
+    projects = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    return {p.project_name: p for p in projects.values()}
+  def GetProjectByName(self, cnxn, project_name, use_cache=True):
+    """Load the specified project from the database, None if does not exist."""
+    project_dict = self.GetProjectsByName(
+        cnxn, [project_name], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return project_dict.get(project_name)
+  ### Deleting projects
+  def ExpungeProject(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Wipes a project from the system."""
+'expunging project %r', project_id)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.extraperm_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.membernotes_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.acexclusion_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.project_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+  ### Updating projects
+  def UpdateProject(
+      self,
+      cnxn,
+      project_id,
+      summary=None,
+      description=None,
+      state=None,
+      state_reason=None,
+      access=None,
+      issue_notify_address=None,
+      attachment_bytes_used=None,
+      attachment_quota=None,
+      moved_to=None,
+      process_inbound_email=None,
+      only_owners_remove_restrictions=None,
+      read_only_reason=None,
+      cached_content_timestamp=None,
+      only_owners_see_contributors=None,
+      delete_time=None,
+      recent_activity=None,
+      revision_url_format=None,
+      home_page=None,
+      docs_url=None,
+      source_url=None,
+      logo_gcs_id=None,
+      logo_file_name=None,
+      issue_notify_always_detailed=None,
+      commit=True):
+    """Update the DB with the given project information."""
+    exists = self.project_tbl.SelectValue(
+      cnxn, 'project_name', project_id=project_id)
+    if not exists:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+    delta = {}
+    if summary is not None:
+      delta['summary'] = summary
+    if description is not None:
+      delta['description'] = description
+    if state is not None:
+      delta['state'] = str(state).lower()
+    if state is not None:
+      delta['state_reason'] = state_reason
+    if access is not None:
+      delta['access'] = str(access).lower()
+    if read_only_reason is not None:
+      delta['read_only_reason'] = read_only_reason
+    if issue_notify_address is not None:
+      delta['issue_notify_address'] = issue_notify_address
+    if attachment_bytes_used is not None:
+      delta['attachment_bytes_used'] = attachment_bytes_used
+    if attachment_quota is not None:
+      delta['attachment_quota'] = attachment_quota
+    if moved_to is not None:
+      delta['moved_to'] = moved_to
+    if process_inbound_email is not None:
+      delta['process_inbound_email'] = process_inbound_email
+    if only_owners_remove_restrictions is not None:
+      delta['only_owners_remove_restrictions'] = (
+          only_owners_remove_restrictions)
+    if only_owners_see_contributors is not None:
+      delta['only_owners_see_contributors'] = only_owners_see_contributors
+    if delete_time is not None:
+      delta['delete_time'] = delete_time
+    if recent_activity is not None:
+      delta['recent_activity_timestamp'] = recent_activity
+    if revision_url_format is not None:
+      delta['revision_url_format'] = revision_url_format
+    if home_page is not None:
+      delta['home_page'] = home_page
+    if docs_url is not None:
+      delta['docs_url'] = docs_url
+    if source_url is not None:
+      delta['source_url'] = source_url
+    if logo_gcs_id is not None:
+      delta['logo_gcs_id'] = logo_gcs_id
+    if logo_file_name is not None:
+      delta['logo_file_name'] = logo_file_name
+    if issue_notify_always_detailed is not None:
+      delta['issue_notify_always_detailed'] = issue_notify_always_detailed
+    if cached_content_timestamp is not None:
+      delta['cached_content_timestamp'] = cached_content_timestamp
+    self.project_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    if commit:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+  def UpdateCachedContentTimestamp(self, cnxn, project_id, now=None):
+    now = now or int(time.time())
+    self.project_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'cached_content_timestamp': now},
+        project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+    return now
+  def UpdateProjectRoles(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids,
+      now=None):
+    """Store the project's roles in the DB and set cached_content_timestamp."""
+    exists = self.project_tbl.SelectValue(
+      cnxn, 'project_name', project_id=project_id)
+    if not exists:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+    self.UpdateCachedContentTimestamp(cnxn, project_id, now=now)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='owner', commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='committer', commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='contributor', commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'owner') for user_id in owner_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'committer')
+         for user_id in committer_ids], commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'contributor')
+         for user_id in contributor_ids], commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    updated_user_ids = owner_ids + committer_ids + contributor_ids
+    self.user_to_project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, updated_user_ids)
+  def MarkProjectDeletable(self, cnxn, project_id, config_service):
+    """Update the project's state to make it DELETABLE and free up the name.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project that will be deleted soon.
+      config_service: issue tracker configuration persistence service, needed
+          to invalidate cached issue tracker results.
+    """
+    generated_name = 'DELETABLE_%d' % project_id
+    delta = {'project_name': generated_name, 'state': 'deletable'}
+    self.project_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, project_id=project_id)
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    # We cannot invalidate a specific part of the name->proj cache by name,
+    # So, tell every job to just drop the whole cache.  It should refill
+    # efficiently and incrementally from memcache.
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateAllRamEntries(cnxn)
+    self.user_to_project_2lc.InvalidateAllRamEntries(cnxn)
+    config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+  def UpdateRecentActivity(self, cnxn, project_id, now=None):
+    """Set the project's recent_activity to the current time."""
+    now = now or int(time.time())
+    project = self.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+    if now > project.recent_activity + RECENT_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD:
+      self.UpdateProject(cnxn, project_id, recent_activity=now)
+  ### Roles, memberships, and extra perms
+  def GetUserRolesInAllProjects(self, cnxn, effective_ids):
+    """Return three sets of project IDs where the user has a role."""
+    owned_project_ids = set()
+    membered_project_ids = set()
+    contrib_project_ids = set()
+    rows = []
+    if effective_ids:
+      rows = self.user2project_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'role_name'], user_id=effective_ids)
+    for project_id, role_name in rows:
+      if role_name == 'owner':
+        owned_project_ids.add(project_id)
+      elif role_name == 'committer':
+        membered_project_ids.add(project_id)
+      elif role_name == 'contributor':
+        contrib_project_ids.add(project_id)
+      else:
+        logging.warn('Unexpected role name %r', role_name)
+    return owned_project_ids, membered_project_ids, contrib_project_ids
+  def GetProjectMemberships(self, cnxn, effective_ids, use_cache=True):
+    # type: MonorailConnection, Collection[int], Optional[bool] ->
+    #     Mapping[int, Collection[int]]
+    """Return a list of project IDs where the user has a membership."""
+    project_id_dict, missed_ids = self.user_to_project_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, effective_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    # Users that were missed are assumed to not have any projects.
+    assert not missed_ids
+    return project_id_dict
+  def UpdateExtraPerms(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, member_id, extra_perms, now=None):
+    """Load the project, update the member's extra perms, and store.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      member_id: int user id of the user that was edited.
+      extra_perms: list of strings for perms that the member
+          should have over-and-above what their role gives them.
+      now: fake int(time.time()) value passed in during unit testing.
+    """
+    # This will be a newly constructed object, not from the cache and not
+    # shared with any other thread.
+    project = self.GetProject(cnxn, project_id, use_cache=False)
+    idx, member_extra_perms = permissions.FindExtraPerms(project, member_id)
+    if not member_extra_perms and not extra_perms:
+      return
+    if member_extra_perms and list(member_extra_perms.perms) == extra_perms:
+      return
+    # Either project is None or member_id is not a member of the project.
+    if idx is None:
+      return
+    if member_extra_perms:
+      member_extra_perms.perms = extra_perms
+    else:
+      member_extra_perms = project_pb2.Project.ExtraPerms(
+          member_id=member_id, perms=extra_perms)
+      # Keep the list of extra_perms sorted by member id.
+      project.extra_perms.insert(idx, member_extra_perms)
+    self.extraperm_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, user_id=member_id, commit=False)
+    self.extraperm_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, EXTRAPERM_COLS,
+        [(project_id, member_id, perm) for perm in extra_perms],
+        commit=False)
+    project.cached_content_timestamp = self.UpdateCachedContentTimestamp(
+        cnxn, project_id, now=now)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+  ### Project Commitments
+  def GetProjectCommitments(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Get the project commitments (notes) from the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int project ID.
+    Returns:
+      A the specified project's ProjectCommitments instance, or an empty one,
+        if the project doesn't exist, or has not documented member
+        commitments.
+    """
+    # Get the notes.  Don't get the project_id column
+    # since we already know that value.
+    notes_rows = self.membernotes_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'notes'], project_id=project_id)
+    notes_dict = dict(notes_rows)
+    project_commitments = project_pb2.ProjectCommitments()
+    project_commitments.project_id = project_id
+    for user_id in notes_dict.keys():
+      commitment = project_pb2.ProjectCommitments.MemberCommitment(
+          member_id=user_id,
+          notes=notes_dict.get(user_id, ''))
+      project_commitments.commitments.append(commitment)
+    return project_commitments
+  def _StoreProjectCommitments(self, cnxn, project_commitments):
+    """Store an updated set of project commitments in the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_commitments: ProjectCommitments PB
+    """
+    project_id = project_commitments.project_id
+    notes_rows = []
+    for commitment in project_commitments.commitments:
+      notes_rows.append(
+          (project_id, commitment.member_id, commitment.notes))
+    # TODO(jrobbins): this should be in a transaction.
+    self.membernotes_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.membernotes_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, MEMBERNOTES_COLS, notes_rows, ignore=True)
+  def UpdateCommitments(self, cnxn, project_id, member_id, notes):
+    """Update the member's commitments in the specified project.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      member_id: int user ID of the user that was edited.
+      notes: further notes on the member's expected involvment
+        in the project.
+    """
+    project_commitments = self.GetProjectCommitments(cnxn, project_id)
+    commitment = None
+    for c in project_commitments.commitments:
+      if c.member_id == member_id:
+        commitment = c
+        break
+    else:
+      commitment = project_pb2.ProjectCommitments.MemberCommitment(
+          member_id=member_id)
+      project_commitments.commitments.append(commitment)
+    dirty = False
+    if commitment.notes != notes:
+      commitment.notes = notes
+      dirty = True
+    if dirty:
+      self._StoreProjectCommitments(cnxn, project_commitments)
+  def GetProjectAutocompleteExclusion(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Get user ids who are excluded from autocomplete list.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+    Returns:
+      A pair containing: a list of user IDs who are excluded from the
+      autocomplete list for given project, and a list of group IDs to
+      not expand.
+    """
+    ac_exclusion_rows = self.acexclusion_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id'], project_id=project_id, ac_exclude=True)
+    ac_exclusion_ids = [row[0] for row in ac_exclusion_rows]
+    no_expand_rows = self.acexclusion_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id'], project_id=project_id, no_expand=True)
+    no_expand_ids = [row[0] for row in no_expand_rows]
+    return ac_exclusion_ids, no_expand_ids
+  def UpdateProjectAutocompleteExclusion(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, member_id, ac_exclude, no_expand):
+    """Update autocomplete exclusion for given user.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      member_id: int user ID of the user that was edited.
+      ac_exclude: Whether this user should be excluded.
+      no_expand: Whether this group should not be expanded.
+    """
+    if ac_exclude or no_expand:
+      self.acexclusion_tbl.InsertRows(
+        [(project_id, member_id, ac_exclude, no_expand)],
+        replace=True)
+    else:
+      self.acexclusion_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, project_id=project_id, user_id=member_id)
+    self.UpdateCachedContentTimestamp(cnxn, project_id)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+  def ExpungeUsersInProjects(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+    """Wipes the given users from the projects system.
+    This method will not commit the operation. This method will
+    not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    self.extraperm_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)
+    self.acexclusion_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)
+    self.membernotes_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)