Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07702bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Classes to manage cached values.
+Monorail makes full use of the RAM of GAE frontends to reduce latency
+and load on the database.
+Even though these caches do invalidation, there are rare race conditions
+that can cause a somewhat stale object to be retrieved from memcache and
+then put into a RAM cache and used by a given GAE instance for some time.
+So, we only use these caches for operations that can tolerate somewhat
+stale data.  For example, displaying issues in a list or displaying brief
+info about related issues.  We never use the cache to load objects as
+part of a read-modify-save sequence because that could cause stored data
+to revert to a previous state.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import redis
+from protorpc import protobuf
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+import settings
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import redis_utils
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+class RamCache(object):
+  """An in-RAM cache with distributed invalidation."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    self.cache_manager = cache_manager
+    self.kind = kind
+    self.cache = {}
+    self.max_size = max_size or DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE
+    cache_manager.RegisterCache(self, kind)
+  def CacheItem(self, key, item):
+    """Store item at key in this cache, discarding a random item if needed."""
+    if len(self.cache) >= self.max_size:
+      self.cache.popitem()
+    self.cache[key] = item
+  def CacheAll(self, new_item_dict):
+    """Cache all items in the given dict, dropping old items if needed."""
+    if len(new_item_dict) >= self.max_size:
+      logging.warn('Dumping the entire cache! %s', self.kind)
+      self.cache = {}
+    else:
+      while len(self.cache) + len(new_item_dict) > self.max_size:
+        self.cache.popitem()
+    self.cache.update(new_item_dict)
+  def GetItem(self, key):
+    """Return the cached item if present, otherwise None."""
+    return self.cache.get(key)
+  def HasItem(self, key):
+    """Return True if there is a value cached at the given key."""
+    return key in self.cache
+  def GetAll(self, keys):
+    """Look up the given keys.
+    Args:
+      keys: a list of cache keys to look up.
+    Returns:
+      A pair: (hits_dict, misses_list) where hits_dict is a dictionary of
+      all the given keys and the values that were found in the cache, and
+      misses_list is a list of given keys that were not in the cache.
+    """
+    hits, misses = {}, []
+    for key in keys:
+      try:
+        hits[key] = self.cache[key]
+      except KeyError:
+        misses.append(key)
+    return hits, misses
+  def LocalInvalidate(self, key):
+    """Drop the given key from this cache, without distributed notification."""
+    if key in self.cache:
+'Locally invalidating %r in kind=%r', key, self.kind)
+    self.cache.pop(key, None)
+  def Invalidate(self, cnxn, key):
+    """Drop key locally, and append it to the Invalidate DB table."""
+    self.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [key])
+  def InvalidateKeys(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """Drop keys locally, and append them to the Invalidate DB table."""
+    for key in keys:
+      self.LocalInvalidate(key)
+    if self.cache_manager:
+      self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateRows(cnxn, self.kind, keys)
+  def LocalInvalidateAll(self):
+    """Invalidate all keys locally: just start over with an empty dict."""
+'Locally invalidating all in kind=%r', self.kind)
+    self.cache = {}
+  def InvalidateAll(self, cnxn):
+    """Invalidate all keys in this cache."""
+    self.LocalInvalidateAll()
+    if self.cache_manager:
+      self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateAll(cnxn, self.kind)
+class ShardedRamCache(RamCache):
+  """Specialized version of RamCache that stores values in parts.
+  Instead of the cache keys being simple integers, they are pairs, e.g.,
+  (project_id, shard_id).  Invalidation will invalidate all shards for
+  a given main key, e.g, invalidating project_id 16 will drop keys
+  (16, 0), (16, 1), (16, 2), ... (16, 9).
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None, num_shards=10):
+    super(ShardedRamCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+    self.num_shards = num_shards
+  def LocalInvalidate(self, key):
+    """Use the specified value to drop entries from the local cache."""
+'About to invalidate shared RAM keys %r',
+                 [(key, shard_id) for shard_id in range(self.num_shards)
+                  if (key, shard_id) in self.cache])
+    for shard_id in range(self.num_shards):
+      self.cache.pop((key, shard_id), None)
+class ValueCentricRamCache(RamCache):
+  """Specialized version of RamCache that stores values in InvalidateTable.
+  This is useful for caches that have non integer keys.
+  """
+  def LocalInvalidate(self, value):
+    """Use the specified value to drop entries from the local cache."""
+    keys_to_drop = []
+    # Loop through and collect all keys with the specified value.
+    for k, v in self.cache.items():
+      if v == value:
+        keys_to_drop.append(k)
+    for k in keys_to_drop:
+      self.cache.pop(k, None)
+  def InvalidateKeys(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """Drop keys locally, and append their values to the Invalidate DB table."""
+    # Find values to invalidate.
+    values = [self.cache[key] for key in keys if self.cache.has_key(key)]
+    if len(values) == len(keys):
+      for value in values:
+        self.LocalInvalidate(value)
+      if self.cache_manager:
+        self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateRows(cnxn, self.kind, values)
+    else:
+      # If a value is not found in the cache then invalidate the whole cache.
+      # This is done to ensure that we are not in an inconsistent state or in a
+      # race condition.
+      self.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+class AbstractTwoLevelCache(object):
+  """A class to manage both RAM and secondary-caching layer to retrieve objects.
+  Subclasses must implement the FetchItems() method to get objects from
+  the database when both caches miss.
+  """
+  # When loading a huge number of issues from the database, do it in chunks
+  # so as to avoid timeouts.
+  _FETCH_BATCH_SIZE = 10000
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      cache_manager,
+      kind,
+      prefix,
+      pb_class,
+      max_size=None,
+      use_redis=False,
+      redis_client=None):
+    self.cache = self._MakeCache(cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+    self.prefix = prefix
+    self.pb_class = pb_class
+    if use_redis:
+      self.redis_client = redis_client or redis_utils.CreateRedisClient()
+      self.use_redis = redis_utils.VerifyRedisConnection(
+          self.redis_client, msg=kind)
+    else:
+      self.redis_client = None
+      self.use_redis = False
+  def _MakeCache(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    """Make the RAM cache and register it with the cache_manager."""
+    return RamCache(cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+  def CacheItem(self, key, value):
+    """Add the given key-value pair to RAM and L2 cache."""
+    self.cache.CacheItem(key, value)
+    self._WriteToCache({key: value})
+  def HasItem(self, key):
+    """Return True if the given key is in the RAM cache."""
+    return self.cache.HasItem(key)
+  def GetAnyOnHandItem(self, keys, start=None, end=None):
+    """Try to find one of the specified items in RAM."""
+    if start is None:
+      start = 0
+    if end is None:
+      end = len(keys)
+    for i in range(start, end):
+      key = keys[i]
+      if self.cache.HasItem(key):
+        return self.cache.GetItem(key)
+    # Note: We could check L2 here too, but the round-trips to L2
+    # are kind of slow. And, getting too many hits from L2 actually
+    # fills our RAM cache too quickly and could lead to thrashing.
+    return None
+  def GetAll(self, cnxn, keys, use_cache=True, **kwargs):
+    """Get values for the given keys from RAM, the L2 cache, or the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to the database.
+      keys: list of integer keys to look up.
+      use_cache: set to False to always hit the database.
+      **kwargs: any additional keywords are passed to FetchItems().
+    Returns:
+      A pair: hits, misses.  Where hits is {key: value} and misses is
+        a list of any keys that were not found anywhere.
+    """
+    if use_cache:
+      result_dict, missed_keys = self.cache.GetAll(keys)
+    else:
+      result_dict, missed_keys = {}, list(keys)
+    if missed_keys:
+      if use_cache:
+        cache_hits, missed_keys = self._ReadFromCache(missed_keys)
+        result_dict.update(cache_hits)
+        self.cache.CacheAll(cache_hits)
+    while missed_keys:
+      missed_batch = missed_keys[:self._FETCH_BATCH_SIZE]
+      missed_keys = missed_keys[self._FETCH_BATCH_SIZE:]
+      retrieved_dict = self.FetchItems(cnxn, missed_batch, **kwargs)
+      result_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+      if use_cache:
+        self.cache.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+        self._WriteToCache(retrieved_dict)
+    still_missing_keys = [key for key in keys if key not in result_dict]
+    return result_dict, still_missing_keys
+  def LocalInvalidateAll(self):
+    self.cache.LocalInvalidateAll()
+  def LocalInvalidate(self, key):
+    self.cache.LocalInvalidate(key)
+  def InvalidateKeys(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """Drop the given keys from both RAM and L2 cache."""
+    self.cache.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, keys)
+    self._DeleteFromCache(keys)
+  def InvalidateAllKeys(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """Drop the given keys from L2 cache and invalidate all keys in RAM.
+    Useful for avoiding inserting many rows into the Invalidate table when
+    invalidating a large group of keys all at once. Only use when necessary.
+    """
+    self.cache.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+    self._DeleteFromCache(keys)
+  def GetAllAlreadyInRam(self, keys):
+    """Look only in RAM to return {key: values}, missed_keys."""
+    result_dict, missed_keys = self.cache.GetAll(keys)
+    return result_dict, missed_keys
+  def InvalidateAllRamEntries(self, cnxn):
+    """Drop all RAM cache entries. It will refill as needed from L2 cache."""
+    self.cache.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys, **kwargs):
+    """On RAM and L2 cache miss, hit the database."""
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def _ReadFromCache(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[int]
+    """Reads a list of keys from secondary caching service.
+    Redis will be used if Redis is enabled and connection is valid;
+    otherwise, memcache will be used.
+    Args:
+      keys: List of integer keys to look up in L2 cache.
+    Returns:
+      A pair: hits, misses.  Where hits is {key: value} and misses is
+        a list of any keys that were not found anywhere.
+    """
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return self._ReadFromRedis(keys)
+    else:
+      return self._ReadFromMemcache(keys)
+  def _WriteToCache(self, retrieved_dict):
+    # type: (Mapping[int, Any]) -> None
+    """Writes a set of key-value pairs to secondary caching service.
+    Redis will be used if Redis is enabled and connection is valid;
+    otherwise, memcache will be used.
+    Args:
+      retrieved_dict: Dictionary contains pairs of key-values to write to cache.
+    """
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return self._WriteToRedis(retrieved_dict)
+    else:
+      return self._WriteToMemcache(retrieved_dict)
+  def _DeleteFromCache(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> None
+    """Selects which cache to delete from.
+    Redis will be used if Redis is enabled and connection is valid;
+    otherwise, memcache will be used.
+    Args:
+      keys: List of integer keys to delete from cache.
+    """
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return self._DeleteFromRedis(keys)
+    else:
+      return self._DeleteFromMemcache(keys)
+  def _ReadFromMemcache(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[int]
+    """Read the given keys from memcache, return {key: value}, missing_keys."""
+    cache_hits = {}
+    cached_dict = memcache.get_multi(
+        [self._KeyToStr(key) for key in keys],
+        key_prefix=self.prefix,
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+    for key_str, serialized_value in cached_dict.items():
+      value = self._StrToValue(serialized_value)
+      key = self._StrToKey(key_str)
+      cache_hits[key] = value
+      self.cache.CacheItem(key, value)
+    still_missing_keys = [key for key in keys if key not in cache_hits]
+    return cache_hits, still_missing_keys
+  def _WriteToMemcache(self, retrieved_dict):
+    # type: (Mapping[int, int]) -> None
+    """Write entries for each key-value pair to memcache.  Encode PBs."""
+    strs_to_cache = {
+        self._KeyToStr(key): self._ValueToStr(value)
+        for key, value in retrieved_dict.items()}
+    try:
+      memcache.add_multi(
+          strs_to_cache,
+          key_prefix=self.prefix,
+          time=framework_constants.CACHE_EXPIRATION,
+          namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+    except ValueError as identifier:
+      # If memcache does not accept the values, ensure that no stale
+      # values are left, then bail out.
+      logging.error('Got memcache error: %r', identifier)
+      self._DeleteFromMemcache(list(strs_to_cache.keys()))
+      return
+  def _DeleteFromMemcache(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[str]) -> None
+    """Delete key-values from memcache. """
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [self._KeyToStr(key) for key in keys],
+        seconds=5,
+        key_prefix=self.prefix,
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+  def _WriteToRedis(self, retrieved_dict):
+    # type: (Mapping[int, Any]) -> None
+    """Write entries for each key-value pair to Redis.  Encode PBs.
+    Args:
+      retrieved_dict: Dictionary of key-value pairs to write to Redis.
+    """
+    try:
+      for key, value in retrieved_dict.items():
+        redis_key = redis_utils.FormatRedisKey(key, prefix=self.prefix)
+        redis_value = self._ValueToStr(value)
+        self.redis_client.setex(
+            redis_key, framework_constants.CACHE_EXPIRATION, redis_value)
+    except redis.RedisError as identifier:
+      logging.error(
+          'Redis error occurred during write operation: %s', identifier)
+      self._DeleteFromRedis(list(retrieved_dict.keys()))
+      return
+        'cached batch of %d values in redis %s', len(retrieved_dict),
+        self.prefix)
+  def _ReadFromRedis(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[int]
+    """Read the given keys from Redis, return {key: value}, missing keys.
+    Args:
+      keys: List of integer keys to read from Redis.
+    Returns:
+      A pair: hits, misses.  Where hits is {key: value} and misses is
+        a list of any keys that were not found anywhere.
+    """
+    cache_hits = {}
+    missing_keys = []
+    try:
+      values_list = self.redis_client.mget(
+          [redis_utils.FormatRedisKey(key, prefix=self.prefix) for key in keys])
+    except redis.RedisError as identifier:
+      logging.error(
+          'Redis error occurred during read operation: %s', identifier)
+      values_list = [None] * len(keys)
+    for key, serialized_value in zip(keys, values_list):
+      if serialized_value:
+        value = self._StrToValue(serialized_value)
+        cache_hits[key] = value
+        self.cache.CacheItem(key, value)
+      else:
+        missing_keys.append(key)
+        'decoded %d values from redis %s, missing %d', len(cache_hits),
+        self.prefix, len(missing_keys))
+    return cache_hits, missing_keys
+  def _DeleteFromRedis(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> None
+    """Delete key-values from redis.
+    Args:
+      keys: List of integer keys to delete.
+    """
+    try:
+      self.redis_client.delete(
+          *[
+              redis_utils.FormatRedisKey(key, prefix=self.prefix)
+              for key in keys
+          ])
+    except redis.RedisError as identifier:
+      logging.error(
+          'Redis error occurred during delete operation %s', identifier)
+  def _KeyToStr(self, key):
+    # type: (int) -> str
+    """Convert our int IDs to strings for use as memcache keys."""
+    return str(key)
+  def _StrToKey(self, key_str):
+    # type: (str) -> int
+    """Convert memcache keys back to the ints that we use as IDs."""
+    return int(key_str)
+  def _ValueToStr(self, value):
+    # type: (Any) -> str
+    """Serialize an application object so that it can be stored in L2 cache."""
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return redis_utils.SerializeValue(value, pb_class=self.pb_class)
+    else:
+      if not self.pb_class:
+        return value
+      elif self.pb_class == int:
+        return str(value)
+      else:
+        return protobuf.encode_message(value)
+  def _StrToValue(self, serialized_value):
+    # type: (str) -> Any
+    """Deserialize L2 cache string into an application object."""
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return redis_utils.DeserializeValue(
+          serialized_value, pb_class=self.pb_class)
+    else:
+      if not self.pb_class:
+        return serialized_value
+      elif self.pb_class == int:
+        return int(serialized_value)
+      else:
+        return protobuf.decode_message(self.pb_class, serialized_value)