Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/project/ b/project/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c5fc1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Page and form handlers for project administration "advanced" subtab.
+The advanced subtab allows the project to be archived, unarchived, deleted, or
+marked as moved. Site admins can use this page to "doom" a project, which is
+basically archiving it in a way that cannot be reversed by the project owners.
+The page also shows project data storage quota and usage values, and
+site admins can edit those quotas.
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import time
+import ezt
+from businesslogic import work_env
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import servlet
+from framework import template_helpers
+from framework import urls
+from proto import project_pb2
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+class ProjectAdminAdvanced(servlet.Servlet):
+ """A page with project state options for the Project Owner(s)."""
+ _PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'project/project-admin-advanced-page.ezt'
+ _MAIN_TAB_MODE = servlet.Servlet.MAIN_TAB_ADMIN
+ def AssertBasePermission(self, mr):
+ """Make sure that the logged in user has permission to view this page.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ """
+ super(ProjectAdminAdvanced, self).AssertBasePermission(mr)
+ if not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.EDIT_PROJECT):
+ raise permissions.PermissionException(
+ 'User is not allowed to administer this project')
+ def GatherPageData(self, mr):
+ """Build up a dictionary of data values to use when rendering the page.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ Returns:
+ Dict of values used by EZT for rendering the "Advanced" subtab.
+ """
+ page_data = {
+ 'admin_tab_mode': self.ADMIN_TAB_ADVANCED,
+ }
+ page_data.update(self._GatherPublishingOptions(mr))
+ page_data.update(self._GatherQuotaData(mr))
+ return page_data
+ def _GatherPublishingOptions(self, mr):
+ """Gather booleans to control the publishing buttons to show in EZT."""
+ state = mr.project.state
+ offer_archive = state != project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED
+ offer_delete = state == project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED
+ offer_publish = (
+ state == project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED and
+ (self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.PUBLISH_PROJECT) or
+ not mr.project.state_reason))
+ offer_move = state == project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE
+ offer_doom = self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.ADMINISTER_SITE)
+ moved_to = mr.project.moved_to or 'http://'
+ publishing_data = {
+ 'offer_archive': ezt.boolean(offer_archive),
+ 'offer_publish': ezt.boolean(offer_publish),
+ 'offer_delete': ezt.boolean(offer_delete),
+ 'offer_move': ezt.boolean(offer_move),
+ 'moved_to': moved_to,
+ 'offer_doom': ezt.boolean(offer_doom),
+ 'default_doom_reason': framework_constants.DEFAULT_DOOM_REASON,
+ }
+ return publishing_data
+ def _GatherQuotaData(self, mr):
+ """Gather quota info from backends so that it can be passed to EZT."""
+ offer_quota_editing = self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.EDIT_QUOTA)
+ quota_data = {
+ 'offer_quota_editing': ezt.boolean(offer_quota_editing),
+ 'attachment_quota': self._BuildAttachmentQuotaData(mr.project),
+ }
+ return quota_data
+ def _BuildComponentQuota(self, used_bytes, quota_bytes, field_name):
+ """Return an object to easily display quota info in EZT."""
+ if quota_bytes:
+ used_percent = 100 * used_bytes // quota_bytes
+ else:
+ used_percent = 0
+ quota_mb = quota_bytes // 1024 // 1024
+ return template_helpers.EZTItem(
+ used=template_helpers.BytesKbOrMb(used_bytes),
+ quota_mb=quota_mb,
+ used_percent=used_percent,
+ avail_percent=100 - used_percent,
+ field_name=field_name)
+ def _BuildAttachmentQuotaData(self, project):
+ return self._BuildComponentQuota(
+ project.attachment_bytes_used,
+ project.attachment_quota or
+ 'attachment_quota_mb')
+ def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data):
+ """Process the posted form.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ post_data: dictionary of HTML form data.
+ Returns:
+ String URL to redirect to after processing is completed.
+ """
+ if 'savechanges' in post_data:
+ self._ProcessQuota(mr, post_data)
+ else:
+ self._ProcessPublishingOptions(mr, post_data)
+ if 'deletebtn' in post_data:
+ url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+ mr, urls.HOSTING_HOME, include_project=False)
+ else:
+ url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+ mr, urls.ADMIN_ADVANCED, saved=1, ts=int(time.time()))
+ return url
+ def _ProcessQuota(self, mr, post_data):
+ """Process form data to update project quotas."""
+ if not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.EDIT_QUOTA):
+ raise permissions.PermissionException(
+ 'User is not allowed to change project quotas')
+ try:
+ new_attachment_quota = int(post_data['attachment_quota_mb'])
+ new_attachment_quota *= 1024 * 1024
+ except ValueError:
+ mr.errors.attachment_quota = 'Invalid value'
+ self.PleaseCorrect(mr) # Don't echo back the bad input, just start over.
+ return
+ with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
+ we.UpdateProject(
+ mr.project.project_id, attachment_quota=new_attachment_quota)
+ def _ProcessPublishingOptions(self, mr, post_data):
+ """Process form data to update project state."""
+ # Note that EDIT_PROJECT is the base permission for this servlet, but
+ # dooming and undooming projects also requires PUBLISH_PROJECT.
+ state = mr.project.state
+ with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
+ if 'archivebtn' in post_data and not mr.project.delete_time:
+ we.UpdateProject(
+ mr.project.project_id, state=project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED)
+ elif 'deletebtn' in post_data: # Mark the project for immediate deletion.
+ if state != project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED:
+ raise permissions.PermissionException(
+ 'Projects must be archived before being deleted')
+ we.DeleteProject(mr.project_id)
+ elif 'doombtn' in post_data: # Go from any state to forced ARCHIVED.
+ if not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.PUBLISH_PROJECT):
+ raise permissions.PermissionException(
+ 'User is not allowed to doom projects')
+ reason = post_data.get('reason')
+ delete_time = time.time() + framework_constants.DEFAULT_DOOM_PERIOD
+ we.UpdateProject(
+ mr.project.project_id, state=project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED,
+ state_reason=reason, delete_time=delete_time)
+ elif 'publishbtn' in post_data: # Go from any state to LIVE
+ if (mr.project.delete_time and
+ not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.PUBLISH_PROJECT)):
+ raise permissions.PermissionException(
+ 'User is not allowed to unarchive doomed projects')
+ we.UpdateProject(
+ mr.project.project_id, state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE,
+ state_reason='', delete_time=0, read_only_reason='')
+ elif 'movedbtn' in post_data: # Record the moved_to location.
+ if state != project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE:
+ raise permissions.PermissionException(
+ 'This project is not live, no user can move it')
+ moved_to = post_data.get('moved_to', '')
+ we.UpdateProject(mr.project.project_id, moved_to=moved_to)