Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/project/ b/project/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..887d3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Servlets for project administration main subtab."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import time
+from six import string_types
+from third_party import cloudstorage
+import ezt
+from businesslogic import work_env
+from framework import emailfmt
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import gcs_helpers
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import servlet
+from framework import urls
+from framework import validate
+from project import project_helpers
+from project import project_views
+from tracker import tracker_views
+_MSG_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 'Invalid email address'
+_MSG_DESCRIPTION_MISSING = 'Description is missing'
+_MSG_SUMMARY_MISSING = 'Summary is missing'
+class ProjectAdmin(servlet.Servlet):
+  """A page with project configuration options for the Project Owner(s)."""
+  _PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'project/project-admin-page.ezt'
+  _MAIN_TAB_MODE = servlet.Servlet.MAIN_TAB_ADMIN
+  def AssertBasePermission(self, mr):
+    super(ProjectAdmin, self).AssertBasePermission(mr)
+    if not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.EDIT_PROJECT):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to administer this project')
+  def GatherPageData(self, mr):
+    """Build up a dictionary of data values to use when rendering the page."""
+    available_access_levels = project_helpers.BuildProjectAccessOptions(
+        mr.project)
+    offer_access_level = len(available_access_levels) > 1
+    access_view = project_views.ProjectAccessView(mr.project.access)
+    return {
+        'admin_tab_mode':
+            self.ADMIN_TAB_META,
+        'initial_summary':
+            mr.project.summary,
+        'initial_project_home':
+            mr.project.home_page,
+        'initial_docs_url':
+            mr.project.docs_url,
+        'initial_source_url':
+            mr.project.source_url,
+        'initial_logo_gcs_id':
+            mr.project.logo_gcs_id,
+        'initial_logo_file_name':
+            mr.project.logo_file_name,
+        'logo_view':
+            tracker_views.LogoView(mr.project),
+        'initial_description':
+            mr.project.description,
+        'issue_notify':
+            mr.project.issue_notify_address,
+        'process_inbound_email':
+            ezt.boolean(mr.project.process_inbound_email),
+        'email_from_addr':
+            emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(mr.project),
+        'only_owners_remove_restrictions':
+            ezt.boolean(mr.project.only_owners_remove_restrictions),
+        'only_owners_see_contributors':
+            ezt.boolean(mr.project.only_owners_see_contributors),
+        'offer_access_level':
+            ezt.boolean(offer_access_level),
+        'initial_access':
+            access_view,
+        'available_access_levels':
+            available_access_levels,
+        'issue_notify_always_detailed':
+            ezt.boolean(mr.project.issue_notify_always_detailed),
+    }
+  def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data):
+    """Process the posted form."""
+    # 1. Parse and validate user input.
+    summary, description = self._ParseMeta(post_data, mr.errors)
+    access = project_helpers.ParseProjectAccess(
+        mr.project, post_data.get('access'))
+    only_owners_remove_restrictions = (
+        'only_owners_remove_restrictions' in post_data)
+    only_owners_see_contributors = 'only_owners_see_contributors' in post_data
+    issue_notify = post_data['issue_notify']
+    if issue_notify and not validate.IsValidEmail(issue_notify):
+      mr.errors.issue_notify = _MSG_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS
+    process_inbound_email = 'process_inbound_email' in post_data
+    home_page = post_data.get('project_home')
+    if home_page and not (
+        home_page.startswith('http:') or home_page.startswith('https:')):
+      mr.errors.project_home = 'Home page link must start with http: or https:'
+    docs_url = post_data.get('docs_url')
+    if docs_url and not (
+        docs_url.startswith('http:') or docs_url.startswith('https:')):
+      mr.errors.docs_url = 'Documentation link must start with http: or https:'
+    source_url = post_data.get('source_url')
+    if source_url and not (
+        source_url.startswith('http:') or source_url.startswith('https:')):
+      mr.errors.source_url = 'Source link must start with http: or https:'
+    logo_gcs_id = ''
+    logo_file_name = ''
+    if 'logo' in post_data and not isinstance(post_data['logo'], string_types):
+      item = post_data['logo']
+      logo_file_name = item.filename
+      try:
+        logo_gcs_id = gcs_helpers.StoreLogoInGCS(
+            logo_file_name, item.value, mr.project.project_id)
+      except gcs_helpers.UnsupportedMimeType, e:
+        mr.errors.logo = e.message
+    elif mr.project.logo_gcs_id and mr.project.logo_file_name:
+      logo_gcs_id = mr.project.logo_gcs_id
+      logo_file_name = mr.project.logo_file_name
+      if post_data.get('delete_logo'):
+        try:
+          gcs_helpers.DeleteObjectFromGCS(logo_gcs_id)
+        except cloudstorage.NotFoundError:
+          pass
+        # Reset the GCS ID and file name.
+        logo_gcs_id = ''
+        logo_file_name = ''
+    issue_notify_always_detailed = 'issue_notify_always_detailed' in post_data
+    # 2. Call services layer to save changes.
+    if not mr.errors.AnyErrors():
+      with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
+        we.UpdateProject(
+            mr.project.project_id,
+            issue_notify_address=issue_notify,
+            summary=summary,
+            description=description,
+            only_owners_remove_restrictions=only_owners_remove_restrictions,
+            only_owners_see_contributors=only_owners_see_contributors,
+            process_inbound_email=process_inbound_email,
+            access=access,
+            home_page=home_page,
+            docs_url=docs_url,
+            source_url=source_url,
+            logo_gcs_id=logo_gcs_id,
+            logo_file_name=logo_file_name,
+            issue_notify_always_detailed=issue_notify_always_detailed)
+    # 3. Determine the next page in the UI flow.
+    if mr.errors.AnyErrors():
+      access_view = project_views.ProjectAccessView(access)
+      self.PleaseCorrect(
+          mr, initial_summary=summary, initial_description=description,
+          initial_access=access_view)
+    else:
+      return framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+          mr, urls.ADMIN_META, saved=1, ts=int(time.time()))
+  def _ParseMeta(self, post_data, errors):
+    """Process a POST on the project metadata section of the admin page."""
+    summary = None
+    description = None
+    if 'summary' in post_data:
+      summary = post_data['summary']
+      if not summary:
+        errors.summary = _MSG_SUMMARY_MISSING
+    if 'description' in post_data:
+      description = post_data['description']
+      if not description:
+        errors.description = _MSG_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+    return summary, description