Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/project/ b/project/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23a2d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Helper functions and classes used by the project pages."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import re
+import settings
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import gcs_helpers
+from framework import permissions
+from project import project_constants
+from project import project_views
+from proto import project_pb2
+_RE_EMAIL_SEPARATORS = re.compile(r'\s|,|;')
+def BuildProjectMembers(cnxn, project, user_service):
+  """Gather data for the members section of a project page.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+    project: Project PB of current project.
+    user_service: an instance of UserService for user persistence.
+  Returns:
+    A dictionary suitable for use with EZT.
+  """
+  # First, get all needed info on all users in one batch of requests.
+  users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+      cnxn, user_service, AllProjectMembers(project))
+  # Second, group the user proxies by role for display.
+  owner_proxies = [users_by_id[owner_id]
+                   for owner_id in project.owner_ids]
+  committer_proxies = [users_by_id[committer_id]
+                       for committer_id in project.committer_ids]
+  contributor_proxies = [users_by_id[contrib_id]
+                         for contrib_id in project.contributor_ids]
+  return {
+      'owners': owner_proxies,
+      'committers': committer_proxies,
+      'contributors': contributor_proxies,
+      'all_members': list(users_by_id.values()),
+      }
+def BuildProjectAccessOptions(project):
+  """Return a list of project access values for use in an HTML menu.
+  Args:
+    project: current Project PB, or None when creating a new project.
+  Returns:
+    A list of ProjectAccessView objects that can be used in EZT.
+  """
+  access_levels = [project_pb2.ProjectAccess.ANYONE,
+                   project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY]
+  access_views = []
+  for access in access_levels:
+    # Offer the allowed access levels.  When editing an existing project,
+    # its current access level may always be kept, even if it is no longer
+    # in the list of allowed access levels for new projects.
+    if (access in settings.allowed_access_levels or
+        (project and access == project.access)):
+      access_views.append(project_views.ProjectAccessView(access))
+  return access_views
+def ParseUsernames(cnxn, user_service, usernames_text):
+  """Parse all usernames from a text field and return a list of user IDs.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+    user_service: an instance of UserService for user persistence.
+    usernames_text: string that the user entered into a form field for a list
+        of email addresses.  Or, None if the browser did not send that value.
+  Returns:
+    A set of user IDs for the users named.  Or, an empty set if the
+    usernames_field was not in post_data.
+  """
+  if not usernames_text:  # The user did not enter any addresses.
+    return set()
+  email_list = _RE_EMAIL_SEPARATORS.split(usernames_text)
+  # skip empty strings between consecutive separators
+  email_list = [email for email in email_list if email]
+  id_dict = user_service.LookupUserIDs(cnxn, email_list, autocreate=True)
+  return set(id_dict.values())
+def ParseProjectAccess(project, access_num_str):
+  """Parse and validate the "access" field out of post_data.
+  Args:
+    project: Project PB for the project that was edited, or None if the
+        user is creating a new project.
+    access_num_str: string of digits from the users POST that identifies
+       the desired project access level.  Or, None if that widget was not
+       offered to the user.
+  Returns:
+    An enum project access level, or None if the user did not specify
+    any value or if the value specified was invalid.
+  """
+  access = None
+  if access_num_str:
+    access_number = int(access_num_str)
+    available_access_levels = BuildProjectAccessOptions(project)
+    allowed_access_choices = [access_view.key for access_view
+                              in available_access_levels]
+    if access_number in allowed_access_choices:
+      access = project_pb2.ProjectAccess(access_number)
+  return access
+def MembersWithoutGivenIDs(project, exclude_ids):
+  """Return three lists of member user IDs, with member_ids not in them."""
+  owner_ids = [user_id for user_id in project.owner_ids
+               if user_id not in exclude_ids]
+  committer_ids = [user_id for user_id in project.committer_ids
+                   if user_id not in exclude_ids]
+  contributor_ids = [user_id for user_id in project.contributor_ids
+                     if user_id not in exclude_ids]
+  return owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids
+def MembersWithGivenIDs(project, new_member_ids, role):
+  """Return three lists of member IDs with the new IDs in the right one.
+  Args:
+    project: Project PB for the project to get current members from.
+    new_member_ids: set of user IDs for members being added.
+    role: string name of the role that new_member_ids should be granted.
+  Returns:
+    Three lists of member IDs with new_member_ids added to the appropriate
+    list and removed from any other role.
+  Raises:
+    ValueError: if the role is not one of owner, committer, or contributor.
+  """
+  owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids = MembersWithoutGivenIDs(
+      project, new_member_ids)
+  if role == 'owner':
+    owner_ids.extend(new_member_ids)
+  elif role == 'committer':
+    committer_ids.extend(new_member_ids)
+  elif role == 'contributor':
+    contributor_ids.extend(new_member_ids)
+  else:
+    raise ValueError()
+  return owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids
+def UsersInvolvedInProject(project):
+  """Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the Project."""
+  result = set()
+  result.update(project.owner_ids)
+  result.update(project.committer_ids)
+  result.update(project.contributor_ids)
+  result.update([perm.member_id for perm in project.extra_perms])
+  return result
+def UsersWithPermsInProject(project, perms_needed, users_by_id,
+                            effective_ids_by_user):
+  # Users that have the given permission are stored in direct_users_for_perm,
+  # users whose effective ids have the given permission are stored in
+  # indirect_users_for_perm.
+  direct_users_for_perm = {perm: set() for perm in perms_needed}
+  indirect_users_for_perm = {perm: set() for perm in perms_needed}
+  # Iterate only over users that have extra permissions, so we don't
+  # have to search the extra perms more than once for each user.
+  for extra_perm_pb in project.extra_perms:
+    extra_perms = set(perm.lower() for perm in extra_perm_pb.perms)
+    for perm, users in direct_users_for_perm.items():
+      if perm.lower() in extra_perms:
+        users.add(extra_perm_pb.member_id)
+  # Then, iterate over all users, but don't compute extra permissions.
+  for user_id, user_view in users_by_id.items():
+    effective_ids = effective_ids_by_user[user_id].union([user_id])
+    user_perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
+        user_view.user, effective_ids, project)
+    for perm, users in direct_users_for_perm.items():
+      if not effective_ids.isdisjoint(users):
+        indirect_users_for_perm[perm].add(user_id)
+      if user_perms.HasPerm(perm, None, None, []):
+        users.add(user_id)
+  for perm, users in direct_users_for_perm.items():
+    users.update(indirect_users_for_perm[perm])
+  return direct_users_for_perm
+def GetThumbnailUrl(gcs_id):
+  # type: (str) -> str
+  """Derive the thumbnail url for a given GCS object ID."""
+  bucket_name = app_identity.get_default_gcs_bucket_name()
+  return gcs_helpers.SignUrl(bucket_name, gcs_id + '-thumbnail')
+def IsValidProjectName(s):
+  # type: (string) -> bool
+  """Return true if the given string is a valid project name."""
+  return (
+      project_constants.RE_PROJECT_NAME.match(s) and
+      len(s) <= project_constants.MAX_PROJECT_NAME_LENGTH)
+def AllProjectMembers(project):
+  # type: (proto.project_pb2.Project) -> Sequence[int]
+  """Return a list of user IDs of all members in the given project."""
+  return project.owner_ids + project.committer_ids + project.contributor_ids