Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/framework/test/ b/framework/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7cca3
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+++ b/framework/test/
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for monorail.framework.emailfmt."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import mock
+import unittest
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+import settings
+from framework import emailfmt
+from framework import framework_views
+from proto import project_pb2
+from testing import testing_helpers
+from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
+class EmailFmtTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_datastore_v3_stub()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+  def testValidateReferencesHeader(self):
+    project = project_pb2.Project()
+    project.project_name = 'open-open'
+    subject = 'slipped disk'
+    expected = emailfmt.MakeMessageID(
+        '', subject,
+        '%s@%s' % (project.project_name, emailfmt.MailDomain()))
+    self.assertTrue(
+        emailfmt.ValidateReferencesHeader(
+            expected, project, '', subject))
+    self.assertFalse(
+        emailfmt.ValidateReferencesHeader(
+            expected, project, '', 'something else'))
+    self.assertFalse(
+        emailfmt.ValidateReferencesHeader(
+            expected, project, '', subject))
+    project.project_name = 'other-project'
+    self.assertFalse(
+        emailfmt.ValidateReferencesHeader(
+            expected, project, '', subject))
+  def testParseEmailMessage(self):
+    msg = testing_helpers.MakeMessage(testing_helpers.HEADER_LINES, 'awesome!')
+    (from_addr, to_addrs, cc_addrs, references, incident_id,
+     subject, body) = emailfmt.ParseEmailMessage(msg)
+    self.assertEqual('', from_addr)
+    self.assertEqual([''], to_addrs)
+    self.assertEqual([''], cc_addrs)
+    # Expected msg-id was generated from a previous known-good test run.
+    self.assertEqual(['<0=969704940193871313=13442892928193434663='
+                      '>'],
+                     references)
+    self.assertEqual('', incident_id)
+    self.assertEqual('Issue 123 in proj: broken link', subject)
+    self.assertEqual('awesome!', body)
+    references_header = ('References', '<> <>')
+    msg = testing_helpers.MakeMessage(
+        testing_helpers.HEADER_LINES + [references_header], 'awesome!')
+    (from_addr, to_addrs, cc_addrs, references, incident_id, subject,
+     body) = emailfmt.ParseEmailMessage(msg)
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        ['<>',
+         '<0=969704940193871313=13442892928193434663='
+         '>',
+         '<>'],
+        references)
+  def testParseEmailMessage_Bulk(self):
+    for precedence in ['Bulk', 'Junk']:
+      msg = testing_helpers.MakeMessage(
+          testing_helpers.HEADER_LINES + [('Precedence', precedence)],
+          'I am on vacation!')
+      (from_addr, to_addrs, cc_addrs, references, incident_id, subject,
+       body) = emailfmt.ParseEmailMessage(msg)
+      self.assertEqual('', from_addr)
+      self.assertEqual([], to_addrs)
+      self.assertEqual([], cc_addrs)
+      self.assertEqual('', references)
+      self.assertEqual('', incident_id)
+      self.assertEqual('', subject)
+      self.assertEqual('', body)
+  def testExtractAddrs(self):
+    header_val = ''
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [], emailfmt._ExtractAddrs(header_val))
+    header_val = 'J. Robbins <>,,\n Nick "Name" Dude <>'
+    self.assertEqual(
+        ['', '', ''],
+        emailfmt._ExtractAddrs(header_val))
+    header_val = ('hot: J. O\'Robbins <>; '
+                  'cool: "friendly" <>')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        ['', ''],
+        emailfmt._ExtractAddrs(header_val))
+  def CheckIdentifiedValues(
+      self, project_addr, subject, expected_project_name, expected_local_id,
+      expected_verb=None, expected_label=None):
+    """Testing helper function to check 3 results against expected values."""
+    project_name, verb, label = emailfmt.IdentifyProjectVerbAndLabel(
+        project_addr)
+    local_id = emailfmt.IdentifyIssue(project_name, subject)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_project_name, project_name)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_local_id, local_id)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_verb, verb)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_label, label)
+  def testIdentifyProjectAndIssues_Normal(self):
+    """Parse normal issue notification subject lines."""
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        '',
+        'Issue 123 in proj: the dogs wont eat the dogfood',
+        'proj', 123)
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        'Proj@MonoRail.Example.Com',
+        'Issue 123 in proj: the dogs wont eat the dogfood',
+        'proj', 123)
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        '',
+        'Issue 123 in proj-4-u: this one goes to: 11',
+        'proj-4-u', 123)
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        '',
+        'Issue 451 in day: something is fishy',
+        'night', None)
+  def testIdentifyProjectAndIssues_Compact(self):
+    """Parse compact subject lines."""
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        '',
+        'proj:123: the dogs wont eat the dogfood',
+        'proj', 123)
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        'Proj@MonoRail.Example.Com',
+        'proj:123: the dogs wont eat the dogfood',
+        'proj', 123)
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        '',
+        'proj-4-u:123: this one goes to: 11',
+        'proj-4-u', 123)
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        '',
+        'day:451: something is fishy',
+        'night', None)
+  def testIdentifyProjectAndIssues_NotAMatch(self):
+    """These subject lines do not match the ones we send."""
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        '',
+        'Issue 234 in project foo: ignore this one',
+        None, None)
+    self.CheckIdentifiedValues(
+        '',
+        'foo-234: ignore this one',
+        None, None)
+  def testStripSubjectPrefixes(self):
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '',
+        emailfmt._StripSubjectPrefixes(''))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'this is it',
+        emailfmt._StripSubjectPrefixes('this is it'))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'this is it',
+        emailfmt._StripSubjectPrefixes('re: this is it'))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'this is it',
+        emailfmt._StripSubjectPrefixes('Re: Fwd: aw:this is it'))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'This - . IS it',
+        emailfmt._StripSubjectPrefixes('This - . IS it'))
+class MailDomainTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testTrivialCases(self):
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '',
+        emailfmt.MailDomain())
+class NoReplyAddressTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testNoCommenter(self):
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '',
+        emailfmt.NoReplyAddress())
+  def testWithCommenter(self):
+    commenter_view = framework_views.StuffUserView(
+        111, '', True)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'user via monorail '
+        '<>',
+        emailfmt.NoReplyAddress(
+            commenter_view=commenter_view, reveal_addr=True))
+  def testObscuredCommenter(self):
+    commenter_view = framework_views.StuffUserView(
+        111, '', True)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        u'u\u2026 via monorail '
+        '<>',
+        emailfmt.NoReplyAddress(
+            commenter_view=commenter_view, reveal_addr=False))
+class FormatFromAddrTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.project = project_pb2.Project(project_name='monorail')
+    self.old_send_email_as_format = settings.send_email_as_format
+    settings.send_email_as_format = 'monorail@%(domain)s'
+    self.old_send_noreply_email_as_format = (
+        settings.send_noreply_email_as_format)
+    settings.send_noreply_email_as_format = 'monorail+noreply@%(domain)s'
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.old_send_email_as_format = settings.send_email_as_format
+    self.old_send_noreply_email_as_format = (
+        settings.send_noreply_email_as_format)
+  def testNoCommenter(self):
+    self.assertEqual('',
+                     emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(self.project))
+  @mock.patch('settings.branded_domains',
+              {'monorail': '', '*': ''})
+  def testNoCommenter_Branded(self):
+    self.assertEqual('',
+                     emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(self.project))
+  def testNoCommenterWithNoReply(self):
+    self.assertEqual('',
+                     emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(self.project, can_reply_to=False))
+  @mock.patch('settings.branded_domains',
+              {'monorail': '', '*': ''})
+  def testNoCommenterWithNoReply_Branded(self):
+    self.assertEqual('',
+                     emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(self.project, can_reply_to=False))
+  def testWithCommenter(self):
+    commenter_view = framework_views.StuffUserView(
+        111, '', True)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        u'user via monorail <>',
+        emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(
+            self.project, commenter_view=commenter_view, reveal_addr=True))
+  @mock.patch('settings.branded_domains',
+              {'monorail': '', '*': ''})
+  def testWithCommenter_Branded(self):
+    commenter_view = framework_views.StuffUserView(
+        111, '', True)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        u'user via monorail <>',
+        emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(
+            self.project, commenter_view=commenter_view, reveal_addr=True))
+  def testObscuredCommenter(self):
+    commenter_view = framework_views.StuffUserView(
+        111, '', True)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        u'u\u2026 via monorail <>',
+        emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(
+            self.project, commenter_view=commenter_view, reveal_addr=False))
+  def testServiceAccountCommenter(self):
+    johndoe_bot = ''
+    commenter_view = framework_views.StuffUserView(
+        111, johndoe_bot, True)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        ('johndoe via monorail <>'),
+        emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(
+            self.project, commenter_view=commenter_view, reveal_addr=False))
+class NormalizeHeaderWhitespaceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testTrivialCases(self):
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '',
+        emailfmt.NormalizeHeader(''))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '',
+        emailfmt.NormalizeHeader(' \t\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'a',
+        emailfmt.NormalizeHeader('a'))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'a b',
+        emailfmt.NormalizeHeader(' a  b '))
+  def testLongSummary(self):
+    big_string = 'x' * 500
+    self.assertEqual(
+        big_string[:emailfmt.MAX_HEADER_CHARS_CONSIDERED],
+        emailfmt.NormalizeHeader(big_string))
+    big_string = 'x y ' * 500
+    self.assertEqual(
+        big_string[:emailfmt.MAX_HEADER_CHARS_CONSIDERED],
+        emailfmt.NormalizeHeader(big_string))
+    big_string = 'x   ' * 100
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'x ' * 99 + 'x',
+        emailfmt.NormalizeHeader(big_string))
+  def testNormalCase(self):
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '[a] b: c d',
+        emailfmt.NormalizeHeader('[a]  b:\tc\n\td'))
+class MakeMessageIDTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_datastore_v3_stub()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+  def testMakeMessageIDTest(self):
+    message_id = emailfmt.MakeMessageID(
+        '', 'subject', '')
+    self.assertTrue(message_id.startswith('<0='))
+    self.assertEqual('>',
+                     message_id.split('@')[-1])
+    settings.mail_domain = None
+    message_id = emailfmt.MakeMessageID(
+        '', 'subject', '')
+    self.assertTrue(message_id.startswith('<0='))
+    self.assertEqual('>',
+                     message_id.split('@')[-1])
+    message_id = emailfmt.MakeMessageID(
+        '', 'subject', '')
+    self.assertTrue(message_id.startswith('<0='))
+    self.assertEqual('>',
+                     message_id.split('@')[-1])
+    message_id_ws_1 = emailfmt.MakeMessageID(
+        '',
+        'this is a very long subject that is sure to be wordwrapped by gmail',
+        '')
+    message_id_ws_2 = emailfmt.MakeMessageID(
+        '',
+        'this is a  very   long subject   that \n\tis sure to be '
+        'wordwrapped \t\tby gmail',
+        '')
+    self.assertEqual(message_id_ws_1, message_id_ws_2)
+class GetReferencesTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_datastore_v3_stub()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+  def testNotPartOfThread(self):
+    refs = emailfmt.GetReferences(
+        '', 'hi', None, emailfmt.NoReplyAddress())
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(refs))
+  def testAnywhereInThread(self):
+    refs = emailfmt.GetReferences(
+        '', 'hi', 0, emailfmt.NoReplyAddress())
+    self.assertTrue(len(refs))
+    self.assertTrue(refs.startswith('<0='))
+class StripQuotedTextTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def CheckExpected(self, expected_output, test_input):
+    actual_output = emailfmt.StripQuotedText(test_input)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_output, actual_output)
+  def testAllNewText(self):
+    self.CheckExpected('', '')
+    self.CheckExpected('', '\n')
+    self.CheckExpected('', '\n\n')
+    self.CheckExpected('new', 'new')
+    self.CheckExpected('new', '\nnew\n')
+    self.CheckExpected('new\ntext', '\nnew\ntext\n')
+    self.CheckExpected('new\n\ntext', '\nnew\n\ntext\n')
+  def testQuotedLines(self):
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> that took two lines'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> that took two lines'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('> something you said\n'
+         '> that took two lines\n'
+         'new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('newtext'),
+        ('> something you said\n'
+         '> that took two lines\n'
+         'newtext'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'On Mon, Jan 1, 2023, So-and-so <> Wrote:\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'On Mon, Jan 1, 2023, So-and-so <> Wrote:\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'On Mon, Jan 1, 2023, via Monorail\n'
+         '<> Wrote:\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'On Jan 14, 2016 6:19 AM, " via Monorail" <\n'
+         '> Wrote:\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'On Jan 14, 2016 6:19 AM, " via Monorail" <\n'
+         '> wrote:\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'On Mon, Jan 1, 2023, So-and-so wrote:\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 6:56 PM, So =AND= <>wrote:\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'On Mon, Jan 1, 2023, So-and-so <> Wrote:\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         ' wrote:\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         ' a \xc3\xa9crit :\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         ' a \xc3\xa9crit :\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         '2023/01/4 <>\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         '2023/01/4 <>\n'
+         '\n'
+         '> something you said\n'
+         '> > in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+  def testBoundaryLines(self):
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new'),
+        ('new\n'
+         '---- forwarded message ======\n'
+         '\n'
+         'something you said\n'
+         '> in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new'),
+        ('new\n'
+         '-----Original Message-----\n'
+         '\n'
+         'something you said\n'
+         '> in response to some other junk\n'
+         '\n'
+         'text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new'),
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Updates:\n'
+         '\tStatus: Fixed\n'
+         '\n'
+         'notification text\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new'),
+        ('new\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Comment #1 on issue 9 by username: Is there ...'
+         'notification text\n'))
+  def testSignatures(self):
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '-- \n'
+         'Name\n'
+         'phone\n'
+         'funny quote, or legal disclaimers\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '--\n'
+         'Name\n'
+         'phone\n'
+         'funny quote, or legal disclaimers\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '--\n'
+         'Name\n'
+         'ginormous signature\n'
+         'phone\n'
+         'address\n'
+         'address\n'
+         'address\n'
+         'homepage\n'
+         'social network A\n'
+         'social network B\n'
+         'social network C\n'
+         'funny quote\n'
+         '4 lines about why email should be short\n'
+         'legal disclaimers\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '_______________\n'
+         'Name\n'
+         'phone\n'
+         'funny quote, or legal disclaimers\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Thanks,\n'
+         'Name\n'
+         '\n'
+         '_______________\n'
+         'Name\n'
+         'phone\n'
+         'funny quote, or legal disclaimers\n'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Thanks,\n'
+         'Name'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Cheers,\n'
+         'Name'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Regards\n'
+         'Name'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'best regards'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'THX'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Thank you,\n'
+         'Name'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Sent from my iPhone'))
+    self.CheckExpected(
+        ('new\n'
+         'text'),
+        ('new\n'
+         'text\n'
+         '\n'
+         'Sent from my iPod'))