Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/framework/ b/framework/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..362585f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A simple profiler object to track how time is spent on a request.
+The profiler is called from application code at the begining and
+end of each major phase and subphase of processing.  The profiler
+object keeps track of how much time was spent on each phase or subphase.
+This class is useful when developers need to understand where
+server-side time is being spent.  It includes durations in
+milliseconds, and a simple bar chart on the HTML page.
+On-page debugging and performance info is useful because it makes it easier
+to explore performance interactively.
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import datetime
+import logging
+import random
+import re
+import threading
+import time
+from infra_libs import ts_mon
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+PHASE_TIME = ts_mon.CumulativeDistributionMetric(
+    'monorail/servlet/phase_time',
+    'Time spent in profiler phases, in ms',
+    [ts_mon.StringField('phase')])
+# trace_service requires names less than 128 bytes
+class Profiler(object):
+  """Object to record and help display request processing profiling info.
+  The Profiler class holds a list of phase objects, which can hold additional
+  phase objects (which are subphases).  Each phase or subphase represents some
+  meaningful part of this application's HTTP request processing.
+  """
+  _COLORS = ['900', '090', '009', '360', '306', '036',
+             '630', '630', '063', '333']
+  def __init__(self, opt_trace_context=None, opt_trace_service=None):
+    """Each request processing profile begins with an empty list of phases."""
+    self.top_phase = _Phase('overall profile', -1, None)
+    self.current_phase = self.top_phase
+    self.next_color = 0
+    self.original_thread_id = threading.current_thread().ident
+    self.trace_context = opt_trace_context
+    self.trace_service = opt_trace_service
+    self.project_id = app_identity.get_application_id()
+  def StartPhase(self, name='unspecified phase'):
+    """Begin a (sub)phase by pushing a new phase onto a stack."""
+    if self.original_thread_id != threading.current_thread().ident:
+      return  # We only profile the main thread.
+    color = self._COLORS[self.next_color % len(self._COLORS)]
+    self.next_color += 1
+    self.current_phase = _Phase(name, color, self.current_phase)
+  def EndPhase(self):
+    """End a (sub)phase by poping the phase stack."""
+    if self.original_thread_id != threading.current_thread().ident:
+      return  # We only profile the main thread.
+    self.current_phase = self.current_phase.End()
+  @contextmanager
+  def Phase(self, name='unspecified phase'):
+    """Context manager to automatically begin and end (sub)phases."""
+    self.StartPhase(name)
+    try:
+      yield
+    finally:
+      self.EndPhase()
+  def LogStats(self):
+    """Log sufficiently-long phases and subphases, for debugging purposes."""
+    self.top_phase.End()
+    lines = ['Stats:']
+    self.top_phase.AccumulateStatLines(self.top_phase.elapsed_seconds, lines)
+  def ReportTrace(self):
+    """Send a profile trace to Google Cloud Tracing."""
+    self.top_phase.End()
+    spans = self.top_phase.SpanJson()
+    if not self.trace_service or not self.trace_context:
+'would have sent trace: %s', spans)
+      return
+    # Format of trace_context: 'TRACE_ID/SPAN_ID;o=TRACE_TRUE'
+    # (from
+    # TODO(crbug/monorail:7086): Respect the o=TRACE_TRUE part.
+    # Note: on Appngine it seems ';o=1' is omitted rather than set to 0.
+    trace_id, root_span_id = self.trace_context.split(';')[0].split('/')
+    for s in spans:
+      # TODO(crbug/monorail:7087): Consider setting `parentSpanId` to
+      # `root_span_id` for the children of `top_phase`.
+      if not 'parentSpanId' in s:
+        s['parentSpanId'] = root_span_id
+    traces_body = {
+      'projectId': self.project_id,
+      'traceId': trace_id,
+      'spans': spans,
+    }
+    body = {
+      'traces': [traces_body]
+    }
+    # TODO(crbug/monorail:7088): Do this async so it doesn't delay the response.
+    request = self.trace_service.projects().patchTraces(
+        projectId=self.project_id, body=body)
+    _res = request.execute()
+class _Phase(object):
+  """A _Phase instance represents a period of time during request processing."""
+  def __init__(self, name, color, parent):
+    """Initialize a (sub)phase with the given name and current system clock."""
+    self.start = time.time()
+    self.color = color
+    self.subphases = []
+    self.elapsed_seconds = None
+ = 'in_progress'  # shown if the phase never records a finish.
+    self.uncategorized_ms = None
+    self.parent = parent
+    if self.parent is not None:
+      self.parent._RegisterSubphase(self)
+ = str(random.getrandbits(64))
+  def _RegisterSubphase(self, subphase):
+    """Add a subphase to this phase."""
+    self.subphases.append(subphase)
+  def End(self):
+    """Record the time between the start and end of this (sub)phase."""
+    self.elapsed_seconds = time.time() - self.start
+ = int(self.elapsed_seconds * 1000)
+    for sub in self.subphases:
+      if sub.elapsed_seconds is None:
+        logging.warn('issue3182: subphase is %r', sub and
+    categorized = sum(sub.elapsed_seconds or 0.0 for sub in self.subphases)
+    self.uncategorized_ms = int((self.elapsed_seconds - categorized) * 1000)
+    return self.parent
+  def AccumulateStatLines(self, total_seconds, lines, indent=''):
+    # Only phases that took longer than 30ms are interesting.
+    if <= 30:
+      return
+    percent = self.elapsed_seconds // total_seconds * 100
+    lines.append('%s%5d ms (%2d%%): %s' % (indent,, percent,
+    # Remove IDs etc to reduce the phase name cardinality for ts_mon.
+    normalized_phase = re.sub('[0-9]+', '',
+    PHASE_TIME.add(, {'phase': normalized_phase})
+    for subphase in self.subphases:
+      subphase.AccumulateStatLines(total_seconds, lines, indent=indent + '   ')
+  def SpanJson(self):
+    """Return a json representation of this phase as a GCP Cloud Trace object.
+    """
+    endTime = self.start + self.elapsed_seconds
+    span = {
+      'kind': 'RPC_SERVER',
+      'name':,
+      'spanId':,
+      'startTime':
+          datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.start).isoformat() + 'Z',
+      'endTime': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(endTime).isoformat() + 'Z',
+    }
+    if self.parent is not None and is not None:
+      span['parentSpanId'] =
+    spans = [span]
+    for s in self.subphases:
+      spans.extend(s.SpanJson())
+    return spans