Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/framework/ b/framework/
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index 0000000..2933fea
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+++ b/framework/
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Functions that format or parse email messages in Monorail.
+Specifically, this module has the logic for generating various email
+header lines that help match inbound and outbound email to the project
+and artifact that generated it.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import hmac
+import logging
+import re
+import rfc822
+import six
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+import settings
+from framework import framework_constants
+from services import client_config_svc
+from services import secrets_svc
+# TODO(jrobbins): Parsing very large messages is slow, and we are not going
+# to handle attachments at first, so there is no reason to consider large
+# emails.
+MAX_BODY_SIZE = 100 * 1024
+def _checkEmailHeaderPrefix(key):
+  """Ensures that a given email header starts with X-Alert2Monorail prefix."""
+  # this is to catch typos in the email header prefix and raises an exception
+  # during package loading time.
+  assert key.startswith('X-Alert2Monorail')
+  return key
+class AlertEmailHeader(object):
+  """A list of the email header keys supported by Alert2Monorail."""
+  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
+  #
+  # The prefix has been hard-coded without string substitution to make them
+  # searchable with the header keys.
+  INCIDENT_ID = 'X-Incident-Id'
+  OWNER       = _checkEmailHeaderPrefix('X-Alert2Monorail-owner')
+  CC          = _checkEmailHeaderPrefix('X-Alert2Monorail-cc')
+  PRIORITY    = _checkEmailHeaderPrefix('X-Alert2Monorail-priority')
+  STATUS      = _checkEmailHeaderPrefix('X-Alert2Monorail-status')
+  COMPONENT   = _checkEmailHeaderPrefix('X-Alert2Monorail-component')
+  OS          = _checkEmailHeaderPrefix('X-Alert2Monorail-os')
+  TYPE        = _checkEmailHeaderPrefix('X-Alert2Monorail-type')
+  LABEL       = _checkEmailHeaderPrefix('X-Alert2Monorail-label')
+def IsBodyTooBigToParse(body):
+  """Return True if the email message body is too big to process."""
+  return len(body) > MAX_BODY_SIZE
+def IsProjectAddressOnToLine(project_addr, to_addrs):
+  """Return True if an email was explicitly sent directly to us."""
+  return project_addr in to_addrs
+def ParseEmailMessage(msg):
+  """Parse the given MessageRouterMessage and return relevant fields.
+  Args:
+    msg: email.message.Message object for the email message sent to us.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple: from_addr, to_addrs, cc_addrs, references,
+    incident_id, subject, body.
+  """
+  # Ignore messages that are probably not from humans, see:
+  #
+  precedence = msg.get('precedence', '')
+  if precedence.lower() in ['bulk', 'junk']:
+'Precedence: %r indicates an autoresponder', precedence)
+    return '', [], [], '', '', '', ''
+  from_addrs = _ExtractAddrs(msg.get('from', ''))
+  if from_addrs:
+    from_addr = from_addrs[0]
+  else:
+    from_addr = ''
+  to_addrs = _ExtractAddrs(msg.get('to', ''))
+  cc_addrs = _ExtractAddrs(msg.get('cc', ''))
+  in_reply_to = msg.get('in-reply-to', '')
+  incident_id = msg.get(AlertEmailHeader.INCIDENT_ID, '')
+  references = msg.get('references', '').split()
+  references = list({ref for ref in [in_reply_to] + references if ref})
+  subject = _StripSubjectPrefixes(msg.get('subject', ''))
+  body = u''
+  for part in msg.walk():
+    # We only process plain text emails.
+    if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
+      body = part.get_payload(decode=True)
+      if not isinstance(body, six.text_type):
+        body = body.decode('utf-8')
+      break  # Only consider the first text part.
+  return (from_addr, to_addrs, cc_addrs, references, incident_id, subject,
+          body)
+def _ExtractAddrs(header_value):
+  """Given a message header value, return email address found there."""
+  friendly_addr_pairs = list(rfc822.AddressList(header_value))
+  return [addr for _friendly, addr in friendly_addr_pairs]
+def _StripSubjectPrefixes(subject):
+  """Strip off any 'Re:', 'Fwd:', etc. subject line prefixes."""
+  prefix = _FindSubjectPrefix(subject)
+  while prefix:
+    subject = subject[len(prefix):].strip()
+    prefix = _FindSubjectPrefix(subject)
+  return subject
+def _FindSubjectPrefix(subject):
+  """If the given subject starts with a prefix, return that prefix."""
+  for prefix in ['re:', 'aw:', 'fwd:', 'fw:']:
+    if subject.lower().startswith(prefix):
+      return prefix
+  return None
+def MailDomain():
+  """Return the domain name where this app can recieve email."""
+  if settings.unit_test_mode:
+    return ''
+  # If running on a GAFYD domain, you must define an app alias on the
+  # Application Settings admin web page.  If you cannot reserve the matching
+  # APP_ID for the alias, then specify it in settings.mail_domain.
+  if settings.mail_domain:
+    return settings.mail_domain
+  app_id = app_identity.get_application_id()
+  if ':' in app_id:
+    app_id = app_id.split(':')[-1]
+  return '' % app_id
+def FormatFriendly(commenter_view, sender, reveal_addr):
+  """Format the From: line to include the commenter's friendly name if given."""
+  if commenter_view:
+    site_name = settings.site_name.lower()
+    if in client_config_svc.GetServiceAccountMap():
+      friendly = commenter_view.display_name
+    elif reveal_addr:
+      friendly =
+    else:
+      friendly = u'%s\u2026@%s' % (
+          commenter_view.obscured_username, commenter_view.domain)
+    if '@' in sender:
+      sender_username, sender_domain = sender.split('@', 1)
+      sender = '%s+v2.%d@%s' % (
+          sender_username, commenter_view.user_id, sender_domain)
+      friendly = friendly.split('@')[0]
+    return '%s via %s <%s>' % (friendly, site_name, sender)
+  else:
+    return sender
+def NoReplyAddress(commenter_view=None, reveal_addr=False):
+  """Return an address that ignores all messages sent to it."""
+  # Note: We use "no_reply" with an underscore to avoid potential conflict
+  # with any project name.  Project names cannot have underscores.
+  # Note: This does not take branded domains into account, but this address
+  # is only used for email error messages and in the reply-to address
+  # when the user is not allowed to reply.
+  sender = 'no_reply@%s' % MailDomain()
+  return FormatFriendly(commenter_view, sender, reveal_addr)
+def FormatFromAddr(project, commenter_view=None, reveal_addr=False,
+                   can_reply_to=True):
+  """Return a string to be used on the email From: line.
+  Args:
+    project: Project PB for the project that the email is sent from.
+    commenter_view: Optional UserView of the user who made a comment.  We use
+        the user's (potentially obscured) email address as their friendly name.
+    reveal_addr: Optional bool. If False then the address is obscured.
+    can_reply_to: Optional bool. If True then settings.send_email_as is used,
+        otherwise settings.send_noreply_email_as is used.
+  Returns:
+    A string that should be used in the From: line of outbound email
+    notifications for the given project.
+  """
+  addr_format = (settings.send_email_as_format if can_reply_to
+                 else settings.send_noreply_email_as_format)
+  domain = settings.branded_domains.get(
+      project.project_name, settings.branded_domains.get('*'))
+  domain = domain or ''
+  if domain.count('.') > 1:
+    domain = '.'.join(domain.split('.')[-2:])
+  addr = addr_format % {'domain': domain}
+  return FormatFriendly(commenter_view, addr, reveal_addr)
+def NormalizeHeader(s):
+  """Make our message-ids robust against mail client spacing and truncation."""
+  words = _StripSubjectPrefixes(s).split()  # Split on any runs of whitespace.
+  normalized = ' '.join(words)
+  truncated = normalized[:MAX_HEADER_CHARS_CONSIDERED]
+  return truncated
+def MakeMessageID(to_addr, subject, from_addr):
+  """Make a unique (but deterministic) email Message-Id: value."""
+  normalized_subject = NormalizeHeader(subject)
+  if isinstance(normalized_subject, six.text_type):
+    normalized_subject = normalized_subject.encode('utf-8')
+  mail_hmac_key = secrets_svc.GetEmailKey()
+  return '<0=%s=%s=%s@%s>' % (
+, to_addr).hexdigest(),
+, normalized_subject).hexdigest(),
+      from_addr.split('@')[0],
+      MailDomain())
+def GetReferences(to_addr, subject, seq_num, project_from_addr):
+  """Make a References: header to make this message thread properly.
+  Args:
+    to_addr: address that email message will be sent to.
+    subject: subject line of email message.
+    seq_num: sequence number of message in thread, e.g., 0, 1, 2, ...,
+        or None if the message is not part of a thread.
+    project_from_addr: address that the message will be sent from.
+  Returns:
+    A string Message-ID that does not correspond to any actual email
+    message that was ever sent, but it does serve to unite all the
+    messages that belong togther in a thread.
+  """
+  if seq_num is not None:
+    return MakeMessageID(to_addr, subject, project_from_addr)
+  else:
+    return ''
+def ValidateReferencesHeader(message_ref, project, from_addr, subject):
+  """Check that the References header is one that we could have sent.
+  Args:
+    message_ref: one of the References header values from the inbound email.
+    project: Project PB for the affected project.
+    from_addr: string email address that inbound email was sent from.
+    subject: string base subject line of inbound email.
+  Returns:
+    True if it looks like this is a reply to a message that we sent
+    to the same address that replied.  Otherwise, False.
+  """
+  sender = '%s@%s' % (project.project_name, MailDomain())
+  expected_ref = MakeMessageID(from_addr, subject, sender)
+  # TODO(jrobbins): project option to not check from_addr.
+  # TODO(jrobbins): project inbound auth token.
+  return expected_ref == message_ref
+PROJECT_EMAIL_RE = re.compile(
+    r'(?P<project>[-a-z0-9]+)'
+    r'(\+(?P<verb>[a-z0-9]+)(\+(?P<label>[a-z0-9-]+))?)?'
+    r'@(?P<domain>[-a-z0-9.]+)')
+    r'Issue (?P<local_id>[0-9]+) in '
+    r'(?P<project>[-a-z0-9]+): '
+    r'(?P<summary>.+)')
+    r'(?P<project>[-a-z0-9]+):'
+    r'(?P<local_id>[0-9]+): '
+    r'(?P<summary>.+)')
+def IdentifyIssue(project_name, subject):
+  """Parse the artifact id from a reply and verify it is a valid issue.
+  Args:
+    project_name: string the project to search for the issue in.
+    subject: string email subject line received, it must match the one
+        sent.  Leading prefixes like "Re:" should already have been stripped.
+  Returns:
+    An int local_id for the id of the issue. None if no id is found or the id
+    is not valid.
+  """
+  issue_project_name, local_id_str = _MatchSubject(subject)
+  if project_name != issue_project_name:
+    # Something is wrong with the project name.
+    return None
+'project_name = %r', project_name)
+'local_id_str = %r', local_id_str)
+  try:
+    local_id = int(local_id_str)
+  except (ValueError, TypeError):
+    local_id = None
+  return local_id
+def IdentifyProjectVerbAndLabel(project_addr):
+  # Ignore any inbound email sent to a "no_reply@" address.
+  if project_addr.startswith('no_reply@'):
+    return None, None, None
+  project_name = None
+  verb = None
+  label = None
+  m = PROJECT_EMAIL_RE.match(project_addr.lower())
+  if m:
+    project_name ='project')
+    verb ='verb')
+    label ='label')
+  return project_name, verb, label
+def _MatchSubject(subject):
+  """Parse the project, artifact type, and artifact id from a subject line."""
+  m = (ISSUE_CHANGE_SUBJECT_RE.match(subject) or
+       ISSUE_CHANGE_COMPACT_SUBJECT_RE.match(subject))
+  if m:
+    return'project'),'local_id')
+  return None, None
+# TODO(jrobbins): For now, we strip out lines that look like quoted
+# text and then will give the user the option to see the whole email.
+# For 2.0 of this feature, we should change the Comment PB to have
+# runs of text with different properties so that the UI can present
+# "- Show quoted text -" and expand it in-line.
+# TODO(jrobbins): For now, we look for lines that indicate quoted
+# text (e.g., they start with ">").  But, we should also collapse
+# multiple lines that are identical to other lines in previous
+# non-deleted comments on the same issue, regardless of quote markers.
+# We cut off the message if we see something that looks like a signature and
+# it is near the bottom of the message.
+    r'^(([-_=]+ ?)+|'
+    r'cheers|(best |warm |kind )?regards|thx|thanks|thank you|'
+    r'Sent from my i?Phone|Sent from my iPod)'
+    r',? *$', re.I)
+  r'[^0-9a-z]+(forwarded|original) message[^0-9a-z]+\s*$',
+  r'Updates:\s*$',
+  r'Comment #\d+ on issue \d+ by \S+:',
+  # If we see this anywhere in the message, treat the rest as a signature.
+  r'--\s*$',
+  ]
+  r'^(%s)(.|\n)*' % '|'.join(FORWARD_OR_EXPLICIT_SIG_PATS),
+  flags=re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
+# This handles gmail well, and it's pretty broad without seeming like
+# it would cause false positives.
+  r'^On .*\s+<\s*\S+?@[-a-z0-9.]+>\s*wrote:\s*$',
+  r'^On .* \S+?@[-a-z0-9.]+\s*wrote:\s*$',
+  r'^\S+?@[-a-z0-9.]+ \(\S+?@[-a-z0-9.]+\)\s*wrote:\s*$',
+  r'\S+?@[-a-z0-9]\s.*wrote:\s*$',
+  r'\S+?@[-a-z0-9]\s+.*a\s+\xc3\xa9crit\s*:\s*$',
+  r'^\d+/\d+/\d+ +<\S+@[-a-z0-9.]+>:?\s*$',
+  r'^>.*$',
+  ]
+QUOTED_BLOCKS_RE = re.compile(
+  r'(^\s*\n)*((%s)\n?)+(^\s*\n)*' % '|'.join(QUOTE_PATS),
+  flags=re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
+def StripQuotedText(description):
+  """Strip all quoted text lines out of the given comment text."""
+  # If the rest of message is forwared text, we're done.
+  description = FORWARD_OR_EXPLICIT_SIG_PATS_AND_REST_RE.sub('', description)
+  # Replace each quoted block of lines and surrounding blank lines with at
+  # most one blank line.
+  description = QUOTED_BLOCKS_RE.sub('\n', description)
+  new_lines = description.strip().split('\n')
+  # Make another pass over the last few lines to strip out signatures.
+  sig_zone_start = max(0, len(new_lines) - MAX_SIGNATURE_LINES)
+  for idx in range(sig_zone_start, len(new_lines)):
+    line = new_lines[idx]
+    if SIGNATURE_BOUNDARY_RE.match(line):
+      # We found the likely start of a signature, just keep the lines above it.
+      new_lines = new_lines[:idx]
+      break
+  return '\n'.join(new_lines).strip()