Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/features/test/ b/features/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..615da38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for"""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import json
+import mock
+import unittest
+import os
+from features import features_constants
+from features import notify_helpers
+from features import notify_reasons
+from framework import emailfmt
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import urls
+from proto import user_pb2
+from services import service_manager
+from testing import fake
+class TaskQueueingFunctionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  @mock.patch('framework.cloud_tasks_helpers._get_client')
+  def testAddAllEmailTasks(self, get_client_mock):
+    notify_helpers.AddAllEmailTasks(
+      tasks=[{'to': 'user'}, {'to': 'user2'}])
+    self.assertEqual(get_client_mock().create_task.call_count, 2)
+    queue_call_args = get_client_mock().queue_path.call_args_list
+    ((_app_id, _region, queue), _kwargs) = queue_call_args[0]
+    self.assertEqual(queue, features_constants.QUEUE_OUTBOUND_EMAIL)
+    ((_app_id, _region, queue), _kwargs) = queue_call_args[1]
+    self.assertEqual(queue, features_constants.QUEUE_OUTBOUND_EMAIL)
+    task_call_args = get_client_mock().create_task.call_args_list
+    ((_parent, task), _kwargs) = task_call_args[0]
+    expected_task = {
+        'app_engine_http_request':
+            {
+                'relative_uri': urls.OUTBOUND_EMAIL_TASK + '.do',
+                'body': json.dumps({
+                    'to': 'user'
+                }).encode(),
+                'headers': {
+                    'Content-type': 'application/json'
+                }
+            }
+    }
+    self.assertEqual(task, expected_task)
+    ((_parent, task), _kwargs) = task_call_args[1]
+    expected_task = {
+        'app_engine_http_request':
+            {
+                'relative_uri': urls.OUTBOUND_EMAIL_TASK + '.do',
+                'body': json.dumps({
+                    'to': 'user2'
+                }).encode(),
+                'headers': {
+                    'Content-type': 'application/json'
+                }
+            }
+    }
+    self.assertEqual(task, expected_task)
+class MergeLinkedAccountReasonsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    parent = user_pb2.User(
+        user_id=111, email='',
+        linked_child_ids=[222])
+    child = user_pb2.User(
+        user_id=222, email='',
+        linked_parent_id=111)
+    user_3 = user_pb2.User(
+        user_id=333, email='')
+    user_4 = user_pb2.User(
+        user_id=444, email='')
+    self.addr_perm_parent = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+        False,, parent, notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+        user_pb2.UserPrefs())
+    self.addr_perm_child = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+        False,, child, notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+        user_pb2.UserPrefs())
+    self.addr_perm_3 = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+        False,, user_3, notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+        user_pb2.UserPrefs())
+    self.addr_perm_4 = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+        False,, user_4, notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+        user_pb2.UserPrefs())
+    self.addr_perm_5 = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+        False, '', None, notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+        user_pb2.UserPrefs())
+  def testEmptyDict(self):
+    """Zero users to notify."""
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {},
+        notify_helpers._MergeLinkedAccountReasons({}, {}))
+  def testNormal(self):
+    """No users are related."""
+    addr_to_addrperm = {
+       self.addr_perm_parent.address: self.addr_perm_parent,
+       self.addr_perm_3.address: self.addr_perm_3,
+       self.addr_perm_4.address: self.addr_perm_4,
+       self.addr_perm_5.address: self.addr_perm_5,
+       }
+    addr_to_reasons = {
+       self.addr_perm_parent.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_CCD],
+       self.addr_perm_3.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_OWNER],
+       self.addr_perm_4.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_CCD],
+       self.addr_perm_5.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_CCD],
+       }
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {self.addr_perm_parent.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_CCD],
+         self.addr_perm_3.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_OWNER],
+         self.addr_perm_4.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_CCD],
+         self.addr_perm_5.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_CCD]
+         },
+        notify_helpers._MergeLinkedAccountReasons(
+            addr_to_addrperm, addr_to_reasons))
+  def testMerged(self):
+    """A child is merged into parent notification."""
+    addr_to_addrperm = {
+       self.addr_perm_parent.address: self.addr_perm_parent,
+       self.addr_perm_child.address: self.addr_perm_child,
+       }
+    addr_to_reasons = {
+       self.addr_perm_parent.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_OWNER],
+       self.addr_perm_child.address: [notify_reasons.REASON_CCD],
+       }
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {self.addr_perm_parent.address:
+         [notify_reasons.REASON_OWNER,
+          notify_reasons.REASON_LINKED_ACCOUNT]
+         },
+        notify_helpers._MergeLinkedAccountReasons(
+            addr_to_addrperm, addr_to_reasons))
+class MakeBulletedEmailWorkItemsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.project = fake.Project(project_name='proj1')
+    self.commenter_view = framework_views.StuffUserView(
+        111, '', True)
+    self.issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        self.project.project_id, 1234, 'summary', 'New', 111)
+    self.detail_url = ''
+  def testEmptyAddrs(self):
+    """Test the case where we found zero users to notify."""
+    email_tasks = notify_helpers.MakeBulletedEmailWorkItems(
+        [], self.issue, 'link only body', 'non-member body', 'member body',
+        self.project, '',
+        self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertEqual([], email_tasks)
+    email_tasks = notify_helpers.MakeBulletedEmailWorkItems(
+        [([], 'reason')], self.issue, 'link only body', 'non-member body',
+        'member body', self.project,
+        '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertEqual([], email_tasks)
+class LinkOnlyLogicTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.user_prefs = user_pb2.UserPrefs()
+    self.user = user_pb2.User()
+    self.issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789, 1, 'summary one', 'New', 111)
+    self.rvg_issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789, 2, 'summary two', 'New', 111, labels=['Restrict-View-Google'])
+    self.more_restricted_issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789, 3, 'summary three', 'New', 111, labels=['Restrict-View-Core'])
+    self.both_restricted_issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789, 4, 'summary four', 'New', 111,
+        labels=['Restrict-View-Google', 'Restrict-View-Core'])
+    self.addr_perm = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+        False, '', self.user, notify_reasons.REPLY_MAY_COMMENT,
+        self.user_prefs)
+  def testGetNotifyRestrictedIssues_NoPrefsPassed(self):
+    """AlsoNotify and all-issues addresses have no UserPrefs.  None is used."""
+    actual = notify_helpers._GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(
+        None, '', self.user)
+    self.assertEqual('notify with link only', actual)
+    self.user.last_visit_timestamp = 123456789
+    actual = notify_helpers._GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(
+        None, '', self.user)
+    self.assertEqual('notify with details', actual)
+  def testGetNotifyRestrictedIssues_PrefIsSet(self):
+    """When the notify_restricted_issues pref is set, we use it."""
+    self.user_prefs.prefs.extend([
+        user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='x', value='y'),
+        user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='notify_restricted_issues', value='z'),
+        ])
+    actual = notify_helpers._GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(
+        self.user_prefs, '', self.user)
+    self.assertEqual('z', actual)
+  def testGetNotifyRestrictedIssues_UserHasVisited(self):
+    """If user has ever visited, we know that they are not a mailing list."""
+    self.user.last_visit_timestamp = 123456789
+    actual = notify_helpers._GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(
+        self.user_prefs, '', self.user)
+    self.assertEqual('notify with details', actual)
+  def testGetNotifyRestrictedIssues_GooglerNeverVisited(self):
+    """It could be a noogler or google mailing list."""
+    actual = notify_helpers._GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(
+        self.user_prefs, '', self.user)
+    self.assertEqual('notify with details: Google', actual)
+  def testGetNotifyRestrictedIssues_NonGooglerNeverVisited(self):
+    """It could be a new non-noogler or public mailing list."""
+    actual = notify_helpers._GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(
+        self.user_prefs, '', self.user)
+    self.assertEqual('notify with link only', actual)
+    # If email does not match any known user, user object will be None.
+    actual = notify_helpers._GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(
+        self.user_prefs, '', None)
+    self.assertEqual('notify with link only', actual)
+  def testShouldUseLinkOnly_UnrestrictedIssue(self):
+    """Issue is not restricted, so go ahead and send comment details."""
+    self.assertFalse(notify_helpers.ShouldUseLinkOnly(
+        self.addr_perm, self.issue))
+  def testShouldUseLinkOnly_AlwaysDetailed(self):
+    """Issue is not restricted, so go ahead and send comment details."""
+    self.assertFalse(
+        notify_helpers.ShouldUseLinkOnly(self.addr_perm, self.issue, True))
+  @mock.patch('features.notify_helpers._GetNotifyRestrictedIssues')
+  def testShouldUseLinkOnly_NotifyWithDetails(self, fake_gnri):
+    """Issue is restricted, and user is allowed to get full comment details."""
+    fake_gnri.return_value = notify_helpers.NOTIFY_WITH_DETAILS
+    self.assertFalse(notify_helpers.ShouldUseLinkOnly(
+        self.addr_perm, self.rvg_issue))
+    self.assertFalse(notify_helpers.ShouldUseLinkOnly(
+        self.addr_perm, self.more_restricted_issue))
+    self.assertFalse(notify_helpers.ShouldUseLinkOnly(
+        self.addr_perm, self.both_restricted_issue))
+class MakeEmailWorkItemTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.project = fake.Project(project_name='proj1')
+    self.project.process_inbound_email = True
+    self.project2 = fake.Project(project_name='proj2')
+    self.project2.issue_notify_always_detailed = True
+    self.commenter_view = framework_views.StuffUserView(
+        111, '', True)
+    self.expected_html_footer = (
+        'You received this message because:<br/>  1. reason<br/><br/>You may '
+        'adjust your notification preferences at:<br/><a href="https://'
+        '">'
+        '</a>')
+ = service_manager.Services(
+        user=fake.UserService())
+    self.member ='', 222)
+    self.issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        self.project.project_id, 1234, 'summary', 'New', 111,
+        project_name='proj1')
+    self.detail_url = ''
+  @mock.patch('features.notify_helpers.ShouldUseLinkOnly')
+  def testBodySelection_LinkOnly(self, mock_sulo):
+    """We send a link-only body when ShouldUseLinkOnly() is true."""
+    mock_sulo.return_value = True
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body mem', 'body mem', self.project,
+        '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertIn('body link-only', email_task['body'])
+  def testBodySelection_Member(self):
+    """We send members the email body that is indented for members."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body mem', 'body mem', self.project,
+        '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertIn('body mem', email_task['body'])
+  def testBodySelection_AlwaysDetailed(self):
+    """Always send full email when project configuration requires it."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()), ['reason'], self.issue, 'body link-only',
+        'body mem', 'body mem', self.project2, '',
+        self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertIn('body mem', email_task['body'])
+  def testBodySelection_NonMember(self):
+    """We send non-members the email body that is indented for non-members."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            False, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body non', 'body mem', self.project,
+        '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertEqual('', email_task['to'])
+    self.assertEqual('Issue 1234 in proj1: summary', email_task['subject'])
+    self.assertIn('body non', email_task['body'])
+    self.assertEqual(
+      emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(self.project, commenter_view=self.commenter_view,
+                              can_reply_to=False),
+      email_task['from_addr'])
+    self.assertEqual(emailfmt.NoReplyAddress(), email_task['reply_to'])
+  def testHtmlBody(self):
+    """"An html body is sent if a detail_url is specified."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            False, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body non', 'body mem', self.project,
+        '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    expected_html_body = (
+        notify_helpers.HTML_BODY_WITH_GMAIL_ACTION_TEMPLATE % {
+            'url': self.detail_url,
+            'body': 'body non-- <br/>%s' % self.expected_html_footer})
+    self.assertEqual(expected_html_body, email_task['html_body'])
+  def testHtmlBody_WithUnicodeChars(self):
+    """"An html body is sent if a detail_url is specified."""
+    unicode_content = '\xe2\x9d\xa4     â    â'
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            False, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', unicode_content, 'unused body mem',
+        self.project, '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    expected_html_body = (
+        notify_helpers.HTML_BODY_WITH_GMAIL_ACTION_TEMPLATE % {
+            'url': self.detail_url,
+            'body': '%s-- <br/>%s' % (unicode_content.decode('utf-8'),
+                                      self.expected_html_footer)})
+    self.assertEqual(expected_html_body, email_task['html_body'])
+  def testHtmlBody_WithLinks(self):
+    """"An html body is sent if a detail_url is specified."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            False, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'test test', 'unused body mem',
+        self.project, '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    expected_html_body = (
+        notify_helpers.HTML_BODY_WITH_GMAIL_ACTION_TEMPLATE % {
+            'url': self.detail_url,
+            'body': (
+            'test <a href=""></a> test-- <br/>%s' % (
+                self.expected_html_footer))})
+    self.assertEqual(expected_html_body, email_task['html_body'])
+  def testHtmlBody_LinkWithinTags(self):
+    """"An html body is sent with correct <a href>s."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            False, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'a <> z', 'unused body',
+        self.project, '', self.commenter_view,
+        self.detail_url)
+    expected_html_body = (
+        notify_helpers.HTML_BODY_WITH_GMAIL_ACTION_TEMPLATE % {
+            'url': self.detail_url,
+            'body': (
+                'a &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; '
+                'z-- <br/>%s' % self.expected_html_footer)})
+    self.assertEqual(expected_html_body, email_task['html_body'])
+  def testHtmlBody_EmailWithinTags(self):
+    """"An html body is sent with correct <a href>s."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            False, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'a <> <> z',
+        'unused body mem', self.project, '', self.commenter_view,
+        self.detail_url)
+    expected_html_body = (
+        notify_helpers.HTML_BODY_WITH_GMAIL_ACTION_TEMPLATE % {
+            'url': self.detail_url,
+            'body': (
+                'a &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;'
+                ' &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; '
+                'z-- <br/>%s' % self.expected_html_footer)})
+    self.assertEqual(expected_html_body, email_task['html_body'])
+  def testHtmlBody_WithEscapedHtml(self):
+    """"An html body is sent with html content escaped."""
+    body_with_html_content = (
+        '<a href="">test</a> \'something\'')
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            False, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', body_with_html_content, 'unused body mem',
+        self.project, '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    escaped_body_with_html_content = (
+        '&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;test&lt;/a&gt; '
+        '&#39;something&#39;')
+    notify_helpers._MakeNotificationFooter(
+        ['reason'], REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, '')
+    expected_html_body = (
+        notify_helpers.HTML_BODY_WITH_GMAIL_ACTION_TEMPLATE % {
+            'url': self.detail_url,
+            'body': '%s-- <br/>%s' % (escaped_body_with_html_content,
+                                      self.expected_html_footer)})
+    self.assertEqual(expected_html_body, email_task['html_body'])
+  def doTestAddHTMLTags(self, body, expected):
+    actual = notify_helpers._AddHTMLTags(body)
+    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+  def testAddHTMLTags_Email(self):
+    """An email address produces <a href="mailto:...">...</a>."""
+    self.doTestAddHTMLTags(
+      'test',
+      ('test <a href="">'
+       '</a>.'))
+  def testAddHTMLTags_EmailInQuotes(self):
+    """Quoted "" produces "<a href="...">...</a>"."""
+    self.doTestAddHTMLTags(
+      'test "".',
+      ('test &quot;<a href="">'
+       '</a>&quot;.'))
+  def testAddHTMLTags_EmailInAngles(self):
+    """Bracketed <> produces &lt;<a href="...">...</a>&gt;."""
+    self.doTestAddHTMLTags(
+      'test <>.',
+      ('test &lt;<a href="">'
+       '</a>&gt;.'))
+  def testAddHTMLTags_Website(self):
+    """A website URL produces <a href="http:...">...</a>."""
+    self.doTestAddHTMLTags(
+      'test',
+      ('test <a href="">'
+       '</a>.'))
+  def testAddHTMLTags_WebsiteInQuotes(self):
+    """A link in quotes gets the quotes escaped."""
+    self.doTestAddHTMLTags(
+      'test "".',
+      ('test &quot;<a href="">'
+       '</a>&quot;.'))
+  def testAddHTMLTags_WebsiteInAngles(self):
+    """Bracketed <> produces &lt;<a href="...">...</a>&gt;."""
+    self.doTestAddHTMLTags(
+      'test <>.',
+      ('test &lt;<a href="">'
+       '</a>&gt;.'))
+  def testReplyInvitation(self):
+    """We include a footer about replying that is appropriate for that user."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body non', 'body mem', self.project,
+        '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertEqual(emailfmt.NoReplyAddress(), email_task['reply_to'])
+    self.assertNotIn('Reply to this email', email_task['body'])
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_MAY_COMMENT,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body non', 'body mem', self.project,
+        '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertEqual(
+      '%s@%s' % (self.project.project_name, emailfmt.MailDomain()),
+      email_task['reply_to'])
+    self.assertIn('Reply to this email to add a comment', email_task['body'])
+    self.assertNotIn('make changes', email_task['body'])
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_MAY_UPDATE,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body non', 'body mem', self.project,
+        '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertEqual(
+      '%s@%s' % (self.project.project_name, emailfmt.MailDomain()),
+      email_task['reply_to'])
+    self.assertIn('Reply to this email to add a comment', email_task['body'])
+    self.assertIn('make updates', email_task['body'])
+  def testInboundEmailDisabled(self):
+    """We don't invite replies if they are disabled for this project."""
+    self.project.process_inbound_email = False
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_MAY_UPDATE,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['reason'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body non', 'body mem',
+        self.project, '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertEqual(emailfmt.NoReplyAddress(), email_task['reply_to'])
+  def testReasons(self):
+    """The footer lists reasons why that email was sent to that user."""
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_MAY_UPDATE,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        ['Funny', 'Caring', 'Near'], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body non', 'body mem',
+        self.project, '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertIn('because:', email_task['body'])
+    self.assertIn('1. Funny', email_task['body'])
+    self.assertIn('2. Caring', email_task['body'])
+    self.assertIn('3. Near', email_task['body'])
+    email_task = notify_helpers._MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
+            True, '', self.member, REPLY_MAY_UPDATE,
+            user_pb2.UserPrefs()),
+        [], self.issue,
+        'body link-only', 'body non', 'body mem',
+        self.project, '', self.commenter_view, self.detail_url)
+    self.assertNotIn('because', email_task['body'])
+class MakeNotificationFooterTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testMakeNotificationFooter_NoReason(self):
+    footer = notify_helpers._MakeNotificationFooter(
+        [], REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, '')
+    self.assertEqual('', footer)
+  def testMakeNotificationFooter_WithReason(self):
+    footer = notify_helpers._MakeNotificationFooter(
+        ['REASON'], REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, '')
+    self.assertIn('REASON', footer)
+    self.assertIn('', footer)
+    footer = notify_helpers._MakeNotificationFooter(
+        ['REASON'], REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, '')
+    self.assertIn('REASON', footer)
+    self.assertIn('', footer)
+  def testMakeNotificationFooter_ManyReasons(self):
+    footer = notify_helpers._MakeNotificationFooter(
+        ['Funny', 'Caring', 'Warmblooded'], REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED,
+        '')
+    self.assertIn('Funny', footer)
+    self.assertIn('Caring', footer)
+    self.assertIn('Warmblooded', footer)
+  def testMakeNotificationFooter_WithReplyInstructions(self):
+    footer = notify_helpers._MakeNotificationFooter(
+        ['REASON'], REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, '')
+    self.assertNotIn('Reply', footer)
+    self.assertIn('', footer)
+    footer = notify_helpers._MakeNotificationFooter(
+        ['REASON'], REPLY_MAY_COMMENT, '')
+    self.assertIn('add a comment', footer)
+    self.assertNotIn('make updates', footer)
+    self.assertIn('', footer)
+    footer = notify_helpers._MakeNotificationFooter(
+        ['REASON'], REPLY_MAY_UPDATE, '')
+    self.assertIn('add a comment', footer)
+    self.assertIn('make updates', footer)
+    self.assertIn('', footer)