Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/features/test/ b/features/test/
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index 0000000..3b1b6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/test/
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+# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Unittests for monorail.feature.alert2issue."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import email
+import unittest
+from mock import patch
+import mox
+from parameterized import parameterized
+from features import alert2issue
+from framework import authdata
+from framework import emailfmt
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import service_manager
+from testing import fake
+from testing import testing_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+AlertEmailHeader = emailfmt.AlertEmailHeader
+class TestData(object):
+ """Contains constants or such objects that are intended to be read-only."""
+ cnxn = 'fake cnxn'
+ test_issue_local_id = 100
+ component_id = 123
+ trooper_queue = 'my-trooper-bug-queue'
+ project_name = 'proj'
+ project_addr = '' % (
+ project_name, trooper_queue)
+ project_id = 987
+ from_addr = ''
+ user_id = 111
+ msg_body = 'this is the body'
+ msg_subject = 'this is the subject'
+ msg = testing_helpers.MakeMessage(
+ testing_helpers.ALERT_EMAIL_HEADER_LINES, msg_body)
+ incident_id = msg.get(AlertEmailHeader.INCIDENT_ID)
+ incident_label = alert2issue._GetIncidentLabel(incident_id)
+ # All the tests in this class use the following alert properties, and
+ # the generator functions/logic should be tested in a separate class.
+ alert_props = {
+ 'owner_id': 0,
+ 'cc_ids': [],
+ 'status': 'Available',
+ 'incident_label': incident_label,
+ 'priority': 'Pri-0',
+ 'trooper_queue': trooper_queue,
+ 'field_values': [],
+ 'labels': [
+ 'Restrict-View-Google', 'Pri-0', incident_label, trooper_queue
+ ],
+ 'component_ids': [component_id],
+ }
+class ProcessEmailNotificationTests(unittest.TestCase, TestData):
+ """Implements unit tests for alert2issue.ProcessEmailNotification."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ # services
+ = service_manager.Services(
+ config=fake.ConfigService(),
+ issue=fake.IssueService(),
+ user=fake.UserService(),
+ usergroup=fake.UserGroupService(),
+ project=fake.ProjectService(),
+ features=fake.FeaturesService())
+ # project
+ self.project =
+ self.project_name, project_id=self.project_id,
+ process_inbound_email=True, contrib_ids=[self.user_id])
+ # config
+ proj_config = fake.MakeTestConfig(self.project_id, [], ['Available'])
+ comp_def_1 = tracker_pb2.ComponentDef(
+ component_id=123, project_id=987, path='FOO', docstring='foo docstring')
+ proj_config.component_defs = [comp_def_1]
+, proj_config)
+ # sender
+ self.auth = authdata.AuthData(user_id=self.user_id, email=self.from_addr)
+ # issue
+ self.issue = tracker_pb2.Issue(
+ project_id=self.project_id,
+ local_id=self.test_issue_local_id,
+ summary=self.msg_subject,
+ reporter_id=self.user_id,
+ component_ids=[self.component_id],
+ status=self.alert_props['status'],
+ labels=self.alert_props['labels'],
+ )
+ # Patch send_notifications functions.
+ self.notification_patchers = [
+ patch('features.send_notifications.%s' % func, spec=True)
+ for func in [
+ 'PrepareAndSendIssueBlockingNotification',
+ 'PrepareAndSendIssueChangeNotification',
+ ]
+ ]
+ self.blocking_notification = self.notification_patchers[0].start()
+ self.blocking_notification = self.notification_patchers[1].start()
+ self.mox = mox.Mox()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.notification_patchers[0].stop()
+ self.notification_patchers[1].stop()
+ self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+ self.mox.ResetAll()
+ def testGoogleAddrsAreAllowlistedSender(self):
+ self.assertTrue(alert2issue.IsAllowlisted(''))
+ self.assertFalse(alert2issue.IsAllowlisted(''))
+ def testSkipNotification_IfFromNonAllowlistedSender(self):
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'IsAllowlisted')
+ alert2issue.IsAllowlisted(self.from_addr).AndReturn(False)
+ # None of them should be called, if the sender has not been allowlisted.
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssueComment')
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssue')
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ alert2issue.ProcessEmailNotification(
+, self.cnxn, self.project, self.project_addr,
+ self.from_addr, self.auth, self.msg_subject, self.msg_body,
+ self.incident_label, self.msg, self.trooper_queue)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testSkipNotification_TooLongComment(self):
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'IsAllowlisted')
+ alert2issue.IsAllowlisted(self.from_addr).AndReturn(True)
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'IsCommentSizeReasonable')
+ alert2issue.IsCommentSizeReasonable(
+ 'Filed by %s on behalf of %s\n\n%s' %
+ (, self.from_addr, self.msg_body)).AndReturn(False)
+ # None of them should be called, if the comment is too long.
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssueComment')
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssue')
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ alert2issue.ProcessEmailNotification(
+, self.cnxn, self.project, self.project_addr,
+ self.from_addr, self.auth, self.msg_subject, self.msg_body,
+ self.incident_label, self.msg, self.trooper_queue)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testProcessNotification_IfFromAllowlistedSender(self):
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'IsAllowlisted')
+ alert2issue.IsAllowlisted(self.from_addr).AndReturn(True)
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(tracker_helpers, 'LookupComponentIDs')
+ tracker_helpers.LookupComponentIDs(
+ ['Infra'],
+ mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn([1])
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssueComment')
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssue')
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ # Either of the methods should be called, if the sender is allowlisted.
+ with self.assertRaises(mox.UnexpectedMethodCallError):
+ alert2issue.ProcessEmailNotification(
+, self.cnxn, self.project, self.project_addr,
+ self.from_addr, self.auth, self.msg_subject, self.msg_body,
+ self.incident_label, self.msg, self.trooper_queue)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testIssueCreated_ForNewIncident(self):
+ """Tests if a new issue is created for a new incident."""
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'IsAllowlisted')
+ alert2issue.IsAllowlisted(self.from_addr).AndReturn(True)
+ # FindAlertIssue() returns None for a new incident.
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'FindAlertIssue')
+ alert2issue.FindAlertIssue(
+, self.cnxn, self.project.project_id,
+ self.incident_label).AndReturn(None)
+ # Mock GetAlertProperties() to create the issue with the expected
+ # properties.
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'GetAlertProperties')
+ alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.msg).AndReturn(self.alert_props)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ alert2issue.ProcessEmailNotification(
+, self.cnxn, self.project, self.project_addr,
+ self.from_addr, self.auth, self.msg_subject, self.msg_body,
+ self.incident_id, self.msg, self.trooper_queue)
+ # the local ID of the newly created issue should be +1 from the highest ID
+ # in the existing issues.
+ comments = self._verifyIssue(self.test_issue_local_id + 1, self.alert_props)
+ self.assertEqual(comments[0].content,
+ 'Filed by %s on behalf of %s\n\n%s' % (
+ self.from_addr, self.from_addr, self.msg_body))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testProcessEmailNotification_ExistingIssue(self):
+ """When an alert for an ongoing incident comes in, add a comment."""
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'IsAllowlisted')
+ alert2issue.IsAllowlisted(self.from_addr).AndReturn(True)
+ # FindAlertIssue() returns None for a new incident.
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'FindAlertIssue')
+ alert2issue.FindAlertIssue(
+, self.cnxn, self.project.project_id,
+ self.incident_label).AndReturn(self.issue)
+ # Mock GetAlertProperties() to create the issue with the expected
+ # properties.
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(alert2issue, 'GetAlertProperties')
+ alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.msg).AndReturn(self.alert_props)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ # Before processing the notification, ensures that there is only 1 comment
+ # in the test issue.
+ comments = self._verifyIssue(self.test_issue_local_id, self.alert_props)
+ self.assertEqual(len(comments), 1)
+ # Process
+ alert2issue.ProcessEmailNotification(
+, self.cnxn, self.project, self.project_addr,
+ self.from_addr, self.auth, self.msg_subject, self.msg_body,
+ self.incident_id, self.msg, self.trooper_queue)
+ # Now, it should have a new comment added.
+ comments = self._verifyIssue(self.test_issue_local_id, self.alert_props)
+ self.assertEqual(len(comments), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(comments[1].content,
+ 'Filed by %s on behalf of %s\n\n%s' % (
+ self.from_addr, self.from_addr, self.msg_body))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def _verifyIssue(self, local_issue_id, alert_props):
+ actual_issue =
+ self.cnxn, self.project.project_id, local_issue_id)
+ actual_comments =
+ self.cnxn, actual_issue.issue_id)
+ self.assertEqual(actual_issue.summary, self.msg_subject)
+ self.assertEqual(actual_issue.status, alert_props['status'])
+ self.assertEqual(actual_issue.reporter_id, self.user_id)
+ self.assertEqual(actual_issue.component_ids, [self.component_id])
+ if alert_props['owner_id']:
+ self.assertEqual(actual_issue.owner_id, alert_props['owner_id'])
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(actual_issue.labels), sorted(alert_props['labels']))
+ return actual_comments
+class GetAlertPropertiesTests(unittest.TestCase, TestData):
+ """Implements unit tests for alert2issue.GetAlertProperties."""
+ def assertSubset(self, lhs, rhs):
+ if not (lhs <= rhs):
+ raise AssertionError('%s not a subset of %s' % (lhs, rhs))
+ def assertCaseInsensitiveEqual(self, lhs, rhs):
+ self.assertEqual(lhs if lhs is None else lhs.lower(),
+ rhs if lhs is None else rhs.lower())
+ def setUp(self):
+ # services
+ = service_manager.Services(
+ config=fake.ConfigService(),
+ issue=fake.IssueService(),
+ user=fake.UserService(),
+ usergroup=fake.UserGroupService(),
+ project=fake.ProjectService())
+ # project
+ self.project =
+ self.project_name, project_id=self.project_id,
+ process_inbound_email=True, contrib_ids=[self.user_id])
+ proj_config = fake.MakeTestConfig(
+ self.project_id,
+ [
+ # test labels for Pri field
+ 'Pri-0', 'Pri-1', 'Pri-2', 'Pri-3',
+ # test labels for OS field
+ 'OS-Android', 'OS-Windows',
+ # test labels for Type field
+ 'Type-Bug', 'Type-Bug-Regression', 'Type-Bug-Security', 'Type-Task',
+ ],
+ ['Assigned', 'Available', 'Unconfirmed']
+ )
+, proj_config)
+ # create a test email message, which tests can alternate the header values
+ # to verify the behaviour of a given parser function.
+ self.test_msg = email.Message.Message()
+ for key, value in self.msg.items():
+ self.test_msg[key] = value
+ self.mox = mox.Mox()
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ (None,),
+ ('',),
+ (' ',),
+ ])
+ def testDefaultComponent(self, header_value):
+ """Checks if the default component is Infra."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.COMPONENT, header_value)
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(tracker_helpers, 'LookupComponentIDs')
+ tracker_helpers.LookupComponentIDs(
+ ['Infra'],
+ mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn([self.component_id])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(props['component_ids'], [self.component_id])
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ # an existing single component with componentID 1
+ ({'Infra': 1}, [1]),
+ # 3 of existing components
+ ({'Infra': 1, 'Foo': 2, 'Bar': 3}, [1, 2, 3]),
+ # a non-existing component
+ ({'Infra': None}, []),
+ # 3 of non-existing components
+ ({'Infra': None, 'Foo': None, 'Bar': None}, []),
+ # a mix of existing and non-existing components
+ ({'Infra': 1, 'Foo': None, 'Bar': 2}, [1, 2]),
+ ])
+ def testGetComponentIDs(self, components, expected_component_ids):
+ """Tests _GetComponentIDs."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(
+ AlertEmailHeader.COMPONENT, ','.join(sorted(components.keys())))
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(tracker_helpers, 'LookupComponentIDs')
+ tracker_helpers.LookupComponentIDs(
+ sorted(components.keys()),
+ mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(
+ [components[key] for key in sorted(components.keys())
+ if components[key]]
+ )
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(props['component_ids']),
+ sorted(expected_component_ids))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLabelsWithNecessaryValues(self):
+ """Checks if the labels contain all the necessary values."""
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ # This test assumes that the test message contains non-empty values for
+ # all the headers.
+ self.assertTrue(props['incident_label'])
+ self.assertTrue(props['priority'])
+ self.assertTrue(props['issue_type'])
+ self.assertTrue(props['oses'])
+ # Here are a list of the labels that props['labels'] should contain
+ self.assertIn('Restrict-View-Google'.lower(), props['labels'])
+ self.assertIn(self.trooper_queue, props['labels'])
+ self.assertIn(props['incident_label'], props['labels'])
+ self.assertIn(props['priority'], props['labels'])
+ self.assertIn(props['issue_type'], props['labels'])
+ for os in props['oses']:
+ self.assertIn(os, props['labels'])
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ (None, 0),
+ ('', 0),
+ (' ', 0),
+ ])
+ def testDefaultOwnerID(self, header_value, expected_owner_id):
+ """Checks if _GetOwnerID returns None in default."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.OWNER, header_value)
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(props['owner_id'], expected_owner_id)
+ @parameterized.expand(
+ [
+ # an existing user with userID 1.
+ ('', 1),
+ # a non-existing user.
+ ('', 0),
+ ])
+ def testGetOwnerID(self, owner, expected_owner_id):
+ """Tests _GetOwnerID returns the ID of the owner."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.CC, '')
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.OWNER, owner)
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'LookupExistingUserIDs')
+, [owner]).AndReturn(
+ {owner: expected_owner_id})
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual(props['owner_id'], expected_owner_id)
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ (None, []),
+ ('', []),
+ (' ', []),
+ ])
+ def testDefaultCCIDs(self, header_value, expected_cc_ids):
+ """Checks if _GetCCIDs returns an empty list in default."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.CC, header_value)
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(props['cc_ids'], expected_cc_ids)
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ # with one existing user cc-ed.
+ ({'': 1}, [1]),
+ # with two of existing users.
+ ({'': 1, '': 2}, [1, 2]),
+ # with one non-existing user.
+ ({'': None}, []),
+ # with two of non-existing users.
+ ({'': None, '': None}, []),
+ # with a mix of existing and non-existing users.
+ ({'': 1, '': None}, [1]),
+ ])
+ def testGetCCIDs(self, ccers, expected_cc_ids):
+ """Tests _GetCCIDs returns the IDs of the email addresses to be cc-ed."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(
+ AlertEmailHeader.CC, ','.join(sorted(ccers.keys())))
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.OWNER, '')
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'LookupExistingUserIDs')
+ self.cnxn, sorted(ccers.keys())).AndReturn(ccers)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(props['cc_ids']), sorted(expected_cc_ids))
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ # None and '' should result in the default priority returned.
+ (None, 'Pri-2'),
+ ('', 'Pri-2'),
+ (' ', 'Pri-2'),
+ # Tests for valid priority values
+ ('0', 'Pri-0'),
+ ('1', 'Pri-1'),
+ ('2', 'Pri-2'),
+ ('3', 'Pri-3'),
+ # Tests for invalid priority values
+ ('test', 'Pri-2'),
+ ('foo', 'Pri-2'),
+ ('critical', 'Pri-2'),
+ ('4', 'Pri-2'),
+ ('3x', 'Pri-2'),
+ ('00', 'Pri-2'),
+ ('01', 'Pri-2'),
+ ])
+ def testGetPriority(self, header_value, expected_priority):
+ """Tests _GetPriority."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.PRIORITY, header_value)
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertCaseInsensitiveEqual(props['priority'], expected_priority)
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ (None, 'Available'),
+ ('', 'Available'),
+ (' ', 'Available'),
+ ])
+ def testDefaultStatus(self, header_value, expected_status):
+ """Checks if _GetStatus return Available in default."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.STATUS, header_value)
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertCaseInsensitiveEqual(props['status'], expected_status)
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ ('random_status', True, 'random_status'),
+ # If the status is not one of the open statuses, the default status
+ # should be returned instead.
+ ('random_status', False, 'Available'),
+ ])
+ def testGetStatusWithoutOwner(self, status, means_open, expected_status):
+ """Tests GetStatus without an owner."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.STATUS, status)
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(tracker_helpers, 'MeansOpenInProject')
+ tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(status, mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(
+ means_open)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertCaseInsensitiveEqual(props['status'], expected_status)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ # If there is an owner, the status should always be Assigned.
+ (None, 'Assigned'),
+ ('', 'Assigned'),
+ (' ', 'Assigned'),
+ ('random_status', 'Assigned'),
+ ('Available', 'Assigned'),
+ ('Unconfirmed', 'Assigned'),
+ ('Fixed', 'Assigned'),
+ ])
+ def testGetStatusWithOwner(self, status, expected_status):
+ """Tests GetStatus with an owner."""
+ owner = ''
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.OWNER, owner)
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.CC, '')
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.STATUS, status)
+ self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'LookupExistingUserIDs')
+, [owner]).AndReturn(
+ {owner: 1})
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertCaseInsensitiveEqual(props['status'], expected_status)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ @parameterized.expand(
+ [
+ # None and '' should result in None returned.
+ (None, None),
+ ('', None),
+ (' ', None),
+ # allowlisted issue types
+ ('Bug', 'Type-Bug'),
+ ('Bug-Regression', 'Type-Bug-Regression'),
+ ('Bug-Security', 'Type-Bug-Security'),
+ ('Task', 'Type-Task'),
+ # non-allowlisted issue types
+ ('foo', None),
+ ('bar', None),
+ ('Bug,Bug-Regression', None),
+ ('Bug,', None),
+ (',Task', None),
+ ])
+ def testGetIssueType(self, header_value, expected_issue_type):
+ """Tests _GetIssueType."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.TYPE, header_value)
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertCaseInsensitiveEqual(props['issue_type'], expected_issue_type)
+ @parameterized.expand(
+ [
+ # None and '' should result in an empty list returned.
+ (None, []),
+ ('', []),
+ (' ', []),
+ # a single, allowlisted os
+ ('Android', ['OS-Android']),
+ # a single, non-allowlisted OS
+ ('Bendroid', []),
+ # multiple, allowlisted oses
+ ('Android,Windows', ['OS-Android', 'OS-Windows']),
+ # multiple, non-allowlisted oses
+ ('Bendroid,Findows', []),
+ # a mix of allowlisted and non-allowlisted oses
+ ('Android,Findows,Windows,Bendroid', ['OS-Android', 'OS-Windows']),
+ # a mix of allowlisted and non-allowlisted oses with trailing commas.
+ ('Android,Findows,Windows,Bendroid,,', ['OS-Android', 'OS-Windows']),
+ # a mix of allowlisted and non-allowlisted oses with commas at the
+ # beginning.
+ (
+ ',,Android,Findows,Windows,Bendroid,,',
+ ['OS-Android', 'OS-Windows']),
+ ])
+ def testGetOSes(self, header_value, expected_oses):
+ """Tests _GetOSes."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.OS, header_value)
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(os if os is None else os.lower()
+ for os in props['oses']),
+ sorted(os if os is None else os.lower()
+ for os in expected_oses))
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ # None and '' should result in an empty list + RSVG returned.
+ (None, []),
+ ('', []),
+ (' ', []),
+ ('Label-1', ['label-1']),
+ ('Label-1,Label-2', ['label-1', 'label-2',]),
+ ('Label-1,Label-2,Label-3', ['label-1', 'label-2', 'label-3']),
+ # Duplicates should be removed.
+ ('Label-1,Label-1', ['label-1']),
+ ('Label-1,label-1', ['label-1']),
+ (',Label-1,label-1,', ['label-1']),
+ ('Label-1,label-1,', ['label-1']),
+ (',Label-1,,label-1,,,', ['label-1']),
+ ('Label-1,Label-2,Label-1', ['label-1', 'label-2']),
+ # Whitespaces should be removed from labels.
+ ('La bel - 1 ', ['label-1']),
+ ('La bel - 1 , Label- 1', ['label-1']),
+ ('La bel- 1 , Label - 2', ['label-1', 'label-2']),
+ # RSVG should be set always.
+ ('Label-1,Label-1,Restrict-View-Google', ['label-1']),
+ ])
+ def testGetLabels(self, header_value, expected_labels):
+ """Tests _GetLabels."""
+ self.test_msg.replace_header(AlertEmailHeader.LABEL, header_value)
+ props = alert2issue.GetAlertProperties(
+, self.cnxn, self.project_id, self.incident_id,
+ self.trooper_queue, self.test_msg)
+ # Check if there are any duplicates
+ labels = set(props['labels'])
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(props['labels']), sorted(list(labels)))
+ # Check the labels that shouldb always be included
+ self.assertIn('Restrict-View-Google'.lower(), labels)
+ self.assertIn(props['trooper_queue'], labels)
+ self.assertIn(props['incident_label'], labels)
+ self.assertIn(props['priority'], labels)
+ self.assertIn(props['issue_type'], labels)
+ self.assertSubset(set(props['oses']), labels)
+ # All the custom labels should be present.
+ self.assertSubset(set(expected_labels), labels)