Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/features/ b/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f22ed38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Helper functions for email notifications of issue changes."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import json
+import logging
+import ezt
+import six
+from features import autolink
+from features import autolink_constants
+from features import features_constants
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from features import savedqueries_helpers
+from features import notify_reasons
+from framework import cloud_tasks_helpers
+from framework import emailfmt
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import jsonfeed
+from framework import monorailrequest
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import template_helpers
+from framework import urls
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import query2ast
+from search import searchpipeline
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+# Email tasks can get too large for AppEngine to handle. In order to prevent
+# that, we set a maximum body size, and may truncate messages to that length.
+# We set this value to 35k so that the total of 35k body + 35k html_body +
+# metadata does not exceed AppEngine's limit of 100k.
+MAX_EMAIL_BODY_SIZE = 35 * 1024
+# This HTML template adds mark up which enables Gmail/Inbox to display a
+# convenient link that takes users to the CL directly from the inbox without
+# having to click on the email.
+# Documentation for this markup is here:
+<script type="application/ld+json">
+  "@context": "",
+  "@type": "EmailMessage",
+  "potentialAction": {
+    "@type": "ViewAction",
+    "name": "View Issue",
+    "url": "%(url)s"
+  },
+  "description": ""
+<div style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; white-space:pre">%(body)s</div>
+<div style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; white-space:pre">%(body)s</div>
+NOTIFY_RESTRICTED_ISSUES_PREF_NAME = 'notify_restricted_issues'
+NOTIFY_WITH_DETAILS = 'notify with details'
+NOTIFY_WITH_DETAILS_GOOGLE = 'notify with details: Google'
+NOTIFY_WITH_LINK_ONLY = 'notify with link only'
+def _EnqueueOutboundEmail(message_dict):
+  """Create a task to send one email message, all fields are in the dict.
+  We use a separate task for each outbound email to isolate errors.
+  Args:
+    message_dict: dict with all needed info for the task.
+  """
+  # We use a JSON-encoded payload because it ensures that the task size is
+  # effectively the same as the sum of the email bodies. Using params results
+  # in the dict being urlencoded, which can (worst case) triple the size of
+  # an email body containing many characters which need to be escaped.
+  payload = json.dumps(message_dict)
+  task = {
+      'app_engine_http_request':
+          {
+              'relative_uri': urls.OUTBOUND_EMAIL_TASK + '.do',
+              # Cloud Tasks expects body to be in bytes.
+              'body': payload.encode(),
+              # Cloud tasks default body content type is octet-stream.
+              'headers': {
+                  'Content-type': 'application/json'
+              }
+          }
+  }
+  cloud_tasks_helpers.create_task(
+      task, queue=features_constants.QUEUE_OUTBOUND_EMAIL)
+def AddAllEmailTasks(tasks):
+  """Add one GAE task for each email to be sent."""
+  notified = []
+  for task in tasks:
+    _EnqueueOutboundEmail(task)
+    notified.append(task['to'])
+  return notified
+class NotifyTaskBase(jsonfeed.InternalTask):
+  """Abstract base class for notification task handler."""
+  _EMAIL_TEMPLATE = None  # Subclasses must override this.
+  _LINK_ONLY_EMAIL_TEMPLATE = None  # Subclasses may override this.
+  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    super(NotifyTaskBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    if not self._EMAIL_TEMPLATE:
+      raise Exception('Subclasses must override _EMAIL_TEMPLATE.'
+                      ' This class must not be called directly.')
+    # We use FORMAT_RAW for emails because they are plain text, not HTML.
+    # TODO(jrobbins): consider sending HTML formatted emails someday.
+    self.email_template = template_helpers.MonorailTemplate(
+        framework_constants.TEMPLATE_PATH + self._EMAIL_TEMPLATE,
+        compress_whitespace=False, base_format=ezt.FORMAT_RAW)
+      self.link_only_email_template = template_helpers.MonorailTemplate(
+          framework_constants.TEMPLATE_PATH + self._LINK_ONLY_EMAIL_TEMPLATE,
+          compress_whitespace=False, base_format=ezt.FORMAT_RAW)
+def _MergeLinkedAccountReasons(addr_to_addrperm, addr_to_reasons):
+  """Return an addr_reasons_dict where parents omit child accounts."""
+  all_ids = set(addr_perm.user.user_id
+                for addr_perm in addr_to_addrperm.values()
+                if addr_perm.user)
+  merged_ids = set()
+  result = {}
+  for addr, reasons in addr_to_reasons.items():
+    addr_perm = addr_to_addrperm[addr]
+    parent_id = addr_perm.user.linked_parent_id if addr_perm.user else None
+    if parent_id and parent_id in all_ids:
+      # The current user is a child account and the parent would be notified,
+      # so only notify the parent.
+      merged_ids.add(parent_id)
+    else:
+      result[addr] = reasons
+  for addr, reasons in result.items():
+    addr_perm = addr_to_addrperm[addr]
+    if addr_perm.user and addr_perm.user.user_id in merged_ids:
+      reasons.append(notify_reasons.REASON_LINKED_ACCOUNT)
+  return result
+def MakeBulletedEmailWorkItems(
+    group_reason_list, issue, body_link_only, body_for_non_members,
+    body_for_members, project, hostport, commenter_view, detail_url,
+    seq_num=None, subject_prefix=None, compact_subject_prefix=None):
+  """Make a list of dicts describing email-sending tasks to notify users.
+  Args:
+    group_reason_list: list of (addr_perm_list, reason) tuples.
+    issue: Issue that was updated.
+    body_link_only: string body of email with minimal information.
+    body_for_non_members: string body of email to send to non-members.
+    body_for_members: string body of email to send to members.
+    project: Project that contains the issue.
+    hostport: string hostname and port number for links to the site.
+    commenter_view: UserView for the user who made the comment.
+    detail_url: str direct link to the issue.
+    seq_num: optional int sequence number of the comment.
+    subject_prefix: optional string to customize the email subject line.
+    compact_subject_prefix: optional string to customize the email subject line.
+  Returns:
+    A list of dictionaries, each with all needed info to send an individual
+    email to one user.  Each email contains a footer that lists all the
+    reasons why that user received the email.
+  """
+'group_reason_list is %r', group_reason_list)
+  addr_to_addrperm = {}  # {email_address: AddrPerm object}
+  addr_to_reasons = {}  # {email_address: [reason, ...]}
+  for group, reason in group_reason_list:
+    for memb_addr_perm in group:
+      addr = memb_addr_perm.address
+      addr_to_addrperm[addr] = memb_addr_perm
+      addr_to_reasons.setdefault(addr, []).append(reason)
+  addr_to_reasons = _MergeLinkedAccountReasons(
+      addr_to_addrperm, addr_to_reasons)
+'addr_to_reasons is %r', addr_to_reasons)
+  email_tasks = []
+  for addr, reasons in addr_to_reasons.items():
+    memb_addr_perm = addr_to_addrperm[addr]
+    email_tasks.append(_MakeEmailWorkItem(
+        memb_addr_perm, reasons, issue, body_link_only, body_for_non_members,
+        body_for_members, project, hostport, commenter_view, detail_url,
+        seq_num=seq_num, subject_prefix=subject_prefix,
+        compact_subject_prefix=compact_subject_prefix))
+  return email_tasks
+def _TruncateBody(body):
+  """Truncate body string if it exceeds size limit."""
+  if len(body) > MAX_EMAIL_BODY_SIZE:
+'Truncate body since its size %d exceeds limit', len(body))
+    return body[:MAX_EMAIL_BODY_SIZE] + '...'
+  return body
+def _GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(user_prefs, email, user):
+  """Return the notify_restricted_issues pref or a calculated default value."""
+  # If we explicitly set a pref for this address, use it.
+  if user_prefs:
+    for pref in user_prefs.prefs:
+        return pref.value
+  # Mailing lists cannot visit the site, so if it visited, it is a person.
+  if user and user.last_visit_timestamp:
+  # If it is a mailing list, allow details for R-V-G issues.
+  if email.endswith(''):
+  # It might be a public mailing list, so don't risk leaking any details.
+def ShouldUseLinkOnly(addr_perm, issue, always_detailed=False):
+  """Return true when there is a risk of leaking a restricted issue.
+  We send notifications that contain only a link to the issue with no other
+  details about the change when:
+  - The issue is R-V-G and the address may be a mailing list, or
+  - The issue is restricted with something other than R-V-G, and the user
+     may be a mailing list, or
+  - The user has a preference set.
+  """
+  if always_detailed:
+    return False
+  restrictions = permissions.GetRestrictions(issue, perm=permissions.VIEW)
+  if not restrictions:
+    return False
+  pref = _GetNotifyRestrictedIssues(
+      addr_perm.user_prefs, addr_perm.address, addr_perm.user)
+  if pref == NOTIFY_WITH_DETAILS:
+    return False
+      restrictions == ['restrict-view-google']):
+    return False
+  # If NOTIFY_WITH_LINK_ONLY or any unexpected value:
+  return True
+def _MakeEmailWorkItem(
+    addr_perm, reasons, issue, body_link_only,
+    body_for_non_members, body_for_members, project, hostport, commenter_view,
+    detail_url, seq_num=None, subject_prefix=None, compact_subject_prefix=None):
+  """Make one email task dict for one user, includes a detailed reason."""
+  should_use_link_only = ShouldUseLinkOnly(
+      addr_perm, issue, always_detailed=project.issue_notify_always_detailed)
+  subject_format = (
+      (subject_prefix or 'Issue ') +
+      '%(local_id)d in %(project_name)s')
+  if addr_perm.user and addr_perm.user.email_compact_subject:
+    subject_format = (
+        (compact_subject_prefix or '') +
+        '%(project_name)s:%(local_id)d')
+  subject = subject_format % {
+    'local_id': issue.local_id,
+    'project_name': issue.project_name,
+    }
+  if not should_use_link_only:
+    subject += ': ' + issue.summary
+  footer = _MakeNotificationFooter(reasons, addr_perm.reply_perm, hostport)
+  if isinstance(footer, six.text_type):
+    footer = footer.encode('utf-8')
+  if should_use_link_only:
+    body = _TruncateBody(body_link_only) + footer
+  elif addr_perm.is_member:
+'got member %r, sending body for members', addr_perm.address)
+    body = _TruncateBody(body_for_members) + footer
+  else:
+        'got non-member %r, sending body for non-members', addr_perm.address)
+    body = _TruncateBody(body_for_non_members) + footer
+'sending message footer:\n%r', footer)
+  can_reply_to = (
+      addr_perm.reply_perm != notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED and
+      project.process_inbound_email)
+  from_addr = emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(
+    project, commenter_view=commenter_view, reveal_addr=addr_perm.is_member,
+    can_reply_to=can_reply_to)
+  if can_reply_to:
+    reply_to = '%s@%s' % (project.project_name, emailfmt.MailDomain())
+  else:
+    reply_to = emailfmt.NoReplyAddress()
+  refs = emailfmt.GetReferences(
+    addr_perm.address, subject, seq_num,
+    '%s@%s' % (project.project_name, emailfmt.MailDomain()))
+  # We use markup to display a convenient link that takes users directly to the
+  # issue without clicking on the email.
+  html_body = None
+  if addr_perm.user and not addr_perm.user.email_view_widget:
+  body_with_tags = _AddHTMLTags(body.decode('utf-8'))
+  # Escape single quotes which are occasionally used to contain HTML
+  # attributes and event handler definitions.
+  body_with_tags = body_with_tags.replace("'", '&#39;')
+  html_body = template % {
+      'url': detail_url,
+      'body': body_with_tags,
+      }
+  return dict(
+    to=addr_perm.address, subject=subject, body=body, html_body=html_body,
+    from_addr=from_addr, reply_to=reply_to, references=refs)
+def _AddHTMLTags(body):
+  """Adds HMTL tags in the specified email body.
+  Specifically does the following:
+  * Detects links and adds <a href>s around the links.
+  * Substitutes <br/> for all occurrences of "\n".
+  See for context.
+  """
+  # Convert all URLs into clickable links.
+  body = _AutolinkBody(body)
+  # Convert all "\n"s into "<br/>"s.
+  body = body.replace('\r\n', '<br/>')
+  body = body.replace('\n', '<br/>')
+  return body
+def _AutolinkBody(body):
+  """Convert text that looks like URLs into <a href=...>.
+  This uses, but it does not register all the autolink components
+  because some of them depend on the current user's permissions which would
+  not make sense for an email body that will be sent to several different users.
+  """
+  email_autolink = autolink.Autolink()
+  email_autolink.RegisterComponent(
+      '01-linkify-user-profiles-or-mailto',
+      lambda request, mr: None,
+      lambda _mr, match: [],
+      {autolink_constants.IS_IMPLIED_EMAIL_RE: autolink.LinkifyEmail})
+  email_autolink.RegisterComponent(
+      '02-linkify-full-urls',
+      lambda request, mr: None,
+      lambda mr, match: None,
+      {autolink_constants.IS_A_LINK_RE: autolink.Linkify})
+  email_autolink.RegisterComponent(
+      '03-linkify-shorthand',
+      lambda request, mr: None,
+      lambda mr, match: None,
+      {autolink_constants.IS_A_SHORT_LINK_RE: autolink.Linkify,
+       autolink_constants.IS_A_NUMERIC_SHORT_LINK_RE: autolink.Linkify,
+       autolink_constants.IS_IMPLIED_LINK_RE: autolink.Linkify,
+       })
+  input_run = template_helpers.TextRun(body)
+  output_runs = email_autolink.MarkupAutolinks(
+      None, [input_run], autolink.SKIP_LOOKUPS)
+  output_strings = [run.FormatForHTMLEmail() for run in output_runs]
+  return ''.join(output_strings)
+def _MakeNotificationFooter(reasons, reply_perm, hostport):
+  """Make an informative footer for a notification email.
+  Args:
+    reasons: a list of strings to be used as the explanation.  Empty if no
+        reason is to be given.
+    reply_perm: string which is one of REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, REPLY_MAY_COMMENT,
+    hostport: string with domain_name:port_number to be used in linking to
+        the user preferences page.
+  Returns:
+    A string to be used as the email footer.
+  """
+  if not reasons:
+    return ''
+  domain_port = hostport.split(':')
+  domain_port[0] = framework_helpers.GetPreferredDomain(domain_port[0])
+  hostport = ':'.join(domain_port)
+  prefs_url = 'https://%s%s' % (hostport, urls.USER_SETTINGS)
+  lines = ['-- ']
+  lines.append('You received this message because:')
+  lines.extend('  %d. %s' % (idx + 1, reason)
+               for idx, reason in enumerate(reasons))
+  lines.extend(['', 'You may adjust your notification preferences at:',
+                prefs_url])
+  if reply_perm == notify_reasons.REPLY_MAY_COMMENT:
+    lines.extend(['', 'Reply to this email to add a comment.'])
+  elif reply_perm == notify_reasons.REPLY_MAY_UPDATE:
+    lines.extend(['', 'Reply to this email to add a comment or make updates.'])
+  return '\n'.join(lines)