Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/features/ b/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..804e6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Business objects for the Monorail features.
+These are classes and functions that operate on the objects that users care
+about in features (eg. hotlists).
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import urls
+from proto import features_pb2
+def GetOwnerIds(hotlist):
+  """Returns the list of ids for the given hotlist's owners."""
+  return hotlist.owner_ids
+def UsersInvolvedInHotlists(hotlists):
+  """Returns a set of all users who have roles in the given hotlists."""
+  result = set()
+  for hotlist in hotlists:
+    result.update(hotlist.owner_ids)
+    result.update(hotlist.editor_ids)
+    result.update(hotlist.follower_ids)
+  return result
+def UserOwnsHotlist(hotlist, effective_ids):
+  """Returns T/F if the user is the owner/not the owner of the hotlist."""
+  return not effective_ids.isdisjoint(hotlist.owner_ids or set())
+def IssueIsInHotlist(hotlist, issue_id):
+  """Returns T/F if the issue is in the hotlist."""
+  return any(issue_id == hotlist_issue.issue_id
+             for hotlist_issue in hotlist.items)
+def UserIsInHotlist(hotlist, effective_ids):
+  """Returns T/F if the user is involved/not involved in the hotlist."""
+  return (UserOwnsHotlist(hotlist, effective_ids) or
+          not effective_ids.isdisjoint(hotlist.editor_ids or set()) or
+          not effective_ids.isdisjoint(hotlist.follower_ids or set()))
+def SplitHotlistIssueRanks(target_iid, split_above, iid_rank_pairs):
+  """Splits hotlist issue relation rankings by some target issue's rank.
+  Hotlists issues are sorted Low to High. When split_above is true,
+  the split should occur before the target object and the objects
+  should be moved above the target, with lower ranks than the target.
+  Args:
+    target_iid: the global ID of the issue to split rankings about.
+    split_above: False to split below the target issue, True to split above.
+    iid_rank_pairs: a list tuples [(issue_id, rank_in_hotlist),...} for all
+    issues in a hotlist excluding the one being moved.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple (lower, higher) where both are lists of [(issue_iid, rank), ...]
+    of issues in rank order. If split_above is False the target issue is
+    included in higher, otherwise it is included in lower.
+  """
+  iid_rank_pairs.reverse()
+  offset = int(not split_above)
+  for i, (issue_id, _) in enumerate(iid_rank_pairs):
+    if issue_id == target_iid:
+      return iid_rank_pairs[:i + offset], iid_rank_pairs[i + offset:]
+  logging.error(
+      'Target issue %r was not found in the list of issue_id rank pairs',
+                target_iid)
+  return iid_rank_pairs, []
+def DetermineHotlistIssuePosition(issue, issue_ids):
+  """Find position of an issue in a hotlist for a flipper.
+  Args:
+    issue: The issue PB currently being viewed
+    issue_ids: list of issue_id's
+  Returns:
+    A 3-tuple (prev_iid, index, next_iid) where prev_iid is the
+    IID of the previous issue in the total ordering (or None),
+    index is the index that the current issue has in the sorted
+    list of issues in the hotlist,
+    next_iid is the next issue (or None).
+  """
+  prev_iid, next_iid = None, None
+  total_issues = len(issue_ids)
+  for i, issue_id in enumerate(issue_ids):
+    if issue_id == issue.issue_id:
+      index = i
+      if i < total_issues - 1:
+        next_iid = issue_ids[i + 1]
+      if i > 0:
+        prev_iid = issue_ids[i - 1]
+      return prev_iid, index, next_iid
+  return None, None, None