Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/features/ b/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c6a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Code to support project and user activies pages."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import time
+import ezt
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import sql
+from framework import template_helpers
+from framework import timestr
+from project import project_views
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_views
+class ActivityView(template_helpers.PBProxy):
+  """EZT-friendly wrapper for Activities."""
+  _TITLE_TEMPLATE = template_helpers.MonorailTemplate(
+      framework_constants.TEMPLATE_PATH + 'features/activity-title.ezt',
+      compress_whitespace=True, base_format=ezt.FORMAT_HTML)
+  _BODY_TEMPLATE = template_helpers.MonorailTemplate(
+      framework_constants.TEMPLATE_PATH + 'features/activity-body.ezt',
+      compress_whitespace=True, base_format=ezt.FORMAT_HTML)
+  def __init__(
+      self, pb, mr, prefetched_issues, users_by_id,
+      prefetched_projects, prefetched_configs,
+      autolink=None, all_ref_artifacts=None, ending=None, highlight=None):
+    """Constructs an ActivityView out of an Activity protocol buffer.
+    Args:
+      pb: an IssueComment or Activity protocol buffer.
+      mr: HTTP request info, used by the artifact autolink.
+      prefetched_issues: dictionary of the issues for the comments being shown.
+      users_by_id: dict {user_id: UserView} for all relevant users.
+      prefetched_projects: dict {project_id: project} including all the projects
+          that we might need.
+      prefetched_configs: dict {project_id: config} for those projects.
+      autolink: Autolink instance.
+      all_ref_artifacts: list of all artifacts in the activity stream.
+      ending: ending type for activity titles, 'in_project' or 'by_user'
+      highlight: what to highlight in the middle column on user updates pages
+          i.e. 'project', 'user', or None
+    """
+    template_helpers.PBProxy.__init__(self, pb)
+    activity_type = 'ProjectIssueUpdate'  # TODO(jrobbins): more types
+    self.comment = None
+    self.issue = None
+    self.field_changed = None
+    self.multiple_fields_changed = ezt.boolean(False)
+    self.project = None
+    self.user = None
+    self.timestamp = time.time()  # Bogus value makes bad ones highly visible.
+    if isinstance(pb, tracker_pb2.IssueComment):
+      self.timestamp = pb.timestamp
+      issue = prefetched_issues[pb.issue_id]
+      if self.timestamp == issue.opened_timestamp:
+        issue_change_id = None  # This comment is the description.
+      else:
+        issue_change_id = pb.timestamp  # instead of seq num.
+      self.comment = tracker_views.IssueCommentView(
+          mr.project_name, pb, users_by_id, autolink,
+          all_ref_artifacts, mr, issue)
+      # TODO(jrobbins): pass effective_ids of the commenter so that they
+      # can be identified as a project member or not.
+      config = prefetched_configs[issue.project_id]
+      self.issue = tracker_views.IssueView(issue, users_by_id, config)
+      self.user = self.comment.creator
+      project = prefetched_projects[issue.project_id]
+      self.project_name = project.project_name
+      self.project = project_views.ProjectView(project)
+    else:
+      logging.warn('unknown activity object %r', pb)
+    nested_page_data = {
+        'activity_type': activity_type,
+        'issue_change_id': issue_change_id,
+        'comment': self.comment,
+        'issue': self.issue,
+        'project': self.project,
+        'user': self.user,
+        'timestamp': self.timestamp,
+        'ending_type': ending,
+        }
+    self.escaped_title = self._TITLE_TEMPLATE.GetResponse(
+        nested_page_data).strip()
+    self.escaped_body = self._BODY_TEMPLATE.GetResponse(
+        nested_page_data).strip()
+    if autolink is not None and all_ref_artifacts is not None:
+      # TODO(jrobbins): actually parse the comment text.  Actually render runs.
+      runs = autolink.MarkupAutolinks(
+          mr, [template_helpers.TextRun(self.escaped_body)], all_ref_artifacts)
+      self.escaped_body = ''.join(run.content for run in runs)
+    self.date_bucket, self.date_relative = timestr.GetHumanScaleDate(
+        self.timestamp)
+    time_tuple = time.localtime(self.timestamp)
+    self.date_tooltip = time.asctime(time_tuple)
+    # We always highlight the user for starring activities
+    if activity_type.startswith('UserStar'):
+      self.highlight = 'user'
+    else:
+      self.highlight = highlight
+def GatherUpdatesData(
+    services, mr, project_ids=None, user_ids=None, ending=None,
+    updates_page_url=None, autolink=None, highlight=None):
+  """Gathers and returns updates data.
+  Args:
+    services: Connections to backend services.
+    mr: HTTP request info, used by the artifact autolink.
+    project_ids: List of project IDs we want updates for.
+    user_ids: List of user IDs we want updates for.
+    ending: Ending type for activity titles, 'in_project' or 'by_user'.
+    updates_page_url: The URL that will be used to create pagination links from.
+    autolink: Autolink instance.
+    highlight: What to highlight in the middle column on user updates pages
+        i.e. 'project', 'user', or None.
+  """
+  # num should be non-negative number
+  num = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('num', UPDATES_PER_PAGE)
+  num = min(num, MAX_UPDATES_PER_PAGE)
+  updates_data = {
+      'no_stars': None,
+      'no_activities': None,
+      'pagination': None,
+      'updates_data': None,
+      'ending_type': ending,
+      }
+  if not user_ids and not project_ids:
+    updates_data['no_stars'] = ezt.boolean(True)
+    return updates_data
+  ascending = bool(mr.after)
+  with mr.profiler.Phase('get activities'):
+    comments = services.issue.GetIssueActivity(mr.cnxn, num=num,
+        before=mr.before, after=mr.after, project_ids=project_ids,
+        user_ids=user_ids, ascending=ascending)
+    # Filter the comments based on permission to view the issue.
+    # TODO(jrobbins): push permission checking in the query so that
+    # pagination pages never become underfilled, or use backends to shard.
+    # TODO(jrobbins): come back to this when I implement private comments.
+    # TODO(jrobbins): it would be better if we could just get the dict directly.
+    prefetched_issues_list = services.issue.GetIssues(
+        mr.cnxn, {c.issue_id for c in comments})
+    prefetched_issues = {
+        issue.issue_id: issue for issue in prefetched_issues_list}
+    needed_project_ids = {issue.project_id for issue
+        in prefetched_issues_list}
+    prefetched_projects = services.project.GetProjects(
+        mr.cnxn, needed_project_ids)
+    prefetched_configs = services.config.GetProjectConfigs(
+        mr.cnxn, needed_project_ids)
+    viewable_issues_list = tracker_helpers.FilterOutNonViewableIssues(
+        mr.auth.effective_ids, mr.auth.user_pb, prefetched_projects,
+        prefetched_configs, prefetched_issues_list)
+    viewable_iids = {issue.issue_id for issue in viewable_issues_list}
+    comments = [
+        c for c in comments if c.issue_id in viewable_iids]
+    if ascending:
+      comments.reverse()
+  amendment_user_ids = []
+  for comment in comments:
+    for amendment in comment.amendments:
+      amendment_user_ids.extend(amendment.added_user_ids)
+      amendment_user_ids.extend(amendment.removed_user_ids)
+  users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+      mr.cnxn, services.user, [c.user_id for c in comments],
+      amendment_user_ids)
+  framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+      mr.cnxn, services, mr.auth, users_by_id, mr.project)
+  num_results_returned = len(comments)
+  displayed_activities = comments[:UPDATES_PER_PAGE]
+  if not num_results_returned:
+    updates_data['no_activities'] = ezt.boolean(True)
+    return updates_data
+  # Get all referenced artifacts first
+  all_ref_artifacts = None
+  if autolink is not None:
+    content_list = []
+    for activity in comments:
+      content_list.append(activity.content)
+    all_ref_artifacts = autolink.GetAllReferencedArtifacts(
+        mr, content_list)
+  # Now process content and gather activities
+  today = []
+  yesterday = []
+  pastweek = []
+  pastmonth = []
+  thisyear = []
+  older = []
+  with mr.profiler.Phase('rendering activities'):
+    for activity in displayed_activities:
+      entry = ActivityView(
+          activity, mr, prefetched_issues, users_by_id,
+          prefetched_projects, prefetched_configs,
+          autolink=autolink, all_ref_artifacts=all_ref_artifacts, ending=ending,
+          highlight=highlight)
+      if entry.date_bucket == 'Today':
+        today.append(entry)
+      elif entry.date_bucket == 'Yesterday':
+        yesterday.append(entry)
+      elif entry.date_bucket == 'Last 7 days':
+        pastweek.append(entry)
+      elif entry.date_bucket == 'Last 30 days':
+        pastmonth.append(entry)
+      elif entry.date_bucket == 'Earlier this year':
+        thisyear.append(entry)
+      elif entry.date_bucket == 'Before this year':
+        older.append(entry)
+  new_after = None
+  new_before = None
+  if displayed_activities:
+    new_after = displayed_activities[0].timestamp
+    new_before = displayed_activities[-1].timestamp
+  prev_url = None
+  next_url = None
+  if updates_page_url:
+    list_servlet_rel_url = updates_page_url.split('/')[-1]
+    recognized_params = [(name, mr.GetParam(name))
+                         for name in framework_helpers.RECOGNIZED_PARAMS]
+    if displayed_activities and (mr.before or mr.after):
+      prev_url = framework_helpers.FormatURL(
+          recognized_params, list_servlet_rel_url, after=new_after)
+    if mr.after or len(comments) > UPDATES_PER_PAGE:
+      next_url = framework_helpers.FormatURL(
+          recognized_params, list_servlet_rel_url, before=new_before)
+  if prev_url or next_url:
+    pagination = template_helpers.EZTItem(
+        start=None, last=None, prev_url=prev_url, next_url=next_url,
+        reload_url=None, visible=ezt.boolean(True), total_count=None)
+  else:
+    pagination = None
+  updates_data.update({
+      'no_activities': ezt.boolean(False),
+      'pagination': pagination,
+      'updates_data': template_helpers.EZTItem(
+          today=today, yesterday=yesterday, pastweek=pastweek,
+          pastmonth=pastmonth, thisyear=thisyear, older=older),
+      })
+  return updates_data