Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/api/v3/ b/api/v3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2e26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/v3/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import cgi
+import functools
+import logging
+import time
+import sys
+from google.oauth2 import id_token
+from google.auth.transport import requests as google_requests
+from google.appengine.api import oauth
+from google.appengine.api import users
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+from google.protobuf import json_format
+from components.prpc import codes
+from components.prpc import server
+from framework import monitoring
+import settings
+from api.v3 import converters
+from framework import authdata
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import monitoring
+from framework import monorailcontext
+from framework import ratelimiter
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from framework import xsrf
+from services import client_config_svc
+from services import features_svc
+# Header for XSRF token to protect cookie-based auth users.
+XSRF_TOKEN_HEADER = 'x-xsrf-token'
+# Header for test account email.  Only accepted for local dev server.
+TEST_ACCOUNT_HEADER = 'x-test-account'
+# Optional header to help us understand why certain calls were made.
+REASON_HEADER = 'x-reason'
+# Optional header to help prevent double updates.
+REQUEST_ID_HEADER = 'x-request-id'
+# Domain for service account emails.
+def ConvertPRPCStatusToHTTPStatus(context):
+  """pRPC uses internal codes 0..16, but we want to report HTTP codes."""
+  return server._PRPC_TO_HTTP_STATUS.get(context._code, 500)
+def PRPCMethod(func):
+  @functools.wraps(func)
+  def wrapper(self, request, prpc_context, cnxn=None):
+    return self.Run(
+        func, request, prpc_context, cnxn=cnxn)
+  wrapper.wrapped = func
+  return wrapper
+class MonorailServicer(object):
+  """Abstract base class for API servicers.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, services, make_rate_limiter=True, xsrf_timeout=None):
+ = services
+    if make_rate_limiter:
+      self.rate_limiter = ratelimiter.ApiRateLimiter()
+    else:
+      self.rate_limiter = None
+    # We allow subclasses to specify a different timeout. This allows the
+    # RefreshToken method to check the token with a longer expiration and
+    # generate a new one.
+    self.xsrf_timeout = xsrf_timeout or xsrf.TOKEN_TIMEOUT_SEC
+    self.converter = None
+  def Run(
+      self, handler, request, prpc_context,
+      cnxn=None, perms=None, start_time=None, end_time=None):
+    """Run a Do* method in an API context.
+    Args:
+      handler: API handler method to call with MonorailContext and request.
+      request: API Request proto object.
+      prpc_context: pRPC context object with status code.
+      cnxn: Optional connection to SQL database.
+      perms: PermissionSet passed in during testing.
+      start_time: Int timestamp passed in during testing.
+      end_time: Int timestamp passed in during testing.
+    Returns:
+      The response proto returned from the handler or None if that
+      method raised an exception that we handle.
+    Raises:
+      Only programming errors should be raised as exceptions.  All
+      exceptions for permission checks and input validation that are
+      raised in the Do* method are converted into pRPC status codes.
+    """
+    start_time = start_time or time.time()
+    cnxn = cnxn or sql.MonorailConnection()
+    if
+    response = None
+    requester_auth = None
+    metadata = dict(prpc_context.invocation_metadata())
+    mc = monorailcontext.MonorailContext(, cnxn=cnxn, perms=perms)
+    try:
+      self.AssertBaseChecks(request, metadata)
+      client_id, requester_auth = self.GetAndAssertRequesterAuth(
+          cnxn, metadata,
+'request proto is:\n%r\n', request)
+'requester is %r',
+      monitoring.IncrementAPIRequestsCount(
+          'v3', client_id,
+      # TODO( pass in a None client_id for rate
+      # limiting because CheckStart and CheckEnd will track and limit requests
+      # per email and client_id separately.
+      # So if there are many site users one day, we may end up rate limiting our
+      # own site. With a None client_id we are only rate limiting by emails.
+      if self.rate_limiter:
+        self.rate_limiter.CheckStart(None,, start_time)
+      mc.auth = requester_auth
+      if not perms:
+        # NOTE(crbug/monorail/7614): We rely on servicer methods to call
+        # to call LookupLoggedInUserPerms() with a project when they need to.
+        mc.LookupLoggedInUserPerms(None)
+      self.converter = converters.Converter(mc,
+      response = handler(self, mc, request)
+    except Exception as e:
+      if not self.ProcessException(e, prpc_context, mc):
+        raise e.__class__, e, sys.exc_info()[2]
+    finally:
+      if mc:
+        mc.CleanUp()
+      if self.rate_limiter and requester_auth and
+        end_time = end_time or time.time()
+        self.rate_limiter.CheckEnd(
+            None,, end_time, start_time)
+      self.RecordMonitoringStats(start_time, request, response, prpc_context)
+    return response
+  def CheckIDToken(self, cnxn, metadata):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, Mapping[str, str])
+    #     -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[authdata.AuthData]]
+    """Authenticate user from an ID token.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to the SQL database.
+      metadata: metadata sent by the client.
+    Returns:
+      The audience (AKA client_id) and a new AuthData object representing
+      the user making the request or (None, None) if no ID token was found.
+    Raises:
+      permissions.PermissionException: If the token is invalid, the client ID
+        is not allowlisted, or no user email was found in the ID token.
+    """
+    bearer = metadata.get('authorization')
+    if not bearer:
+      return None, None
+    if bearer.lower().startswith('bearer '):
+      token = bearer[7:]
+    else:
+      raise permissions.PermissionException('Invalid authorization token.')
+    # TODO( Use cachecontrol module to cache
+    # certification used for verification.
+    request = google_requests.Request()
+    try:
+      id_info = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(token, request)
+'ID token info: %r' % id_info)
+    except ValueError:
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'Invalid bearer token.')
+    audience = id_info['aud']
+    email = id_info.get('email')
+    if not email:
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'No email found in token info. '
+          'Make sure requests are made with scopes `openid` and `email`')
+    auth_client_ids, service_account_emails = (
+        client_config_svc.GetClientConfigSvc().GetClientIDEmails())
+    if email.endswith(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN):
+      # For service accounts, the email must be allowlisted to call the
+      # API and we must confirm that the ID token was meant for
+      # Monorail by checking the audience.
+      # An API call to any <version>-dot-<service>-dot-<app_id>
+      # must have token audience of `https://<app_id>`
+      app_id = app_identity.get_application_id()  # e.g. 'monorail-prod'
+      host = '' % app_id
+      if audience != host:
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'Invalid token audience: %s.' % audience)
+      if email not in service_account_emails:
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'Account %s is not allowlisted' % email)
+    else:
+      # For users, the audience is the client_id of the site used to make
+      # the call to Monorail's API. The client_id must be allow-listed.
+      if audience not in auth_client_ids:
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'Client %s is not allowlisted' % audience)
+    # We must confirm the client/email is allowlisted before we
+    # potentially auto-create the user account in Monorail.
+    return audience, authdata.AuthData.FromEmail(
+        cnxn, email,, autocreate=True)
+  def GetAndAssertRequesterAuth(self, cnxn, metadata, services):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, Mapping[str, str], Services ->
+    #    Tuple[str, authdata.AuthData]
+    """Gets the requester identity and checks if the user has permission
+       to make the request.
+       Any users successfully authenticated with oauth must be allowlisted or
+       have accounts with the domains in api_allowed_email_domains.
+       Users identified using cookie-based auth must have valid XSRF tokens.
+       Test accounts ending with are only allowed in the
+       local_mode.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to the SQL database.
+      metadata: metadata sent by the client.
+      services: connections to backend services.
+    Returns:
+      The client ID and a new AuthData object representing a signed in or
+      anonymous user.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException: If the requester does not exist
+      permissions.BannedUserException: If the user has been banned from the site
+      permissions.PermissionException: If the user is not authorized with the
+        Monorail scope, is not allowlisted, and has an invalid token.
+    """
+    # TODO(monorail:6538): Move different authentication methods into separate
+    # functions.
+    requester_auth = None
+    client_id = None
+    # When running on localhost, allow request to specify test account.
+    if TEST_ACCOUNT_HEADER in metadata:
+      if not settings.local_mode:
+        raise exceptions.InputException(
+            'x-test-account only accepted in local_mode')
+      # For local development, we accept any request.
+      # TODO(jrobbins): make this more realistic by requiring a fake XSRF token.
+      test_account = metadata[TEST_ACCOUNT_HEADER]
+      if not test_account.endswith(''):
+        raise exceptions.InputException(
+            'test_account must end with')
+'Using test_account: %r' % test_account)
+      requester_auth = authdata.AuthData.FromEmail(cnxn, test_account, services)
+    # Oauth2 ID token auth.
+    if not requester_auth:
+      client_id, requester_auth = self.CheckIDToken(cnxn, metadata)
+    if client_id is None:
+      # TODO( For site users, we temporarily use
+      # the host as the client_id, until we implement auth in the frontend
+      # to make API requests with ID tokens that include client_ids.
+      client_id = '' % app_identity.get_application_id()
+    # Cookie-based auth for signed in and anonymous users.
+    if not requester_auth:
+      # Check for signed in user
+      user = users.get_current_user()
+      if user:
+'Using cookie user: %r',
+        requester_auth = authdata.AuthData.FromEmail(
+            cnxn,, services)
+      else:
+        # Create AuthData for anonymous user.
+        requester_auth = authdata.AuthData.FromEmail(cnxn, None, services)
+      # Cookie-based auth signed-in and anon users need to have the XSRF
+      # token validate.
+      try:
+        token = metadata.get(XSRF_TOKEN_HEADER)
+        xsrf.ValidateToken(
+            token, requester_auth.user_id, xsrf.XHR_SERVLET_PATH,
+            timeout=self.xsrf_timeout)
+      except xsrf.TokenIncorrect:
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'Requester %s does not have permission to make this request.'
+            %
+    if permissions.IsBanned(requester_auth.user_pb, requester_auth.user_view):
+      raise permissions.BannedUserException(
+          'The user %s has been banned from using this site' %
+    return (client_id, requester_auth)
+  def AssertBaseChecks(self, request, metadata):
+    """Reject requests that we refuse to serve."""
+    # TODO(jrobbins): Add read_only check as an exception raised in
+    if (settings.read_only and
+        not request.__class__.__name__.startswith(('Get', 'List'))):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'This request is not allowed in read-only mode')
+    if REASON_HEADER in metadata:
+'Request reason: %r', metadata[REASON_HEADER])
+    if REQUEST_ID_HEADER in metadata:
+      # TODO(jrobbins): Ignore requests with duplicate request_ids.
+'request_id: %r', metadata[REQUEST_ID_HEADER])
+  def ProcessException(self, e, prpc_context, mc):
+    """Return True if we convert an exception to a pRPC status code."""
+    logging.exception(e)
+    exc_type = type(e)
+    if exc_type == exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+      prpc_context.set_details('The user does not exist.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.NoSuchProjectException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+      prpc_context.set_details('The project does not exist.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.NoSuchTemplateException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+      prpc_context.set_details('The template does not exist.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+      details = 'The issue does not exist.'
+      if e.message:
+        details = cgi.escape(e.message, quote=True)
+      prpc_context.set_details(details)
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.NoSuchIssueApprovalException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+      prpc_context.set_details('The issue approval does not exist.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.NoSuchCommentException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+      prpc_context.set_details('No such comment')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.NoSuchComponentException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+      prpc_context.set_details('The component does not exist.')
+    elif exc_type == permissions.BannedUserException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED)
+      prpc_context.set_details('The requesting user has been banned.')
+    elif exc_type == permissions.PermissionException:
+'perms is %r', mc.perms)
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED)
+      prpc_context.set_details('Permission denied.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.GroupExistsException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.ALREADY_EXISTS)
+      prpc_context.set_details('The user group already exists.')
+    elif exc_type == features_svc.HotlistAlreadyExists:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.ALREADY_EXISTS)
+      prpc_context.set_details('A hotlist with that name already exists.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.ComponentDefAlreadyExists:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.ALREADY_EXISTS)
+      prpc_context.set_details('A component with that path already exists.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.ActionNotSupported:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+      prpc_context.set_details('Requested action not supported.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.InvalidComponentNameException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+      prpc_context.set_details('That component name is invalid.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.FilterRuleException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+      prpc_context.set_details('Violates filter rule that should error.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.InputException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+      prpc_context.set_details(
+         'Invalid arguments: %s' % cgi.escape(e.message, quote=True))
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.OverAttachmentQuota:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)
+      prpc_context.set_details(
+          'The request would exceed the attachment quota limit.')
+    elif exc_type == ratelimiter.ApiRateLimitExceeded:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED)
+      prpc_context.set_details('The requester has exceeded API quotas limit.')
+    elif exc_type == oauth.InvalidOAuthTokenError:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.UNAUTHENTICATED)
+      prpc_context.set_details(
+          'The oauth token was not valid or must be refreshed.')
+    elif exc_type == xsrf.TokenIncorrect:
+'Bad XSRF token: %r', e.message)
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+      prpc_context.set_details('Bad XSRF token.')
+    elif exc_type == exceptions.PageTokenException:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+      prpc_context.set_details(
+          'Page token invalid or incorrect for the accompanying request')
+    else:
+      prpc_context.set_code(codes.StatusCode.INTERNAL)
+      prpc_context.set_details('Potential programming error.')
+      return False  # Re-raise any exception from programming errors.
+    return True  # It if was one of the cases above, don't reraise.
+  def RecordMonitoringStats(
+      self, start_time, request, response, prpc_context, now=None):
+    """Record monitoring info about this request."""
+    now = now or time.time()
+    elapsed_ms = int((now - start_time) * 1000)
+    method_name = request.__class__.__name__
+    if method_name.endswith('Request'):
+      method_name = method_name[:-len('Request')]
+    fields = monitoring.GetCommonFields(
+        # pRPC uses its own statuses, but we report HTTP status codes.
+        ConvertPRPCStatusToHTTPStatus(prpc_context),
+        # Use the API name, not the request path, to prevent an explosion in
+        # possible field values.
+        'monorail.v3.' + method_name)
+    monitoring.AddServerDurations(elapsed_ms, fields)
+    monitoring.IncrementServerResponseStatusCount(fields)
+    monitoring.AddServerRequesteBytes(
+        len(json_format.MessageToJson(request)), fields)
+    response_length = 0
+    if response:
+      response_length = len(json_format.MessageToJson(response))
+      monitoring.AddServerResponseBytes(response_length, fields)