Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb26c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/
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+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Methods for converting resource names to protorpc objects and back.
+IngestFoo methods take resource names and return the IDs of the resources.
+While some Ingest methods need to check for the existence of resources as
+a side-effect of producing their IDs, other layers that call these methods
+should always do their own validity checking.
+ConvertFoo methods take object ids
+(and sometimes a MonorailConnection and ServiceManager)
+and return resource names.
+import re
+import logging
+from features import features_constants
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import validate
+from project import project_constants
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+# Constants that hold regex patterns for resource names.
+    r'projects\/(?P<project_name>%s)' % project_constants.PROJECT_NAME_PATTERN)
+FIELD_DEF_NAME_RE = re.compile(
+    r'%s\/fieldDefs\/(?P<field_def>\d+)$' % (PROJECT_NAME_PATTERN))
+  r'%s\/approvalDefs\/(?P<approval_def>\d+)' % PROJECT_NAME_PATTERN)
+HOTLIST_PATTERN = r'hotlists\/(?P<hotlist_id>\d+)'
+HOTLIST_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'%s$' % HOTLIST_PATTERN)
+HOTLIST_ITEM_NAME_RE = re.compile(
+    r'%s\/items\/(?P<project_name>%s)\.(?P<local_id>\d+)$' % (
+        project_constants.PROJECT_NAME_PATTERN))
+ISSUE_PATTERN = (r'projects\/(?P<project>%s)\/issues\/(?P<local_id>\d+)' %
+                 project_constants.PROJECT_NAME_PATTERN)
+ISSUE_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'%s$' % ISSUE_PATTERN)
+COMMENT_PATTERN = (r'%s\/comments\/(?P<comment_num>\d+)' % ISSUE_PATTERN)
+COMMENT_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'%s$' % COMMENT_PATTERN)
+USER_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'users\/((?P<user_id>\d+)|(?P<potential_email>.+))$')
+APPROVAL_VALUE_RE = re.compile(
+    r'%s\/approvalValues\/(?P<approval_id>\d+)$' % ISSUE_PATTERN)
+ISSUE_TEMPLATE_RE = re.compile(
+    r'%s\/templates\/(?P<template_id>\d+)$' % (PROJECT_NAME_PATTERN))
+# Constants that hold the template patterns for creating resource names.
+PROJECT_NAME_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}'
+PROJECT_CONFIG_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/config'
+PROJECT_MEMBER_NAME_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/members/{user_id}'
+HOTLIST_NAME_TMPL = 'hotlists/{hotlist_id}'
+HOTLIST_ITEM_NAME_TMPL = '%s/items/{project_name}.{local_id}' % (
+ISSUE_NAME_TMPL = 'projects/{project}/issues/{local_id}'
+COMMENT_NAME_TMPL = '%s/comments/{comment_id}' % ISSUE_NAME_TMPL
+APPROVAL_VALUE_NAME_TMPL = '%s/approvalValues/{approval_id}' % ISSUE_NAME_TMPL
+USER_NAME_TMPL = 'users/{user_id}'
+PROJECT_STAR_NAME_TMPL = 'users/{user_id}/projectStars/{project_name}'
+PROJECT_SQ_NAME_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/savedQueries/{query_name}'
+ISSUE_TEMPLATE_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/templates/{template_id}'
+STATUS_DEF_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/statusDefs/{status}'
+LABEL_DEF_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/labelDefs/{label}'
+COMPONENT_DEF_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/componentDefs/{component_id}'
+COMPONENT_DEF_RE = re.compile(
+    r'%s\/componentDefs\/((?P<component_id>\d+)|(?P<path>%s))$' %
+FIELD_DEF_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/fieldDefs/{field_id}'
+APPROVAL_DEF_TMPL = 'projects/{project_name}/approvalDefs/{approval_id}'
+def _GetResourceNameMatch(name, regex):
+  # type: (str, Pattern[str]) -> Match[str]
+  """Takes a resource name and returns the regex match.
+  Args:
+    name: Resource name.
+    regex: Compiled regular expression Pattern object used to match name.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if there is not match.
+  """
+  match = regex.match(name)
+  if not match:
+    raise exceptions.InputException(
+        'Invalid resource name: %s.' % name)
+  return match
+def _IssueIdsFromLocalIds(cnxn, project_local_id_pairs, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Sequence[Tuple(str, int)], Services ->
+  #     Sequence[int]
+  """Fetches issue IDs using the given project/local ID pairs."""
+  # Fetch Project ids from Project names.
+  project_ids_by_name = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(
+      cnxn, [pair[0] for pair in project_local_id_pairs])
+  # Create (project_id, issue_local_id) pairs from project_local_id_pairs.
+  project_id_local_ids = []
+  with exceptions.ErrorAggregator(exceptions.NoSuchProjectException) as err_agg:
+    for project_name, local_id in project_local_id_pairs:
+      try:
+        project_id = project_ids_by_name[project_name]
+        project_id_local_ids.append((project_id, local_id))
+      except KeyError:
+        err_agg.AddErrorMessage('Project %s not found.' % project_name)
+  issue_ids, misses = services.issue.LookupIssueIDsFollowMoves(
+      cnxn, project_id_local_ids)
+  if misses:
+    # Raise error with resource names rather than backend IDs.
+    project_names_by_id = {
+        p_id: p_name for p_name, p_id in project_ids_by_name.iteritems()
+    }
+    misses_by_resource_name = [
+        _ConstructIssueName(project_names_by_id[p_id], local_id)
+        for (p_id, local_id) in misses
+    ]
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException(
+        'Issue(s) %r not found' % misses_by_resource_name)
+  return issue_ids
+# FieldDefs
+def IngestFieldDefName(cnxn, name, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, str, Services) -> (int, int)
+  """Ingests a FieldDef's resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection to the database.
+    name: Resource name of a FieldDef.
+    services: Services object for connections to backend services.
+  Returns:
+    The Project's ID and the FieldDef's ID. FieldDef is not guaranteed to exist.
+    TODO(jessan): This order should be consistent throughout the file.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if the given name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchProjectException if the given project name does not exist.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, FIELD_DEF_NAME_RE)
+  field_id = int('field_def'))
+  project_name ='project_name')
+  id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_name])
+  project_id = id_dict.get(project_name)
+  if project_id is None:
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+        'Project not found: %s.' % project_name)
+  return project_id, field_id
+# Hotlists
+def IngestHotlistName(name):
+  # type: (str) -> int
+  """Takes a Hotlist resource name and returns the Hotlist ID.
+  Args:
+    name: Resource name of a Hotlist.
+  Returns:
+    The Hotlist's ID
+  Raises:
+    InputException if the given name does not have a valid format.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, HOTLIST_NAME_RE)
+  return int('hotlist_id'))
+def IngestHotlistItemNames(cnxn, names, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Sequence[str], Services -> Sequence[int]
+  """Takes HotlistItem resource names and returns the associated Issues' IDs.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection to the database.
+    names: List of HotlistItem resource names.
+    services: Services object for connections to backend services.
+  Returns:
+    List of Issue IDs associated with the given HotlistItems.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if a resource name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchProjectException if an Issue's Project is not found.
+    NoSuchIssueException if an Issue is not found.
+  """
+  project_local_id_pairs = []
+  for name in names:
+    match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, HOTLIST_ITEM_NAME_RE)
+    project_local_id_pairs.append(
+        ('project_name'), int('local_id'))))
+  return _IssueIdsFromLocalIds(cnxn, project_local_id_pairs, services)
+def ConvertHotlistName(hotlist_id):
+  # type: (int) -> str
+  """Takes a Hotlist and returns the Hotlist's resource name.
+  Args:
+    hotlist_id: ID of the Hotlist.
+  Returns:
+    The resource name of the Hotlist.
+  """
+  return HOTLIST_NAME_TMPL.format(hotlist_id=hotlist_id)
+def ConvertHotlistItemNames(cnxn, hotlist_id, issue_ids, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, int, Collection[int], Services) ->
+  #     Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes a Hotlist ID and HotlistItem's issue_ids and returns
+     the Hotlist items' resource names.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    hotlist_id: ID of the Hotlist the items belong to.
+    issue_ids: List of Issue IDs that are part of the hotlist's items.
+    services: Services object for connections to backend services.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of Issue IDs to HotlistItem resource names for Issues that are found.
+  """
+  # {issue_id: (project_name, local_id),...}
+  issue_refs_dict = services.issue.LookupIssueRefs(cnxn, issue_ids)
+  issue_ids_to_names = {}
+  for issue_id in issue_ids:
+    project_name, local_id = issue_refs_dict.get(issue_id, (None, None))
+    if project_name and local_id:
+      issue_ids_to_names[issue_id] = HOTLIST_ITEM_NAME_TMPL.format(
+          hotlist_id=hotlist_id, project_name=project_name, local_id=local_id)
+  return issue_ids_to_names
+# Issues
+def IngestCommentName(cnxn, name, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, str, Services) -> Tuple[int, int, int]
+  """Ingests a Comment's resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection to the database.
+    name: Resource name of a Comment.
+    services: Services object for connections to backend services.
+  Returns:
+    Tuple containing three items:
+        1. Global ID of the parent project.
+        2. Global Issue id of the parent issue.
+        3. Sequence number of the comment. This is not checked for existence.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if the given name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchIssueException if the parent Issue does not exist.
+    NoSuchProjectException if the parent Project does not exist.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, COMMENT_NAME_RE)
+  # Project
+  project_name ='project')
+  id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_name])
+  project_id = id_dict.get(project_name)
+  if project_id is None:
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+        'Project not found: %s.' % project_name)
+  # Issue
+  local_id = int('local_id'))
+  issue_pair = [(project_name, local_id)]
+  issue_id = _IssueIdsFromLocalIds(cnxn, issue_pair, services)[0]
+  return project_id, issue_id, int('comment_num'))
+def CreateCommentNames(issue_local_id, issue_project, comment_sequence_nums):
+  # type: (int, str, Sequence[int]) -> Mapping[int, str]
+  """Returns the resource names for the given comments.
+  Note: has important context about guarantees required
+  for comment resource names to be permanent references.
+  Args:
+    issue_local_id: local id of the issue for which we're converting comments.
+    issue_project: the project of the issue for which we're converting comments.
+    comment_sequence_nums: sequence numbers of comments on the given issue.
+  Returns:
+    A mapping from comment sequence number to comment resource names.
+  """
+  sequence_nums_to_names = {}
+  for comment_sequence_num in comment_sequence_nums:
+    sequence_nums_to_names[comment_sequence_num] = COMMENT_NAME_TMPL.format(
+        project=issue_project,
+        local_id=issue_local_id,
+        comment_id=comment_sequence_num)
+  return sequence_nums_to_names
+def IngestApprovalDefName(cnxn, name, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, str, Services) -> int
+  """Ingests an ApprovalDef's resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection to the database.
+    name: Resource name of an ApprovalDef.
+    services: Services object for connections to backend services.
+  Returns:
+    The ApprovalDef ID specified in `name`.
+    The ApprovalDef is not guaranteed to exist.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if the given name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchProjectException if the given project name does not exist.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, APPROVAL_DEF_NAME_RE)
+  # Project
+  project_name ='project_name')
+  id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_name])
+  project_id = id_dict.get(project_name)
+  if project_id is None:
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+        'Project not found: %s.' % project_name)
+  return int('approval_def'))
+def IngestApprovalValueName(cnxn, name, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, str, Services) -> Tuple[int, int, int]
+  """Ingests the three components of an ApprovalValue resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    name: Resource name of an ApprovalValue.
+    services: Services object for connections to backend services.
+  Returns:
+    Tuple containing three items
+        1. Global ID of the parent project.
+        2. Global Issue ID of the parent issue.
+        3. The approval_id portion of the resource name. This is not checked
+           for existence.
+   Raises:
+    InputException if the given name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchIssueException if the parent Issue does not exist.
+    NoSuchProjectException if the parent Project does not exist.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, APPROVAL_VALUE_RE)
+  # Project
+  project_name ='project')
+  id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_name])
+  project_id = id_dict.get(project_name)
+  if project_id is None:
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+        'Project not found: %s.' % project_name)
+  # Issue
+  local_id = int('local_id'))
+  issue_pair = [(project_name, local_id)]
+  issue_id = _IssueIdsFromLocalIds(cnxn, issue_pair, services)[0]
+  return project_id, issue_id, int('approval_id'))
+def IngestIssueName(cnxn, name, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, str, Services) -> int
+  """Takes an Issue resource name and returns its global ID.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    name: Resource name of an Issue.
+    services: Services object for connections to backend services.
+  Returns:
+    The global Issue ID associated with the name.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if the given name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchIssueException if the Issue does not exist.
+    NoSuchProjectException if an Issue's Project is not found.
+  """
+  return IngestIssueNames(cnxn, [name], services)[0]
+def IngestIssueNames(cnxn, names, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Sequence[str], Services) -> Sequence[int]
+  """Returns global IDs for the given Issue resource names.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    names: Resource names of zero or more issues.
+    services: Services object for connections to backend services.
+  Returns:
+    The global IDs for the issues.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if a resource name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchIssueException if an Issue is not found.
+    NoSuchProjectException if an Issue's Project is not found.
+  """
+  project_local_id_pairs = []
+  with exceptions.ErrorAggregator(exceptions.InputException) as err_agg:
+    for name in names:
+      try:
+        match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, ISSUE_NAME_RE)
+        project_local_id_pairs.append(
+            ('project'), int('local_id'))))
+      except exceptions.InputException as e:
+        err_agg.AddErrorMessage(e.message)
+  return _IssueIdsFromLocalIds(cnxn, project_local_id_pairs, services)
+def IngestProjectFromIssue(issue_name):
+  # type: (str) -> str
+  """Takes an issue resource_name and returns its project name.
+  TODO(crbug/monorail/7614): This method should only be needed for the
+  workaround for the referenced issue. When the cleanup is completed, this
+  method should be able to be removed.
+  Args:
+    issue_name: A resource name for an issue.
+  Returns:
+    The project section of the resource name (e.g for 'projects/xyz/issue/1'),
+    the method would return 'xyz'. The associated project is not guaranteed to
+    exist.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if 'issue_name' does not have a valid format.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(issue_name, ISSUE_NAME_RE)
+  return'project')
+def ConvertIssueName(cnxn, issue_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, int, Services) -> str
+  """Takes an Issue ID and returns the corresponding Issue resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    issue_id: The ID of the issue.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    The resource name of the Issue.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchIssueException if the issue is not found.
+  """
+  name = ConvertIssueNames(cnxn, [issue_id], services).get(issue_id)
+  if not name:
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException()
+  return name
+def ConvertIssueNames(cnxn, issue_ids, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[int], Services) -> Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes Issue IDs and returns the Issue resource names.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    issue_ids: List of Issue IDs
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of Issue IDs to Issue resource names for Issues that are found.
+  """
+  issue_ids_to_names = {}
+  issue_refs_dict = services.issue.LookupIssueRefs(cnxn, issue_ids)
+  for issue_id in issue_ids:
+    project, local_id = issue_refs_dict.get(issue_id, (None, None))
+    if project and local_id:
+      issue_ids_to_names[issue_id] = _ConstructIssueName(project, local_id)
+  return issue_ids_to_names
+def _ConstructIssueName(project, local_id):
+  # type: (str, int) -> str
+  """Takes project name and issue local id returns the Issue resource name."""
+  return ISSUE_NAME_TMPL.format(project=project, local_id=local_id)
+def ConvertApprovalValueNames(cnxn, issue_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, int, Services)
+  #   -> Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes an Issue ID and returns the resource names of its ApprovalValues.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    issue_id: ID of the Issue the approval_values belong to.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of ApprovalDef IDs to ApprovalValue resource names for
+      ApprovalDefs that are found.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchIssueException if the Issue is not found.
+  """
+  issue = services.issue.GetIssue(cnxn, issue_id)
+  project = services.project.GetProject(cnxn, issue.project_id)
+  config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, issue.project_id)
+  ads_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs
+               if fd.field_type is tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE}
+  approval_def_ids = [av.approval_id for av in issue.approval_values]
+  approval_ids_to_names = {}
+  for ad_id in approval_def_ids:
+    fd = ads_by_id.get(ad_id)
+    if not fd:
+'Approval type field with id %d not found.', ad_id)
+      continue
+    approval_ids_to_names[ad_id] = APPROVAL_VALUE_NAME_TMPL.format(
+        project=project.project_name,
+        local_id=issue.local_id,
+        approval_id=ad_id)
+  return approval_ids_to_names
+# Users
+def IngestUserName(cnxn, name, services, autocreate=False):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, str, Services) -> int
+  """Takes a User resource name and returns a User ID.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    name: The User resource name.
+    services: Services object.
+    autocreate: set to True if new Users should be created for
+        emails in resource names that do not belong to existing
+        Users.
+  Returns:
+    The ID of the User.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if the resource name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchUserException if autocreate is False and the given email
+        was not found.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, USER_NAME_RE)
+  user_id ='user_id')
+  if user_id:
+    return int(user_id)
+  elif validate.IsValidEmail('potential_email')):
+    return services.user.LookupUserID(
+        cnxn,'potential_email'), autocreate=autocreate)
+  else:
+    raise exceptions.InputException(
+        'Invalid email format found in User resource name: %s' % name)
+def IngestUserNames(cnxn, names, services, autocreate=False):
+  # Type: (MonorailConnection, Sequence[str], Services, Optional[bool]) ->
+  #     Sequence[int]
+  """Takes User resource names and returns the User IDs.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    names: List of User resource names.
+    services: Services object.
+    autocreate: set to True if new Users should be created for
+        emails in resource names that do not belong to existing
+        Users.
+  Returns:
+    List of User IDs in the same order as names.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if an resource name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchUserException if autocreate is False and some users with given
+        emails were not found.
+  """
+  ids = []
+  for name in names:
+    ids.append(IngestUserName(cnxn, name, services, autocreate))
+  return ids
+def ConvertUserName(user_id):
+  # type: (int) -> str
+  """Takes a User ID and returns the User's resource name."""
+  return ConvertUserNames([user_id])[user_id]
+def ConvertUserNames(user_ids):
+  # type: (Collection[int]) -> Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes User IDs and returns the Users' resource names.
+  Args:
+    user_ids: List of User IDs.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of User IDs to User resource names for all given user_ids.
+  """
+  user_ids_to_names = {}
+  for user_id in user_ids:
+    user_ids_to_names[user_id] = USER_NAME_TMPL.format(user_id=user_id)
+  return user_ids_to_names
+def ConvertProjectStarName(cnxn, user_id, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, int, int, Services) -> str
+  """Takes User ID and Project ID and returns the ProjectStar resource name.
+  Args:
+    user_id: User ID associated with the star.
+    project_id: ID of the starred project.
+  Returns:
+    The ProjectStar's name.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if the project_id is not found.
+  """
+  project_name = services.project.LookupProjectNames(
+      cnxn, [project_id]).get(project_id)
+  return PROJECT_STAR_NAME_TMPL.format(
+      user_id=user_id, project_name=project_name)
+# Projects
+def IngestProjectName(cnxn, name, services):
+  # type: (str) -> int
+  """Takes a Project resource name and returns the project id.
+  Args:
+    name: Resource name of a Project.
+  Returns:
+    The project's id
+  Raises:
+    InputException if the given name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with the given name.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, PROJECT_NAME_RE)
+  project_name ='project_name')
+  id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_name])
+  return id_dict.get(project_name)
+def ConvertTemplateNames(cnxn, project_id, template_ids, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, int, Collection[int] Services) ->
+  #     Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes Template IDs and returns the Templates' resource names
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    project_id: Project ID of Project that Templates must belong to.
+    template_ids: Template IDs to convert.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of template ID to template resource names for all found template IDs
+    within the given project.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+  """
+  id_to_resource_names = {}
+  project_name = services.project.LookupProjectNames(
+      cnxn, [project_id]).get(project_id)
+  project_templates = services.template.GetProjectTemplates(cnxn, project_id)
+  tmpl_by_id = {tmpl.template_id: tmpl for tmpl in project_templates}
+  for template_id in template_ids:
+    if template_id not in tmpl_by_id:
+          'Ignoring template referencing a non-existent id: %s, ' \
+          'or not in project: %s', template_id, project_id)
+      continue
+    id_to_resource_names[template_id] = ISSUE_TEMPLATE_TMPL.format(
+        project_name=project_name,
+        template_id=template_id)
+  return id_to_resource_names
+def IngestTemplateName(cnxn, name, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, str, Services) -> Tuple[int, int]
+  """Ingests an IssueTemplate resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    name: Resource name of an IssueTemplate.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    The IssueTemplate's ID and the Project's ID.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if the given name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchProjectException if the given project name does not exist.
+  """
+  match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, ISSUE_TEMPLATE_RE)
+  template_id = int('template_id'))
+  project_name ='project_name')
+  id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_name])
+  project_id = id_dict.get(project_name)
+  if project_id is None:
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+        'Project not found: %s.' % project_name)
+  return template_id, project_id
+def ConvertStatusDefNames(cnxn, statuses, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[str], int, Services) ->
+  #     Mapping[str, str]
+  """Takes list of status strings and returns StatusDef resource names
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    statuses: List of status name strings
+    project_id: project id of project this belongs to
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Mapping of string to resource name for all given `statuses`.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+  """
+  project = services.project.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+  name_dict = {}
+  for status in statuses:
+    name_dict[status] = STATUS_DEF_TMPL.format(
+        project_name=project.project_name, status=status)
+  return name_dict
+def ConvertLabelDefNames(cnxn, labels, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[str], int, Services) ->
+  #     Mapping[str, str]
+  """Takes a list of labels and returns LabelDef resource names
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    labels: List of labels as string
+    project_id: project id of project this belongs to
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of label string to label's resource name for all given `labels`.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+  """
+  project = services.project.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+  name_dict = {}
+  for label in labels:
+    name_dict[label] = LABEL_DEF_TMPL.format(
+        project_name=project.project_name, label=label)
+  return name_dict
+def ConvertComponentDefNames(cnxn, component_ids, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[int], int, Services) ->
+  #     Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes Component IDs and returns ComponentDef resource names
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    component_ids: List of component ids
+    project_id: project id of project this belongs to
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of component ID to component's resource name for all given
+    `component_ids`
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+  """
+  project = services.project.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+  id_dict = {}
+  for component_id in component_ids:
+    id_dict[component_id] = COMPONENT_DEF_TMPL.format(
+        project_name=project.project_name, component_id=component_id)
+  return id_dict
+def IngestComponentDefNames(cnxn, names, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Sequence[str], Services)
+  #     -> Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]
+  """Takes a list of component resource names and returns their IDs.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    names: List of component resource names.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    List of (project ID, component ID)s in the same order as names.
+  Raises:
+    InputException if a resource name does not have a valid format.
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+    NoSuchComponentException if a component is not found.
+  """
+  # Parse as many (component id or path, project name) pairs as possible.
+  parsed_comp_projectnames = []
+  with exceptions.ErrorAggregator(exceptions.InputException) as err_agg:
+    for name in names:
+      try:
+        match = _GetResourceNameMatch(name, COMPONENT_DEF_RE)
+        project_name ='project_name')
+        component_id ='component_id')
+        if component_id:
+          parsed_comp_projectnames.append((int(component_id), project_name))
+        else:
+          parsed_comp_projectnames.append(
+              (str('path')), project_name))
+      except exceptions.InputException as e:
+        err_agg.AddErrorMessage(e.message)
+  # Validate as many projects as possible.
+  project_names = {project_name for _, project_name in parsed_comp_projectnames}
+  project_ids_by_name = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, project_names)
+  with exceptions.ErrorAggregator(exceptions.NoSuchProjectException) as err_agg:
+    for _, project_name in parsed_comp_projectnames:
+      if project_name not in project_ids_by_name:
+        err_agg.AddErrorMessage('Project not found: %s.' % project_name)
+  configs_by_pid = services.config.GetProjectConfigs(
+      cnxn, project_ids_by_name.values())
+  compid_by_pid = {}
+  comp_path_by_pid = {}
+  for pid, config in configs_by_pid.items():
+    compid_by_pid[pid] = {comp.component_id for comp in config.component_defs}
+    comp_path_by_pid[pid] = {
+        comp.path.lower(): comp.component_id for comp in config.component_defs
+    }
+  # Find as many components as possible
+  pid_cid_pairs = []
+  with exceptions.ErrorAggregator(
+      exceptions.NoSuchComponentException) as err_agg:
+    for comp, pname in parsed_comp_projectnames:
+      pid = project_ids_by_name[pname]
+      if isinstance(comp, int) and comp in compid_by_pid[pid]:
+        pid_cid_pairs.append((pid, comp))
+      elif isinstance(comp, str) and comp.lower() in comp_path_by_pid[pid]:
+        pid_cid_pairs.append((pid, comp_path_by_pid[pid][comp.lower()]))
+      else:
+        err_agg.AddErrorMessage('Component not found: %r.' % comp)
+  return pid_cid_pairs
+def ConvertFieldDefNames(cnxn, field_ids, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[int], int, Services) ->
+  #     Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes Field IDs and returns FieldDef resource names.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    field_ids: List of Field IDs
+    project_id: project ID that each Field must belong to.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of Field ID to FieldDef resource name for FieldDefs that are found.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given ID.
+  """
+  project = services.project.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+  config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+  fds_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
+  id_dict = {}
+  for field_id in field_ids:
+    field_def = fds_by_id.get(field_id)
+    if not field_def:
+'Ignoring field referencing a non-existent id: %s', field_id)
+      continue
+    id_dict[field_id] = FIELD_DEF_TMPL.format(
+        project_name=project.project_name, field_id=field_id)
+  return id_dict
+def ConvertApprovalDefNames(cnxn, approval_ids, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[int], int, Services) ->
+  #     Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes Approval IDs and returns ApprovalDef resource names.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    approval_ids: List of Approval IDs.
+    project_id: Project ID these approvals must belong to.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of Approval ID to ApprovalDef resource name for ApprovalDefs
+    that are found.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given ID.
+  """
+  project = services.project.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+  config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+  fds_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
+  id_dict = {}
+  for approval_id in approval_ids:
+    approval_def = fds_by_id.get(approval_id)
+    if not approval_def:
+          'Ignoring approval referencing a non-existent id: %s', approval_id)
+      continue
+    id_dict[approval_id] = APPROVAL_DEF_TMPL.format(
+        project_name=project.project_name, approval_id=approval_id)
+  return id_dict
+def ConvertProjectName(cnxn, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, int, Services) -> str
+  """Takes a Project ID and returns the Project's resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    project_id: ID of the Project.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    The resource name of the Project.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+  """
+  project_name = services.project.LookupProjectNames(
+      cnxn, [project_id]).get(project_id)
+  return PROJECT_NAME_TMPL.format(project_name=project_name)
+def ConvertProjectConfigName(cnxn, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, int, Services) -> str
+  """Takes a Project ID and returns that project's config resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    project_id: ID of the Project.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    The resource name of the ProjectConfig.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+  """
+  project_name = services.project.LookupProjectNames(
+      cnxn, [project_id]).get(project_id)
+  return PROJECT_CONFIG_TMPL.format(project_name=project_name)
+def ConvertProjectMemberName(cnxn, project_id, user_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, int, int, Services) -> str
+  """Takes Project and User ID then returns the ProjectMember resource name.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    project_id: ID of the Project.
+    user_id: ID of the User.
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    The resource name of the ProjectMember.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+  """
+  project_name = services.project.LookupProjectNames(
+      cnxn, [project_id]).get(project_id)
+  return PROJECT_MEMBER_NAME_TMPL.format(
+      project_name=project_name, user_id=user_id)
+def ConvertProjectSavedQueryNames(cnxn, query_ids, project_id, services):
+  # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[int], int, Services) ->
+  #     Mapping[int, str]
+  """Takes SavedQuery IDs and returns ProjectSavedQuery resource names.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+    query_ids: List of SavedQuery ids
+    project_id: project id of project this belongs to
+    services: Services object.
+  Returns:
+    Dict of ids to ProjectSavedQuery resource names for all found query ids
+    that belong to given project_id.
+  Raises:
+    NoSuchProjectException if no project exists with given id.
+  """
+  project_name = services.project.LookupProjectNames(
+      cnxn, [project_id]).get(project_id)
+  all_project_queries = services.features.GetCannedQueriesByProjectID(
+      cnxn, project_id)
+  query_by_ids = {query.query_id: query for query in all_project_queries}
+  ids_to_names = {}
+  for query_id in query_ids:
+    query = query_by_ids.get(query_id)
+    if not query:
+          'Ignoring saved query referencing a non-existent id: %s '
+          'or not in project: %s', query_id, project_id)
+      continue
+    ids_to_names[query_id] = PROJECT_SQ_NAME_TMPL.format(
+        project_name=project_name,
+  return ids_to_names