Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
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index 0000000..1cdfeca
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+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import copy
+import logging
+from google.protobuf import empty_pb2
+import settings
+from api import monorail_servicer
+from api import converters
+from api.api_proto import issue_objects_pb2
+from api.api_proto import issues_pb2
+from api.api_proto import issues_prpc_pb2
+from businesslogic import work_env
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from features import savedqueries_helpers
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import permissions
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import searchpipeline
+from tracker import field_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+class IssuesServicer(monorail_servicer.MonorailServicer):
+  """Handle API requests related to Issue objects.
+  Each API request is implemented with a method as defined in the
+  .proto file that does any request-specific validation, uses work_env
+  to safely operate on business objects, and returns a response proto.
+  """
+  DESCRIPTION = issues_prpc_pb2.IssuesServiceDescription
+  def _GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+      self, mc, issue_ref, use_cache=True, issue_required=True,
+      view_deleted=False):
+    """Get three objects that we need for most requests with an issue_ref."""
+    issue = None
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc,, phase='getting P, I, C') as we:
+      project = we.GetProjectByName(
+          issue_ref.project_name, use_cache=use_cache)
+      mc.LookupLoggedInUserPerms(project)
+      config = we.GetProjectConfig(project.project_id, use_cache=use_cache)
+      if issue_required or issue_ref.local_id:
+        try:
+          issue = we.GetIssueByLocalID(
+              project.project_id, issue_ref.local_id, use_cache=use_cache,
+              allow_viewing_deleted=view_deleted)
+        except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException as e:
+          issue = None
+          if issue_required:
+            raise e
+    return project, issue, config
+  def _GetProjectIssueIDsAndConfig(
+      self, mc, issue_refs, use_cache=True):
+    """Get info from a single project for repeated issue_refs requests."""
+    project_names = set()
+    local_ids = []
+    for issue_ref in issue_refs:
+      if not issue_ref.local_id:
+        raise exceptions.InputException('Param `local_id` required.')
+      local_ids.append(issue_ref.local_id)
+      if issue_ref.project_name:
+        project_names.add(issue_ref.project_name)
+    if not project_names:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Param `project_name` required.')
+    if len(project_names) != 1:
+      raise exceptions.InputException(
+          'This method does not support cross-project issue_refs.')
+    project_name = project_names.pop()
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc,, phase='getting P, I ids, C') as we:
+      project = we.GetProjectByName(project_name, use_cache=use_cache)
+      mc.LookupLoggedInUserPerms(project)
+      config = we.GetProjectConfig(project.project_id, use_cache=use_cache)
+      project_local_id_pairs = [(project.project_id, local_id)
+                                for local_id in local_ids]
+    issue_ids, _misses =
+        mc.cnxn, project_local_id_pairs)
+    return project, issue_ids, config
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def CreateIssue(self, _mc, request):
+    response = issue_objects_pb2.Issue()
+    response.CopyFrom(request.issue)
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def GetIssue(self, mc, request):
+    """Return the specified issue in a response proto."""
+    issue_ref = request.issue_ref
+    project, issue, config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, issue_ref, view_deleted=True, issue_required=False)
+    # Code for getting where a moved issue was moved to.
+    if issue is None:
+      moved_to_ref =
+          mc.cnxn, project.project_id, issue_ref.local_id)
+      moved_to_project_id, moved_to_id = moved_to_ref
+      moved_to_project_name = None
+      if moved_to_project_id is not None:
+        with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+          moved_to_project = we.GetProject(moved_to_project_id)
+          moved_to_project_name = moved_to_project.project_name
+        return issues_pb2.IssueResponse(moved_to_ref=converters.ConvertIssueRef(
+            (moved_to_project_name, moved_to_id)))
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException()
+    if issue.deleted:
+      return issues_pb2.IssueResponse(
+          issue=issue_objects_pb2.Issue(is_deleted=True))
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      related_refs = we.GetRelatedIssueRefs([issue])
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('making user views'):
+      users_involved_in_issue = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues([issue])
+      users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, users_involved_in_issue)
+      framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+          mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, users_by_id, project)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      response = issues_pb2.IssueResponse()
+      response.issue.CopyFrom(converters.ConvertIssue(
+          issue, users_by_id, related_refs, config))
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def ListIssues(self, mc, request):
+    """Return the list of issues for projects that satisfy the given query."""
+    use_cached_searches = not settings.local_mode
+    can = request.canned_query or 1
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      start, max_items = converters.IngestPagination(request.pagination)
+      pipeline = we.ListIssues(
+          request.query, request.project_names, mc.auth.user_id, max_items,
+          start, can, request.group_by_spec, request.sort_spec,
+          use_cached_searches)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('reveal emails to members'):
+      projects =
+          mc.cnxn, request.project_names)
+      for _, p in projects.items():
+        framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+            mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, pipeline.users_by_id, p)
+    converted_results = []
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      for issue in (pipeline.visible_results or []):
+        related_refs = we.GetRelatedIssueRefs([issue])
+        converted_results.append(
+            converters.ConvertIssue(issue, pipeline.users_by_id, related_refs,
+                                    pipeline.harmonized_config))
+    total_results = 0
+    if hasattr(pipeline.pagination, 'total_count'):
+      total_results = pipeline.pagination.total_count
+    return issues_pb2.ListIssuesResponse(
+        issues=converted_results, total_results=total_results)
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def ListReferencedIssues(self, mc, request):
+    """Return the specified issues in a response proto."""
+    if not request.issue_refs:
+      return issues_pb2.ListReferencedIssuesResponse()
+    for issue_ref in request.issue_refs:
+      if not issue_ref.project_name:
+        raise exceptions.InputException('Param `project_name` required.')
+      if not issue_ref.local_id:
+        raise exceptions.InputException('Param `local_id` required.')
+    default_project_name = request.issue_refs[0].project_name
+    ref_tuples = [
+        (ref.project_name, ref.local_id) for ref in request.issue_refs]
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      open_issues, closed_issues = we.ListReferencedIssues(
+          ref_tuples, default_project_name)
+      all_issues = open_issues + closed_issues
+      all_project_ids = [issue.project_id for issue in all_issues]
+      related_refs = we.GetRelatedIssueRefs(all_issues)
+      configs = we.GetProjectConfigs(all_project_ids)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('making user views'):
+      users_involved = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues(all_issues)
+      users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, users_involved)
+      framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+          mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, users_by_id)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      converted_open_issues = [
+          converters.ConvertIssue(
+              issue, users_by_id, related_refs, configs[issue.project_id])
+          for issue in open_issues]
+      converted_closed_issues = [
+          converters.ConvertIssue(
+              issue, users_by_id, related_refs, configs[issue.project_id])
+          for issue in closed_issues]
+      response = issues_pb2.ListReferencedIssuesResponse(
+          open_refs=converted_open_issues, closed_refs=converted_closed_issues)
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def ListApplicableFieldDefs(self, mc, request):
+    """Returns specified issues' applicable field refs in a response proto."""
+    if not request.issue_refs:
+      return issues_pb2.ListApplicableFieldDefsResponse()
+    _project, issue_ids, config = self._GetProjectIssueIDsAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_refs)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      issues_dict = we.GetIssuesDict(issue_ids)
+      fds = field_helpers.ListApplicableFieldDefs(issues_dict.values(), config)
+    users_by_id = {}
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      users_involved = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInConfig(config)
+      users_by_id.update(framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, users_involved))
+      field_defs = [
+          converters.ConvertFieldDef(fd, [], users_by_id, config, True)
+          for fd in fds]
+    return issues_pb2.ListApplicableFieldDefsResponse(field_defs=field_defs)
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def UpdateIssue(self, mc, request):
+    """Apply a delta and comment to the specified issue, then return it."""
+    project, issue, config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      if request.HasField('delta'):
+        delta = converters.IngestIssueDelta(
+            mc.cnxn,,, config, issue.phases)
+      else:
+        delta = tracker_pb2.IssueDelta()  # No changes specified.
+      attachments = converters.IngestAttachmentUploads(request.uploads)
+      we.UpdateIssue(
+          issue, delta, request.comment_content, send_email=request.send_email,
+          attachments=attachments, is_description=request.is_description,
+          kept_attachments=list(request.kept_attachments))
+      related_refs = we.GetRelatedIssueRefs([issue])
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('making user views'):
+      users_involved_in_issue = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues([issue])
+      users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, users_involved_in_issue)
+      framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+          mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, users_by_id, project)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      response = issues_pb2.IssueResponse()
+      response.issue.CopyFrom(converters.ConvertIssue(
+          issue, users_by_id, related_refs, config))
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def StarIssue(self, mc, request):
+    """Star (or unstar) the specified issue."""
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      we.StarIssue(issue, request.starred)
+      # Reload the issue to get the new star count.
+      issue = we.GetIssue(issue.issue_id)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      response = issues_pb2.StarIssueResponse()
+      response.star_count = issue.star_count
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def IsIssueStarred(self, mc, request):
+    """Respond true if the signed-in user has starred the specified issue."""
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      is_starred = we.IsIssueStarred(issue)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      response = issues_pb2.IsIssueStarredResponse()
+      response.is_starred = is_starred
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def ListStarredIssues(self, mc, _request):
+    """Return a list of issue ids that the signed-in user has starred."""
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      starred_issues = we.ListStarredIssueIDs()
+      starred_issues_dict = we.GetIssueRefs(starred_issues)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      converted_starred_issue_refs = converters.ConvertIssueRefs(
+        starred_issues, starred_issues_dict)
+      response = issues_pb2.ListStarredIssuesResponse(
+        starred_issue_refs=converted_starred_issue_refs)
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def ListComments(self, mc, request):
+    """Return comments on the specified issue in a response proto."""
+    project, issue, config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      comments = we.ListIssueComments(issue)
+      _, comment_reporters = we.LookupIssueFlaggers(issue)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('making user views'):
+      users_involved_in_comments = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInCommentList(
+         comments)
+      users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, users_involved_in_comments)
+      framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+          mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, users_by_id, project)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      issue_perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
+          mc.perms, project, issue, mc.auth.effective_ids, config=config)
+      converted_comments = converters.ConvertCommentList(
+          issue, comments, config, users_by_id, comment_reporters,
+          mc.auth.user_id, issue_perms)
+      response = issues_pb2.ListCommentsResponse(comments=converted_comments)
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def ListActivities(self, mc, request):
+    """Return issue activities by a specified user in a response proto."""
+    converted_user = converters.IngestUserRef(mc.cnxn, request.user_ref,
+    user =, converted_user)
+    comments =
+        mc.cnxn, user_ids={request.user_ref.user_id})
+    issues =
+        mc.cnxn, {c.issue_id for c in comments})
+    project_dict = tracker_helpers.GetAllIssueProjects(
+        mc.cnxn, issues,
+    config_dict =
+        mc.cnxn, list(project_dict.keys()))
+    allowed_issues = tracker_helpers.FilterOutNonViewableIssues(
+        mc.auth.effective_ids, user, project_dict,
+        config_dict, issues)
+    issue_dict = {issue.issue_id: issue for issue in allowed_issues}
+    comments = [
+        c for c in comments if c.issue_id in issue_dict]
+    users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+        mc.cnxn,, [request.user_ref.user_id],
+        tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInCommentList(comments))
+    for project in project_dict.values():
+      framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+          mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, users_by_id, project)
+    issues_by_project = {}
+    for issue in allowed_issues:
+      issues_by_project.setdefault(issue.project_id, []).append(issue)
+    # A dictionary {issue_id: perms} of the PermissionSet for the current user
+    # on each of the issues.
+    issue_perms_dict = {}
+    # A dictionary {comment_id: [reporter_id]} of users who have reported the
+    # comment as spam.
+    comment_reporters = {}
+    for project_id, project_issues in issues_by_project.items():
+      mc.LookupLoggedInUserPerms(project_dict[project_id])
+      issue_perms_dict.update({
+          issue.issue_id: permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
+              mc.perms, project_dict[issue.project_id], issue,
+              mc.auth.effective_ids, config=config_dict[issue.project_id])
+          for issue in project_issues})
+      with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+        project_issue_reporters = we.LookupIssuesFlaggers(project_issues)
+        for _, issue_comment_reporters in project_issue_reporters.values():
+          comment_reporters.update(issue_comment_reporters)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      converted_comments = []
+      for c in comments:
+        issue = issue_dict.get(c.issue_id)
+        issue_perms = issue_perms_dict.get(c.issue_id)
+        result = converters.ConvertComment(
+            issue, c,
+            config_dict.get(issue.project_id),
+            users_by_id,
+            comment_reporters.get(, []),
+            { 1} if c.is_description else {},
+            mc.auth.user_id, issue_perms)
+        converted_comments.append(result)
+      converted_issues = [issue_objects_pb2.IssueSummary(
+          project_name=issue.project_name, local_id=issue.local_id,
+          summary=issue.summary) for issue in allowed_issues]
+      response = issues_pb2.ListActivitiesResponse(
+          comments=converted_comments, issue_summaries=converted_issues)
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def DeleteComment(self, mc, request):
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      all_comments = we.ListIssueComments(issue)
+      try:
+        comment = all_comments[request.sequence_num]
+      except IndexError:
+        raise exceptions.NoSuchCommentException()
+      we.DeleteComment(issue, comment, request.delete)
+    return empty_pb2.Empty()
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def BulkUpdateApprovals(self, mc, request):
+    """Update multiple issues' approval and return the updated issue_refs."""
+    if not request.issue_refs:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Param `issue_refs` empty.')
+    project, issue_ids, config = self._GetProjectIssueIDsAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_refs)
+    approval_fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDef(
+        request.field_ref.field_name, config)
+    if not approval_fd:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchFieldDefException()
+    if request.HasField('approval_delta'):
+      approval_delta = converters.IngestApprovalDelta(
+          mc.cnxn,, request.approval_delta,
+          mc.auth.user_id, config)
+    else:
+      approval_delta = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDelta()
+    # No bulk adding approval attachments for now.
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc,, phase='updating approvals') as we:
+      updated_issue_ids = we.BulkUpdateIssueApprovals(
+          issue_ids, approval_fd.field_id, project, approval_delta,
+          request.comment_content, send_email=request.send_email)
+      with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+        issue_ref_pairs = we.GetIssueRefs(updated_issue_ids)
+        issue_refs = [converters.ConvertIssueRef(pair)
+                      for pair in issue_ref_pairs.values()]
+        response = issues_pb2.BulkUpdateApprovalsResponse(issue_refs=issue_refs)
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def UpdateApproval(self, mc, request):
+    """Update and return an approval in a response proto."""
+    project, issue, config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    approval_fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDef(
+        request.field_ref.field_name, config)
+    if not approval_fd:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchFieldDefException()
+    if request.HasField('approval_delta'):
+      approval_delta = converters.IngestApprovalDelta(
+          mc.cnxn,, request.approval_delta,
+          mc.auth.user_id, config)
+    else:
+      approval_delta = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDelta()
+    attachments = converters.IngestAttachmentUploads(request.uploads)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      av, _comment, _issue = we.UpdateIssueApproval(
+          issue.issue_id,
+          approval_fd.field_id,
+          approval_delta,
+          request.comment_content,
+          request.is_description,
+          attachments=attachments,
+          send_email=request.send_email,
+          kept_attachments=list(request.kept_attachments))
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, av.approver_ids, [av.setter_id])
+      framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+          mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, users_by_id, project)
+      response = issues_pb2.UpdateApprovalResponse()
+      response.approval.CopyFrom(converters.ConvertApproval(
+          av, users_by_id, config))
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def ConvertIssueApprovalsTemplate(self, mc, request):
+    """Update an issue's existing approvals structure to match the one of the
+       given template."""
+    if not request.issue_ref.local_id or not request.issue_ref.project_name:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Param `issue_ref.local_id` empty')
+    if not request.template_name:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Param `template_name` empty')
+    project, issue, config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      we.ConvertIssueApprovalsTemplate(
+          config, issue, request.template_name, request.comment_content,
+          send_email=request.send_email)
+      related_refs = we.GetRelatedIssueRefs([issue])
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('making user views'):
+      users_involved_in_issue = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues([issue])
+      users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, users_involved_in_issue)
+      framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+          mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, users_by_id, project)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      response = issues_pb2.ConvertIssueApprovalsTemplateResponse()
+      response.issue.CopyFrom(converters.ConvertIssue(
+          issue, users_by_id, related_refs, config))
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def IssueSnapshot(self, mc, request):
+    """Fetch IssueSnapshot counts for charting."""
+    warnings = []
+    if not request.timestamp:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Param `timestamp` required.')
+    if not request.project_name and not request.hotlist_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Params `project_name` or `hotlist_id` '
+          'required.')
+    if request.group_by == 'label' and not request.label_prefix:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Param `label_prefix` required.')
+    if request.canned_query:
+      canned_query = savedqueries_helpers.SavedQueryIDToCond(
+          mc.cnxn,, request.canned_query)
+      # TODO(jrobbins): support linked accounts me_user_ids.
+      canned_query, warnings = searchpipeline.ReplaceKeywordsWithUserIDs(
+          [mc.auth.user_id], canned_query)
+    else:
+      canned_query = None
+    if request.query:
+      query, warnings = searchpipeline.ReplaceKeywordsWithUserIDs(
+          [mc.auth.user_id], request.query)
+    else:
+      query = None
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      try:
+        project = we.GetProjectByName(request.project_name)
+      except exceptions.NoSuchProjectException:
+        project = None
+      if request.hotlist_id:
+        hotlist = we.GetHotlist(request.hotlist_id)
+      else:
+        hotlist = None
+      results, unsupported_fields, limit_reached = we.SnapshotCountsQuery(
+          project, request.timestamp, request.group_by,
+          label_prefix=request.label_prefix, query=query,
+          canned_query=canned_query, hotlist=hotlist)
+    if request.group_by == 'owner':
+      # Map user ids to emails.
+      snapshot_counts = [
+        issues_pb2.IssueSnapshotCount(
+, key).email,
+          count=result) for key, result in results.iteritems()
+      ]
+    else:
+      snapshot_counts = [
+        issues_pb2.IssueSnapshotCount(dimension=key, count=result)
+          for key, result in results.items()
+      ]
+    response = issues_pb2.IssueSnapshotResponse()
+    response.snapshot_count.extend(snapshot_counts)
+    response.unsupported_field.extend(unsupported_fields)
+    response.unsupported_field.extend(warnings)
+    response.search_limit_reached = limit_reached
+    return response
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def PresubmitIssue(self, mc, request):
+    """Provide the UI with warnings and suggestions."""
+    project, issue, config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, issue_required=False)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('making user views'):
+      try:
+        proposed_owner_id = converters.IngestUserRef(
+            mc.cnxn, request.issue_delta.owner_ref,
+      except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+        proposed_owner_id = 0
+      users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, [proposed_owner_id])
+      proposed_owner_view = users_by_id[proposed_owner_id]
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('Applying IssueDelta'):
+      if issue:
+        proposed_issue = copy.deepcopy(issue)
+      else:
+        proposed_issue = tracker_pb2.Issue(
+          owner_id=framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED,
+          project_id=config.project_id)
+      issue_delta = converters.IngestIssueDelta(
+          mc.cnxn,, request.issue_delta, config, None,
+          ignore_missing_objects=True)
+      tracker_bizobj.ApplyIssueDelta(
+          mc.cnxn,, proposed_issue, issue_delta, config)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('applying rules'):
+      _, traces = filterrules_helpers.ApplyFilterRules(
+          mc.cnxn,, proposed_issue, config)
+'proposed_issue is now: %r', proposed_issue)
+'traces are: %r', traces)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('making derived user views'):
+      derived_users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+          mc.cnxn,, [proposed_issue.derived_owner_id],
+          proposed_issue.derived_cc_ids)
+      framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+          mc.cnxn,, mc.auth, derived_users_by_id, project)
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('pair derived values with rule explanations'):
+      (derived_labels, derived_owners, derived_ccs, warnings, errors) = (
+          tracker_helpers.PairDerivedValuesWithRuleExplanations(
+              proposed_issue, traces, derived_users_by_id))
+    result = issues_pb2.PresubmitIssueResponse(
+        owner_availability=proposed_owner_view.avail_message_short,
+        owner_availability_state=proposed_owner_view.avail_state,
+        derived_labels=converters.ConvertValueAndWhyList(derived_labels),
+        derived_owners=converters.ConvertValueAndWhyList(derived_owners),
+        derived_ccs=converters.ConvertValueAndWhyList(derived_ccs),
+        warnings=converters.ConvertValueAndWhyList(warnings),
+        errors=converters.ConvertValueAndWhyList(errors))
+    return result
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def RerankBlockedOnIssues(self, mc, request):
+    """Rerank the blocked on issues for the given issue ref."""
+    moved_issue_id, target_issue_id = converters.IngestIssueRefs(
+        mc.cnxn, [request.moved_ref, request.target_ref],
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      we.RerankBlockedOnIssues(
+          issue, moved_issue_id, target_issue_id, request.split_above)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      issue = we.GetIssue(issue.issue_id)
+      related_refs = we.GetRelatedIssueRefs([issue])
+    with mc.profiler.Phase('converting to response objects'):
+      converted_issue_refs = converters.ConvertIssueRefs(
+          issue.blocked_on_iids, related_refs)
+      result = issues_pb2.RerankBlockedOnIssuesResponse(
+          blocked_on_issue_refs=converted_issue_refs)
+    return result
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def DeleteIssue(self, mc, request):
+    """Mark or unmark the given issue as deleted."""
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, view_deleted=True)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      we.DeleteIssue(issue, request.delete)
+    result = issues_pb2.DeleteIssueResponse()
+    return result
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def DeleteIssueComment(self, mc, request):
+    """Mark or unmark the given comment as deleted."""
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      comments = we.ListIssueComments(issue)
+      if request.sequence_num >= len(comments):
+        raise exceptions.InputException('Invalid sequence number.')
+      we.DeleteComment(issue, comments[request.sequence_num], request.delete)
+    result = issues_pb2.DeleteIssueCommentResponse()
+    return result
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def DeleteAttachment(self, mc, request):
+    """Mark or unmark the given attachment as deleted."""
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      comments = we.ListIssueComments(issue)
+      if request.sequence_num >= len(comments):
+        raise exceptions.InputException('Invalid sequence number.')
+      we.DeleteAttachment(
+          issue, comments[request.sequence_num], request.attachment_id,
+          request.delete)
+    result = issues_pb2.DeleteAttachmentResponse()
+    return result
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def FlagIssues(self, mc, request):
+    """Flag or unflag the given issues as spam."""
+    if not request.issue_refs:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Param `issue_refs` empty.')
+    _project, issue_ids, _config = self._GetProjectIssueIDsAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_refs)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      issues_by_id = we.GetIssuesDict(issue_ids, use_cache=False)
+      we.FlagIssues(list(issues_by_id.values()), request.flag)
+    result = issues_pb2.FlagIssuesResponse()
+    return result
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def FlagComment(self, mc, request):
+    """Flag or unflag the given comment as spam."""
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      comments = we.ListIssueComments(issue)
+      if request.sequence_num >= len(comments):
+        raise exceptions.InputException('Invalid sequence number.')
+      we.FlagComment(issue, comments[request.sequence_num], request.flag)
+    result = issues_pb2.FlagCommentResponse()
+    return result
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def ListIssuePermissions(self, mc, request):
+    """List the permissions for the current user in the given issue."""
+    project, issue, config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False, view_deleted=True)
+    perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
+        mc.perms, project, issue, mc.auth.effective_ids, config=config)
+    return issues_pb2.ListIssuePermissionsResponse(
+        permissions=sorted(perms.perm_names))
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def MoveIssue(self, mc, request):
+    """Move an issue to another project."""
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      target_project = we.GetProjectByName(request.target_project_name)
+      moved_issue = we.MoveIssue(issue, target_project)
+    result = issues_pb2.MoveIssueResponse(
+        new_issue_ref=converters.ConvertIssueRef(
+            (moved_issue.project_name, moved_issue.local_id)))
+    return result
+  @monorail_servicer.PRPCMethod
+  def CopyIssue(self, mc, request):
+    """Copy an issue."""
+    _project, issue, _config = self._GetProjectIssueAndConfig(
+        mc, request.issue_ref, use_cache=False)
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mc, as we:
+      target_project = we.GetProjectByName(request.target_project_name)
+      copied_issue = we.CopyIssue(issue, target_project)
+    result = issues_pb2.CopyIssueResponse(
+        new_issue_ref=converters.ConvertIssueRef(
+            (copied_issue.project_name, copied_issue.local_id)))
+    return result