blob: 481c0268d5dd05559dfe84d4b431922f3ab464fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chai';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import loadGapi, {fetchGapiEmail, getSigninInstance} from './gapi-loader.js';
describe.skip('gapi-loader', () => {
let signinImpl;
beforeEach(() => {
window.CS_env = {gapi_client_id: 'rutabaga'};
signinImpl = {
init: sinon.stub(),
getUserProfileAsync: () => (
getEmail: sinon.stub().returns(''),
// Preload signinImpl with a fake for testing.
getSigninInstance(signinImpl, true);
delete window.__gapiLoadPromise;
afterEach(() => {
delete window.CS_env;
describe('loadGapi()', () => {
it('errors out if no client_id', () => {
window.CS_env.gapi_client_id = undefined;
assert.throws(() => loadGapi());
it('returns the same promise when called multiple times', () => {
const callOne = loadGapi();
const callTwo = loadGapi();
assert.strictEqual(callOne, callTwo);
assert.strictEqual(callOne, window.__gapiLoadPromise);
assert.strictEqual(callTwo, window.__gapiLoadPromise);
assert.instanceOf(callOne, Promise);
it('calls init and returns the current email if any', async () => {
const response = await loadGapi();
sinon.assert.calledWith(signinImpl.init, window.CS_env.gapi_client_id,
['client'], ['']);
assert.equal(response, '');
describe('fetchGapiEmail()', () => {
it('returns a profile for allowed domains', async () => {
getUserProfileAsync: () => Promise.resolve({
getEmail: sinon.stub().returns(''),
}, true);
assert.deepEqual(await fetchGapiEmail(), '');
it('returns nothing for non-allowed domains', async () => {
getUserProfileAsync: () => Promise.resolve({
getEmail: sinon.stub().returns(''),
}, true);
assert.deepEqual(await fetchGapiEmail(), null);