blob: 5959626ee85a194a2379baf1dce7bd75df24936b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Persistence class for user groups.
User groups are represented in the database by:
- A row in the Users table giving an email address and user ID.
(A "group ID" is the user_id of the group in the User table.)
- A row in the UserGroupSettings table giving user group settings.
Membership of a user X in user group Y is represented as:
- A row in the UserGroup table with user_id=X and group_id=Y.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import logging
import re
from framework import exceptions
from framework import permissions
from framework import sql
from mrproto import usergroup_pb2
from services import caches
USERGROUP_COLS = ['user_id', 'group_id', 'role']
USERGROUPSETTINGS_COLS = ['group_id', 'who_can_view_members',
'external_group_type', 'last_sync_time',
'notify_members', 'notify_group']
USERGROUPPROJECTS_COLS = ['group_id', 'project_id']
'chrome_infra_auth', 'mdb', 'baggins', 'computed')
class MembershipTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
"""Class to manage RAM and memcache for each user's memberships."""
def __init__(self, cache_manager, usergroup_service, group_dag):
super(MembershipTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
cache_manager, 'user', 'memberships:', None)
self.usergroup_service = usergroup_service
self.group_dag = group_dag
def _DeserializeMemberships(self, memberships_rows):
"""Reserialize the DB results into a {user_id: {group_id}}."""
result_dict = collections.defaultdict(set)
for user_id, group_id in memberships_rows:
return result_dict
def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
"""On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database to get memberships."""
direct_memberships_rows = self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id'], distinct=True,
memberships_set = set()
self.group_dag.MarkObsolete()'Rebuild group dag on RAM and memcache miss')
for c_id, p_id in direct_memberships_rows:
all_parents = self.group_dag.GetAllAncestors(cnxn, p_id, True)
memberships_set.update([(c_id, g_id) for g_id in all_parents])
retrieved_dict = self._DeserializeMemberships(list(memberships_set))
# Make sure that every requested user is in the result, and gets cached.
(user_id, set()) for user_id in keys
if user_id not in retrieved_dict)
return retrieved_dict
class UserGroupService(object):
"""The persistence layer for user group data."""
def __init__(self, cache_manager):
"""Initialize this service so that it is ready to use.
cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
self.usergroup_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USERGROUP_TABLE_NAME)
self.usergroupsettings_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
self.usergroupprojects_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
self.group_dag = UserGroupDAG(self)
# Like a dictionary {user_id: {group_id}}
self.memberships_2lc = MembershipTwoLevelCache(
cache_manager, self, self.group_dag)
# Like a dictionary {group_email: [group_id]}
self.group_id_cache = caches.ValueCentricRamCache(
cache_manager, 'usergroup')
### Group creation
def CreateGroup(self, cnxn, services, group_name, who_can_view_members,
ext_group_type=None, friend_projects=None):
"""Create a new user group.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
services: connections to backend services.
group_name: string email address of the group to create.
who_can_view_members: 'owners', 'members', or 'anyone'.
ext_group_type: The type of external group to import.
friend_projects: The project ids declared as group friends to view its
int group_id of the new group.
friend_projects = friend_projects or []
assert who_can_view_members in ('owners', 'members', 'anyone')
if ext_group_type:
ext_group_type = str(ext_group_type).lower()
assert ext_group_type in GROUP_TYPE_ENUM, ext_group_type
assert who_can_view_members == 'owners'
group_id = services.user.LookupUserID(
cnxn, group_name.lower(), autocreate=True, allowgroups=True)
group_settings = usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings(
who_can_view_members, ext_group_type, 0, friend_projects)
self.UpdateSettings(cnxn, group_id, group_settings)
return group_id
def DeleteGroups(self, cnxn, group_ids):
"""Delete groups' members and settings. It will NOT delete user entries.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
group_ids: list of group ids to delete.
member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict = self.LookupMembers(cnxn, group_ids)
citizens_id_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for g_id, user_ids in member_ids_dict.items():
for g_id, user_ids in owner_ids_dict.items():
for g_id, citizen_ids in citizens_id_dict.items():'Deleting group %d', g_id)
# Remove group members, friend projects and settings
self.RemoveMembers(cnxn, g_id, citizen_ids)
self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=g_id)
self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=g_id)
def DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(self, cnxn, user_ids):
"""From a list of user IDs, identify potential user groups.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_ids: list of user IDs to examine.
A list with a subset of the given user IDs that are user groups
rather than individual users.
# It is a group if there is any entry in the UserGroupSettings table.
group_id_rows = self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['group_id'], group_id=user_ids)
group_ids = [row[0] for row in group_id_rows]
return group_ids
### User memberships in groups
def LookupComputedMemberships(self, cnxn, domain, use_cache=True):
"""Look up the computed group memberships of a list of users.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
domain: string with domain part of user's email address.
use_cache: set to False to ignore cached values.
A list [group_id] of computed user groups that match the user.
For now, the length of this list will always be zero or one.
group_email = 'everyone@%s' % domain
group_id = self.LookupUserGroupID(cnxn, group_email, use_cache=use_cache)
if group_id:
return [group_id]
return []
def LookupUserGroupID(self, cnxn, group_email, use_cache=True):
"""Lookup the group ID for the given user group email address.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
group_email: string that identies the user group.
use_cache: set to False to ignore cached values.
Int group_id if found, otherwise None.
if use_cache and self.group_id_cache.HasItem(group_email):
return self.group_id_cache.GetItem(group_email)
rows = self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['email', 'group_id'],
left_joins=[('User ON UserGroupSettings.group_id = User.user_id', [])],
where=[('group_id IS NOT NULL', [])])
retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
# Cache a "not found" value for emails that are not user groups.
if group_email not in retrieved_dict:
retrieved_dict[group_email] = None
return retrieved_dict.get(group_email)
def LookupAllMemberships(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True):
"""Lookup all the group memberships of a list of users.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_ids: list of int user IDs to get memberships for.
use_cache: set to False to ignore cached values.
A dict {user_id: {group_id}} for the given user_ids.
result_dict, missed_ids = self.memberships_2lc.GetAll(
cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
assert not missed_ids
return result_dict
def LookupMemberships(self, cnxn, user_id):
"""Return a set of group_ids that this user is a member of."""
membership_dict = self.LookupAllMemberships(cnxn, [user_id])
return membership_dict[user_id]
### Group member addition, removal, and retrieval
def RemoveMembers(self, cnxn, group_id, old_member_ids):
"""Remove the given members/owners from the user group."""
cnxn, group_id=group_id, user_id=old_member_ids)
all_affected = self._GetAllMembersInList(cnxn, old_member_ids)
self.memberships_2lc.InvalidateAllKeys(cnxn, all_affected)
def UpdateMembers(self, cnxn, group_id, member_ids, new_role):
"""Update role for given members/owners to the user group."""
# Circle detection
for mid in member_ids:
if self.group_dag.IsChild(cnxn, group_id, mid):
raise exceptions.CircularGroupException(
'%s is already an ancestor of group %s.' % (mid, group_id))
cnxn, group_id=group_id, user_id=member_ids)
rows = [(member_id, group_id, new_role) for member_id in member_ids]
cnxn, ['user_id', 'group_id', 'role'], rows)
all_affected = self._GetAllMembersInList(cnxn, member_ids)
self.memberships_2lc.InvalidateAllKeys(cnxn, all_affected)
def _GetAllMembersInList(self, cnxn, group_ids):
"""Get all direct/indirect members/owners in a list."""
children_member_ids, children_owner_ids = self.LookupAllMembers(
cnxn, group_ids)
all_members_owners = set()
for users in children_member_ids.values():
for users in children_owner_ids.values():
return list(all_members_owners)
def LookupAllMembers(self, cnxn, group_ids):
"""Retrieve user IDs of members/owners of any of the given groups
member_ids_dict = {}
owner_ids_dict = {}
if not group_ids:
return member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict
direct_member_rows = self.usergroup_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id', 'role'], distinct=True,
for gid in group_ids:
all_descendants = self.group_dag.GetAllDescendants(cnxn, gid, True)
indirect_member_rows = []
if all_descendants:
indirect_member_rows = self.usergroup_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['user_id'], distinct=True,
# Owners must have direct membership. All indirect users are members.
owner_ids_dict[gid] = [m[0] for m in direct_member_rows
if m[1] == gid and m[2] == 'owner']
member_ids_list = [r[0] for r in indirect_member_rows]
member_ids_list.extend([m[0] for m in direct_member_rows
if m[1] == gid and m[2] == 'member'])
member_ids_dict[gid] = list(set(member_ids_list))
return member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict
def LookupMembers(self, cnxn, group_ids):
""""Retrieve user IDs of direct members/owners of any of the given groups.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
group_ids: list of int user IDs for all user groups to be examined.
A dict of member IDs, and a dict of owner IDs keyed by group id.
member_ids_dict = {}
owner_ids_dict = {}
if not group_ids:
return member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict
member_rows = self.usergroup_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id', 'role'], distinct=True,
for gid in group_ids:
member_ids_dict[gid] = [row[0] for row in member_rows
if row[1] == gid and row[2] == 'member']
owner_ids_dict[gid] = [row[0] for row in member_rows
if row[1] == gid and row[2] == 'owner']
return member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict
def ExpandAnyGroupEmailRecipients(self, cnxn, user_ids):
"""Expand the list with members that are part of a group configured
to have notifications sent directly to members. Remove any groups
not configured to have notifications sent directly to the group.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_ids: list of user IDs to check.
A paire (individual user_ids, transitive_ids). individual_user_ids
is a list of user IDs that were in the given user_ids list and
that identify individual members or a group that has
settings.notify_group set to True. transitive_ids is a list of
user IDs of members of any user group in user_ids with
settings.notify_members set to True.
group_ids = self.DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(cnxn, user_ids)
group_settings_dict = self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, group_ids)
member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict = self.LookupAllMembers(cnxn, group_ids)
indirect_ids = set()
direct_ids = {uid for uid in user_ids if uid not in group_ids}
for gid, settings in group_settings_dict.items():
if settings.notify_members:
indirect_ids.update(member_ids_dict.get(gid, set()))
indirect_ids.update(owner_ids_dict.get(gid, set()))
if settings.notify_group:
return list(direct_ids), list(indirect_ids)
def LookupVisibleMembers(
self, cnxn, group_id_list, perms, effective_ids, services):
""""Retrieve the list of user group direct member/owner IDs that the user
may see.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
group_id_list: list of int user IDs for all user groups to be examined.
perms: optional PermissionSet for the user viewing this page.
effective_ids: set of int user IDs for that user and all
their group memberships.
services: backend services.
A list of all the member IDs from any group that the user is allowed
to view.
settings_dict = self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, group_id_list)
group_ids = list(settings_dict.keys())
(owned_project_ids, membered_project_ids,
contrib_project_ids) = services.project.GetUserRolesInAllProjects(
cnxn, effective_ids)
project_ids = owned_project_ids.union(
# We need to fetch all members/owners to determine whether the requester
# has permission to view.
direct_member_ids_dict, direct_owner_ids_dict = self.LookupMembers(
cnxn, group_ids)
all_member_ids_dict, all_owner_ids_dict = self.LookupAllMembers(
cnxn, group_ids)
visible_member_ids = {}
visible_owner_ids = {}
for gid in group_ids:
member_ids = all_member_ids_dict[gid]
owner_ids = all_owner_ids_dict[gid]
if permissions.CanViewGroupMembers(
perms, effective_ids, settings_dict[gid], member_ids, owner_ids,
visible_member_ids[gid] = direct_member_ids_dict[gid]
visible_owner_ids[gid] = direct_owner_ids_dict[gid]
return visible_member_ids, visible_owner_ids
### Group settings
def GetAllUserGroupsInfo(self, cnxn):
"""Fetch (addr, member_count, usergroup_settings) for all user groups."""
group_rows = self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['email'] + USERGROUPSETTINGS_COLS,
left_joins=[('User ON UserGroupSettings.group_id = User.user_id', [])])
count_rows = self.usergroup_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['group_id', 'COUNT(*)'],
count_dict = dict(count_rows)
group_ids = [g[1] for g in group_rows]
friends_dict = self.GetAllGroupFriendProjects(cnxn, group_ids)
user_group_info_tuples = [
(email, count_dict.get(group_id, 0),
usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings(visiblity, group_type, last_sync_time,
friends_dict.get(group_id, []),
bool(notify_members), bool(notify_group)),
for (email, group_id, visiblity, group_type, last_sync_time,
notify_members, notify_group) in group_rows]
return user_group_info_tuples
def GetAllGroupSettings(self, cnxn, group_ids):
"""Fetch {group_id: group_settings} for the specified groups."""
# TODO(jrobbins): add settings to control who can join, etc.
rows = self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=USERGROUPSETTINGS_COLS, group_id=group_ids)
friends_dict = self.GetAllGroupFriendProjects(cnxn, group_ids)
settings_dict = {
group_id: usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings(
vis, group_type, last_sync_time, friends_dict.get(group_id, []),
for (group_id, vis, group_type, last_sync_time,
notify_members, notify_group) in rows}
return settings_dict
def GetGroupSettings(self, cnxn, group_id):
"""Retrieve group settings for the specified user group.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
group_id: int user ID of the user group.
A UserGroupSettings object, or None if no such group exists.
return self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, [group_id]).get(group_id)
def UpdateSettings(self, cnxn, group_id, group_settings):
"""Update the visiblity settings of the specified group."""
who_can_view_members = str(group_settings.who_can_view_members).lower()
ext_group_type = group_settings.ext_group_type
assert who_can_view_members in ('owners', 'members', 'anyone')
if ext_group_type:
ext_group_type = str(group_settings.ext_group_type).lower()
assert ext_group_type in GROUP_TYPE_ENUM, ext_group_type
assert who_can_view_members == 'owners'
cnxn, group_id=group_id, who_can_view_members=who_can_view_members,
cnxn, group_id=group_id)
if group_settings.friend_projects:
rows = [(group_id, p_id) for p_id in group_settings.friend_projects]
cnxn, ['group_id', 'project_id'], rows)
def GetAllGroupFriendProjects(self, cnxn, group_ids):
"""Get {group_id: [project_ids]} for the specified user groups."""
rows = self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=USERGROUPPROJECTS_COLS, group_id=group_ids)
friends_dict = {}
for group_id, project_id in rows:
friends_dict.setdefault(group_id, []).append(project_id)
return friends_dict
def GetGroupFriendProjects(self, cnxn, group_id):
"""Get a list of friend projects for the specified user group."""
return self.GetAllGroupFriendProjects(cnxn, [group_id]).get(group_id)
def ValidateFriendProjects(self, cnxn, services, friend_projects):
"""Validate friend projects.
A list of project ids if no errors, or an error message.
project_names = list(filter(None, re.split('; |, | |;|,', friend_projects)))
id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, project_names)
missed_projects = []
result = []
for p_name in project_names:
if p_name in id_dict:
error_msg = ''
if missed_projects:
error_msg = 'Project(s) %s do not exist' % ', '.join(missed_projects)
return None, error_msg
return result, None
# TODO(jrobbins): re-implement FindUntrustedGroups()
def ExpungeUsersInGroups(self, cnxn, ids):
"""Wipes the given user from the groups system.
The given user_ids may to members or groups, or groups themselves.
The groups and all their members will be deleted. The users will be
wiped from the groups they belong to.
It will NOT delete user entries. This method will not commit the
operations. This method will not make any changes to in-memory data.
# Delete any groups
self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=ids, commit=False)
self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=ids, commit=False)
self.usergroup_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=ids, commit=False)
# Delete any group members
self.usergroup_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=ids, commit=False)
class UserGroupDAG(object):
"""A directed-acyclic graph of potentially nested user groups."""
def __init__(self, usergroup_service):
self.usergroup_service = usergroup_service
self.user_group_parents = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.user_group_children = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.initialized = False
def Build(self, cnxn, circle_detection=False):
if not self.initialized:
group_ids = self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['group_id'])
usergroup_rows = self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id'], distinct=True,
user_id=[r[0] for r in group_ids])
for user_id, group_id in usergroup_rows:
self.initialized = True
if circle_detection:
for child_id, parent_ids in self.user_group_parents.items():
for parent_id in parent_ids:
if self.IsChild(cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
'Circle exists between group %d and %d.', child_id, parent_id)
def GetAllAncestors(self, cnxn, group_id, circle_detection=False):
"""Return a list of distinct ancestor group IDs for the given group."""
self.Build(cnxn, circle_detection)
result = set()
child_ids = [group_id]
while child_ids:
parent_ids = set()
for c_id in child_ids:
group_ids = self.user_group_parents[c_id]
parent_ids.update(g_id for g_id in group_ids if g_id not in result)
child_ids = list(parent_ids)
return list(result)
def GetAllDescendants(self, cnxn, group_id, circle_detection=False):
"""Return a list of distinct descendant group IDs for the given group."""
self.Build(cnxn, circle_detection)
result = set()
parent_ids = [group_id]
while parent_ids:
child_ids = set()
for p_id in parent_ids:
group_ids = self.user_group_children[p_id]
child_ids.update(g_id for g_id in group_ids if g_id not in result)
parent_ids = list(child_ids)
return list(result)
def IsChild(self, cnxn, child_id, parent_id):
"""Returns True if child_id is a direct/indirect child of parent_id."""
all_descendants = self.GetAllDescendants(cnxn, parent_id)
return child_id in all_descendants
def MarkObsolete(self):
"""Mark the DAG as uninitialized so it'll be re-built."""
self.initialized = False
def __repr__(self):
result = {}
result['parents'] = self.user_group_parents
result['children'] = self.user_group_children
return str(result)