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# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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"""Describe ProtoRPC Messages in JSON Schema.
Add protorpc.message subclasses to MessageTypeToJsonSchema and get a JSON
Schema description of all the messages.
# pylint: disable=g-bad-name
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
from . import message_types
from . import messages
__all__ = ['MessageTypeToJsonSchema']
class MessageTypeToJsonSchema(object):
"""Describe ProtoRPC messages in JSON Schema.
Add protorpc.message subclasses to MessageTypeToJsonSchema and get a JSON
Schema description of all the messages. MessageTypeToJsonSchema handles
all the types of fields that can appear in a message.
# Field to schema type and format. If the field maps to tuple, the
# first entry is set as the type, the second the format (or left alone if
# None). If the field maps to a dictionary, we'll grab the value from the
# field's Variant in that dictionary.
# The variant dictionary should include an element that None maps to,
# to fall back on as a default.
messages.IntegerField: {messages.Variant.INT32: ('integer', 'int32'),
messages.Variant.INT64: ('string', 'int64'),
messages.Variant.UINT32: ('integer', 'uint32'),
messages.Variant.UINT64: ('string', 'uint64'),
messages.Variant.SINT32: ('integer', 'int32'),
messages.Variant.SINT64: ('string', 'int64'),
None: ('integer', 'int64')},
messages.FloatField: {messages.Variant.FLOAT: ('number', 'float'),
messages.Variant.DOUBLE: ('number', 'double'),
None: ('number', 'float')},
messages.BooleanField: ('boolean', None),
messages.BytesField: ('string', 'byte'),
message_types.DateTimeField: ('string', 'date-time'),
messages.StringField: ('string', None),
messages.MessageField: ('object', None),
messages.EnumField: ('string', None),
__DEFAULT_SCHEMA_TYPE = ('string', None)
def __init__(self):
# A map of schema ids to schemas.
self.__schemas = {}
# A map from schema id to non-normalized definition name.
self.__normalized_names = {}
def add_message(self, message_type):
"""Add a new message.
message_type: protorpc.message.Message class to be parsed.
string, The JSON Schema id.
KeyError if the Schema id for this message_type would collide with the
Schema id of a different message_type that was already added.
name = self.__normalized_name(message_type)
if name not in self.__schemas:
# Set a placeholder to prevent infinite recursion.
self.__schemas[name] = None
schema = self.__message_to_schema(message_type)
self.__schemas[name] = schema
return name
def ref_for_message_type(self, message_type):
"""Returns the JSON Schema id for the given message.
message_type: protorpc.message.Message class to be parsed.
string, The JSON Schema id.
KeyError: if the message hasn't been parsed via add_message().
name = self.__normalized_name(message_type)
if name not in self.__schemas:
raise KeyError('Message has not been parsed: %s', name)
return name
def schemas(self):
"""Returns the JSON Schema of all the messages.
object: JSON Schema description of all messages.
return self.__schemas.copy()
def __normalized_name(self, message_type):
"""Normalized schema name.
Generate a normalized schema name, taking the class name and stripping out
everything but alphanumerics, and camel casing the remaining words.
A normalized schema name is a name that matches [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
message_type: protorpc.message.Message class being parsed.
A string, the normalized schema name.
KeyError: A collision was found between normalized names.
# Normalization is applied to match the constraints that Discovery applies
# to Schema names.
name = message_type.definition_name()
split_name = re.split(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z]', name)
normalized = ''.join(
part[0].upper() + part[1:] for part in split_name if part)
previous = self.__normalized_names.get(normalized)
if previous:
if previous != name:
raise KeyError('Both %s and %s normalize to the same schema name: %s' %
(name, previous, normalized))
self.__normalized_names[normalized] = name
return normalized
def __message_to_schema(self, message_type):
"""Parse a single message into JSON Schema.
Will recursively descend the message structure
and also parse other messages references via MessageFields.
message_type: protorpc.messages.Message class to parse.
An object representation of the schema.
name = self.__normalized_name(message_type)
schema = {
'id': name,
'type': 'object',
if message_type.__doc__:
schema['description'] = message_type.__doc__
properties = {}
for field in message_type.all_fields():
descriptor = {}
# Info about the type of this field. This is either merged with
# the descriptor or it's placed within the descriptor's 'items'
# property, depending on whether this is a repeated field or not.
type_info = {}
if type(field) == messages.MessageField:
field_type = field.type().__class__
type_info['$ref'] = self.add_message(field_type)
if field_type.__doc__:
descriptor['description'] = field_type.__doc__
schema_type = self.__FIELD_TO_SCHEMA_TYPE_MAP.get(
type(field), self.__DEFAULT_SCHEMA_TYPE)
# If the map pointed to a dictionary, check if the field's variant
# is in that dictionary and use the type specified there.
if isinstance(schema_type, dict):
variant_map = schema_type
variant = getattr(field, 'variant', None)
if variant in variant_map:
schema_type = variant_map[variant]
# The variant map needs to specify a default value, mapped by None.
schema_type = variant_map[None]
type_info['type'] = schema_type[0]
if schema_type[1]:
type_info['format'] = schema_type[1]
if type(field) == messages.EnumField:
sorted_enums = sorted([enum_info for enum_info in field.type],
key=lambda enum_info: enum_info.number)
type_info['enum'] = [ for enum_info in sorted_enums]
if field.required:
descriptor['required'] = True
if field.default:
if type(field) == messages.EnumField:
descriptor['default'] = str(field.default)
descriptor['default'] = field.default
if field.repeated:
descriptor['items'] = type_info
descriptor['type'] = 'array'
properties[] = descriptor
schema['properties'] = properties
return schema