blob: 4c131b1e46d68270e9cea973e863a4a509d2086e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Steve McKay.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Kibbles.Skipper is a Javascript library providing support for keyboard
* navigation among DOM object on a page.
var _stops = new Array(); // list of stop objects
var _lastStop; // id of the last stop we visited to.
// Named options. The value can be a literal value, or a function to call.
var _options = {
padding_top: 0, // window offset when scrolling
padding_bottom: 0,
scroll_window: true
* Constants identifying listener types. Used with the method that
* enables registration of listeners.
PRE: 'pre',
POST: 'post'
// map of stop listeners by type. pre listeners are called before navigation
// post listeners are called after navigation.
var _stopListener = {
pre: [],
post: []
* Remove all stop previously identified stop elements.
function _reset() {
_stops = new Array();
function _get(i) {
return _stops[i];
function _set(i, element) {
_stops[i] = element;
function _insert(i, element) {
if (i < 0 || i > _stops.length - 1) {
throw "Index out of bounds.";
_stops.splice(i, 0, element);
if (i <= _lastStop) {
function _append(element) {
function _del(i) {
if (i < 0 || i > _stops.length - 1) {
throw "Index out of bounds.";
_stops.splice(i, 1);
if (_lastStop >= i) {
function _length() {
return _stops.length;
* Sets the named option to the specified value.
function _setOption(name, value) {
_options[name] = value;
* Register a key to move forward one stop.
function _addFwdKey(character) {
kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(character, _gotoNextStop);
* Register a key to move back one stop.
function _addRevKey(character) {
kibbles.keys.addKeyPressListener(character, _gotoPreviousStop);
* Adds a stop listener.
function _addStopListener(type, handler) {
if (type == _LISTENER_TYPE.PRE) {
} else if (type == _LISTENER_TYPE.POST) {;
* Scroll to next stop if any.
function _gotoNextStop() {
* Scroll to previous stop if any.
function _gotoPreviousStop() {
* Update the current and previous stops, scrolling window to the location
* of the specified stop, and notifying listeners in the process.
function _setCurrentStop(i) {
if (i >= 0) {
var prevStop = _lastStop;
_lastStop = i;
var next = new Stop(i);
var prev = (prevStop >= 0) ? new Stop(prevStop) : undefined;
_notifyListeners(next, prev, _stopListener.pre);
// If the y coord of the stop was not previously determined
// it may have been hidden. Since "PRE" listeners may reveal
// hidden stops, we try again if "y" is not know.
if (!next.y) next.y = _findObjectPosition(next.element);
// if we can't id the y coords at this point, we throw an exception.
if (!next.y && !(next.y >= 0)) {
throw "Next stop does not y coords. Aborting.";
_notifyListeners(next, prev,;
* Called by a listener, not directly.
function _scrollOpportunityListener(next, prev) {
if (!_getOptionValue('scroll_window')) return;
if (next && next.element) {
var viewTop = _windowScrollTop();
var viewBottom = viewTop + document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var padTop = _getOptionValue('padding_top');
var bottom = viewBottom - padTop;
// if we skipped below the bottom padding
if (next.y > bottom) {
window.scrollTo(0, next.y - padTop);
var padBottom = _getOptionValue('padding_bottom');
// if we skipped above the top offset
var top = viewTop + padBottom;
if (next.y < top) {
window.scrollTo(0, (next.y - document.documentElement.clientHeight) + padBottom);
function _windowScrollTop() {
if (window.document.body.scrollTop) {
return window.document.body.scrollTop;
} else if (window.document.documentElement.scrollTop) {
return window.document.documentElement.scrollTop;
} else if (window.pageYOffset) {
return window.pageYOffset;
return 0;
* Returns an option value or if the value is a function,
* the value returned by the function.
function _getOptionValue(name) {
var opt = _options[name];
if (typeof opt == "function") {
return opt();
return opt;
* Notify all supplied stop listeners.
function _notifyListeners(stop, previousStop, listeners) {
if (stop && listeners) {
try {
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
listeners[i](stop, previousStop);
} catch(err) {
// don't let a grumpy listener bring us down.
* Returns the next stop or null if none stop available.
function _getNextStop() {
var i = 0;
// if we've already visited a stop, use that as the base for the next stop.
if (_lastStop >= 0) {
i = _lastStop + 1;
// if the presumed next stop is out of bounds, return null.
if (i > _stops.length - 1) {
return i;
* Returns the previous stop or null if none available.
function _getPreviousStop() {
var i = _stops.length - 1;
// if we've already visited a stop, use that as the base for the next stop.
if (_lastStop >= 0) {
i = _lastStop - 1;
// if the presumed next stop is out of bounds, return null.
if (i < 0) {
return i;
* Convenience wrapper for "stop" related information.
function Stop(i, y) {
this.index = i;
this.element = _stops[i];
this.y = _findObjectPosition(this.element);
* Returns the vertical coordinate of the top of specified object
* relative to the top of the entire page.
function _findObjectPosition(obj) {
if (obj) {
var curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
while (obj.offsetParent) {
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
} else if (obj.y) {
curtop += obj.y;
return curtop;
return null;
if (!window.kibbles.keys) {
throw "Kibbles.Skipper requires Kibbles.Keys which is not loaded."
+ " Can't continue.";
* A nice little namespace to call our own.
* Formalizing Kibbles.Skipper as a traditional javascript class caused
* headaches with respect to capturing the context (what is "this"
* at any point in time). So we use a simple script exported via the
* "kibbles.skipper" namespace.
window.kibbles.skipper = {
setOption: _setOption,
addFwdKey: _addFwdKey,
addRevKey: _addRevKey,
addStopListener: _addStopListener,
setCurrentStop: _setCurrentStop,
// array like methods for stop manipulation
get: _get,
set: _set,
append: _append,
insert: _insert,
del: _del,
length: _length,
reset: _reset
_addStopListener(kibbles.skipper.LISTENER_TYPE.POST, _scrollOpportunityListener)
// we depend on kibbles.keys.