blob: 5edc7766b1a5041d71abf8a56690942fffbeb30b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This file contains JS code for editing components and component definitions.
var TKR_leafNameXmlHttp;
var TKR_leafNameRE = /^[a-zA-Z]([-_]?[a-zA-Z0-9])+$/;
var TKR_oldName = '';
* Function to validate the component leaf name..
* @param {string} projectName Current project name.
* @param {string} parentPath Path to this component's parent.
* @param {string} originalName Original leaf name, keeping that is always OK.
* @param {string} token security token.
function TKR_checkLeafName(projectName, parentPath, originalName, token) {
var name = $('leaf_name').value;
var feedback = $('leafnamefeedback');
if (name == originalName) {
$('submit_btn').disabled = '';
feedback.textContent = '';
} else if (name != TKR_oldName) {
$('submit_btn').disabled = 'disabled';
if (name == '') {
feedback.textContent = 'Please choose a name';
} else if (!TKR_leafNameRE.test(name)) {
feedback.textContent = 'Invalid component name';
} else if (name.length > 30) {
feedback.textContent = 'Name is too long';
} else {
TKR_checkLeafNameOnServer(projectName, parentPath, name, token);
TKR_oldName = name;
* Function that communicates with the server.
* @param {string} projectName Current project name.
* @param {string} leafName The proposed leaf name.
* @param {string} token security token.
async function TKR_checkLeafNameOnServer(projectName, parentPath, leafName) {
const message = {
project_name: projectName,
parent_path: parentPath,
component_name: leafName
const response = await
'monorail.Projects', 'CheckComponentName', message);
$('leafnamefeedback').textContent = response.error || '';
$('submit_btn').disabled = response.error ? 'disabled' : '';