blob: 01dc621fa69dc0948e37a7b61ff870160f4ee008 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This file represents a standalone, reusable drop down menu
* widget that can be attached to any element on a given page. It supports
* multiple instances of the widget on a page. It has no dependencies. Usage
* is as simple as creating a new Menu object and supplying it with a target
* element.
* The entry point and constructor for the Menu object. Creating
* a valid instance of this object will insert a drop down menu
* near the element supplied as the target, attach all the necessary
* events and insert the necessary elements on the page.
* @param {Element} target the target element on the page to which
* the drop down menu will be placed near.
* @param {Function=} opt_onShow function to execute every time the
* menu is made visible, most likely through a click on the target.
* @constructor
var Menu = function(target, opt_onShow) {
this.iid = Menu.instance.length;
Menu.instance[this.iid] = this; = target;
this.onShow = opt_onShow || null;
// An optional trigger element on the page that can be used to trigger
// the drop-down. Currently hard-coded to be the same as the target element.
this.trigger = target;
this.items = [];
this.onOpenEvents = []; = this.createElement('div', 'menuDiv instance' + this.iid);
this.targetId ='id');
let menuId = (this.targetId != null) ?
'menuDiv-' + this.targetId : 'menuDiv-instance' + this.iid;'id', menuId); = 'listbox';
this.addEvent(this.trigger, 'click', this.toggle.bind(this));
this.addEvent(window, 'resize', this.adjustSizeAndLocation.bind(this));
// Hide the menu if a user clicks outside the menu widget
this.addEvent(document, 'click', this.hide.bind(this));
this.addEvent(, 'click', this.stopPropagation());
this.addEvent(this.trigger, 'click', this.stopPropagation());
// A reference to the element or node that the drop down
// will appear next to = null;
// Element ID of the target. ID will be assigned to the newly created
// menu div based on the target ID. A default ID will be
// assigned If there is no ID on the target.
Menu.prototype.targetId = null;
* A reference to the element or node that will trigger
* the drop down to appear. If not specified, this value
* will be the same as <Menu Instance>.target
* @type {Element}
Menu.prototype.trigger = null;
// A reference to the event type that will "open" the
// menu div. By default this is the (on)click method.
Menu.prototype.triggerType = null;
// A reference to the element that will appear when the
// trigger is clicked. = null;
* Function to execute every time the menu is made shown.
* @type {Function}
Menu.prototype.onShow = null;
// A list of category divs. By default these categories
// are set to display none until at least one element
// is placed within them.
Menu.prototype.categories = null;
// An id used to track timed intervals
Menu.prototype.thread = -1;
// The static instance id (iid) denoting which menu in the
// list of Menu.instance items is this instantiated object.
Menu.prototype.iid = -1;
// A counter to indicate the number of items added with
// addItem(). After 5 items, a height is set on the menu
// and a scroll bar will appear.
Menu.prototype.items = null;
// A flag to detect whether or not a scroll bar has been added
Menu.prototype.scrolls = false;
// onOpen event handlers; each function in this list will
// be executed and passed the executing instance as a
// parameter before the menu is to be displayed.
Menu.prototype.onOpenEvents = null;
* An extended short-cut for document.createElement(); this
* method allows the creation of an element, the assignment
* of one or more class names and the ability to set the
* content of the created element all with one function call.
* @param {string} element name of the element to create. Examples would
* be 'div' or 'a'.
* @param {string} opt_className an optional string to assign to the
* newly created element's className property.
* @param {string|Element} opt_content either a snippet of HTML or a HTML
* element that is to be appended to the newly created element.
* @return {Element} a reference to the newly created element.
Menu.prototype.createElement = function(element, opt_className, opt_content) {
let div = document.createElement(element);
div.className = opt_className;
if (opt_content) {
this.append(opt_content, div);
return div;
* Uses a fairly browser agnostic approach to applying a callback to
* an element on the page.
* @param {Element|EventTarget} element a reference to an element on the page to
* which to attach and event.
* @param {string} eventType a browser compatible event type as a string
* without the sometimes assumed on- prefix. Examples: 'click',
* 'mousedown', 'mouseover', etc...
* @param {Function} callback a function reference to invoke when the
* the event occurs.
Menu.prototype.addEvent = function(element, eventType, callback) {
if (element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(eventType, callback, false);
} else {
try {
element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, callback);
} catch (e) {
element['on' + eventType] = callback;
* Similar to addEvent, this provides a specialied handler for onOpen
* events that apply to this instance of the Menu class. The supplied
* callbacks are appended to an internal array and called in order
* every time the menu is opened. The array can be accessed via
* menuInstance.onOpenEvents.
Menu.prototype.addOnOpen = function(eventCallback) {
let eventIndex = this.onOpenEvents.length;
return eventIndex;
* This method will create a div with the classes .menuCategory and the
* name of the category as supplied in the first parameter. It then, if
* a title is supplied, creates a title div and appends it as well. The
* optional title is styled with the .categoryTitle and category name
* class.
* Categories are stored within the menu object instance for programmatic
* manipulation in the array, menuInstance.categories. Note also that this
* array is doubly linked insofar as that the category div can be accessed
* via it's index in the array as well as by instance.categories[category]
* where category is the string name supplied when creating the category.
* @param {string} category the string name used to create the category;
* used as both a class name and a key into the internal array. It
* must be a valid JavaScript variable name.
* @param {string|Element} opt_title this optional field is used to visibly
* denote the category title. It can be either HTML or an element.
* @return {Element} the newly created div.
Menu.prototype.addCategory = function(category, opt_title) {
this.categories = this.categories || [];
let categoryDiv = this.createElement('div', 'menuCategory ' + category);
categoryDiv._categoryName = category;
if (opt_title) {
let categoryTitle = this.createElement('b', 'categoryTitle ' +
category, opt_title); = 'block';
categoryDiv._categoryTitle = categoryTitle;
this.categories[this.categories.length] = this.categories[category] =
return categoryDiv;
* This method removes the contents of a given category but does not
* remove the category itself.
Menu.prototype.emptyCategory = function(category) {
if (!this.categories[category]) {
let div = this.categories[category];
for (let i = div.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* This function is the most drastic of the cleansing functions; it removes
* all categories and all menu items and all HTML snippets that have been
* added to this instance of the Menu class.
Menu.prototype.clear = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.categories.length; i++) {
// Prevent memory leaks
this.categories[this.categories[i]._categoryName] = null;
this.items.splice(0, this.items.length);
this.categories.splice(0, this.categories.length);
this.categories = [];
this.items = [];
for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) {[i]);
* Passed an instance of a menu item, it will be removed from the menu
* object, including any residual array links and possible memory leaks.
* @param {Element} item a reference to the menu item to remove.
* @return {Element} returns the item removed.
Menu.prototype.removeItem = function(item) {
let result = null;
for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
if (this.items[i] == item) {
result = this.items[i];
this.items.splice(i, 1);
// Renumber
this.items[i].item._index = i;
return result;
* Removes a category from the menu element and all of its children thus
* allowing the Element to be collected by the browsers VM.
* @param {string} category the name of the category to retrieve and remove.
Menu.prototype.removeCategory = function(category) {
let div = this.categories[category];
if (!div || !div.parentNode) {
if (div._categoryTitle) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.categories.length; i++) {
if (this.categories[i] === div) {
this.categories[this.categories[i]._categoryName] = null;
this.categories.splice(i, 1);
for (var i = 0; i < div.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (div.childNodes[i]._index) {
this.items.splice(div.childNodes[i]._index, 1);
} else {
* This heart of the menu population scheme, the addItem function creates
* a combination of elements that visually form up a menu item. If no
* category is supplied, the default category is used. The menu item is
* an <a> tag with the class .menuItem. The menu item is directly styled
* as a block element. Other than that, all styling should be done via a
* external CSS definition.
* @param {string|Element} html_or_element a string of HTML text or a
* HTML element denoting the contents of the menu item.
* @param {string} opt_href the href of the menu item link. This is
* the most direct way of defining the menu items function.
* [Default: '#'].
* @param {string} opt_category the category string name of the category
* to append the menu item to. If the category doesn't exist, one will
* be created. [Default: 'default'].
* @param {string} opt_title used when creating a new category and is
* otherwise ignored completely. It is also ignored when supplied if
* the named category already exists.
* @return {Element} returns the element that was created.
Menu.prototype.addItem = function(html_or_element, opt_href, opt_category,
opt_title) {
let category = opt_category ? (this.categories[opt_category] ||
this.addCategory(opt_category, opt_title)) :
let menuHref = (opt_href == undefined ? '#' : opt_href);
let menuItem = undefined;
if (menuHref) {
menuItem = this.createElement('a', 'menuItem', html_or_element);
} else {
menuItem = this.createElement('span', 'menuText', html_or_element);
let itemText = typeof html_or_element == 'string' ? html_or_element :
html_or_element.textContent || 'ERROR'; = 'block';
if (menuHref) {
menuItem.setAttribute('href', menuHref);
menuItem._index = this.items.length;
menuItem.role = 'option';
this.append(menuItem, category);
this.items[this.items.length] = {item: menuItem, text: itemText};
return menuItem;
* Adds a visual HTML separator to the menu, optionally creating a
* category as per addItem(). See above.
* @param {string} opt_category the category string name of the category
* to append the menu item to. If the category doesn't exist, one will
* be created. [Default: 'default'].
* @param {string} opt_title used when creating a new category and is
* otherwise ignored completely. It is also ignored when supplied if
* the named category already exists.
Menu.prototype.addSeparator = function(opt_category, opt_title) {
let category = opt_category ? (this.categories[opt_category] ||
this.addCategory(opt_category, opt_title)) :
let hr = this.createElement('hr', 'menuSeparator');
this.append(hr, category);
* This method performs all the dirty work of positioning the menu. It is
* responsible for dynamic sizing, insertion and deletion of scroll bars
* and calculation of offscreen width considerations.
Menu.prototype.adjustSizeAndLocation = function() {
let style =;
style.position = 'absolute';
let firstCategory = null;
for (let i = 0; i < this.categories.length; i++) {
this.categories[i].className = this.categories[i].className.
replace(/ first/, '');
if (this.categories[i].childNodes.length == 0) {
this.categories[i].style.display = 'none';
} else {
this.categories[i].style.display = '';
if (!firstCategory) {
firstCategory = this.categories[i];
firstCategory.className += ' first';
let alreadyVisible = style.display != 'none' &&
style.visibility != 'hidden';
let docElemWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
let docElemHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
let pageSize = {
w: (window.innerWidth || docElemWidth && docElemWidth > 0 ?
docElemWidth : document.body.clientWidth) || 1,
h: (window.innerHeight || docElemHeight && docElemHeight > 0 ?
docElemHeight : document.body.clientHeight) || 1,
let targetPos = this.find(;
let targetSize = {w:,
let menuSize = {w:, h:};
if (!alreadyVisible) {
let oldVisibility = style.visibility;
let oldDisplay = style.display;
style.visibility = 'hidden';
style.display = '';
style.height = '';
style.width = '';
menuSize = {w:, h:};
style.display = oldDisplay;
style.visibility = oldVisibility;
let addScroll = ( / pageSize.h) > 0.8;
if (addScroll) {
menuSize.h = parseInt((pageSize.h * 0.8), 10);
style.height = menuSize.h + 'px';
style.overflowX = 'hidden';
style.overflowY = 'auto';
} else {
style.height = style.overflowY = style.overflowX = '';
} = (targetPos.y + targetSize.h) + 'px';
style.left = targetPos.x + 'px';
if (menuSize.w < 175) {
style.width = '175px';
if (addScroll) {
style.width = parseInt(style.width, 10) + 13 + 'px';
if ((targetPos.x + menuSize.w) > pageSize.w) {
style.left = targetPos.x - (menuSize.w - targetSize.w) + 'px';
* This function is used heavily, internally. It appends text
* or the supplied element via appendChild(). If
* the opt_target variable is present, the supplied element will be
* the container rather than the menu div for this instance.
* @param {string|Element} text_or_element the html or element to insert
* into opt_target.
* @param {Element} opt_target the target element it should be appended to.
Menu.prototype.append = function(text_or_element, opt_target) {
let element = opt_target ||;
if (typeof opt_target == 'string' && this.categories[opt_target]) {
element = this.categories[opt_target];
if (typeof text_or_element == 'string') {
element.textContent += text_or_element;
} else {
* Displays the menu (such as upon mouseover).
Menu.prototype.over = function() {
if ( != 'none') {;
if (this.thread != -1) {
this.thread = -1;
* Hides the menu (such as upon mouseout).
Menu.prototype.out = function() {
if (this.thread != -1) {
this.thread = -1;
this.thread = setTimeout(this.hide.bind(this), 400);
* Stops event propagation.
Menu.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {
return (function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) {
* Toggles the menu between hide/show.
Menu.prototype.toggle = function(event) {
if ( == 'none') {;
} else {
* Makes the menu visible, then calls the user-supplied onShow callback.
*/ = function() {
if ( != '') {
for (var i = 0; i < this.onOpenEvents.length; i++) {
this.onOpenEvents[i].call(null, this);
// Invisibly show it first = 'hidden'; = '';
if (this.trigger.nodeName && this.trigger.nodeName == 'A') {
} = 'visible';
// Hide other menus
for (var i = 0; i < Menu.instance.length; i++) {
let menuInstance = Menu.instance[i];
if (menuInstance != this) {
if (this.onShow) {
* Makes the menu invisible.
Menu.prototype.hide = function() { = 'none';
Menu.prototype.find = function(element) {
let curleft = 0, curtop = 0;
if (element.offsetParent) {
do {
curleft += element.offsetLeft;
curtop += element.offsetTop;
while ((element = element.offsetParent) && ( && != 'relative' && != 'absolute'));
return {x: curleft, y: curtop};
* A static array of object instances for global reference.
* @type {Array.<Menu>}
Menu.instance = [];