blob: 151c4b57380062cf2035a8b17f4be9cc26bd5173 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utils for redirect."""
import urllib
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict
from redirect import redirect_project_template
from tracker import tracker_constants
from tracker import tracker_bizobj
from redirect import redirect_custom_value
'pigweed': '',
'git': '',
'gerrit': '',
'skia': '',
'fuchsia': '',
'cc': 'cc',
'owner': 'assignee',
'commentby': 'commenter',
'reporter': 'reporter',
'is': 'is',
VALID_IS_SEARCH_VALUE = ['open', 'starred']
def GetRedirectURL(project_name):
return PROJECT_REDIRECT_MAP.get(project_name, None)
def GetNewIssueParams(params: MultiDict, project_name: str):
new_issue_params = {}
# Get component and template id.
template_name = params.get('template', type=str, default='default')
redirect_component_id, redirect_template_id = (
project_name, template_name))
if redirect_component_id:
new_issue_params['component'] = redirect_component_id
if redirect_template_id:
new_issue_params['template'] = redirect_template_id
if params.get('summary', type=str):
new_issue_params['title'] = params.get('summary', type=str)
if (params.get('description', type=str) or params.get('comment', type=str)):
new_issue_params['description'] = (
params.get('description', type=str) or params.get('comment', type=str))
if params.get('cc', type=str):
new_issue_params['cc'] = params.get('cc', type=str)
if params.get('owner', type=str):
new_issue_params['assignee'] = params.get('owner', type=str).split('@')[0]
# TODO(b/283983843): redirect when custom field settled. (components)
return urllib.parse.urlencode(new_issue_params)
def GetSearchQuery(project_name, params):
search_conds = []
# can param is the default search query used in monorail.
# Each project can customize the canned queries.
# (eg.can=41013401 in Monorail is the Triage Queue.)
# For redirect we will just support the build in can query as the first step.
# TODO(b/283983843): support customized can query as needed.
can_param = params.get(
'can', type=int, default=tracker_constants.OPEN_ISSUES_CAN)
# TODO(b/283983843): move the BuiltInQuery to redirect folder.
default_search_string = tracker_bizobj.GetBuiltInQuery(can_param)
for cond in default_search_string.split(' '):
# q param is the user defined search query.
if params.get('q', type=str):
search_string = urllib.parse.unquote(params.get('q', type=str))
for cond in search_string.split(' '):
query_string = ''
for cond in search_conds:
condition_pair = _ConvertSearchCondition(project_name, cond)
if condition_pair:
(k, v) = condition_pair
query_string += ' {0}:{1}'.format(k, v)
return urllib.parse.urlencode({'q': query_string.strip()})
# Convert monorail search conditions to tracker search conditions.
def _ConvertSearchCondition(project_name, cond):
cond_pair = []
# In monorail the search condition can be either ':' or '='.
if ':' in cond:
cond_pair = cond.split(':')
if '=' in cond:
cond_pair = cond.split('=')
if len(cond_pair) != 2:
return None
# '-' stand for NOT.
pre = '-' if cond_pair[0].startswith('-') else ''
key_val = cond_pair[0][1:] if cond_pair[0].startswith('-') else cond_pair[0]
k, v = _GenerateTrackerSearchKeyValuePair(project_name, key_val, cond_pair[1])
if not k or not v:
return None
return pre + k, v
# Convert the search value to tracker search format.
def _GenerateTrackerSearchKeyValuePair(project_name, key, value):
if len(value) == 0:
return None, None
# Find the related search filter from datastore.
new_key, new_value = redirect_custom_value.RedirectCustomValue.Get(
project_name, key, value)
if new_key and new_value:
return new_key, new_value
# If the value is not store in datastore check the general filter set.
new_key = TRACKER_SEARCH_KEY_MAP.get(key, None)
if not new_key:
return None, None
if new_key == 'is':
return new_key, value if value in VALID_IS_SEARCH_VALUE else None
new_value = value.replace(',', '|')
return new_key, '({})'.format(new_value)