blob: 09ac7d37609d9d82425a3adf545b75e743cc27d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {relativeTime} from
import {labelRefsToStrings, issueRefsToStrings, componentRefsToStrings,
userRefsToDisplayNames, statusRefsToStrings, labelNameToLabelPrefixes,
} from './convertersV0.js';
import {removePrefix} from './helpers.js';
import {STATUS_ENUM_TO_TEXT} from 'shared/consts/approval.js';
import {fieldValueMapKey} from 'shared/metadata-helpers.js';
// TODO(zhangtiff): Merge this file with metadata-helpers.js.
/** @enum {string} */
export const fieldTypes = Object.freeze({
// Frontend types used to handle built in fields like BlockedOn.
// Although these are not configurable custom field types on the
// backend, hard-coding these fields types on the frontend allows
// us to inter-op custom and baked in fields more seamlessly on
// the frontend.
const SPEC_DELIMITER_REGEX = /[\s\+]+/;
export const SITEWIDE_DEFAULT_COLUMNS = ['ID', 'Type', 'Status',
'Priority', 'Milestone', 'Owner', 'Summary'];
// When no default can is configured, projects use "Open issues".
export const SITEWIDE_DEFAULT_CAN = '2';
export const EMPTY_FIELD_VALUE = '----';
export const APPROVER_COL_SUFFIX_REGEX = /\-approver$/i;
* Parses colspec or groupbyspec values from user input such as form fields
* or the URL.
* @param {string} spec a delimited string with spec values to parse.
* @return {Array} list of spec values represented by the string.
export function parseColSpec(spec = '') {
return spec.split(SPEC_DELIMITER_REGEX).filter(Boolean);
* Finds the type for an issue based on the issue's custom fields
* and labels. If there is a custom field named "Type", that field
* is used, otherwise labels are used.
* @param {!Array<FieldValue>} fieldValues
* @param {!Array<LabelRef>} labelRefs
* @return {string}
export function extractTypeForIssue(fieldValues, labelRefs) {
if (fieldValues) {
// If there is a custom field for "Type", use that for type.
const typeFieldValue = fieldValues.find(
(f) => (f.fieldRef && f.fieldRef.fieldName.toLowerCase() === 'type'),
if (typeFieldValue) {
return typeFieldValue.value;
// Otherwise, search through labels for a "Type" label.
if (labelRefs) {
const typeLabel = labelRefs.find(
(l) => l.label.toLowerCase().startsWith('type-'));
if (typeLabel) {
// Strip length of prefix.
return typeLabel.label.substr(5);
// TODO(jojwang): monorail:6397, Refactor these specific map producers into
// selectors.
* Converts issue.fieldValues into a map where values can be looked up given
* a field value key.
* @param {Array} fieldValues List of values with a fieldRef attached.
* @return {Map} keys are a string constructed using fieldValueMapKey() and
* values are an Array of value strings.
export function fieldValuesToMap(fieldValues) {
if (!fieldValues) return new Map();
const acc = new Map();
for (const v of fieldValues) {
if (!v || !v.fieldRef || !v.fieldRef.fieldName || !v.value) continue;
const key = fieldValueMapKey(v.fieldRef.fieldName,
v.phaseRef && v.phaseRef.phaseName);
if (acc.has(key)) {
} else {
acc.set(key, [v.value]);
return acc;
* Converts issue.approvalValues into a map where values can be looked up given
* a field value key.
* @param {Array} approvalValues list of approvals with a fieldRef attached.
* @return {Map} keys are a string constructed using approvalValueFieldMapKey()
* and values are an Array of value strings.
export function approvalValuesToMap(approvalValues) {
if (!approvalValues) return new Map();
const approvalKeysToValues = new Map();
for (const av of approvalValues) {
if (!av || !av.fieldRef || !av.fieldRef.fieldName) continue;
const key = fieldValueMapKey(av.fieldRef.fieldName);
// If there is not status for this approval, the value should show NOT_SET.
approvalKeysToValues.set(key, [STATUS_ENUM_TO_TEXT[av.status || '']]);
return approvalKeysToValues;
* Converts issue.approvalValues into a map where the approvers can be looked
* up given a field value key.
* @param {Array} approvalValues list of approvals with a fieldRef attached.
* @return {Map} keys are a string constructed using fieldValueMapKey() and
* values are an Array of
export function approvalApproversToMap(approvalValues) {
if (!approvalValues) return new Map();
const approvalKeysToApprovers = new Map();
for (const av of approvalValues) {
if (!av || !av.fieldRef || !av.fieldRef.fieldName ||
!av.approverRefs) continue;
const key = fieldValueMapKey(av.fieldRef.fieldName);
const approvers = => ref.displayName);
approvalKeysToApprovers.set(key, approvers);
return approvalKeysToApprovers;
// Helper function used for fields with only one value that can be unset.
const wrapValueIfExists = (value) => value ? [value] : [];
* @typedef DefaultIssueField
* @property {string} fieldName
* @property {fieldTypes} type
* @property {function(*): Array<string>} extractor
// TODO(zhangtiff): Merge this functionality with extract-grid-data.js
// TODO(zhangtiff): Combine this functionality with mr-metadata and
// mr-edit-metadata to allow more expressive representation of built in fields.
* @const {Array<DefaultIssueField>}
const defaultIssueFields = Object.freeze([
fieldName: 'ID',
type: fieldTypes.ISSUE_TYPE,
extractor: ({localId, projectName}) => [{localId, projectName}],
}, {
fieldName: 'Project',
type: fieldTypes.PROJECT_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.projectName],
}, {
fieldName: 'Attachments',
type: fieldTypes.INT_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.attachmentCount || 0],
}, {
fieldName: 'AllLabels',
type: fieldTypes.LABEL_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => issue.labelRefs || [],
}, {
fieldName: 'Blocked',
type: fieldTypes.STR_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => {
if (issue.blockedOnIssueRefs && issue.blockedOnIssueRefs.length) {
return ['Yes'];
return ['No'];
}, {
fieldName: 'BlockedOn',
type: fieldTypes.ISSUE_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => issue.blockedOnIssueRefs || [],
}, {
fieldName: 'Blocking',
type: fieldTypes.ISSUE_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => issue.blockingIssueRefs || [],
}, {
fieldName: 'CC',
type: fieldTypes.USER_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => issue.ccRefs || [],
}, {
fieldName: 'Closed',
type: fieldTypes.TIME_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => wrapValueIfExists(issue.closedTimestamp),
}, {
fieldName: 'Component',
type: fieldTypes.COMPONENT_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => issue.componentRefs || [],
}, {
fieldName: 'ComponentModified',
type: fieldTypes.TIME_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.componentModifiedTimestamp],
}, {
fieldName: 'MergedInto',
type: fieldTypes.ISSUE_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => wrapValueIfExists(issue.mergedIntoIssueRef),
}, {
fieldName: 'Modified',
type: fieldTypes.TIME_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => wrapValueIfExists(issue.modifiedTimestamp),
}, {
fieldName: 'Reporter',
type: fieldTypes.USER_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.reporterRef],
}, {
fieldName: 'Stars',
type: fieldTypes.INT_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.starCount || 0],
}, {
fieldName: 'Status',
type: fieldTypes.STATUS_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => wrapValueIfExists(issue.statusRef),
}, {
fieldName: 'StatusModified',
type: fieldTypes.TIME_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.statusModifiedTimestamp],
}, {
fieldName: 'Summary',
type: fieldTypes.STR_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.summary],
}, {
fieldName: 'Type',
type: fieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => wrapValueIfExists(extractTypeForIssue(
issue.fieldValues, issue.labelRefs)),
}, {
fieldName: 'Owner',
type: fieldTypes.USER_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => wrapValueIfExists(issue.ownerRef),
}, {
fieldName: 'OwnerModified',
type: fieldTypes.TIME_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.ownerModifiedTimestamp],
}, {
fieldName: 'Opened',
type: fieldTypes.TIME_TYPE,
extractor: (issue) => [issue.openedTimestamp],
* Lowercase field name -> field object. This uses an Object instead of a Map
* so that it can be frozen.
* @type {Object<string, DefaultIssueField>}
export const defaultIssueFieldMap = Object.freeze(
defaultIssueFields.reduce((acc, field) => {
acc[field.fieldName.toLowerCase()] = field;
return acc;
}, {}),
(field) => field.fieldName);
* Wrapper that extracts potentially composite field values from issue
* @param {Issue} issue
* @param {string} fieldName
* @param {string} projectName
* @return {Array<string>}
export const stringValuesForIssueField = (issue, fieldName, projectName) => {
// Split composite fields into each segment
return fieldName.split('/').flatMap((fieldKey) => stringValuesExtractor(
issue, fieldKey, projectName));
* Extract string values of an issue's field
* @param {Issue} issue
* @param {string} fieldName
* @param {string} projectName
* @return {Array<string>}
const stringValuesExtractor = (issue, fieldName, projectName) => {
const fieldKey = fieldName.toLowerCase();
// Look at whether the field is a built in field first.
if (defaultIssueFieldMap.hasOwnProperty(fieldKey)) {
const bakedFieldDef = defaultIssueFieldMap[fieldKey];
const values = bakedFieldDef.extractor(issue);
switch (bakedFieldDef.type) {
case fieldTypes.ISSUE_TYPE:
return issueRefsToStrings(values, projectName);
case fieldTypes.COMPONENT_TYPE:
return componentRefsToStrings(values);
case fieldTypes.LABEL_TYPE:
return labelRefsToStrings(values);
case fieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
return userRefsToDisplayNames(values);
case fieldTypes.STATUS_TYPE:
return statusRefsToStrings(values);
case fieldTypes.TIME_TYPE:
// TODO(zhangtiff): Find a way to dynamically update displayed
// time without page reloads.
return => relativeTime(new Date(time * 1000)));
return => `${value}`);
// Handle custom approval field approver columns.
const found = fieldKey.match(APPROVER_COL_SUFFIX_REGEX);
if (found) {
const approvalName = fieldKey.slice(0, -found[0].length);
const approvalFieldKey = fieldValueMapKey(approvalName);
const approvalApproversMap = approvalApproversToMap(issue.approvalValues);
if (approvalApproversMap.has(approvalFieldKey)) {
return approvalApproversMap.get(approvalFieldKey);
// Handle custom approval field columns.
const approvalValuesMap = approvalValuesToMap(issue.approvalValues);
if (approvalValuesMap.has(fieldKey)) {
return approvalValuesMap.get(fieldKey);
// Handle custom fields.
let fieldValueKey = fieldKey;
let fieldNameKey = fieldKey;
let phaseName;
[phaseName, fieldNameKey] = fieldKey.split(
// key for fieldValues Map contain the phaseName, if any.
fieldValueKey = fieldValueMapKey(fieldNameKey, phaseName);
const fieldValuesMap = fieldValuesToMap(issue.fieldValues);
if (fieldValuesMap.has(fieldValueKey)) {
return fieldValuesMap.get(fieldValueKey);
// Handle custom labels and ad hoc labels last.
const matchingLabels = (issue.labelRefs || []).filter((labelRef) => {
const labelPrefixes = labelNameToLabelPrefixes(
labelRef.label).map((prefix) => prefix.toLowerCase());
return labelPrefixes.includes(fieldKey);
const labelPrefix = fieldKey + '-';
(labelRef) => removePrefix(labelRef.label, labelPrefix));
* Computes all custom fields set in a given Issue, including custom
* fields derived from label prefixes and approval values.
* @param {Issue} issue An Issue object.
* @param {boolean=} exclHighCardinality Whether to exclude fields with a high
* cardinality, like string custom fields for example. This is useful for
* features where issues are grouped by different values because grouping
* by high cardinality fields is not meaningful.
* @return {Array<string>}
export function fieldsForIssue(issue, exclHighCardinality = false) {
const approvalValues = issue.approvalValues || [];
let fieldValues = issue.fieldValues || [];
const labelRefs = issue.labelRefs || [];
const labelPrefixes = [];
labelRefs.forEach((labelRef) => {
if (exclHighCardinality) {
fieldValues = fieldValues.filter(({fieldRef}) =>
return [ => approval.fieldRef.fieldName),
(approval) => approval.fieldRef.fieldName + '-Approver'), => {
if (fieldValue.phaseRef) {
return fieldValue.phaseRef.phaseName + '.' +
} else {
return fieldValue.fieldRef.fieldName;