blob: ebfa5106c6e95f13c59fdf3b87970ba007fec5b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {EMPTY_FIELD_VALUE, fieldTypes} from 'shared/issue-fields.js';
import 'shared/typedef.js';
// Sort headings functions
// TODO(zhangtiff): Find some way to restructure this code to allow
// sorting functions to sort with raw types instead of stringified values.
* Used as an optional 'compareFunction' for Array.sort().
* @param {string} strA
* @param {string} strB
* @return {number}
function intStrComparator(strA, strB) {
return parseInt(strA) - parseInt(strB);
* Used as an optional 'compareFunction' for Array.sort()
* @param {string} issueRefStrA
* @param {string} issueRefStrB
* @return {number}
function issueRefComparator(issueRefStrA, issueRefStrB) {
const issueRefA = issueRefStrA.split(':');
const issueRefB = issueRefStrB.split(':');
if (issueRefA[0] != issueRefB[0]) {
return issueRefStrA.localeCompare(issueRefStrB);
} else {
return parseInt(issueRefA[1]) - parseInt(issueRefB[1]);
* Returns a comparator for strings representing statuses using the ordering
* provided in statusDefs.
* Any status not found in statusDefs will be sorted to the end.
* @param {!Array<StatusDef>=} statusDefs
* @return {function(string, string): number}
function getStatusDefComparator(statusDefs = []) {
return (statusStrA, statusStrB) => {
// Traverse statusDefs to determine which status is first.
for (const statusDef of statusDefs) {
if (statusDef.status == statusStrA) {
return -1;
} else if (statusDef.status == statusStrB) {
return 1;
return 0;
* @param {!Set<string>} headingSet The headers found for the field.
* @param {string} fieldName The field on which we're sorting.
* @param {function(string): string=} extractTypeForFieldName
* @param {!Array<StatusDef>=} statusDefs
* @return {!Array<string>}
function sortHeadings(headingSet, fieldName, extractTypeForFieldName,
statusDefs = []) {
let sorter;
if (extractTypeForFieldName) {
const type = extractTypeForFieldName(fieldName);
if (type === fieldTypes.ISSUE_TYPE) {
sorter = issueRefComparator;
} else if (type === fieldTypes.INT_TYPE) {
sorter = intStrComparator;
} else if (type === fieldTypes.STATUS_TYPE) {
sorter = getStatusDefComparator(statusDefs);
// Track whether EMPTY_FIELD_VALUE is present, and ensure that
// it is sorted to the first position of custom fields.
// TODO(jessan): although convenient, it is bad practice to mutate parameters.
const hasEmptyFieldValue = headingSet.delete(EMPTY_FIELD_VALUE);
const headingsList = [...headingSet];
if (hasEmptyFieldValue) {
return headingsList;
* @param {string} x Header value.
* @param {string} y Header value.
* @return {string} The key for the groupedIssue map.
* TODO(jessan): Make a GridData class, which avoids exposing this logic.
export function makeGridCellKey(x, y) {
// Note: Some possible x and y values contain ':', '-', and other
// non-word characters making delimiter options limited.
return x + ' + ' + y;
* @param {Issue} issue The issue for which we're preparing grid headings.
* @param {string} fieldName The field on which we're grouping.
* @param {function(Issue, string): Array<string>} extractFieldValuesFromIssue
* @return {!Array<string>} The headings the issue should be grouped into.
function prepareHeadings(
issue, fieldName, extractFieldValuesFromIssue) {
const values = extractFieldValuesFromIssue(issue, fieldName);
return values.length == 0 ?
* Groups issues by their values for the given fields.
* @param {Array<Issue>} required.issues The issues we are grouping
* @param {function(Issue, string): Array<string>}
* required.extractFieldValuesFromIssue
* @param {string=} options.xFieldName name of the field for grouping columns
* @param {string=} options.yFieldName name of the field for grouping rows
* @param {function(string): string=} options.extractTypeForFieldName
* @param {Array=} options.statusDefs
* @param {Map=} options.labelPrefixValueMap
* @return {!Object} Grid data
* - groupedIssues: A map of issues grouped by thir xField and yField values.
* - xHeadings: sorted headings for columns.
* - yHeadings: sorted headings for rows.
export function extractGridData({issues, extractFieldValuesFromIssue}, {
xFieldName = '',
yFieldName = '',
extractTypeForFieldName = undefined,
statusDefs = [],
labelPrefixValueMap = new Map(),
} = {}) {
const xHeadingsPredefinedSet = new Set();
const xHeadingsAdHocSet = new Set();
const yHeadingsSet = new Set();
const groupedIssues = new Map();
for (const issue of issues) {
const xHeadings = !xFieldName ?
issue, xFieldName, extractFieldValuesFromIssue);
const yHeadings = !yFieldName ?
issue, yFieldName, extractFieldValuesFromIssue);
// Find every combo of 'xValue yValue' that the issue belongs to
// and add it into that cell. Also record each header used.
for (const xHeading of xHeadings) {
if (labelPrefixValueMap.has(xFieldName) &&
labelPrefixValueMap.get(xFieldName).has(xHeading)) {
} else {
for (const yHeading of yHeadings) {
const cellKey = makeGridCellKey(xHeading, yHeading);
if (groupedIssues.has(cellKey)) {
} else {
groupedIssues.set(cellKey, [issue]);
// Predefined labels to be ordered in front of ad hoc labels
const xHeadings = [
return {
yHeadings: sortHeadings(yHeadingsSet, yFieldName, extractTypeForFieldName,