blob: b6e85649ae2ca0e5752c82c4fb6e1d78acb3cb13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
syntax = "proto3";
package monorail.v3;
option go_package = "api/v3/api_proto";
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
import "google/api/resource.proto";
import "api/v3/api_proto/project_objects.proto";
// This service is for Monorail's frontend only.
service Frontend {
// status: DO NOT USE
// Returns all project specific configurations needed for the SPA client.
// Raises:
// INVALID_ARGUMENT if the project resource name provided is invalid.
// NOT_FOUND if the parent project is not found.
// PERMISSION_DENIED if user is not allowed to view this project.
rpc GatherProjectEnvironment (GatherProjectEnvironmentRequest) returns (GatherProjectEnvironmentResponse) {};
// status: DO NOT USE
// Returns all of a given user's project memberships.
// Raises:
// NOT_FOUND if the user is not found.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT if the user resource name provided is invalid.
rpc GatherProjectMembershipsForUser (GatherProjectMembershipsForUserRequest)
returns (GatherProjectMembershipsForUserResponse) {}
// Request message for GatherProjectEnvironment
// Next available tag: 2
message GatherProjectEnvironmentRequest {
// The name of the project these config environments belong to.
string parent = 1 [
(google.api.resource_reference) = {type: ""},
(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED ];
// Response message for GatherProjectEnvironment
// Next available tag: 9
message GatherProjectEnvironmentResponse {
// Project definitions such as display_name and summary.
Project project = 1;
// Configurations of this project such as default search term,
// default templates for members and non members.
ProjectConfig project_config = 2;
// List of statuses that belong to this project.
repeated StatusDef statuses = 3;
// List of well known labels that belong to this project.
repeated LabelDef well_known_labels = 4;
// List of components that belong to this project.
repeated ComponentDef components = 5;
// List of custom fields that belong to this project.
repeated FieldDef fields = 6;
// List of approval fields that belong to this project.
repeated ApprovalDef approval_fields = 7;
// Saved search queries that admins defined for this project.
repeated ProjectSavedQuery saved_queries = 8;
// The request message for Frontend.GatherProjectMembershipsForUser.
// Next available tag: 2
message GatherProjectMembershipsForUserRequest {
// The name of the user to request.
string user = 1 [
(google.api.resource_reference) = {type: ""}];
// The response message for Frontend.GatherProjectMembershipsForUser.
// Next available tag: 2
message GatherProjectMembershipsForUserResponse {
// The projects that the user is a member of.
repeated ProjectMember project_memberships = 1;