blob: cd77d55b97c3483ebd223250517bc41fb1034c6c [file] [log] [blame]
import {assert} from 'chai';
import {renderMarkdown, shouldRenderMarkdown} from './md-helper.js';
describe('shouldRenderMarkdown', () => {
it('defaults to false', () => {
const actual = shouldRenderMarkdown();
it('returns true for enabled projects', () => {
const actual = shouldRenderMarkdown({project:'astor',
availableProjects: new Set(['astor'])});
it('returns false for disabled projects', () => {
const actual = shouldRenderMarkdown({project:'hazelnut',
availableProjects: new Set(['astor'])});
it('user pref can disable markdown', () => {
const actual = shouldRenderMarkdown({project:'astor',
enabledProjects: new Set(['astor']), enabled: false});
describe('renderMarkdown', () => {
it('can render empty string', () => {
const actual = renderMarkdown('');
assert.equal(actual, '');
it('can render basic string', () => {
const actual = renderMarkdown('hello world');
assert.equal(actual, '<p>hello world</p>\n');
it('can render lists', () => {
const input = '* First item\n* Second item\n* Third item\n* Fourth item';
const actual = renderMarkdown(input);
const expected = '<ul>\n<li>First item</li>\n<li>Second item</li>\n' +
'<li>Third item</li>\n<li>Fourth item</li>\n</ul>\n';
assert.equal(actual, expected);
it('can render headings', () => {
const actual = renderMarkdown('# Heading level 1\n\n## Heading level 2');
'<h1>Heading level 1</h1>\n<h2>Heading level 2</h2>\n');
describe('can render links', () => {
it('for simple links', () => {
const actual = renderMarkdown('[clickme](');
const expected = `<p><span class="annotated-link"><a title="" ` +
`href=""><span class="material-icons link">` +
`link</span>clickme</a><span class="tooltip">Link destination: ` +
assert.equal(actual, expected);
it('and indicates malformed link', () => {
const actual = renderMarkdown('[clickme](');
const expected = `<p><span class="annotated-link"><a title="" ` +
`href=""><span class="material-icons link_off">link_off` +
`</span>clickme</a><span class="tooltip">Link may be malformed: ` +
assert.equal(actual, expected);
it('correctly renders emails', () => {
const actual = renderMarkdown('[](');
const expected = `<p><span class="annotated-link"><a title="" ` +
`href=""><span class="material-icons link">` +
`link</span></a><span class="tooltip">Link destination: ` +
assert.equal(actual, expected);
it('correctly renders monorail user links', () => {
const actual = renderMarkdown('[](/u/');
const expected = `<p><span class="annotated-link"><a title="" ` +
`href="/u/"><span class="material-icons ` +
`link">link</span></a><span class="tooltip">Link destination: ` +
assert.equal(actual, expected)
it('preserves bolding from description templates', () => {
const input = `<b>What's the problem?</b>\n<b>1.</b> A\n<b>2.</b> B`;
const actual = renderMarkdown(input);
const expected = `<p><strong>What's the problem?</strong>\n<strong>1.` +
`</strong> A\n<strong>2.</strong> B</p>\n`;
assert.equal(actual, expected);
it('escapes HTML content', () => {
let actual = renderMarkdown('<input></input>');
assert.equal(actual, '<p>&lt;input&gt;&lt;/input&gt;</p>\n');
actual = renderMarkdown('<a href="">clickme</a>');
'<p>&lt;a href=""&gt;clickme&lt;/a&gt;</p>\n');