blob: c37faa913557d5eeddd3c136ee41409c187f8728 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chai';
import {parseColSpec, fieldsForIssue,
stringValuesForIssueField} from './issue-fields.js';
import sinon from 'sinon';
let issue;
let clock;
describe('parseColSpec', () => {
it('empty spec produces empty list', () => {
assert.deepEqual(parseColSpec(' + + + '),
assert.deepEqual(parseColSpec(' '),
it('parses spec correctly', () => {
['ID', 'Summary', 'AllLabels', 'Priority']);
it('parses spaces correctly', () => {
assert.deepEqual(parseColSpec('ID Summary AllLabels Priority'),
['ID', 'Summary', 'AllLabels', 'Priority']);
assert.deepEqual(parseColSpec('ID + Summary + AllLabels + Priority'),
['ID', 'Summary', 'AllLabels', 'Priority']);
assert.deepEqual(parseColSpec('ID Summary AllLabels Priority'),
['ID', 'Summary', 'AllLabels', 'Priority']);
it('spec parsing preserves dashed parameters', () => {
['ID', 'Summary', 'Test-Label', 'Another-Label']);
describe('fieldsForIssue', () => {
const issue = {
projectName: 'proj',
localId: 1,
const issueWithLabels = {
projectName: 'proj',
localId: 1,
labelRefs: [
{label: 'test'},
{label: 'hello-world'},
{label: 'multi-label-field'},
const issueWithFieldValues = {
projectName: 'proj',
localId: 1,
fieldValues: [
{fieldRef: {fieldName: 'number', type: 'INT_TYPE'}},
{fieldRef: {fieldName: 'string', type: 'STR_TYPE'}},
const issueWithPhases = {
projectName: 'proj',
localId: 1,
fieldValues: [
{fieldRef: {fieldName: 'phase-number', type: 'INT_TYPE'},
phaseRef: {phaseName: 'phase1'}},
{fieldRef: {fieldName: 'phase-string', type: 'STR_TYPE'},
phaseRef: {phaseName: 'phase2'}},
const issueWithApprovals = {
projectName: 'proj',
localId: 1,
approvalValues: [
{fieldRef: {fieldName: 'approval', type: 'APPROVAL_TYPE'}},
it('empty issue issue produces no field names', () => {
assert.deepEqual(fieldsForIssue(issue), []);
assert.deepEqual(fieldsForIssue(issue, true), []);
it('includes label prefixes', () => {
assert.deepEqual(fieldsForIssue(issueWithLabels), [
it('includes field values', () => {
assert.deepEqual(fieldsForIssue(issueWithFieldValues), [
it('excludes high cardinality field values', () => {
assert.deepEqual(fieldsForIssue(issueWithFieldValues, true), [
it('includes phase fields', () => {
assert.deepEqual(fieldsForIssue(issueWithPhases), [
it('excludes high cardinality phase fields', () => {
assert.deepEqual(fieldsForIssue(issueWithPhases, true), [
it('includes approval values', () => {
assert.deepEqual(fieldsForIssue(issueWithApprovals), [
describe('stringValuesForIssueField', () => {
describe('built-in fields', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Set clock to some specified date for relative time.
const initialTime = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({
now: new Date(initialTime * 1000),
shouldAdvanceTime: false,
issue = {
localId: 33,
projectName: 'chromium',
summary: 'Test summary',
attachmentCount: 22,
starCount: 2,
componentRefs: [{path: 'Infra'}, {path: 'Monorail>UI'}],
blockedOnIssueRefs: [{localId: 30, projectName: 'chromium'}],
blockingIssueRefs: [{localId: 60, projectName: 'chromium'}],
labelRefs: [{label: 'Restrict-View-Google'}, {label: 'Type-Defect'}],
reporterRef: {displayName: ''},
ccRefs: [{displayName: ''}],
ownerRef: {displayName: ''},
closedTimestamp: initialTime - 120, // 2 minutes ago
modifiedTimestamp: initialTime - 60, // a minute ago
openedTimestamp: initialTime - 24 * 60 * 60, // a day ago
componentModifiedTimestamp: initialTime - 60, // a minute ago
statusModifiedTimestamp: initialTime - 60, // a minute ago
ownerModifiedTimestamp: initialTime - 60, // a minute ago
statusRef: {status: 'Duplicate'},
mergedIntoIssueRef: {localId: 31, projectName: 'chromium'},
afterEach(() => {
it('computes strings for ID', () => {
const fieldName = 'ID';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Project', () => {
const fieldName = 'Project';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Attachments', () => {
const fieldName = 'Attachments';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for AllLabels', () => {
const fieldName = 'AllLabels';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['Restrict-View-Google', 'Type-Defect']);
it('computes strings for Blocked when issue is blocked', () => {
const fieldName = 'Blocked';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Blocked when issue is not blocked', () => {
const fieldName = 'Blocked';
issue.blockedOnIssueRefs = [];
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for BlockedOn', () => {
const fieldName = 'BlockedOn';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Blocking', () => {
const fieldName = 'Blocking';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for CC', () => {
const fieldName = 'CC';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Closed', () => {
const fieldName = 'Closed';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['2 minutes ago']);
it('computes strings for Component', () => {
const fieldName = 'Component';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['Infra', 'Monorail>UI']);
it('computes strings for ComponentModified', () => {
const fieldName = 'ComponentModified';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['a minute ago']);
it('computes strings for MergedInto', () => {
const fieldName = 'MergedInto';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Modified', () => {
const fieldName = 'Modified';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['a minute ago']);
it('computes strings for Reporter', () => {
const fieldName = 'Reporter';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Stars', () => {
const fieldName = 'Stars';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Status', () => {
const fieldName = 'Status';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for StatusModified', () => {
const fieldName = 'StatusModified';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['a minute ago']);
it('computes strings for Summary', () => {
const fieldName = 'Summary';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['Test summary']);
it('computes strings for Type', () => {
const fieldName = 'Type';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for Owner', () => {
const fieldName = 'Owner';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
it('computes strings for OwnerModified', () => {
const fieldName = 'OwnerModified';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['a minute ago']);
it('computes strings for Opened', () => {
const fieldName = 'Opened';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['a day ago']);
describe('custom approval fields', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
issue = {
localId: 33,
projectName: 'bird',
approvalValues: [
{fieldRef: {type: 'APPROVAL_TYPE', fieldName: 'Goose-Approval'},
approverRefs: []},
{fieldRef: {type: 'APPROVAL_TYPE', fieldName: 'Chicken-Approval'},
status: 'APPROVED'},
{fieldRef: {type: 'APPROVAL_TYPE', fieldName: 'Dodo-Approval'},
status: 'NEED_INFO', approverRefs: [{displayName: 'kiwi@bird.test'},
{displayName: 'mini-dino@bird.test'}],
it('handles approval approver columns', () => {
const projectName = 'bird';
issue, 'goose-approval-approver',
projectName), []);
issue, 'chicken-approval-approver',
projectName), []);
issue, 'dodo-approval-approver',
projectName), ['kiwi@bird.test', 'mini-dino@bird.test']);
it('handles approval value columns', () => {
const projectName = 'bird';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'goose-approval',
projectName), ['NotSet']);
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'chicken-approval',
projectName), ['Approved']);
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'dodo-approval',
projectName), ['NeedInfo']);
describe('custom fields', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
issue = {
localId: 33,
projectName: 'chromium',
fieldValues: [
{fieldRef: {type: 'STR_TYPE', fieldName: 'aString'}, value: 'test'},
{fieldRef: {type: 'STR_TYPE', fieldName: 'aString'}, value: 'test2'},
{fieldRef: {type: 'ENUM_TYPE', fieldName: 'ENUM'}, value: 'a-value'},
{fieldRef: {type: 'INT_TYPE', fieldId: '6', fieldName: 'Cow-Number'},
phaseRef: {phaseName: 'Cow-Phase'},
value: '55'},
{fieldRef: {type: 'INT_TYPE', fieldId: '6', fieldName: 'Cow-Number'},
phaseRef: {phaseName: 'Cow-Phase'},
value: '54'},
{fieldRef: {type: 'INT_TYPE', fieldId: '6', fieldName: 'Cow-Number'},
phaseRef: {phaseName: 'MilkCow-Phase'},
value: '56'},
it('gets values for custom fields', () => {
const projectName = 'chromium';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'aString',
projectName), ['test', 'test2']);
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'enum',
projectName), ['a-value']);
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'cow-phase.cow-number',
projectName), ['55', '54']);
'milkcow-phase.cow-number', projectName), ['56']);
it('custom fields get precedence over label fields', () => {
const projectName = 'chromium';
issue.labelRefs = [{label: 'aString-ignore'}];
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'aString',
projectName), ['test', 'test2']);
describe('label prefix fields', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
issue = {
localId: 33,
projectName: 'chromium',
labelRefs: [
{label: 'test-label'},
{label: 'test-label-2'},
{label: 'ignore-me'},
{label: 'Milestone-UI'},
{label: 'Milestone-Goodies'},
it('gets values for label prefixes', () => {
const projectName = 'chromium';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'test',
projectName), ['label', 'label-2']);
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'Milestone',
projectName), ['UI', 'Goodies']);
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, 'ignore',
projectName), ['me']);
describe('composite fields', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Set clock to some specified date for relative time.
const initialTime = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({
now: new Date(initialTime * 1000),
shouldAdvanceTime: false,
issue = {
localId: 33,
projectName: 'chromium',
summary: 'Test summary',
closedTimestamp: initialTime - 120, // 2 minutes ago
modifiedTimestamp: initialTime - 60, // a minute ago
openedTimestamp: initialTime - 24 * 60 * 60, // a day ago
statusModifiedTimestamp: initialTime - 60, // a minute ago
statusRef: {status: 'Duplicate'},
afterEach(() => {
it('computes strings for Status/Closed', () => {
const fieldName = 'Status/Closed';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),
['Duplicate', '2 minutes ago']);
it('ignores nonexistant fields', () => {
const fieldName = 'Owner/Status';
assert.deepEqual(stringValuesForIssueField(issue, fieldName),