Merge branch 'main' into avm99963-monorail

Merged commit 9b72c743236c5333af241ea6eaf89dd7de15777c.

Also, removed files module-*.yaml, since before we excluded them in the
Makefile, but now they are included by default, and we don't want them.

GitOrigin-RevId: de032b6e562c3c0cb63464bf536f7a020f82f663
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index fb1b49f..06e9dc2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
 _VERSION ?= $(shell ../../../infra/luci/appengine/components/tools/
-SPIN = $(shell command -v spin 2> /dev/null)
 default: help
@@ -84,24 +82,40 @@
 # devserver requires an application ID (-A) to be specified.
 # We are using `-A monorail-staging` because ml spam code is set up
 # to impersonate monorail-staging in the local environment.
-serve: config_local
 	@echo "---[Starting SDK AppEngine Server]---"
 	$(GAE_PY) devserver -A monorail-staging -- $(DEV_APPSERVER_FLAGS)& $(WEBPACK_PATH) --watch
-serve_email: config_local
 	@echo "---[Starting SDK AppEngine Server]---"
 	$(GAE_PY) devserver -A monorail-staging -- $(DEV_APPSERVER_FLAGS) --enable_sendmail=True& $(WEBPACK_PATH) --watch
 # The _remote commands expose the app on, so that it is externally
 # accessible by hostname:port, rather than just localhost:port.
-serve_remote: config_local
 	@echo "---[Starting SDK AppEngine Server]---"
 	$(GAE_PY) devserver -A monorail-staging -o -- $(DEV_APPSERVER_FLAGS)& $(WEBPACK_PATH) --watch
-serve_remote_email: config_local
 	@echo "---[Starting SDK AppEngine Server]---"
 	$(GAE_PY) devserver -A monorail-staging -o -- $(DEV_APPSERVER_FLAGS) --enable_sendmail=True& $(WEBPACK_PATH) --watch
+	@echo "---[Starting Cloud Tasks Emulator]---"
+	../../cipd/cloud-tasks-emulator \
+	  --queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/componentexport \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/default \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/notifications \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/outboundemail \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/recomputederivedfields \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/spamexport \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/wipeoutsendusers \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/wipeoutdeleteusers \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/deleteusers \
+		--queue projects/monorail-staging/locations/us-central1/queues/pubsub-issueupdates \
+		-host localhost \
+		-port 9090
 run: serve
 deps: node_deps
@@ -131,52 +145,13 @@
 	pylint --py3k *py {$(PY_DIRS)}{/,/test/}*py
-config: config_prod_cloud config_staging_cloud config_dev_cloud
-# Service yaml files used by are expected to be named module-<service-name>.yaml
-	m4 -DPROD < app.yaml.m4 > app.yaml
-# Generate yaml files used by spinnaker.
-	m4 -DPROD < app.yaml.m4 >
-	m4 -DSTAGING < app.yaml.m4 > app.yaml
-	m4 -DSTAGING < app.yaml.m4 > app.staging.yaml
-	m4 -DDEV < app.yaml.m4 > app.yaml
-	m4 -DDEV < app.yaml.m4 > app.yaml
-	m4 app.yaml.m4 > app.yaml
-deploy_dev: clean_deps deps build_js config_dev
+deploy_dev: build_frontend
 	$(eval BRANCH_NAME := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD))
 	@echo "---[Dev $(DEVID)]---"
-deploy_cloud_dev: clean_deps deps build_js config
-	$(eval GCB_DIR:= $(shell mktemp -d -p /tmp monorail_XXXXX))
-	rsync -aLK . $(GCB_DIR)  # Dereferences symlinks before snapshotting.
-	cd $(GCB_DIR) && tar cf ${_VERSION}.tar .
-	gsutil cp $(GCB_DIR)/${_VERSION}.tar gs://chrome-infra-builds/monorail/dev
-	rm -rf $(GCB_DIR)
-ifeq ($(SPIN),)
-	$(error "please install spin go/chops-install-spin")
-	$(SPIN) pipeline execute --name "Deploy Monorail" --application monorail
-	@echo "Follow progress here:"
-external_deps: clean_deps deps build_js config
+# Build target used by LUCI CD and manual process to build frontend.
+build_frontend: clean_deps deps build_js
 	rsync -aLK . $(TARDIR)/package
@@ -190,12 +165,12 @@
 # the main app-id, but it is still sometimes useful to have a completely
 # separate app-id.  E.g., for testing inbound email, load testing, or using
 # throwaway databases.
-deploy_staging: clean_deps deps build_js config_staging
+deploy_staging: build_frontend
 	@echo "---[Staging $(STAGEID)]---"
 # This is our production server that users actually use.
-deploy_prod: clean_deps deps build_js config_prod
+deploy_prod: build_frontend
 	@echo "---[Deploying prod instance $(PRODID)]---"