blob: f81ba40144c1995d46eae691242d547ca2a74b50 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Classes and functions for displaying lists of project artifacts.
This file exports classes TableRow and TableCell that help
represent HTML table rows and cells. These classes make rendering
HTML tables that list project artifacts much easier to do with EZT.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import itertools
import logging
from functools import total_ordering
import ezt
from framework import framework_constants
from framework import template_helpers
from framework import timestr
from mrproto import tracker_pb2
from tracker import tracker_bizobj
from tracker import tracker_constants
def ComputeUnshownColumns(results, shown_columns, config, built_in_cols):
"""Return a list of unshown columns that the user could add.
results: list of search result PBs. Each must have labels.
shown_columns: list of column names to be used in results table.
config: harmonized config for the issue search, including all
well known labels and custom fields.
built_in_cols: list of other column names that are built into the tool.
E.g., star count, or creation date.
List of column names to append to the "..." menu.
unshown_set = set() # lowercases column names
unshown_list = [] # original-case column names
shown_set = {col.lower() for col in shown_columns}
labels_already_seen = set() # whole labels, original case
def _MaybeAddLabel(label_name):
"""Add the key part of the given label if needed."""
if label_name.lower() in labels_already_seen:
if '-' in label_name:
col, _value = label_name.split('-', 1)
def _MaybeAddCol(col):
if col.lower() not in shown_set and col.lower() not in unshown_set:
# The user can always add any of the default columns.
for col in config.default_col_spec.split():
# The user can always add any of the built-in columns.
for col in built_in_cols:
# The user can add a column for any well-known labels
for wkl in config.well_known_labels:
phase_names = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
( for phase in result.phases) for result in results))
# The user can add a column for any custom field
field_ids_alread_seen = set()
for fd in config.field_defs:
field_lower = fd.field_name.lower()
if fd.is_phase_field:
for name in phase_names:
phase_field_col = name + '.' + field_lower
if (phase_field_col not in shown_set and
phase_field_col not in unshown_set):
elif field_lower not in shown_set and field_lower not in unshown_set:
if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE:
approval_lower_approver = (
field_lower + tracker_constants.APPROVER_COL_SUFFIX)
if (approval_lower_approver not in shown_set and
approval_lower_approver not in unshown_set):
fd.field_name + tracker_constants.APPROVER_COL_SUFFIX)
# The user can add a column for any key-value label or field in the results.
for r in results:
for label_name in tracker_bizobj.GetLabels(r):
for field_value in r.field_values:
if field_value.field_id not in field_ids_alread_seen:
fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDefByID(field_value.field_id, config)
if fd: # could be None for a foreign field, which we don't display.
field_lower = fd.field_name.lower()
if field_lower not in shown_set and field_lower not in unshown_set:
return sorted(unshown_list)
def ExtractUniqueValues(columns, artifact_list, users_by_id,
config, related_issues, hotlist_context_dict=None):
"""Build a nested list of unique values so the user can auto-filter.
columns: a list of lowercase column name strings, which may contain
combined columns like "priority/pri".
artifact_list: a list of artifacts in the complete set of search results.
users_by_id: dict mapping user_ids to UserViews.
config: ProjectIssueConfig PB for the current project.
related_issues: dict {issue_id: issue} of pre-fetched related issues.
hotlist_context_dict: dict for building a hotlist grid table
[EZTItem(col1, colname1, [val11, val12,...]), ...]
A list of EZTItems, each of which has a col_index, column_name,
and a list of unique values that appear in that column.
column_values = {col_name: {} for col_name in columns}
# For each combined column "a/b/c", add entries that point from "a" back
# to "a/b/c", from "b" back to "a/b/c", and from "c" back to "a/b/c".
combined_column_parts = collections.defaultdict(list)
for col in columns:
if '/' in col:
for col_part in col.split('/'):
unique_labels = set()
for art in artifact_list:
for label in unique_labels:
if '-' in label:
col, val = label.split('-', 1)
col = col.lower()
if col in column_values:
column_values[col][val.lower()] = val
if col in combined_column_parts:
for combined_column in combined_column_parts[col]:
column_values[combined_column][val.lower()] = val
if 'summary' in column_values:
column_values['summary'][label.lower()] = label
# TODO(jrobbins): Consider refacting some of this to tracker_bizobj
# or a new to reduce duplication.
if 'reporter' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
reporter_id = art.reporter_id
if reporter_id and reporter_id in users_by_id:
reporter_username = users_by_id[reporter_id].display_name
column_values['reporter'][reporter_username] = reporter_username
if 'owner' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
owner_id = tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(art)
if owner_id and owner_id in users_by_id:
owner_username = users_by_id[owner_id].display_name
column_values['owner'][owner_username] = owner_username
if 'cc' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
cc_ids = tracker_bizobj.GetCcIds(art)
for cc_id in cc_ids:
if cc_id and cc_id in users_by_id:
cc_username = users_by_id[cc_id].display_name
column_values['cc'][cc_username] = cc_username
if 'component' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
all_comp_ids = list(art.component_ids) + list(art.derived_component_ids)
for component_id in all_comp_ids:
cd = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDefByID(component_id, config)
if cd:
column_values['component'][cd.path] = cd.path
if 'stars' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
star_count = art.star_count
column_values['stars'][star_count] = star_count
if 'status' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
status = tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(art)
if status:
column_values['status'][status.lower()] = status
if 'project' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
project_name = art.project_name
column_values['project'][project_name] = project_name
if 'mergedinto' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
if art.merged_into and art.merged_into != 0:
merged_issue = related_issues[art.merged_into]
merged_issue_ref = tracker_bizobj.FormatIssueRef((
merged_issue.project_name, merged_issue.local_id))
column_values['mergedinto'][merged_issue_ref] = merged_issue_ref
if 'blocked' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
if art.blocked_on_iids:
column_values['blocked']['is_blocked'] = 'Yes'
column_values['blocked']['is_not_blocked'] = 'No'
if 'blockedon' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
if art.blocked_on_iids:
for blocked_on_iid in art.blocked_on_iids:
blocked_on_issue = related_issues[blocked_on_iid]
blocked_on_ref = tracker_bizobj.FormatIssueRef((
blocked_on_issue.project_name, blocked_on_issue.local_id))
column_values['blockedon'][blocked_on_ref] = blocked_on_ref
if 'blocking' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
if art.blocking_iids:
for blocking_iid in art.blocking_iids:
blocking_issue = related_issues[blocking_iid]
blocking_ref = tracker_bizobj.FormatIssueRef((
blocking_issue.project_name, blocking_issue.local_id))
column_values['blocking'][blocking_ref] = blocking_ref
if 'added' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
if hotlist_context_dict and hotlist_context_dict[art.issue_id]:
issue_dict = hotlist_context_dict[art.issue_id]
date_added = issue_dict['date_added']
column_values['added'][date_added] = date_added
if 'adder' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
if hotlist_context_dict and hotlist_context_dict[art.issue_id]:
issue_dict = hotlist_context_dict[art.issue_id]
adder_id = issue_dict['adder_id']
adder = users_by_id[adder_id].display_name
column_values['adder'][adder] = adder
if 'note' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
if hotlist_context_dict and hotlist_context_dict[art.issue_id]:
issue_dict = hotlist_context_dict[art.issue_id]
note = issue_dict['note']
if issue_dict['note']:
column_values['note'][note] = note
if 'attachments' in column_values:
for art in artifact_list:
attachment_count = art.attachment_count
column_values['attachments'][attachment_count] = attachment_count
# Add all custom field values if the custom field name is a shown column.
field_id_to_col = {}
for art in artifact_list:
for fv in art.field_values:
field_col, field_type = field_id_to_col.get(fv.field_id, (None, None))
if field_col == 'NOT_SHOWN':
if field_col is None:
fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDefByID(fv.field_id, config)
if not fd:
field_id_to_col[fv.field_id] = 'NOT_SHOWN', None
field_col = fd.field_name.lower()
field_type = fd.field_type
if field_col not in column_values:
field_id_to_col[fv.field_id] = 'NOT_SHOWN', None
field_id_to_col[fv.field_id] = field_col, field_type
if field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE:
continue # Already handled by label parsing
elif field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE:
val = fv.int_value
elif field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE:
val = fv.str_value
elif field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
user = users_by_id.get(fv.user_id)
val = if user else framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
elif field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.DATE_TYPE:
val = fv.int_value # TODO(jrobbins): convert to date
elif field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.BOOL_TYPE:
val = 'Yes' if fv.int_value else 'No'
column_values[field_col][val] = val
# TODO(jrobbins): make the capitalization of well-known unique label and
# status values match the way it is written in the issue config.
# Return EZTItems for each column in left-to-right display order.
result = []
for i, col_name in enumerate(columns):
# TODO(jrobbins): sort each set of column values top-to-bottom, by the
# order specified in the project artifact config. For now, just sort
# lexicographically to make expected output defined.
sorted_col_values = sorted(column_values[col_name].values())
col_index=i, column_name=col_name, filter_values=sorted_col_values))
return result
def MakeTableData(
visible_results, starred_items, lower_columns, lower_group_by,
users_by_id, cell_factories, id_accessor, related_issues,
viewable_iids_set, config, context_for_all_issues=None):
"""Return a list of list row objects for display by EZT.
visible_results: list of artifacts to display on one pagination page.
starred_items: list of IDs/names of items in the current project
that the signed in user has starred.
lower_columns: list of column names to display, all lowercase. These can
be combined column names, e.g., 'priority/pri'.
lower_group_by: list of column names that define row groups, all lowercase.
users_by_id: dict mapping user IDs to UserViews.
cell_factories: dict of functions that each create TableCell objects.
id_accessor: function that maps from an artifact to the ID/name that might
be in the starred items list.
related_issues: dict {issue_id: issue} of pre-fetched related issues.
viewable_iids_set: set of issue ids that can be viewed by the user.
config: ProjectIssueConfig PB for the current project.
context_for_all_issues: A dictionary of dictionaries containing values
passed in to cell factory functions to create TableCells. Dictionary
form: {issue_id: {'rank': issue_rank, 'issue_info': info_value, ..},
issue_id: {'rank': issue_rank}, ..}
A list of TableRow objects, one for each visible result.
table_data = []
group_cell_factories = [
ChooseCellFactory(group.strip('-'), cell_factories, config)
for group in lower_group_by]
# Make a list of cell factories, one for each column.
factories_to_use = [
ChooseCellFactory(col, cell_factories, config) for col in lower_columns]
current_group = None
for idx, art in enumerate(visible_results):
row = MakeRowData(
art, lower_columns, users_by_id, factories_to_use, related_issues,
viewable_iids_set, config, context_for_all_issues)
row.starred = ezt.boolean(id_accessor(art) in starred_items)
row.idx = idx # EZT does not have loop counters, so add idx.
table_data.append(row) = None
# Also include group information for the first row in each group.
# TODO(jrobbins): This seems like more overhead than we need for the
# common case where no new group heading row is to be inserted.
group = MakeRowData(
art, [group_name.strip('-') for group_name in lower_group_by],
users_by_id, group_cell_factories, related_issues, viewable_iids_set,
config, context_for_all_issues)
for cell, group_name in zip(group.cells, lower_group_by):
cell.group_name = group_name
if group == current_group:
current_group.rows_in_group += 1
else: = group
current_group = group
current_group.rows_in_group = 1
return table_data
def MakeRowData(
art, columns, users_by_id, cell_factory_list, related_issues,
viewable_iids_set, config, context_for_all_issues):
"""Make a TableRow for use by EZT when rendering HTML table of results.
art: a project artifact PB
columns: list of lower-case column names
users_by_id: dictionary {user_id: UserView} with each UserView having
a "display_name" member.
cell_factory_list: list of functions that each create TableCell
objects for a given column.
related_issues: dict {issue_id: issue} of pre-fetched related issues.
viewable_iids_set: set of issue ids that can be viewed by the user.
config: ProjectIssueConfig PB for the current project.
context_for_all_issues: A dictionary of dictionaries containing values
passed in to cell factory functions to create TableCells. Dictionary
form: {issue_id: {'rank': issue_rank, 'issue_info': info_value, ..},
issue_id: {'rank': issue_rank}, ..}
A TableRow object for use by EZT to render a table of results.
if context_for_all_issues is None:
context_for_all_issues = {}
ordered_row_data = []
non_col_labels = []
label_values = collections.defaultdict(list)
flattened_columns = set()
for col in columns:
if '/' in col:
# Group all "Key-Value" labels by key, and separate the "OneWord" labels.
art.labels, flattened_columns, label_values, non_col_labels)
art.derived_labels, flattened_columns, label_values,
non_col_labels, is_derived=True)
# Build up a list of TableCell objects for this row.
for i, col in enumerate(columns):
factory = cell_factory_list[i]
kw = {
'col': col,
'users_by_id': users_by_id,
'non_col_labels': non_col_labels,
'label_values': label_values,
'related_issues': related_issues,
'viewable_iids_set': viewable_iids_set,
'config': config,
kw.update(context_for_all_issues.get(art.issue_id, {}))
new_cell = factory(art, **kw)
new_cell.col_index = i
return TableRow(ordered_row_data)
def _AccumulateLabelValues(
labels, columns, label_values, non_col_labels, is_derived=False):
"""Parse OneWord and Key-Value labels for display in a list page.
labels: a list of label strings.
columns: a list of column names.
label_values: mutable dictionary {key: [value, ...]} of label values
seen so far.
non_col_labels: mutable list of OneWord labels seen so far.
is_derived: true if these labels were derived via rules.
Nothing. But, the given label_values dictionary will grow to hold
the values of the key-value labels passed in, and the non_col_labels
list will grow to hold the OneWord labels passed in. These are shown
in label columns, and in the summary column, respectively
for label_name in labels:
if '-' in label_name:
parts = label_name.split('-')
for pivot in range(1, len(parts)):
column_name = '-'.join(parts[:pivot])
value = '-'.join(parts[pivot:])
column_name = column_name.lower()
if column_name in columns:
label_values[column_name].append((value, is_derived))
non_col_labels.append((label_name, is_derived))
class TableRow(object):
"""A tiny auxiliary class to represent a row in an HTML table."""
def __init__(self, cells):
"""Initialize the table row with the given data."""
self.cells = cells
# Used by MakeTableData for layout.
self.idx = None = None
self.rows_in_group = None
self.starred = None
def __eq__(self, other):
"""A row is == if each cell is == to the cells in the other row."""
return other and self.cells == other.cells
def __ne__(self, other):
return not other and self.cells != other.cells
def __lt__(self, other):
return other and self.cells < other.cells
def DebugString(self):
"""Return a string that is useful for on-page debugging."""
return 'TR(%s)' % self.cells
# TODO(jrobbins): also add unsortable... or change this to a list of operations
# that can be done.
class TableCell(object):
"""Helper class to represent a table cell when rendering using EZT."""
# Should instances of this class be rendered with whitespace:nowrap?
# Subclasses can override this constant.
NOWRAP = ezt.boolean(True)
def __init__(self, cell_type, explicit_values,
derived_values=None, non_column_labels=None, align='',
"""Store all the given data for later access by EZT."""
self.type = cell_type
self.align = align
self.col_index = 0 # Is set afterward
self.values = []
if non_column_labels:
self.non_column_labels = [
template_helpers.EZTItem(value=v, is_derived=ezt.boolean(d))
for v, d in non_column_labels]
self.non_column_labels = []
for v in (sorted(explicit_values) if sort_values else explicit_values):
if derived_values:
for v in (sorted(derived_values) if sort_values else derived_values):
self.values.append(CellItem(v, is_derived=True))
def __eq__(self, other):
"""A row is == if each cell is == to the cells in the other row."""
return other and self.values == other.values
def __ne__(self, other):
return not other and self.values != other.values
def __lt__(self, other):
return other and self.values < other.values
def DebugString(self):
return 'TC(%r, %r, %r)' % (
[v.DebugString() for v in self.values],
def CompositeFactoryTableCell(factory_col_list_arg):
"""Cell factory that combines multiple cells in a combined column."""
class FactoryClass(TableCell):
factory_col_list = factory_col_list_arg
def __init__(self, art, **kw):
TableCell.__init__(self, CELL_TYPE_UNFILTERABLE, [])
for sub_factory, sub_col in self.factory_col_list:
kw['col'] = sub_col
sub_cell = sub_factory(art, **kw)
return FactoryClass
def CompositeColTableCell(columns_to_combine, cell_factories, config):
"""Cell factory that combines multiple cells in a combined column."""
factory_col_list = []
for sub_col in columns_to_combine:
sub_factory = ChooseCellFactory(sub_col, cell_factories, config)
factory_col_list.append((sub_factory, sub_col))
return CompositeFactoryTableCell(factory_col_list)
class CellItem(object):
"""Simple class to display one part of a table cell's value, with style."""
def __init__(self, item, is_derived=False):
self.item = item
self.is_derived = ezt.boolean(is_derived)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""A row is == if each cell is == to the item in the other row."""
return other and self.item == other.item
def __ne__(self, other):
return not other and self.item != other.item
def __lt__(self, other):
return other and self.item < other.item
def DebugString(self):
if self.is_derived:
return 'CI(derived: %r)' % self.item
return 'CI(%r)' % self.item
class TableCellKeyLabels(TableCell):
"""TableCell subclass specifically for showing user-defined label values."""
def __init__(self, _art, col=None, label_values=None, **_kw):
label_value_pairs = label_values.get(col, [])
explicit_values = [value for value, is_derived in label_value_pairs
if not is_derived]
derived_values = [value for value, is_derived in label_value_pairs
if is_derived]
TableCell.__init__(self, CELL_TYPE_ATTR, explicit_values,
class TableCellProject(TableCell):
"""TableCell subclass for showing an artifact's project name."""
def __init__(self, art, **_kw):
self, CELL_TYPE_PROJECT, [art.project_name])
class TableCellStars(TableCell):
"""TableCell subclass for showing an artifact's star count."""
def __init__(self, art, **_kw):
self, CELL_TYPE_ATTR, [art.star_count], align='right')
class TableCellSummary(TableCell):
"""TableCell subclass for showing an artifact's summary."""
def __init__(self, art, non_col_labels=None, **_kw):
self, CELL_TYPE_SUMMARY, [art.summary],
class TableCellDate(TableCell):
"""TableCell subclass for showing any kind of date timestamp."""
# Make instances of this class render with whitespace:nowrap.
NOWRAP = ezt.boolean(True)
def __init__(self, timestamp, days_only=False):
values = []
if timestamp:
date_str = timestr.FormatRelativeDate(timestamp, days_only=days_only)
if not date_str:
date_str = timestr.FormatAbsoluteDate(timestamp)
values = [date_str]
TableCell.__init__(self, CELL_TYPE_UNFILTERABLE, values)
class TableCellCustom(TableCell):
"""Abstract TableCell subclass specifically for showing custom fields."""
def __init__(self, art, col=None, users_by_id=None, config=None, **_kw):
explicit_values = []
derived_values = []
cell_type = CELL_TYPE_ATTR
phase_names_by_id = {
phase.phase_id: for phase in art.phases}
phase_name = None
# Check if col represents a phase field value in the form <phase>.<field>
if '.' in col:
phase_name, col = col.split('.', 1)
for fv in art.field_values:
# TODO(jrobbins): for cross-project search this could be a list.
fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDefByID(fv.field_id, config)
if not fd:
# TODO(jrobbins): This can happen if an issue with a custom
# field value is moved to a different project.
'Issue ID %r has undefined field value %r', art.issue_id, fv)
elif fd.field_name.lower() == col and (
phase_names_by_id.get(fv.phase_id) == phase_name):
if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.URL_TYPE:
cell_type = CELL_TYPE_URL
if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE:
self.NOWRAP = ezt.boolean(False)
val = tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(fv, users_by_id)
if fv.derived:
TableCell.__init__(self, cell_type, explicit_values,
def ExtractValue(self, fv, _users_by_id):
return 'field-id-%d-not-implemented-yet' % fv.field_id
class TableCellApprovalStatus(TableCell):
"""Abstract TableCell subclass specifically for showing approval fields."""
def __init__(self, art, col=None, config=None, **_kw):
explicit_values = []
for av in art.approval_values:
fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDef(col, config)
ad = tracker_bizobj.FindApprovalDef(col, config)
if not (ad and fd):
'Issue ID %r has undefined field value %r', art.issue_id, av)
elif av.approval_id == fd.field_id:
TableCell.__init__(self, CELL_TYPE_ATTR, explicit_values)
class TableCellApprovalApprover(TableCell):
"""TableCell subclass specifically for showing approval approvers."""
def __init__(self, art, col=None, config=None, users_by_id=None, **_kw):
explicit_values = []
approval_name = col[:-len(tracker_constants.APPROVER_COL_SUFFIX)]
for av in art.approval_values:
fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDef(approval_name, config)
ad = tracker_bizobj.FindApprovalDef(approval_name, config)
if not (ad and fd):
'Issue ID %r has undefined field value %r', art.issue_id, av)
elif av.approval_id == fd.field_id:
explicit_values = [users_by_id.get(approver_id).display_name
for approver_id in av.approver_ids
if users_by_id.get(approver_id)]
TableCell.__init__(self, CELL_TYPE_ATTR, explicit_values)
def ChooseCellFactory(col, cell_factories, config):
"""Return the CellFactory to use for the given column."""
if col in cell_factories:
return cell_factories[col]
if '/' in col:
return CompositeColTableCell(col.split('/'), cell_factories, config)
is_approver_col = False
possible_field_name = col
if col.endswith(tracker_constants.APPROVER_COL_SUFFIX):
possible_field_name = col[:-len(tracker_constants.APPROVER_COL_SUFFIX)]
is_approver_col = True
# Check if col represents a phase field value in the form <phase>.<field>
elif '.' in possible_field_name:
possible_field_name = possible_field_name.split('.')[-1]
fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDef(possible_field_name, config)
if fd:
# We cannot assume that non-enum_type field defs do not share their
# names with label prefixes. So we need to group them with
# TableCellKeyLabels to make sure we catch appropriate labels values.
if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE:
if is_approver_col:
# Combined cell for 'FieldName-approver' to hold approvers
# belonging to FieldName and values belonging to labels with
# 'FieldName-approver' as the key.
return CompositeFactoryTableCell(
[(TableCellApprovalApprover, col), (TableCellKeyLabels, col)])
return CompositeFactoryTableCell(
[(TableCellApprovalStatus, col), (TableCellKeyLabels, col)])
elif fd.field_type != tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE:
return CompositeFactoryTableCell(
[(TableCellCustom, col), (TableCellKeyLabels, col)])
return TableCellKeyLabels