blob: bfc8de76be99c4e6826be648215f272f70645c81 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for RateLimiter.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
from google.appengine.api import memcache
from google.appengine.ext import testbed
from mox3 import mox
except ImportError:
import mox
import os
import settings
from framework import ratelimiter
from services import service_manager
from services import client_config_svc
from testing import fake
from testing import testing_helpers
class RateLimiterTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
self.mox = mox.Mox() = service_manager.Services(
self.project ='proj', project_id=987)
self.ratelimiter = ratelimiter.RateLimiter()
ratelimiter.COUNTRY_LIMITS = {}
os.environ['USER_EMAIL'] = ''
settings.ratelimiting_enabled = True
ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT = 10
def tearDown(self):
# settings.ratelimiting_enabled = True
def testCheckStart_pass(self):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
# Should not throw an exception.
def testCheckStart_fail(self):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
now = 0.0
cachekeysets, _, _, _ = ratelimiter._CacheKeys(request, now)
values = [{key: ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT for key in cachekeys} for
cachekeys in cachekeysets]
for value in values:
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.RateLimitExceeded):
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
def testCheckStart_expiredEntries(self):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
now = 0.0
cachekeysets, _, _, _ = ratelimiter._CacheKeys(request, now)
values = [{key: ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT for key in cachekeys} for
cachekeys in cachekeysets]
for value in values:
now = now + 2 * ratelimiter.EXPIRE_AFTER_SECS
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
# Should not throw an exception.
def testCheckStart_repeatedCalls(self):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
now = 0.0
# Call CheckStart once every minute. Should be ok.
for _ in range(ratelimiter.N_MINUTES):
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
now = now + 120.0
# Call CheckStart more than DEFAULT_LIMIT times in the same minute.
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.RateLimitExceeded):
for _ in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT + 2): # pragma: no branch
now = now + 0.001
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
def testCheckStart_differentIPs(self):
now = 0.0
ratelimiter.COUNTRY_LIMITS = {}
# Exceed DEFAULT_LIMIT calls, but vary remote_addr so different
# remote addresses aren't ratelimited together.
for m in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT * 2):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = '192.168.1.%d' % (m % 16)
ratelimiter._CacheKeys(request, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
now = now + 0.001
# Exceed the limit, but only for one IP address. The
# others should be fine.
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.RateLimitExceeded):
for m in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT): # pragma: no branch
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
ratelimiter._CacheKeys(request, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
now = now + 0.001
# Now proceed to make requests for all of the other IP
# addresses besides .0.
for m in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT * 2):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
# Skip .0 since it's already exceeded the limit.
request.remote_addr = '192.168.1.%d' % (m + 1)
ratelimiter._CacheKeys(request, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
now = now + 0.001
def testCheckStart_sameIPDifferentUserIDs(self):
# Behind a NAT, e.g.
now = 0.0
# Exceed DEFAULT_LIMIT calls, but vary user_id so different
# users behind the same IP aren't ratelimited together.
for m in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT * 2):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.remote_addr = ''
os.environ['USER_EMAIL'] = '' % m
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
ratelimiter._CacheKeys(request, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
now = now + 0.001
# Exceed the limit, but only for one userID+IP address. The
# others should be fine.
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.RateLimitExceeded):
for m in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT + 2): # pragma: no branch
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
os.environ['USER_EMAIL'] = ''
ratelimiter._CacheKeys(request, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
now = now + 0.001
# Now proceed to make requests for other user IDs
# besides 42.
for m in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT * 2):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
# Skip .0 since it's already exceeded the limit.
request.remote_addr = ''
os.environ['USER_EMAIL'] = '' % (43 + m)
ratelimiter._CacheKeys(request, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
now = now + 0.001
def testCheckStart_ratelimitingDisabled(self):
settings.ratelimiting_enabled = False
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
now = 0.0
# Call CheckStart a lot. Should be ok.
for _ in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT):
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
now = now + 0.001
def testCheckStart_perCountryLoggedOutLimit(self):
ratelimiter.COUNTRY_LIMITS['US'] = 10
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers[ratelimiter.COUNTRY_HEADER] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
now = 0.0
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.RateLimitExceeded):
for m in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT + 2): # pragma: no branch
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
# Vary remote address to make sure the limit covers
# the whole country, regardless of IP.
request.remote_addr = '192.168.1.%d' % m
now = now + 0.001
# CheckStart for a country that isn't covered by a country-specific limit.
request.headers['X-AppEngine-Country'] = 'UK'
for m in range(11):
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
# Vary remote address to make sure the limit covers
# the whole country, regardless of IP.
request.remote_addr = '192.168.1.%d' % m
now = now + 0.001
# And regular rate limits work per-IP.
request.remote_addr = ''
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.RateLimitExceeded):
for m in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT): # pragma: no branch
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, now)
# Vary remote address to make sure the limit covers
# the whole country, regardless of IP.
now = now + 0.001
def testCheckEnd_SlowRequest(self):
"""We count one request for each 1000ms."""
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers[ratelimiter.COUNTRY_HEADER] = 'US'
request.remote_addr = ''
start_time = 0.0
# Send some requests, all under the limit.
for _ in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT-1):
start_time = start_time + 0.001
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, start_time)
now = start_time + 0.010
self.ratelimiter.CheckEnd(request, now, start_time)
# Now issue some more request, this time taking long
# enough to get the cost threshold penalty.
# Fast forward enough to impact a later bucket than the
# previous requests.
start_time = now + 120.0
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, start_time)
# Take longer than the threshold to process the request.
elapsed_ms = settings.ratelimiting_ms_per_count * 2
now = start_time + elapsed_ms / 1000
# The request finished, taking long enough to count as two.
self.ratelimiter.CheckEnd(request, now, start_time)
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.RateLimitExceeded):
# One more request after the expensive query should
# throw an excpetion.
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, start_time)
def testCheckEnd_FastRequest(self):
request, _ = testing_helpers.GetRequestObjects(
request.headers[ratelimiter.COUNTRY_HEADER] = 'asdasd'
request.remote_addr = ''
start_time = 0.0
# Send some requests, all under the limit.
for _ in range(ratelimiter.DEFAULT_LIMIT):
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(request, start_time)
now = start_time + 0.01
self.ratelimiter.CheckEnd(request, now, start_time)
start_time = now + 0.01
class ApiRateLimiterTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
settings.ratelimiting_enabled = True
self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
self.testbed.init_memcache_stub() = service_manager.Services(
self.client_id = '123456789'
self.client_email = ''
self.ratelimiter = ratelimiter.ApiRateLimiter()
settings.api_ratelimiting_enabled = True
def tearDown(self):
def testCheckStart_Allowed(self):
now = 0.0
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(self.client_id, None, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(None, None, now)
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart('anonymous', None, now)
def testCheckStart_Rejected(self):
now = 0.0
keysets = ratelimiter._CreateApiCacheKeys(
self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
values = [{key: ratelimiter.DEFAULT_API_QPM + 1 for key in keyset} for
keyset in keysets]
for value in values:
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.ApiRateLimitExceeded):
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
def testCheckStart_Allowed_HigherQPMSpecified(self):
"""Client goes over the default, but has a higher QPM set."""
now = 0.0
keysets = ratelimiter._CreateApiCacheKeys(
self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
qpm_dict = client_config_svc.GetQPMDict()
qpm_dict[self.client_email] = ratelimiter.DEFAULT_API_QPM + 10
# The client used 1 request more than the default limit in each of the
# 5 minutes in our 5 minute sample window, so 5 over to the total.
values = [{key: ratelimiter.DEFAULT_API_QPM + 1 for key in keyset} for
keyset in keysets]
for value in values:
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
del qpm_dict[self.client_email]
def testCheckStart_Allowed_LowQPMIgnored(self):
"""Client specifies a QPM lower than the default and default is used."""
now = 0.0
keysets = ratelimiter._CreateApiCacheKeys(
self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
qpm_dict = client_config_svc.GetQPMDict()
qpm_dict[self.client_email] = ratelimiter.DEFAULT_API_QPM - 10
values = [{key: ratelimiter.DEFAULT_API_QPM for key in keyset} for
keyset in keysets]
for value in values:
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
del qpm_dict[self.client_email]
def testCheckStart_Rejected_LowQPMIgnored(self):
"""Client specifies a QPM lower than the default and default is used."""
now = 0.0
keysets = ratelimiter._CreateApiCacheKeys(
self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
qpm_dict = client_config_svc.GetQPMDict()
qpm_dict[self.client_email] = ratelimiter.DEFAULT_API_QPM - 10
values = [{key: ratelimiter.DEFAULT_API_QPM + 1 for key in keyset} for
keyset in keysets]
for value in values:
with self.assertRaises(ratelimiter.ApiRateLimitExceeded):
self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(self.client_id, self.client_email, now)
del qpm_dict[self.client_email]
def testCheckEnd(self):
start_time = 0.0
keysets = ratelimiter._CreateApiCacheKeys(
self.client_id, self.client_email, start_time)
now = 0.1
self.client_id, self.client_email, now, start_time)
counters = memcache.get_multi(keysets[0])
count = sum(counters.values())
# No extra cost charged
self.assertEqual(0, count)
elapsed_ms = settings.ratelimiting_ms_per_count * 2
now = start_time + elapsed_ms / 1000
self.client_id, self.client_email, now, start_time)
counters = memcache.get_multi(keysets[0])
count = sum(counters.values())
# Extra cost charged
self.assertEqual(1, count)