blob: c85c307f8fe5cb8ec65e3d0c6ecbdf5b82af6752 [file] [log] [blame]
Weblate bot199ff7f2024-04-27 12:26:26 +00001{
2 "appName": {
3 "message": "TW Power Tools",
4 "description": "The extension's name"
5 },
6 "appNameBeta": {
7 "message": "TW Power Tools (beta)",
8 "description": "The extension's name for the beta version"
9 },
10 "appNameCanary": {
11 "message": "TW Power Tools (canary)",
12 "description": "The extension's name for the beta version"
13 },
14 "appNameGecko": {
15 "message": "TW Power Tools",
16 "description": "The extension's name (with a 50 character limit for Gecko)"
17 },
18 "options_killswitchwarning": {
19 "message": "1 つ以上のオプションが正しく動作していない可能性があるため、強制的に無効になっています。一部のオプションが強制的に無効になっている理由の詳細については、<a href='' rel='noreferrer noopener' target='_blank'>twpowertools-discuss Google グループ</a>にアクセスしてください。",
20 "description": "Warning shown in the options page if a feature has been remotely force disabled via the kill switch mechanism. This happens when a feature doesn't work properly and might be doing dangerous things, and the maintainer or an authorized user remotely force disables the feature."
21 },
22 "appDescription": {
23 "message": "Google フォーラムとコミュニティ コンソールで無限スクロールやその他の機能強化を実現します",
24 "description": "The extension's description"
25 },
26 "options_thread": {
27 "message": "下にスクロールすると、スレッド内のメッセージのバッチが自動的にロードされます。",
28 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
29 },
30 "options_threadall": {
31 "message": "下にスクロールすると、スレッド内ですべてのメッセージが一度に自動的にロードされます。",
32 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
33 },
34 "options_optionalpermissionswarning_header": {
35 "message": "一部の機能を動作させるには追加の権限が必要です。これらは以下で強調表示されています。チェックボックスをクリックして適切な権限を付与してください。",
36 "description": "Warning shown at the top of the options page if a feature cannot be used because one or more required permissions haven't been granted to the extension."
37 },
38 "options_optionalpermissionswarning_label": {
39 "message": "以前の機能を動作させるには追加の権限が必要です。",
40 "description": "Warning shown in the options page below an option, when a feature needs more permissions to work."
41 },
42 "options_featuredoptions": {
43 "message": "注目のオプション",
44 "description": "Heading for several options that can be enabled in the options page."
45 },
46 "options_minorenhancements": {
47 "message": "マイナーな機能強化",
48 "description": "Heading for several options that can be enabled in the options page."
49 },
50 "options_list": {
51 "message": "スレッドリストの無限スクロールを有効にします。",
52 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
53 },
54 "options_autorefreshlist": {
55 "message": "スレッド リストに新しい更新がある場合、コミュニティ コンソールに通知を表示します。",
56 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
57 },
58 "options_flattenthreads": {
59 "message": "スレッド内のネストされたビューを有効/無効にするトグルを表示します。",
60 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
61 },
62 "options_stickysidebarheaders": {
63 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールのサイドバーのヘッダーを上部に固定します (+情報 <code>pekb/thread/60784834</code>)。",
64 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
65 },
66 "options_loaddrafts": {
67 "message": "<code class=\"help\" title=\"このフラグにより、コミュニティ コンソールは、スレッドをロードして返信ボタンをクリックしたときに、以前に自動保存された返信を読み込むことができます。\">enableLoadingDraftMessages</code> コミュニティ コンソール フラグを有効にします。",
68 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
69 },
70 "options_ccforcehidedrawer": {
71 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールのドロワー (左の列) は常に非表示にしてください。",
72 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
73 },
74 "options_batchlock": {
75 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールのスレッド リストから複数のスレッドをロックするオプションを追加します。",
76 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
77 },
78 "inject_lockbtn": {
79 "message": "スレッドのロック/ロック解除",
80 "description": "Tooltip of the 'lock/unlock threads' icon shown when selecting multiple threads in the Community Console. Also the title for the dialog shown after clicking this icon."
81 },
82 "options_profileindicator": {
83 "message": "Show <span class=\"help\" title=\"OP が他のスレッドに参加している場合、ユーザー名の横に赤い点が表示されます。OP の最新の投稿が読まれている場合は、代わりにオレンジ色の点が表示されます。マウスでドットを移動すると、色の意味が表示されます。\">OP が他のスレッドに参加しているかどうか</span>。",
84 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
85 },
86 "options_interopthreadpage": {
87 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールに <span id='interopthreadpage_mode--container'></span> を表示します。",
88 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page. \"<span id='interopthreadpage_mode--container'></span>\" will be substituted with a selector which allows users to select whether they want the new thread page design or the old one."
89 },
90 "options_experiments_description": {
91 "message": "ようこそ!以下に実験のリストを示します。開発中であり、リリースの準備がまだ整っていない機能です。これらは非常に実験的なものであるため、壊れたり問題が発生したりする可能性がありますが、勇気(興味)がある場合は、最も興味のあるものを有効にしてください。<a href=' /Discussions/categories/フィードバック'>フィードバックをお寄せください</a>!",
92 "description": "Description shown in the beginning of the experiments page, below the title."
93 },
94 "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_success_lock": {
95 "message": "正常にロックされました。",
96 "description": "Second part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, when the log entry states that the thread was locked successfully. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
97 },
98 "options_fixedtoolbar": {
99 "message": "ツールバーをコミュニティ コンソールのスレッド リストの上部に固定します。",
100 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
101 },
102 "options_redirect": {
103 "message": "TW で開かれたすべてのスレッドをコミュニティ コンソールにリダイレクトします。",
104 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
105 },
106 "options_experimental_label": {
107 "message": "(実験的)",
108 "description": "Label which is placed next to an option to indicate that it may not work well or may break at any time"
109 },
110 "options_history": {
111 "message": "ユーザープロフィールに「前の投稿」リンクを表示します。",
112 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
113 },
114 "options_increasecontrast": {
115 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールの既読スレッドと未読スレッドのコントラストを高めます。",
116 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
117 },
118 "options_ccdarktheme": {
119 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールでダーク テーマを有効にし、制御します <span id='ccdarktheme_mode--container'></span>.",
120 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
121 },
122 "options_ccdarktheme_mode_switch": {
123 "message": "CCのスイッチで",
124 "description": "Select option added in #ccdarktheme_mode--container, in the options_ccdarktheme string"
125 },
126 "options_ccdarktheme_mode_system": {
127 "message": "OSのダークモード設定による",
128 "description": "Select option added in #ccdarktheme_mode--container, in the options_ccdarktheme string"
129 },
130 "options_ccdragndropfix": {
131 "message": "テキストを保持したまま、コミュニティ コンソールのテキスト エディターにリンクをドラッグ アンド ドロップできるようにします。",
132 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
133 },
134 "options_enhancedannouncementsdot": {
135 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールでアナウンス通知ドットをより目立つように表示します。",
136 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
137 },
138 "options_repositionexpandthread": {
139 "message": "「スレッドを展開」ボタンをコミュニティ コンソールのスレッド リストの一番左に配置します。",
140 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
141 },
142 "options_threadlistavatars": {
143 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールのスレッド リストにアバターを表示します。",
144 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
145 },
146 "options_imagemaxheight": {
147 "message": "メッセージ内のインライン画像が現在のウィンドウよりも高くなるのを防ぎます。",
148 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
149 },
150 "options_profileindicator_moreinfo": {
151 "message": "+前の 2 つのオプションに関する情報",
152 "description": "Link to learn more about the profile indicator feature"
153 },
154 "options_profileindicatoralt": {
155 "message": "過去 <span id='profileindicatoralt_months--container'></span> か月間に OP によって書かれた質問と返信の数をユーザー名の横に表示します。",
156 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
157 },
158 "options_blockdrafts": {
159 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールで、Google サーバーへの返信の送信をブロックします。",
160 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
161 },
162 "options_workflows": {
163 "message": "ワークフロー機能を有効にします。",
164 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
165 },
166 "options_workflows_manage": {
167 "message": "ワークフローを管理する",
168 "description": "Button in the options page which opens the workflow management page."
169 },
170 "options_extrainfo": {
171 "message": "スレッド、プロファイル、定型応答リストに追加情報を表示します。",
172 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
173 },
174 "options_perforumstats": {
175 "message": "プロフィールにフォーラムごとのアクティビティを表示します。",
176 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
177 },
178 "options_interopthreadpage_mode_previous": {
179 "message": "古いスレッドページのデザイン",
180 "description": "Select option added in #interopthreadpage_mode--container, in the options_interopthreadpage string"
181 },
182 "options_interopthreadpage_mode_next": {
183 "message": "新しいスレッドページのデザイン",
184 "description": "Select option added in #interopthreadpage_mode--container, in the options_interopthreadpage string"
185 },
186 "options_nestedreplies": {
187 "message": "コミュニティコンソールのネストされた返信機能をオンにします。",
188 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
189 },
190 "options_uispacing": {
191 "message": "コミュニティ コンソールと TW の空白を減らします。",
192 "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
193 },
194 "options_save": {
195 "message": "保存",
196 "description": "Button in the options page to save the settings"
197 },
198 "options_saved": {
199 "message": "保存済み",
200 "description": "Message which appears in the options page when the settings are saved"
201 },
202 "options_experiments_title": {
203 "message": "実験",
204 "description": "Title of the experiments page: a page where highly experimental options can be set."
205 },
206 "inject_links": {
207 "message": "Links",
208 "description": "Heading which we use before the 'previous post' link in a user profile in TW"
209 },
210 "inject_previousposts": {
211 "message": "以前の投稿",
212 "description": "Link shown in a user profile (in TW) which points to a search showing the user's posts and messages"
213 },
214 "inject_previousposts_forum": {
215 "message": "以前の投稿 (このフォーラム内)",
216 "description": "Link shown in a user profile (in the Community Console) which points to a search showing the user's posts and messages in the current forum"
217 },
218 "inject_previousposts_all": {
219 "message": "以前の投稿 (すべてのフォーラム)",
220 "description": "Link shown in a user profile (in the Community Console) which points to a search showing the user's posts and messages in all forums"
221 },
222 "inject_profileindicator_loading": {
223 "message": "読込中...",
224 "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."
225 },
226 "inject_profileindicator_first_post": {
227 "message": "これは、このフォーラムで OP によって作成された最初のスレッドです。",
228 "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."
229 },
230 "inject_profileindicator_other_posts_read": {
231 "message": "OP はこのフォーラムの他のスレッドに参加していましたが、最新の 5 つのスレッドを読みました。",
232 "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."
233 },
234 "inject_profileindicator_other_posts_unread": {
235 "message": "OP はこのフォーラムの他のスレッドに参加していましたが、そのうちのいくつかはまだ読んでいません。",
236 "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."
237 },
238 "inject_profileindicatoralt_numposts": {
239 "message": "過去 $1月における質問と回答の数。",
240 "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."
241 },
242 "inject_ccdarktheme_helper": {
243 "message": "テーマを切り替える",
244 "description": "Tooltip for the dark mode switch."
245 },
246 "inject_extension_badge_helper": {
247 "message": "$1 によって追加",
248 "description": "Tooltip for the extension badge, which appears next to components injected by the extension."
249 },
250 "inject_lockdialog_desc": {
251 "message": "以下の適切なボタンをクリックして、実行するアクションを確認してください。このアクションは、選択したすべてのスレッドで実行されることに注意してください。",
252 "description": "Text in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, which asks the user for confirmation."
253 },
254 "inject_lockdialog_btn_lock": {
255 "message": "ロック",
256 "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
257 },
258 "inject_lockdialog_btn_unlock": {
259 "message": "アンロック",
260 "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
261 },
262 "inject_lockdialog_btn_cancel": {
263 "message": "取り消し",
264 "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
265 },
266 "inject_lockdialog_btn_close": {
267 "message": "閉じる",
268 "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
269 },
270 "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_beginning": {
271 "message": "スレッド $1",
272 "description": "First part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
273 },
274 "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_error_lock": {
275 "message": "ロック中にエラーが発生しました($1)。",
276 "description": "Second part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, when the log entry states that the thread was *not* locked successfully. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
277 },
278 "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_success_unlock": {
279 "message": "ロックが解除されました。",
280 "description": "Second part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, when the log entry states that the thread was *un*locked successfully. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
281 },
282 "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_error_unlock": {
283 "message": "ロック解除中にエラーが発生しました ($1)。",
284 "description": "Second part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, when the log entry states that the thread was *not* *un*locked successfully. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
285 },
286 "inject_extrainfo_crs_lastused": {
287 "message": "最後に使用しました :$1",
288 "description": "Tooltip which states when a canned response was last used."
289 },
290 "inject_extrainfo_message_pendingstate_tooltip": {
291 "message": "$1 後に表示されます",
292 "description": "Tooltip used for the label \"Only visible to badged users\" to state when the thread will become visible publicly."
293 },
294 "inject_autorefresh_list_status_indicator_label_active": {
295 "message": "スレッド リストの更新を監視しています...",
296 "description": "Helper text which appears when hovering the status indicator of the 'autorefresh list' feature to indicate that the feature is active and watching for updates in the current thread list."
297 },
298 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abusecategory": {
299 "message": "不適切(abuse)カテゴリー : $1",
300 "description": "Message shown in profiles when there is a policy violation."
301 },
302 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abusecategory_csai": {
303 "message": "CSAI(児童への性的虐待の画像)違反",
304 "description": "Abuse category (when the violation is related to CSAI)"
305 },
306 "inject_perforumstats_optgroup_notposted": {
307 "message": "過去 12 か月以内に投稿されていない",
308 "description": "Label showed above the forums for which the user hasn't posted in the last 12 months, in the forum selector list."
309 },
310 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_automated_off_topic_hide2": {
311 "message": "非表示 (自動的にトピックと関係がないとしてマークされます)",
312 "description": "Thread/message state AUTOMATED_OFF_TOPIC_HIDE (the message is hidden because the AI classified it as \"off topic\")."
313 },
314 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abuse_avatar": {
315 "message": "アバター(画像)ポリシー違反 :$1",
316 "description": "Message shown in profiles when the avatar is violating a policy."
317 },
318 "inject_extrainfo_profile_appealsnum": {
319 "message": "異議申し立ての数 :$1",
320 "description": "Message shown in profiles which states how many times the account has appealed the decision to ban their profile."
321 },
322 "inject_extrainfo_crs_used_singular": {
323 "message": "1回使用しました",
324 "description": "Shown alongside a canned response to state how many times it has been used."
325 },
326 "inject_autorefresh_list_snackbar_message": {
327 "message": "新しいスレッドがあります。",
328 "description": "Message shown in a snackbar when new threads are found in a thread list. Another button asks the user to refresh the list."
329 },
330 "inject_threadlistavatars_invisible_thread_indicator_label": {
331 "message": "技術的な理由により、匿名ユーザーには表示されないスレッドのアバターを読み込むことができません。",
332 "description": "Helper text which appears when hovering an icon next to a thread, to explain its meaning."
333 },
334 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_googler_off_topic_hide2": {
335 "message": "Google 社員によってトピックから関係ないとして非表示された",
336 "description": "Thread/message state GOOGLER_OFF_TOPIC_HIDE (the message has been hidden by a Googler because it is off-topic)."
337 },
338 "inject_threadpagedesign_warning": {
339 "message": "このスレッドは正しく動作しない可能性があります。これは、ネストされた返信機能を使用しており、TW Power Tools オプションでネストされた返信をサポートしない古いスレッド設計を有効にしているためです。",
340 "description": "Message showed above threads which might not work properly because of the fact that the old thread design is not compatible with nested replies."
341 },
342 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_reinstate_abuse_takedown2": {
343 "message": "手動で不正行為のマークを解除",
344 "description": "Thread/message state REINSTATE_ABUSE_TAKEDOWN (it is thought that messages in this state have been manually unmarked as abuse, even if the abuse marking could not have resulted in the message being hidden)."
345 },
346 "inject_extrainfo_thread_autotrending": {
347 "message": "自動的に注目としてマークされます",
348 "description": "Label used in a thread to show it has been automatically marked as trending."
349 },
350 "options_killswitchenabled": {
351 "message": "以前のオプションは問題により強制的に無効になりました。",
352 "description": "Warning shown in the options page below an option, when it has been remotely force disabled via the kill switch mechanism."
353 },
354 "inject_autorefresh_list_snackbar_action": {
355 "message": "更新",
356 "description": "Button shown in a snackbar asking users to refresh/reload the list to show the new threads."
357 },
358 "inject_autorefresh_list_status_indicator_label_disabled": {
359 "message": "スレッド リストの更新を監視できません。並べ替えオプションを「並べ替え: 最終更新日」の降順に変更してください。",
360 "description": "Helper text which appears when hovering the status indicator of the 'autorefresh list' feature to indicate that the feature is disabled in the current thread list because the sort options are incompatible with the feature."
361 },
362 "inject_threadlistavatars_private_thread_indicator_label": {
363 "message": "技術的な理由により、プライベート フォーラムで公開されたスレッドのアバターを読み込むことができません。",
364 "description": "Helper text which appears when hovering an icon next to a thread, to explain its meaning."
365 },
366 "inject_workflows_menubtn": {
367 "message": "ワークフローを実行します...",
368 "description": "Tooltip of the icon shown above a thread or in thread lists when selecting multiple threads in the Community Console which lets the user show a menu with the worklofws they can run."
369 },
370 "inject_perforumstats_heading": {
371 "message": "フォーラムごとのアクティビティ",
372 "description": "Heading of the section with the per-forum activity stacked bars graph showing the number of questions, replies and recommended answers each month."
373 },
374 "inject_perforumstats_forumoption_1helper": {
375 "message": "$FORUMNAME$ ($HELPER1$)",
376 "description": "In the selector where the user can select the forum shown in the graph, one such option. $HELPER1$ will usually be the number of messages posted by the user in that forum.",
377 "placeholders": {
378 "forumName": {
379 "content": "$1",
380 "example": "Google Chrome"
381 },
382 "helper1": {
383 "content": "$2",
384 "example": "963 messages"
385 }
386 }
387 },
388 "inject_perforumstats_forumoption_2helpers": {
389 "message": "$FORUMNAME$ ($HELPER1$, $HELPER2$)",
390 "description": "In the selector where the user can select the forum shown in the graph, one such option. $HELPER1$ will be the number of messages posted by the user in that forum, and $HELPER2$ will be the badge awarded to the user in that forum.",
391 "placeholders": {
392 "forumName": {
393 "content": "$1",
394 "example": "Google Chrome"
395 },
396 "helper1": {
397 "content": "$2",
398 "example": "963 messages"
399 },
400 "helper2": {
401 "content": "$3",
402 "example": "gold"
403 }
404 }
405 },
406 "inject_perforumstats_nummessages_singular": {
407 "message": "メッセージが1つあります",
408 "description": "Annotation shown in the forum selector which states how many messages have been published by a user in a forum (singular variant)."
409 },
410 "inject_perforumstats_nummessages_plural": {
411 "message": "メッセージが $NUM$ あります",
412 "description": "Annotation shown in the forum selector which states how many messages have been published by a user in a forum (plural variant).",
413 "placeholders": {
414 "num": {
415 "content": "$1",
416 "example": "963"
417 }
418 }
419 },
420 "inject_perforumstats_role_bronze": {
421 "message": "ブロンズ",
422 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums."
423 },
424 "inject_perforumstats_role_silver": {
425 "message": "シルバー",
426 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums."
427 },
428 "inject_perforumstats_role_gold": {
429 "message": "ゴールド",
430 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums."
431 },
432 "inject_perforumstats_role_platinum": {
433 "message": "プラチナ",
434 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums."
435 },
436 "inject_perforumstats_role_diamond": {
437 "message": "ダイヤモンド",
438 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums."
439 },
440 "inject_perforumstats_role_community_manager": {
441 "message": "コミュニティマネージャー",
442 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums (short for community manager)."
443 },
444 "inject_perforumstats_role_community_specialist": {
445 "message": "スペシャリスト",
446 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums (short for community specialist)."
447 },
448 "inject_perforumstats_role_google_employee": {
449 "message": "Googler",
450 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums."
451 },
452 "inject_perforumstats_role_alumnus": {
453 "message": "元 エキスパート",
454 "description": "Role that a user can have in the forums."
455 },
456 "inject_perforumstats_chart_label": {
457 "message": "ユーザーアクティビティチャート",
458 "description": "Label for the chart for accessibility purposes (e.g. users with screen-readers)."
459 },
460 "inject_perforumstats_chart_recommended": {
461 "message": "推奨",
462 "description": "Label shown in the legend of the per-forum activity chart."
463 },
464 "inject_perforumstats_chart_replies": {
465 "message": "返信(非推奨)",
466 "description": "Label shown in the legend of the per-forum activity chart."
467 },
468 "inject_perforumstats_chart_questions": {
469 "message": "質問",
470 "description": "Label shown in the legend of the per-forum activity chart."
471 },
472 "inject_perforumstats_chart_communityvideos": {
473 "message": "コミュニティビデオ",
474 "description": "Label shown in the legend of the per-forum activity chart."
475 },
476 "inject_perforumstats_chart_communityguides": {
477 "message": "コミュニティガイド",
478 "description": "Label shown in the legend of the per-forum activity chart."
479 },
480 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abusecategory_noviolation": {
481 "message": "違反なし",
482 "description": "Abuse category"
483 },
484 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abusecategory_communitypolicy": {
485 "message": "コミュニティーポリシー違反",
486 "description": "Abuse category (when a community policy is violated)"
487 },
488 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abusecategory_legal": {
489 "message": "法令違反(法的な問題)",
490 "description": "Abuse category (when the violation is related to legal)"
491 },
492 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abusecategory_other": {
493 "message": "その他の違反",
494 "description": "Abuse category"
495 },
496 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abuse_account": {
497 "message": "アカウントポリシー違反 :$1",
498 "description": "Message shown in profiles when there is an account policy violation."
499 },
500 "inject_extrainfo_profile_abuse_displayname": {
501 "message": "表示名(名前)違反 : $1",
502 "description": "Message shown in profiles when the display name is violating a policy."
503 },
504 "inject_extrainfo_crs_used_plural": {
505 "message": "$1回使用しました",
506 "description": "Shown alongside a canned response to state how many times it has been used."
507 },
508 "inject_extrainfo_message_pendingstate": {
509 "message": "バッジを持っているユーザーのみに表示されます",
510 "description": "Label used in a thread or message when it is in the pending state (only visible to badged users)."
511 },
512 "inject_extrainfo_message_state": {
513 "message": "状態: $1",
514 "description": "Label used in a thread or message to show its state."
515 },
516 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_published": {
517 "message": "投稿済",
518 "description": "Thread/message state PUBLISHED (the normal state of a message: it is published and visible to everyone)."
519 },
520 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_draft": {
521 "message": "下書き",
522 "description": "Thread/message state DRAFT (when a message is saved as a draft and not yet published)."
523 },
524 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_owner_deleted": {
525 "message": "所有者が削除しました",
526 "description": "Thread/message state OWNER_DELETED (the owner deleted the message)."
527 },
528 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_automated_abuse_take_down_hide2": {
529 "message": "非表示 (自動的に不正行為としてマークされます)",
530 "description": "Thread/message state AUTOMATED_ABUSE_TAKE_DOWN_HIDE (the message is hidden because the AI classified it as \"abuse\")."
531 },
532 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_automated_abuse_take_down_delete2": {
533 "message": "削除されました (自動的に不正行為としてマークされます)",
534 "description": "Thread/message state AUTOMATED_ABUSE_TAKE_DOWN_DELETE (the message is deleted because the AI classified it as \"abuse\")."
535 },
536 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_automated_flagged_pending_manual_review2": {
537 "message": "自動的にフラグが付けられます (手動レビュー保留中)",
538 "description": "Thread/message state AUTOMATED_FLAGGED_PENDING_MANUAL_REVIEW (the message has been flagged by the AI and needs manual review)."
539 },
540 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_user_flagged_pending_manual_review": {
541 "message": "ユーザーがフラグを立てました (手動レビュー保留中)",
542 "description": "Thread/message state USER_FLAGGED_PENDING_MANUAL_REVIEW (a user flagged the message and needs manual review)."
543 },
544 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_expert_flagged_pending_manual_review": {
545 "message": "エキスパートによるフラグ付き (手動レビュー保留中)",
546 "description": "Thread/message state EXPERT_FLAGGED_PENDING_MANUAL_REVIEW (a PE flagged the message and needs manual review)."
547 },
548 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_awaiting_classification": {
549 "message": "分類待ち",
550 "description": "Thread/message state AWAITING_CLASSIFICATION."
551 },
552 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_generated_answer_adopted": {
553 "message": "AI生成された回答が採用されました",
554 "description": "Thread/message state GENERATED_ANSWER_ADOPTED."
555 },
556 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_manual_take_down_hide2": {
557 "message": "手動で非表示にする",
558 "description": "Thread/message state MANUAL_TAKE_DOWN_HIDE (the message has been manually hidden by a Googler)."
559 },
560 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_manual_take_down_delete2": {
561 "message": "手動で削除済にする",
562 "description": "Thread/message state MANUAL_TAKE_DOWN_DELETE (the message has been manually deleted by a Googler)."
563 },
564 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_manual_profile_take_down_suspend2": {
565 "message": "非表示 (プロファイルは一時停止されています)",
566 "description": "Thread/message state MANUAL_PROFILE_TAKE_DOWN_SUSPEND (due to the fact that the profile has been manually suspended by a Googler, messages written by that account are in this state —and hidden from the public)."
567 },
568 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_reinstate_profile_takedown2": {
569 "message": "復帰しました(プロフィールの禁止は取り消されました)",
570 "description": "Thread/message state REINSTATE_PROFILE_TAKEDOWN (after a profile suspension has been reverted, messages which were previously in the \"MANUAL_PROFILE_TAKE_DOWN_SUSPEND\" state have this state (and are visible to the public again))."
571 },
572 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_automated_abuse_reinstate2": {
573 "message": "自動的に不正行為のマークが外される",
574 "description": "Thread/message state AUTOMATED_ABUSE_REINSTATE (it is thought that messages in this state have been automatically unmarked as abuse, even if the abuse marking could not have resulted in the message being hidden)."
575 },
576 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_clear_off_topic2": {
577 "message": "トピックと関係がないは取り消されました",
578 "description": "Thread/message state CLEAR_OFF_TOPIC (the message has been confirmed to NOT be off-topic)."
579 },
580 "inject_extrainfo_message_state_confirm_off_topic2": {
581 "message": "トピックから関係ないことが確認されました",
582 "description": "Thread/message state CONFIRM_OFF_TOPIC (the message has been confirmed to be off-topic)."
583 },
584 "inject_extrainfo_message_shadowblockactive": {
585 "message": "シャドウブロックが有効",
586 "description": "Label used in a thread or message when it has been shadow blocked and is thus hidden from view."
587 },
588 "inject_extrainfo_message_shadowblocknotactive": {
589 "message": "シャドウブロックはアクティブではなくなりました",
590 "description": "Label used in a thread or message when it had been shadow blocked but it isn't active anymore."
591 },
592 "inject_extrainfo_message_livereviewverdict": {
593 "message": "Live review verdict : $1",
594 "description": "Label used in a thread or message to show what was the action taken when live reviewing it."
595 },
596 "inject_extrainfo_message_livereviewverdict_relevant": {
597 "message": "関連する",
598 "description": "One of the actions of a live review."
599 },
600 "inject_extrainfo_message_livereviewverdict_offtopic": {
601 "message": "トピックと関係がない",
602 "description": "One of the actions of a live review."
603 },
604 "inject_extrainfo_message_livereviewverdict_abuse": {
605 "message": "不適切な投稿(不法行為)",
606 "description": "One of the actions of a live review."
607 },
608 "inject_extrainfo_thread_trending": {
609 "message": "注目を集めている",
610 "description": "Label used in a thread to show it has been manually marked as trending."
611 },
612 "btn_learnmore": {
613 "message": "もっと詳しく",
614 "description": "Text shown besides a warning message which the user can click to learn more about the message itself."
615 },
616 "actionbadge_permissions_requested": {
617 "message": "一部の機能を動作させるには追加の権限が必要です。クリックして修正してください。",
618 "description": "Tooltip for the extension icon when a feature is enabled but it needs several permissions to be granted."
619 },
620 "actionbadge_killswitch_enabled": {
621 "message": "一部の機能は強制的に無効になっています。詳細については、クリックしてください。",
622 "description": "Tooltip for the extension icon shown when a kill switch has been enabled."
623 }