blob: a87df6bab46bc5f4c07675be275cd665ecdd0cd1 [file] [log] [blame]
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<trans-unit id="s0b7ae9543c001867">
<target state="translated">Rispondere</target>
<note from="lit-localize">Button which is used to open the reply box.</note>
<trans-unit id="sa5ef80b4bb9b39f8">
<target state="translated">Meno</target>
<note from="lit-localize">Button to collapse the quote message (used in the flatten threads feature).</note>
<trans-unit id="s37a9e8aec5713460">
<note from="lit-localize">Button to expand the quote message (used in the flatten threads feature).</note>
<trans-unit id="s6b0ed0c74667d28c">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${authorName}"/> said:</source>
<trans-unit id="s98a0ccd6f423421f">
<source>Nested view</source>
<note from="lit-localize">Label for the switch which lets users enable/disable the nested view in a thread.</note>
<trans-unit id="s0f92c01a67197f53">
<source>The TW Power Tools extension has been installed. Please reload this page so that it is activated.</source>
<note from="lit-localize">Message shown as a banner when the extension has been installed, to let the user know that they should reload the page.</note>
<trans-unit id="sb2c523c904424868">
<source>The TW Power Tools extension has been updated. Please reload this page so that it continues to work properly.</source>
<note from="lit-localize">Message shown as a banner when the extension has been updated, to let the user know that they should reload the page.</note>
<trans-unit id="sd5b6130b4937488c">
<note from="lit-localize">Button which reloads the current page.</note>
<trans-unit id="s9a0167b14ce5b9b1">
<source>Bulk report replies</source>
<note from="lit-localize">Option shown in the settings menu of the thread toolbar which enables the "bulk report replies" feature.</note>
<trans-unit id="sb30734baa37281be">
<note from="lit-localize">Text shown below the "bulk report replies" feature, to let the user know that they can use this keyboard shortcut to toggle it.</note>