blob: 66123b01d79790c950c1e614fb8ccc5ad736b3ba [file] [log] [blame]
import {waitFor} from 'poll-until-promise';
import {CCApi} from '../../common/api.js';
import {parseUrl} from '../../common/commonUtils.js';
import PartialOptionsWatcher from '../../common/partialOptionsWatcher.js';
import {createPlainTooltip} from '../../common/tooltip.js';
import AvatarsDB from './utils/AvatarsDB.js'
export default class AvatarsHandler {
constructor() {
this.isFilterSetUp = false;
this.privateForums = [];
this.db = new AvatarsDB();
this.optionsWatcher = new PartialOptionsWatcher(['threadlistavatars']);
// Preload whether the option is enabled or not. This is because in the case
// avatars should be injected, if we don't preload this the layout will
// shift when injecting the first avatar.
this.isEnabled().then(isEnabled => {
if (isEnabled)
// Returns a promise resolving to whether the threadlistavatars feature is
// enabled.
isEnabled() {
return this.optionsWatcher.isEnabled('threadlistavatars');
// Gets a list of private forums. If it is already cached, the cached list is
// returned; otherwise it is also computed and cached.
getPrivateForums() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (this.isFilterSetUp) return resolve(this.privateForums);
if (!document.documentElement.hasAttribute('data-startup'))
return reject('[threadListAvatars] Couldn\'t get startup data.');
var startupData =
var forums = startupData?.['1']?.['2'];
if (forums === undefined)
return reject(
'[threadListAvatars] Couldn\'t retrieve forums from startup data.');
for (var f of forums) {
var forumId = f?.['2']?.['1']?.['1'];
var forumVisibility = f?.['2']?.['18'];
if (forumId === undefined || forumVisibility === undefined) {
'[threadListAvatars] Coudln\'t retrieve forum id and/or forum visibility for the following forum:',
// forumVisibility's value 1 means "PUBLIC".
if (forumVisibility != 1) this.privateForums.push(forumId);
// Forum 51488989 is marked as public but it is in fact private.
this.isFilterSetUp = true;
return resolve(this.privateForums);
// Some threads belong to private forums, and this feature will not be able to
// get its avatars since it makes an anonymomus call to get the contents of
// the thread.
// This function returns whether the thread belongs to a known private forum.
isPrivateThread(thread) {
return this.getPrivateForums().then(privateForums => {
if (privateForums.includes( return true;
return this.db.isForumUnauthorized(;
// Get an object with the author of the thread, an array of the first |num|
// replies from the thread |thread|, and additional information about the
// thread.
// It also returns |state| which can be 'ok', 'private' or 'notVisible'. If it
// is 'private' or 'notVisible', the previous properties will be missing.
getFirstMessages(thread, num = 15) {
return CCApi(
'ViewThread', {
2: thread.thread,
// options
3: {
// pagination
1: {
2: num, // maxNum
3: true, // withMessages
5: true, // withUserProfile
10: false, // withPromotedMessages
16: false, // withThreadNotes
18: true, // sendNewThreadIfMoved
23: true, // withFlattenedMessages
// |authentication| is false because otherwise this would mark
// the thread as read as a side effect, and that would mark all
// threads in the list as read.
// Due to the fact that we have to call this endpoint
// anonymously, this means we can't retrieve information about
// threads in private forums.
/* authentication = */ false, /* authuser = */ 0,
/* returnUnauthorizedStatus = */ true)
.then(response => {
if (response.unauthorized)
return this.db.putUnauthorizedForum( => {
return {
state: 'private',
var data = response.body;
var numMessages = data?.['1']?.['8'];
if (numMessages === undefined) {
if (data?.['1']?.['10'] === false) {
return {
state: 'notVisible',
} else {
throw new Error(
'Request to view thread doesn\'t include the number of messages');
var messages = numMessages == 0 ? [] : data?.['1']['3'];
if (messages === undefined)
throw new Error(
'numMessages was ' + numMessages +
' but the response didn\'t include any message.');
var author = data?.['1']?.['4'];
if (author === undefined)
throw new Error(
'Author isn\'t included in the ViewThread response.');
return {
state: 'ok',
// The following fields are useful for the cache and can be
// undefined, but this is checked before adding an entry to the
// cache.
lastMessageId: data?.['1']?.['2']?.['10'],
.catch(cause => {
throw new Error('Failed ViewThread request.', {cause});
// Get the following data:
// - |state|: the state of the request (can be 'ok', 'private' or
// 'notVisible').
// - |avatars|: a list of at most |num| avatars for thread |thread| by calling
// the API, if |state| is 'ok'.
getVisibleAvatarsFromServer(thread, num) {
return this.getFirstMessages(thread).then(result => {
if (result.state != 'ok')
return {
state: result.state,
var messages = result.messages;
var author =;
var lastMessageId = result.lastMessageId;
var avatars = [];
var authorUrl = author?.['1']?.['2'];
if (authorUrl !== undefined) avatars.push({url: authorUrl, timestamp: 0});
for (var m of messages) {
var url = m?.['3']?.['1']?.['2'];
if (url === undefined) continue;
var timestamp = m?.['1']?.['1']?.['2'];
avatars.push({url, timestamp});
m?.[12]?.forEach?.(messageOrGap => {
if (!messageOrGap[1]) return;
var url = messageOrGap[1]?.[3]?.[1]?.[2];
if (url === undefined) return;
var timestamp = messageOrGap[1]?.[1]?.[1]?.[2];
avatars.push({url, timestamp});
avatars.sort((a, b) => {
// If a timestamp is undefined, we'll push it to the end of the list
if (a === undefined && b === undefined) return 0; // both are equal
if (a === undefined) return 1; // b goes first
if (b === undefined) return -1; // a goes first
return a.timestamp - b.timestamp; // Old avatars go first
var avatarUrls = [];
for (var a of avatars) {
var url = a.url;
if (url === undefined) continue;
if (!avatarUrls.includes(url)) avatarUrls.push(url);
if (avatarUrls.length == 3) break;
// Add entry to cache if all the extra metadata could be retrieved.
if (lastMessageId !== undefined)
threadId: thread.thread,
lastUsedTimestamp: Math.floor( / 1000),
return {
state: 'ok',
avatars: avatarUrls,
// Returns an object with a cache entry that matches the request if found (via
// the |entry| property). The property |found| indicates whether the cache
// entry was found.
// The |checkRecent| parameter is used to indicate whether lastUsedTimestamp
// must be within the last 30 seconds (which means that the thread has been
// checked for a potential invalidation).
getVisibleAvatarsFromCache(thread, num, checkRecent) {
return this.db.getCacheEntry(thread.thread).then(entry => {
if (entry === undefined || entry.num < num)
return {
found: false,
if (checkRecent) {
var now = Math.floor( / 1000);
var diff = now - entry.lastUsedTimestamp;
if (diff > 30)
throw new Error(
'lastUsedTimestamp isn\'t within the last 30 seconds (id: ' +
thread.thread + ' the difference is: ' + diff + ').');
return {
found: true,
// Waits for the XHR interceptor to invalidate any outdated threads and
// returns what getVisibleAvatarsFromCache returns. If this times out, it
// returns the current cache entry anyways if it exists.
getVisibleAvatarsFromCacheAfterInvalidations(thread, num) {
return waitFor(
() => this.getVisibleAvatarsFromCache(
thread, num, /* checkRecent = */ true),
interval: 450,
timeout: 2 * 1000,
.catch(err => {
'[threadListAvatars] Error while retrieving avatars from cache ' +
'(probably timed out waiting for lastUsedTimestamp to change):',
// Sometimes when going back to a thread list, the API call to load
// the thread list is not made, and so the previous piece of code
// times out waiting to intercept that API call and handle thread
// invalidations.
// If this is the case, this point will be reached. We'll assume we
// intercept all API calls, so reaching this point means that an API
// call wasn't made. Therefore, try again to get visible avatars from
// the cache without checking whether the entry has been checked for
// potential invalidation.
// See
return this.getVisibleAvatarsFromCache(
thread, num, /* checkRecent = */ false);
// Get an object with the following data:
// - |state|: 'ok' (the avatars list could be retrieved), 'private' (the
// thread is in a private forum, so the avatars list could not be retrieved),
// or 'notVisible' (the thread has the visible field set to false).
// - |avatars|: list of at most |num| avatars for thread |thread|
getVisibleAvatars(thread, num = 3) {
return this.isPrivateThread(thread).then(isPrivate => {
if (isPrivate)
return {
state: 'private',
avatars: [],
return this.getVisibleAvatarsFromCacheAfterInvalidations(thread, num)
.then(res => {
if (!res.found) {
var err = new Error('Cache entry doesn\'t exist.'); = 'notCached';
throw err;
return {
state: 'ok',
avatars: res.entry.avatarUrls,
.catch(err => {
// If the name is "notCached", then this is not an actual error so
// don't log an error, but still get avatars from the server.
if (err?.name !== 'notCached')
'[threadListAvatars] Error while accessing avatars cache:',
return this.getVisibleAvatarsFromServer(thread, num).then(res => {
if (res.state != 'ok')
return {
state: res.state,
avatars: [],
return {
state: 'ok',
avatars: res.avatars,
// Inject avatars for thread summary (thread item) |node| in a thread list.
inject(node) {
var header =
node.querySelector('ec-thread-summary .main-header .action .header');
var headerContent = header.querySelector(':scope > .header-content');
var expandBtn = header.querySelector(':scope > .expand-button');
if (headerContent === null) {
'[threadListAvatars] Header is not present in the thread item\'s DOM.');
if (expandBtn === null) {
'[threadListAvatars] Expand button is not present in the thread item\'s DOM.');
var thread = parseUrl(headerContent.href);
if (thread === false) {
console.error('[threadListAvatars] Thread\'s link cannot be parsed.');
.then(res => {
var avatarsContainer = document.createElement('div');
var avatarUrls = res.avatars;
let singleAvatar;
if (res.state == 'private' || res.state == 'notVisible') {
singleAvatar = document.createElement('div');
singleAvatar.textContent =
(res.state == 'private' ? 'person_off' : 'visibility_off');
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < avatarUrls.length; ++i) {
var avatar = document.createElement('div');
avatar.classList.add('TWPT-avatar'); = 'url(\'' + avatarUrls[i] + '\')';
header.insertBefore(avatarsContainer, expandBtn);
if (res.state == 'private') {
var label = chrome.i18n.getMessage(
createPlainTooltip(singleAvatar, label);
if (res.state == 'notVisible') {
var label = chrome.i18n.getMessage(
createPlainTooltip(singleAvatar, label);
.catch(err => {
'[threadListAvatars] Could not retrieve avatars for thread',
thread, err);
// Inject avatars for thread summary (thread item) |node| in a thread list if
// the threadlistavatars option is enabled.
injectIfEnabled(node) {
this.isEnabled().then(isEnabled => {
if (isEnabled) {
} else {