Add 'batch lock' feature

This change adds a 'batch lock' option which, when enabled, makes the
extension display a lock button in the thread list toolbar in the
Community Console.

When this button is clicked, the user is prompted whether they want to
lock or unlock the selected messages.

After the user makes their choice, the action is performed in all the
selected threads and any error while performing it is shown to the user.

Fixes: #24

Change-Id: I70bdc698a8d4694b2f11561fdb0a0d5c17f4d3b5
diff --git a/src/_locales/en/messages.json b/src/_locales/en/messages.json
index 5800cf9..ab740c1 100644
--- a/src/_locales/en/messages.json
+++ b/src/_locales/en/messages.json
@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@
     "message": "Allow to drag and drop bookmarks to the Community Console text editor.",
     "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
+  "options_batchlock": {
+    "message": "Add the option to lock multiple threads from the Community Console thread list.",
+    "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
+  },
   "options_profileindicator_header": {
     "message": "Indicator dot",
     "description": "Heading for the profile indicator feature options"
@@ -154,5 +158,53 @@
   "inject_extension_badge_helper": {
     "message": "Added by $1",
     "description": "Tooltip for the extension badge, which appears next to components injected by the extension."
+  },
+  "inject_lockbtn": {
+    "message": "Lock/unlock threads",
+    "description": "Tooltip of the 'lock/unlock threads' icon shown when selecting multiple threads in the Community Console. Also the title for the dialog shown after clicking this icon."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_desc": {
+    "message": "Please, confirm the action you want to take by clicking the appropriate button below. Keep in mind this action will be performed in all the threads you have selected.",
+    "description": "Text in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, which asks the user for confirmation."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_btn_lock": {
+    "message": "Lock",
+    "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_btn_unlock": {
+    "message": "Unlock",
+    "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_btn_cancel": {
+    "message": "Cancel",
+    "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_btn_reload": {
+    "message": "Reload",
+    "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_btn_close": {
+    "message": "Close",
+    "description": "Button in the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_beginning": {
+    "message": "Thread $1",
+    "description": "First part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_success_lock": {
+    "message": "Locked successfully.",
+    "description": "Second part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, when the log entry states that the thread was locked successfully. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_error_lock": {
+    "message": "An error occurred while locking ($1).",
+    "description": "Second part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, when the log entry states that the thread was *not* locked successfully. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_success_unlock": {
+    "message": "Unlocked successfully.",
+    "description": "Second part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, when the log entry states that the thread was *un*locked successfully. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."
+  },
+  "inject_lockdialog_log_entry_error_unlock": {
+    "message": "An error occurred while unlocking ($1).",
+    "description": "Second part of the entry in the log of the 'lock/unlock threads' dialog, when the log entry states that the thread was *not* *un*locked successfully. Log entries are of the form '{first_part}: {second_part}'. For example: 'Thread 164: Locked successfully'."