blob: dbd87fedf8ee9441ec1bdd4a3e02962c0ff42490 [file] [log] [blame]
import Script, { ScriptEnvironment, ScriptPage, ScriptRunPhase } from "../../common/architecture/scripts/Script"
import MWI18nServer from "../../common/mainWorldI18n/Server";
export default class MWI18nServerScript extends Script {
// The server should be available as soon as possible, since e.g. the
// XHRProxy already sends a request to the optionsWatcher server as soon as it
// is constructed.
priority = 1;
page = ScriptPage.CommunityConsole;
environment = ScriptEnvironment.ContentScript;
runPhase = ScriptRunPhase.Start;
execute() {
new MWI18nServer();