l10n(it): update Italian localization

Currently translated at 25.0% (2 of 8 strings)

Translation: TW Power Tools/Extension strings (injected components via Lit)
Translate-URL: https://i18n.avm99963.com/projects/tw-power-tools/extension-strings-injected-components-via-lit/it/
Change-Id: I910301801cc22b068ecea2cefbd1cb3046074a8e
diff --git a/src/lit-locales/source/it.xlf b/src/lit-locales/source/it.xlf
index b52109b..a25dc54 100644
--- a/src/lit-locales/source/it.xlf
+++ b/src/lit-locales/source/it.xlf
@@ -1,38 +1,40 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
-<file target-language="it" source-language="en" original="lit-localize-inputs" datatype="plaintext">
-<trans-unit id="s0b7ae9543c001867">
-  <source>Reply</source>
-  <note from="lit-localize">Button which is used to open the reply box.</note>
-<trans-unit id="sa5ef80b4bb9b39f8">
-  <source>Less</source>
-  <note from="lit-localize">Button to collapse the quote message (used in the flatten threads feature).</note>
-<trans-unit id="s37a9e8aec5713460">
-  <source>More</source>
-  <note from="lit-localize">Button to expand the quote message (used in the flatten threads feature).</note>
-<trans-unit id="s6b0ed0c74667d28c">
-  <source><x id="0" equiv-text="${authorName}"/> said:</source>
-<trans-unit id="s98a0ccd6f423421f">
-  <source>Nested view</source>
-  <note from="lit-localize">Label for the switch which lets users enable/disable the nested view in a thread.</note>
-<trans-unit id="s0f92c01a67197f53">
-  <source>The TW Power Tools extension has been installed. Please reload this page so that it is activated.</source>
-  <note from="lit-localize">Message shown as a banner when the extension has been installed, to let the user know that they should reload the page.</note>
-<trans-unit id="sb2c523c904424868">
-  <source>The TW Power Tools extension has been updated. Please reload this page so that it continues to work properly.</source>
-  <note from="lit-localize">Message shown as a banner when the extension has been updated, to let the user know that they should reload the page.</note>
-<trans-unit id="sd5b6130b4937488c">
-  <source>Reload</source>
-  <note from="lit-localize">Button which reloads the current page.</note>
+<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
+  <file target-language="it" source-language="en" original="lit-localize-inputs" datatype="plaintext">
+    <body>
+      <trans-unit id="s0b7ae9543c001867">
+        <source>Reply</source>
+        <target state="translated">Rispondere</target>
+        <note from="lit-localize">Button which is used to open the reply box.</note>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="sa5ef80b4bb9b39f8">
+        <source>Less</source>
+        <target state="translated">Meno</target>
+        <note from="lit-localize">Button to collapse the quote message (used in the flatten threads feature).</note>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="s37a9e8aec5713460">
+        <source>More</source>
+        <note from="lit-localize">Button to expand the quote message (used in the flatten threads feature).</note>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="s6b0ed0c74667d28c">
+        <source><x id="0" equiv-text="${authorName}"/> said:</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="s98a0ccd6f423421f">
+        <source>Nested view</source>
+        <note from="lit-localize">Label for the switch which lets users enable/disable the nested view in a thread.</note>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="s0f92c01a67197f53">
+        <source>The TW Power Tools extension has been installed. Please reload this page so that it is activated.</source>
+        <note from="lit-localize">Message shown as a banner when the extension has been installed, to let the user know that they should reload the page.</note>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="sb2c523c904424868">
+        <source>The TW Power Tools extension has been updated. Please reload this page so that it continues to work properly.</source>
+        <note from="lit-localize">Message shown as a banner when the extension has been updated, to let the user know that they should reload the page.</note>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="sd5b6130b4937488c">
+        <source>Reload</source>
+        <note from="lit-localize">Button which reloads the current page.</note>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file>