Change profile indicator dot to a lighter blue

Now the color of the indicator dot when in the OP_FIRST_POST state
matches the color of the Community Console title, which is slightly
lighter than the previously used blue tone.

Change-Id: I98fc3bf7761e63a4e7aa242d35f8c81468ebd0cc
diff --git a/src/injections/profileindicator_inject.css b/src/injections/profileindicator_inject.css
index 03bd182..c7bd00f 100644
--- a/src/injections/profileindicator_inject.css
+++ b/src/injections/profileindicator_inject.css
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 .profile-indicator.profile-indicator--first-post a {
-  color: #1976D2;
+  color: #4285f4;
 .profile-indicator.profile-indicator--other-posts-read a {