autoRefreshList: improve filter detection & remove first call
Before, we constructed the filter via an approximate method, which
wouldn't always get the correct filter that the Community Console was
using. Now that we're intercepting the first call to ViewForum, this
change gets the filter directly from the request (and also the forumId
value, which we always set as '0' before).
Also, we used to perform a first call to get the timestamp of the first
thread being shown. Now, we intercept the ViewForum response to get this
timestamp instead of performing a separate call to the API.
Note that sometimes when the thread list is shown the CC doesn't call
the API, but insteads gets the threads from a previous call. The only
case I've detected is when a user navigates back to a thread list, and
in this case the feature uses the previously saved data from the last
interception, which works fine. Also, if a thread list is loaded and we
navigate forward to another thread list, we can't go back to the
previous thread list (there isn't a button in the UI and the browser
button goes to the page opened before the Community Console), so the
feature doesn't break this way.
However, if there are other cases in which the Community Console doesn't
call the API neither, these might break the feature. Anyways, this
change is definitely an improvement over the old method.
Fixed: twpowertools:22
Change-Id: I66ff3b78e2089dc1decd35e6a89b208446409b86
diff --git a/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/autoRefresh.js b/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/autoRefresh.js
index edf463c..87ca203 100644
--- a/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/autoRefresh.js
+++ b/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/autoRefresh.js
@@ -6,30 +6,25 @@
var authuser = getAuthUser();
const threadListRequestEvent = 'TWPT_ViewForumRequest';
-const intervalMs = 3 * 60 * 1000; // 3 minutes
-const firstCallDelayMs = 3 * 1000; // 3 seconds
+const threadListLoadEvent = 'TWPT_ViewForumResponse';
+const intervalMs = 3 * 60 * 1000; // 3 minutes
export default class AutoRefresh {
constructor() {
this.isLookingForUpdates = false;
this.isUpdatePromptShown = false;
this.lastTimestamp = null;
+ this.forumId = null;
this.filter = null;
this.path = null;
this.requestId = null;
this.requestOrderOptions = null;
this.snackbar = null;
this.interval = null;
- this.firstCallTimeout = null;
- getStartupData() {
- return JSON.parse(
- document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('data-startup'));
- }
isOrderedByTimestampDescending() {
// This means we didn't intercept the request.
if (!this.requestOrderOptions) return false;
@@ -40,54 +35,10 @@
this.requestOrderOptions?.[2] == true);
- getCustomFilter(path) {
- var searchRegex = /^\/s\/community\/search\/([^\/]*)/;
- var matches = path.match(searchRegex);
- if (matches !== null && matches.length > 1) {
- var search = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]);
- var params = new URLSearchParams(search);
- return params.get('query') || '';
- }
- return '';
- }
- filterHasOverride(filter, override) {
- var escapedOverride = override.replace(/([^\w\d\s])/gi, '\\$1');
- var regex = new RegExp('[^a-zA-Z0-9]?' + escapedOverride + ':');
- return regex.test(filter);
- }
- getFilter(path) {
- var query = this.getCustomFilter(path);
- // Note: This logic has been copied and adapted from the
- // _buildQuery$1$threadId function in the Community Console
- var conditions = '';
- var startup = this.getStartupData();
- // TODO(avm99963): if the selected forums are changed without reloading the
- // page, this will get the old selected forums. Fix this.
- var forums = startup?.[1]?.[1]?.[3]?.[8] ?? [];
- if (!this.filterHasOverride(query, 'forum') && forums !== null &&
- forums.length > 0)
- conditions += ' forum:(' + forums.join(' | ') + ')';
- var langs = startup?.[1]?.[1]?.[3]?.[5] ?? [];
- if (!this.filterHasOverride(query, 'lang') && langs !== null &&
- langs.length > 0)
- conditions += ' lang:(' + => '"' + l + '"').join(' | ') + ')';
- if (query.length !== 0 && conditions.length !== 0)
- return '(' + query + ')' + conditions;
- return query + conditions;
- }
getLastTimestamp() {
return CCApi(
'ViewForum', {
- 1: '0', // TODO: Change, when only a forum is selected, it
- // should be set here
+ 1: this.forumId,
// options
2: {
// pagination
@@ -127,7 +78,6 @@
if (!this.isLookingForUpdates) return;
- window.clearTimeout(this.firstCallTimeout);
this.isUpdatePromptShown = false;
this.isLookingForUpdates = false;
@@ -197,6 +147,12 @@
+ if (!this.lastTimestamp) {
+ console.error('autorefresh_list: this.lastTimestamp is not set.');
+ this.unregister();
+ return;
+ }
if (this.isUpdatePromptShown) return;
console.debug('Checking for update at: ', new Date());
@@ -210,32 +166,14 @@
'Coudln\'t get last timestamp (while updating): ', err));
- firstCall() {
- console.debug(
- 'autorefresh_list: now performing first call to finish setup (filter: [' +
- this.filter + '])');
- if (location.pathname != this.path) {
- this.unregister();
- return;
- }
- this.getLastTimestamp()
- .then(timestamp => {
- this.lastTimestamp = timestamp;
- var checkUpdateCallback = this.checkUpdate.bind(this);
- this.interval = window.setInterval(checkUpdateCallback, intervalMs);
- })
- .catch(
- err => console.error(
- 'Couldn\'t get last timestamp (while setting up): ', err));
- }
setUpHandlers() {
threadListRequestEvent, e => this.handleListRequest(e));
+ window.addEventListener(threadListLoadEvent, e => this.handleListLoad(e));
+ // This will set the forum ID and filter which is going to be used to check
+ // for new updates in the thread list.
handleListRequest(e) {
// If the request was made before the last known one, return.
if (this.requestId !== null && < this.requestId) return;
@@ -255,12 +193,37 @@
var token = e.detail.body?.['2']?.['1']?.['3'];
if (token) return;
- console.debug('autorefresh_list: handling valid ViewForum request');
this.requestId =;
this.requestOrderOptions = e.detail.body?.['2']?.['2'];
+ this.forumId = e.detail.body?.['1'] ?? '0';
+ this.filter = e.detail.body?.['2']?.['12'] ?? '';
+ console.debug(
+ 'autorefresh_list: handled valid ViewForum request (forumId: ' +
+ this.forumId + ', filter: [' + this.filter + '])');
+ // This will set the timestamp of the first thread in the list, so we can
+ // decide in the future whether there is an update or not.
+ handleListLoad(e) {
+ // We ignore past requests and only consider the most recent one.
+ if (this.requestId !== return;
+ console.debug(
+ 'autorefresh_list: handling corresponding ViewForum response');
+ this.lastTimestamp = e.detail.body?.['1']?.['2']?.[0]?.['2']?.['17'];
+ if (this.lastTimestamp === undefined)
+ console.error(
+ 'autorefresh_list: Unexpected body of response (' +
+ (body?.['1']?.['2']?.[0] === undefined ?
+ 'no threads were returned' :
+ 'the timestamp value is not present in the first thread') +
+ ').');
+ }
+ // This is called when a thread list node is detected in the page. This
+ // initializes the interval to check for updates, and several other things.
setUp() {
if (!this.isOrderedByTimestampDescending()) {
@@ -275,9 +238,8 @@
if (this.snackbar === null) this.injectUpdatePrompt();
this.isLookingForUpdates = true;
this.path = location.pathname;
- this.filter = this.getFilter(this.path);
- var firstCall = this.firstCall.bind(this);
- this.firstCallTimeout = window.setTimeout(firstCall, firstCallDelayMs);
+ var checkUpdateCallback = this.checkUpdate.bind(this);
+ this.interval = window.setInterval(checkUpdateCallback, intervalMs);