blob: 93ba4cf8d26b54a85f2fdb2eb5d0ba55777d4265 [file] [log] [blame]
import optionsPrototype from './optionsPrototype.json5';
import {getOptions} from './optionsUtils.js';
import actionApi from './actionApi.js';
// Required permissions, including host permissions.
// IMPORTANT: This should be kept in sync with the "permissions" key in
// //templates/manifest.gjson.
const requiredPermissions = new Set([
// Returns an array of optional permissions needed by |feature|.
export function requiredOptPermissions(feature) {
if (!(feature in optionsPrototype)) {
console.error('"' + feature + '" feature doesn\'t exist.');
return [];
return optionsPrototype[feature]?.requiredOptPermissions ?? [];
// Returns a promise resolving to an array of optional permissions needed by all
// the current enabled features.
export function currentRequiredOptPermissions() {
return getOptions(null, /* requireOptionalPermissions = */ false)
.then(options => {
let permissions = [];
// For each option
for (const [opt, optMeta] of Object.entries(optionsPrototype))
// If the option is enabled
if (options[opt])
// Add its required optional permissions to the list
permissions.push(...(optMeta.requiredOptPermissions ?? []));
return permissions;
// Ensures that all the optional permissions required by |feature| are granted,
// and requests them otherwise. It returns a promise which resolves specifying
// whether the permissions were granted or not.
export function ensureOptPermissions(feature) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let permissions = requiredOptPermissions(feature);
chrome.permissions.contains({permissions}, isAlreadyGranted => {
if (isAlreadyGranted) return resolve(true);
chrome.permissions.request({permissions}, granted => {
// If there was an error, reject the promise.
if (granted === undefined)
return reject(new Error(
chrome.runtime.lastError.message ??
'An unknown error occurred while requesting the permisisons'));
// If the permission is granted we should maybe remove the warning
// badge.
if (granted) cleanUpOptPermissions(/* removeLeftoverPerms = */ false);
return resolve(granted);
// Returns a promise resolving to the list of currently granted optional
// permissions (i.e. excluding required permissions).
export function grantedOptPermissions() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
chrome.permissions.getAll(response => {
if (response === undefined)
return reject(new Error(
chrome.runtime.lastError.message ??
'An unknown error occurred while calling chrome.permissions.getAll()'));
let optPermissions =
response.permissions.filter(p => !requiredPermissions.has(p));
// Returns a promise resolving to an object with 2 properties:
// - missingPermissions: an array of optional permissions which are required
// by enabled features and haven't been granted yet.
// - leftoverPermissions: an array of optional permissions which are granted
// but are no longer needed.
export function diffPermissions() {
return Promise
.then(perms => {
return {
missingPermissions: perms[1].filter(p => !perms[0].includes(p)),
leftoverPermissions: perms[0].filter(p => !perms[1].includes(p)),
.catch(cause => {
throw new Error(
'Couldn\'t compute the missing and leftover permissions.', {cause});
// Returns a promise which resolves to the array of required optional
// permissions of |feature| which are missing.
// Accepts an argument |grantedPermissions| with the array of granted
// permissions, otherwise the function will call grantedOptPermissions() to
// retrieve them. This can be used to prevent calling
// chrome.permissions.getAll() repeteadly.
export function missingPermissions(feature, grantedPermissions = null) {
let grantedOptPermissionsPromise;
if (grantedPermissions !== null)
grantedOptPermissionsPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
grantedOptPermissionsPromise = grantedOptPermissions();
return Promise
.then(perms => {
return perms[1].filter(p => !perms[0].includes(p));
.catch(cause => {
throw new Error(
'Couldn\'t compute the missing permissions for "' + feature + '",',
// Deletes optional permissions which are no longer needed by the current
// set of enabled features (if |removeLeftoverPerms| is set to true), and sets a
// badge if some needed permissions are missing.
export function cleanUpOptPermissions(removeLeftoverPerms = true) {
return diffPermissions()
.then(perms => {
let {missingPermissions, leftoverPermissions} = perms;
if (missingPermissions.length > 0) {
actionApi.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color: '#B71C1C'});
actionApi.setBadgeText({text: '!'});
// This is to work around
// TODO(avm99963): Remove when the bug is fixed.
// #!if browser_target !== 'chromium_mv3'
title: chrome.i18n.getMessage('actionbadge_permissions_requested')
// #!endif
} else {
actionApi.setBadgeText({text: ''});
actionApi.setTitle({title: ''});
if (removeLeftoverPerms) {
permissions: leftoverPermissions,
.catch(err => {
'An error ocurred while cleaning optional permissions: ', err);