Fix: adapt profile indicator to new CC design

The CC thread view has been redesigned, and this caused the profile
indicator to stop working.

This change fixes this, and adds a special error message for the case in
which no threads are returned when looking for previous threads made by
the user.

Fixed: #30
Change-Id: Idc017b8db2a7f47636ad4d9457a83ea5a3f6da6d
diff --git a/src/injections/profileindicator_inject.js b/src/injections/profileindicator_inject.js
index 904f86a..823003f 100644
--- a/src/injections/profileindicator_inject.js
+++ b/src/injections/profileindicator_inject.js
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 // Handle the profile indicator dot
 function handleIndicators(sourceNode, isCC, options) {
   var escapedUsername = escapeUsername(
-      (isCC ? sourceNode.innerHTML :
+      (isCC ? sourceNode.querySelector('.name-text').innerHTML :
   if (isCC) {
@@ -279,7 +279,18 @@
     // Query threads in order to see what state the indicator should be in
     getPosts(query, forumId)
         .then(res => {
+          // Throw an error when the replies array is not present in the reply.
           if (!('1' in res) || !('2' in res['1'])) {
+            // Throw a different error when the numThreads field exists and is
+            // equal to 0. This reply can be received, but is enexpected,
+            // because we know that the user has replied in at least 1 thread
+            // (the current one).
+            if (('1' in res) && ('4' in res['1']) && res['1']['4'] == 0)
+              throw new Error(
+                  'Thread list is empty ' +
+                  '(but the OP has participated in this thread, ' +
+                  'so it shouldn\'t be empty).');
             throw new Error('Unexpected thread list response.');
@@ -339,9 +350,8 @@
         mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) {
           if (node.tagName == 'A' && ('href' in node) &&
               CCProfileRegex.test(node.href) &&
-              !isElementInside(node, 'EC-RELATIVE-TIME') &&
-              isElementInside(node, 'EC-QUESTION') && ('children' in node) &&
-              node.children.length == 0) {
+              node.matches(
+                  'ec-question ec-message-header .name-section ec-user-link a')) {
   'Handling profile indicator via mutation callback.');
             getOptionsAndHandleIndicators(node, true);