Add ability to save and view a list of workflows

This CL introduces the following functionality:

- Introduces some logic to handle the persistence of workflows in the
  browser storage.
- Lets the user save created workflows in the "create workflow" dialog.
- Shows a list of workflows. If the user hasn't added any workflow, a
  placeholder image is shown alongside a text which invites the user to
  create a new workflow.

Bug: twpowertools:74

Change-Id: Icba09d20468bafc1415b802a3c935e22669546e6
diff --git a/src/workflows/workflowsStorage.js b/src/workflows/workflowsStorage.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e692209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/workflows/workflowsStorage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import {arrayBufferToBase64} from './common.js';
+import * as pb from './proto/main_pb.js';
+export const kWorkflowsDataKey = 'workflowsData';
+export default class WorkflowsStorage {
+  static getAll(asProtobuf = false) {
+    return new Promise(res => {
+, items => {
+        const workflows = items[kWorkflowsDataKey];
+        if (!Array.isArray(workflows)) return res([]);
+        if (!asProtobuf) return res(workflows);
+ => {
+          w.proto = pb.workflows.Workflow.deserializeBinary(w?.data);
+          delete;
+        });
+        return res(workflows);
+      });
+    });
+  }
+  static get(uuid, asProtobuf = false) {
+    return this.getAll(asProtobuf).then(workflows => {
+      for (const w of workflows) {
+        if (w.uuid == uuid) return w;
+      }
+      return null;
+    });
+  }
+  static exists(uuid) {
+    return this.get(uuid).then(w => w !== null);
+  }
+  static addRaw(base64Workflow) {
+    const w = {
+      uuid: self.crypto.randomUUID(),
+      data: base64Workflow,
+    };
+    return this.getAll().then(workflows => {
+      workflows.push(w);
+      const items = {};
+      items[kWorkflowsDataKey] = workflows;
+    });
+  }
+  static add(workflow) {
+    const binaryWorkflow = workflow.serializeBinary();
+    return arrayBufferToBase64(binaryWorkflow).then(data => {
+      return this.addRaw(data);
+    });
+  }
+  static remove(uuid) {
+    return this.getAll().then(workflows => {
+      const items = {};
+      items[kWorkflowsDataKey] = workflows.filter(w => w.uuid != uuid);
+    });
+  }