blob: b822153233fc5191837182484da73a0877dd41cb [file] [log] [blame]
import MWOptionsWatcherClient from '../../common/mainWorldOptionsWatcher/Client.js';
import {convertJSONToResponse, convertJSONToResponseText, getResponseJSON} from '../utils.js';
import createMessageRemoveParentRef from './createMessageRemoveParentRef';
import flattenThread from './flattenThread';
import loadMoreThread from './loadMoreThread';
export const responseModifiers = [
// Content script target
export const kCSTarget = 'TWPT-XHRInterceptorOptionsWatcher-CS';
// Main world (AKA regular web page) target
export const kMWTarget = 'TWPT-XHRInterceptorOptionsWatcher-MW';
export default class ResponseModifier {
constructor() {
this.optionsWatcher = new MWOptionsWatcherClient(
Array.from(this.watchingFeatures()), kCSTarget, kMWTarget);
watchingFeatures(modifiers) {
if (!modifiers) modifiers = responseModifiers;
const union = new Set();
for (const m of modifiers) {
if (!m.featureGated) continue;
for (const feature of m.features) union.add(feature);
return union;
async #getMatchingModifiers(request) {
// First filter modifiers which match the request URL regex.
const urlModifiers = responseModifiers.filter(
modifier => request.$TWPTRequestURL.match(modifier.urlRegex));
// Now filter modifiers which require a certain feature to be enabled
// (feature-gated modifiers).
const featuresAreEnabled = await this.optionsWatcher.areEnabled(
// #!if !production
if (Object.keys(featuresAreEnabled).length > 0) {
'[XHR Interceptor - Response Modifier] Requested features',
featuresAreEnabled, 'for request', request.$TWPTRequestURL);
// #!endif
return urlModifiers.filter(modifier => {
return !modifier.featureGated || modifier.isEnabled(featuresAreEnabled);
async intercept(request) {
const matchingModifiers = await this.#getMatchingModifiers(request);
// If we didn't find any matching modifiers, return the response right away.
if (matchingModifiers.length === 0) return request.xhr.response;
// Otherwise, apply the modifiers sequentially and set the new response.
let json = getResponseJSON({
responseType: request.xhr.responseType,
response: request.xhr.response,
$TWPTRequestURL: request.$TWPTRequestURL,
$isArrayProto: request.$isArrayProto,
for (const modifier of matchingModifiers) {
json = await modifier.interceptor(request, json);
request.$newResponse = convertJSONToResponse(request, json);
request.$newResponseText = convertJSONToResponseText(request, json);
request.$responseModified = true;