Allow features to require optional permissions

Design doc:

Fixed: twpowertools:86
Change-Id: Iccb22aac2b285307854b7a4c002e9702c24d57f2
diff --git a/src/common/optionsUtils.js b/src/common/optionsUtils.js
index 9ead0b2..f4009ed 100644
--- a/src/common/optionsUtils.js
+++ b/src/common/optionsUtils.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import {grantedOptPermissions, missingPermissions} from './optionsPermissions.js';
 import optionsPrototype from './optionsPrototype.json5';
 import specialOptions from './specialOptions.json5';
@@ -27,40 +28,147 @@
   return options;
-// Returns a promise which returns the values of options |options| which are
-// stored in the sync storage area.
-export function getOptions(options) {
-  // Once we only target MV3, this can be greatly simplified.
-  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    if (typeof options === 'string')
-      options = [options, '_forceDisabledFeatures'];
-    else if (Array.isArray(options))
-      options = [...options, '_forceDisabledFeatures'];
-    else if (options !== null)
-      console.error(
-          'Unexpected |options| parameter of type ' + (typeof options) +
-          ' (expected: string, array, or null).');
+// This piece of code is used as part of the getOptions computation, and so
+// isn't that useful. It's exported since we sometimes need to finish the
+// computation in a service worker, where we have access to the
+// chrome.permissions API.
+// It accepts as an argument an object |items| with the same structure of the
+// items saved in the sync storage area, and an array |permissionChecksFeatures|
+// of features
+export function disableItemsWithMissingPermissions(
+    items, permissionChecksFeatures) {
+  return grantedOptPermissions().then(grantedPerms => {
+    let permissionChecksPromises = [];
+    for (const f of permissionChecksFeatures)
+      permissionChecksPromises.push(missingPermissions(f, grantedPerms));
-, items => {
-      if (chrome.runtime.lastError) return reject(chrome.runtime.lastError);
+    Promise.all(permissionChecksPromises).then(missingPerms => {
+      for (let i = 0; i < permissionChecksFeatures.length; i++)
+        if (missingPerms[i].length > 0)
+          items[permissionChecksFeatures[i]] = false;
-      // Handle applicable kill switches which force disable features
-      if (items?._forceDisabledFeatures) {
-        for (let feature of items?._forceDisabledFeatures) {
-          items[feature] = false;
-        }
-        delete items._forceDisabledFeatures;
-      }
-      resolve(items);
+      return items;
+// Returns a promise which returns the values of options |options| which are
+// stored in the sync storage area.
+// |requireOptionalPermissions| will determine whether to check if the required
+// optional permissions have been granted or not to the options which have such
+// requirements. If it is true, features with missing permissions will have
+// their value set to false.
+// When a kill switch is active, affected options always have their value set to
+// false.
+// #!if !production
+let timerId = 0;
+let randomId = btoa(Math.random().toString()).substr(10, 5);
+// #!endif
+export function getOptions(options, requireOptionalPermissions = true) {
+  // #!if !production
+  let timeLabel = 'getOptions--' + randomId + '-' + (timerId++);
+  console.time(timeLabel);
+  // #!endif
+  // Once we only target MV3, this can be greatly simplified.
+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+           if (typeof options === 'string')
+             options = [options, '_forceDisabledFeatures'];
+           else if (Array.isArray(options))
+             options = [...options, '_forceDisabledFeatures'];
+           else if (options !== null)
+             return reject(new Error(
+                 'Unexpected |options| parameter of type ' + (typeof options) +
+                 ' (expected: string, array, or null).'));
+ , items => {
+             if (chrome.runtime.lastError)
+               return reject(chrome.runtime.lastError);
+             // Handle applicable kill switches which force disable features
+             if (items?._forceDisabledFeatures) {
+               for (let feature of items?._forceDisabledFeatures) {
+                 items[feature] = false;
+               }
+               delete items._forceDisabledFeatures;
+             }
+             if (!requireOptionalPermissions) return resolve(items);
+             // Check whether some options have missing permissions which would
+             // force disable these features
+             let permissionChecksFeatures = [];
+             for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(items))
+               if ((key in optionsPrototype) && value &&
+                   optionsPrototype[key].requiredOptPermissions?.length)
+                 permissionChecksFeatures.push(key);
+             if (permissionChecksFeatures.length == 0) return resolve(items);
+             // If we don't have access to the chrome.permissions API (content
+             // scripts don't have access to it[1]), do the final piece of
+             // computation in the service worker/background script.
+             // [1]:
+             // #!if !production
+             console.debug('We are about to start checking granted permissions');
+             console.timeLog(timeLabel);
+             // #!endif
+             if (!chrome.permissions) {
+               return chrome.runtime.sendMessage(
+                   {
+                     message: 'runDisableItemsWithMissingPermissions',
+                     options: {
+                       items,
+                       permissionChecksFeatures,
+                     },
+                   },
+                   response => {
+                     if (response === undefined)
+                       return reject(new Error(
+                           'An error ocurred while communicating with the service worker: ' +
+                           chrome.runtime.lastError.message));
+                     if (response.status == 'rejected')
+                       return reject(response.error);
+                     if (response.status == 'resolved')
+                       return resolve(response.items);
+                     return reject(new Error(
+                         'An unknown response was recieved from service worker.'));
+                   });
+             }
+             disableItemsWithMissingPermissions(items, permissionChecksFeatures)
+                 .then(finalItems => resolve(finalItems))
+                 .catch(err => reject(err));
+           });
+         })
+      // #!if !production
+      .then(items => {
+'getOptions(options); resolved; options: ', options);
+        console.timeEnd(timeLabel);
+        console.groupEnd();
+        return items;
+      })
+      .catch(err => {
+'getOptions(options); rejected; options: ', options);
+        console.timeEnd(timeLabel);
+        console.groupEnd();
+        throw err;
+      })
+      // #!endif
+      ;
 // Returns a promise which returns whether the |option| option/feature is
-// currently enabled.
-export function isOptionEnabled(option) {
+// currently enabled. If the feature requires optional permissions to work,
+// |requireOptionalPermissions| will determine whether to check if the required
+// optional permissions have been granted or not.
+export function isOptionEnabled(option, requireOptionalPermissions = true) {
   return getOptions(option).then(options => {
     return options?.[option] === true;