Add experiment to show per-forum activity in profiles

This is an experiment for now, since there might be performance
improvements and UI changes in the future.

Bug: twpowertools:92
Change-Id: Ief2a423d41a6b7179bb935c7a2a246678a4a4d0a
diff --git a/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/utils/PerForumStatsSection.js b/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/utils/PerForumStatsSection.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaa553c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/utils/PerForumStatsSection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Each entry includes the following information in order:
+// - ID
+// - Name (for the label in the legend)
+// - Codename
+// - Color (for the label in the legend)
+const kDataKeys = [
+  [4, 'Recommended', 'recommended', '#34A853'],
+  [6, 'Replies (not recommended)', 'replies', '#DADCE0'],
+  [5, 'Questions', 'questions', '#77909D'],
+const kRoles = {
+  1: 'bronze',
+  2: 'silver',
+  3: 'gold',
+  4: 'platinum',
+  5: 'diamond',
+  10: 'community_manager',
+  20: 'community_specialist',
+  100: 'google_employee',
+  30: 'alumnus',
+export default class PerForumStatsSection {
+  constructor(existingChartSection, profile, locale) {
+    if (typeof window.sc_renderProfileActivityChart !== 'function') {
+      console.error(
+          'PerForumStatsSection: window.sc_renderProfileActivityChart is not available.');
+      return;
+    }
+    this.locale = locale;
+    this.parseAndSetData(profile);
+    this.buildDOM(existingChartSection);
+    if ( this.injectChart([0]?.id);
+  }
+  parseAndSetData(profile) {
+    const forumUserInfos = profile?.[1]?.[7] ?? [];
+    const forumTitles = profile?.[1]?.[8] ?? [];
+    const forumUserInfoIDs = => ui[1]);
+    const forumTitleIDs = => t[1]);
+    const intersectionForumIDs =
+        forumUserInfoIDs.filter(id => forumTitleIDs.includes(id));
+ = [];
+    for (const id of intersectionForumIDs) {
+      const fui = forumUserInfos.find(ui => ui[1] === id)?.[2];
+      const numMessages = kDataKeys.reduce((prevVal, key) => {
+        if (!fui?.[key[0]]) return prevVal;
+        return prevVal + fui[key[0]].reduce((prevVal, userActivity) => {
+          return prevVal + (userActivity?.[3] ?? 0);
+        }, /* initialValue = */ 0);
+      }, /* initialValue = */ 0);
+        id,
+        forumTitle: forumTitles.find(t => t[1] === id)?.[2],
+        forumUserInfo: fui,
+        numMessages,
+      });
+    }
+, b) => {
+      // First sort by number of messages
+      if (b.numMessages > a.numMessages) return 1;
+      if (b.numMessages < a.numMessages) return -1;
+      // Then sort by name
+      return a.forumTitle.localeCompare(
+          b.forumTitle, 'en', {sensitivity: 'base'});
+    });
+  }
+  buildDOM(existingChartSection) {
+    let section = document.createElement('div');
+    section.classList.add('scTailwindUser_profileUserprofilesection');
+    let root = document.createElement('div');
+    root.classList.add(
+        'scTailwindSharedActivitychartroot',
+        'TWPT-scTailwindSharedActivitychartroot');
+    let title = document.createElement('h2');
+    title.classList.add('scTailwindSharedActivitycharttitle');
+    title.textContent = 'Per-forum activity';
+    let selector = this.createForumSelector();
+    let chartEl = document.createElement('div');
+    chartEl.classList.add('scTailwindSharedActivitychartchart');
+    root.append(title, selector, chartEl);
+    section.append(root);
+    existingChartSection.after(section);
+    this.chartEl = chartEl;
+  }
+  getAplosData(forumId) {
+    let aplosData = [];
+    for (const [key, label, name, color] of kDataKeys) {
+      let rawData = => === forumId)?.forumUserInfo?.[key];
+      let data;
+      if (!rawData)
+        data = [];
+      else
+        data = => JSON.stringify(Object.values(m)));
+      aplosData.push({
+        color,
+        data,
+        label,
+        name,
+      });
+    }
+    return aplosData;
+  }
+  createForumSelector() {
+    let div = document.createElement('div');
+    div.classList.add('TWPT-select-container');
+    let select = document.createElement('select');
+    let noPostsGroup;
+    let noPostsGroupFlag = false;
+    for (const forumData of {
+      const hasPosted = forumData.numMessages > 0;
+      if (!hasPosted && !noPostsGroupFlag) {
+        noPostsGroup = document.createElement('optgroup');
+        noPostsGroup.label = 'Not posted to within the last 12 months';
+        noPostsGroupFlag = true;
+      }
+      let additionalLabelsArray = [];
+      if (hasPosted)
+        additionalLabelsArray.push(forumData.numMessages + ' messages');
+      let role = forumData.forumUserInfo?.[1]?.[3] ?? 0;
+      if (role) additionalLabelsArray.push(kRoles[role]);
+      let additionalLabels = '';
+      if (additionalLabelsArray.length > 0)
+        additionalLabels = ' (' + additionalLabelsArray.join(', ') + ')';
+      let option = document.createElement('option');
+      option.textContent = forumData.forumTitle + additionalLabels;
+      option.value =;
+      if (hasPosted)
+        select.append(option);
+      else
+        noPostsGroup.append(option);
+    }
+    if (noPostsGroupFlag) select.append(noPostsGroup);
+    select.addEventListener('change', e => {
+      let forumId =;
+      this.injectChart(forumId);
+    });
+    div.append(select);
+    return div;
+  }
+  injectChart(forumId) {
+    this.chartEl.replaceChildren();
+    let data = this.getAplosData(forumId);
+    let metadata = {
+      activities: [],
+      finalMonth: undefined,
+      locale: this.locale,
+      shouldDisableTransitions: true,
+    };
+    let chartTitle = 'User activity chart';
+    let chart = window.sc_renderProfileActivityChart(
+        this.chartEl, data, metadata, chartTitle);
+  }
diff --git a/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/utils/common.js b/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/utils/common.js
index 68fb736..40bc1fe 100644
--- a/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/utils/common.js
+++ b/src/contentScripts/communityConsole/utils/common.js
@@ -72,3 +72,10 @@
       node.parentNode?.querySelector('[debugid="' + debugid + '"]') === null &&
       node.parentNode?.parentNode?.tagName == 'EC-BULK-ACTIONS';
+// Returns the display language set by the user.
+export function getDisplayLanguage() {
+  var startup =
+      JSON.parse(document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('data-startup'));
+  return startup?.[1]?.[1]?.[3]?.[6] ?? 'en';